Time Nick Message 11:03 [MTMatrix] mod for enable creative mode for admin server exists? 11:52 BuckarooBanzai @localhost what's an "admin server"? 🤔 also: wrong channel, use #minetest instead for questions like that 11:55 erle BuckarooBanzai where's your minetest python lib 11:55 erle assuming you made it 12:21 [MTMatrix] pls link to #minetest chat 12:46 pgimeno we IRC people don't know how that is handled in Matrix 16:21 jonadab I mean, we could paste a link to the webchat interface, but ewww. 16:21 jonadab The normal thing is to just /join #channelname 16:30 [MTMatrix] already solved 19:30 [MTMatrix] hello. I'd like to start again with meetings, since summer vacations are basically over for everyone and the bridge is working again. Do you have any preference between this Sunday and the next one?