Time Nick Message 02:20 MTDiscord <PrairieWind> would #4815 count as a builtin lua thing I could fix? 02:20 pgimeno https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/4815 -- Merge tools and craftitems into one type (documentation needs improvement) 08:56 Zughy[m] <MTDiscord> "<PrairieWind> would #4815..." <- It depends on whether core devs agree the merging is a good thing. The "Supported by core dev" label was put by a core dev who's no longer core dev 08:56 pgimeno https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/4815 -- Merge tools and craftitems into one type (documentation needs improvement) 16:01 caffblks What happened to paramat? 16:04 ROllerozxa paramat left, I think 16:23 MTDiscord <PrairieWind> so I should figure out how to make it work, make a PR, and see what happens? 16:30 rubenwardy that isn't a builtin only thing, will require C++ changes 16:30 rubenwardy I support the issue though, so does sofar 16:30 rubenwardy I wouldn't say it's a good first issue as it will probably have a lot of edge cases, but don't let that put you off 16:34 MTDiscord <PrairieWind> hmm 19:50 MTDiscord <PrairieWind> anyway, I learned lua by contributing to MineClone2 and 5, getting better with each PR 19:51 MTDiscord <PrairieWind> would it be possible to do the same with C++, except getting better instead with each change request on a PR? 19:56 ROllerozxa where does the cURL library build that the windows version of minetest uses come from? 20:02 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> PrairieWind, usually C++ wouldn't be taught all at once, but certain topics would be taught before others because they're foundational. I would be careful learning C++ that way because of the complexity of the language. 20:04 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> When you ask for a code review the expectation is that you've already done your best work and you want someone to double check it. Submitting shabby work for review because you're trying to learn on the fly is disrespectful of the reviewers' time. 20:05 MTDiscord <luatic> PrairieWind: Lua, being a scripting language, is a lot more beginner-friendly than C++ 20:05 MTDiscord <luatic> C++ is unforgiving 20:06 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> Minetest's C++ is even more unforgiving than C++ because it's extremely inconsistent and doesn't follow best practices. 20:15 kilbith it's intellectual masturbation to talk about languages 20:16 kilbith I recognize a true guy when they talk about data structures more than the langage specs 20:18 MTDiscord <luatic> oh, so you want to talk about data structures? what is the ideal data structure for answering point location queries in a triangulation? it must have linear construction time and logarithmic query time 20:19 MTDiscord <luatic> (linear space follows from the linear construction time) 20:19 kilbith you take me on a subject that I mostly ignore and that you master, nice try 20:20 kilbith it's normal for your age wanting validation and gratification from others 20:23 MTDiscord <luatic> heh, I mostly wanted to do a little bit of trolling ("oh, so you like data structures? name every data structure!") 20:23 MTDiscord <luatic> I'm by far not an expert yet, this is just something from a course I took this year. 20:24 MTDiscord <luatic> TBH most (even experienced) programmers' knowledge of data structure doesn't go beyond array lists, linked lists, (de)queues, stacks, hash maps and maybe sorted sets (i.e. AVL-trees or the like) 20:24 MTDiscord <luatic> and for the most part it doesn't have to 20:24 MTDiscord <luatic> mhm I should probably add priority queues to that list 20:26 kilbith I kinda suck at advanced langage specs but I consider that the most important thing is *what* was made, not *how* was it made 20:27 kilbith and in the end how much goes into your bank account and and how happy your customers are 20:34 HuguesRoss Obligatory reminder of the state VVVVVV's code originally shipped in: https://twitter.com/randal_olson/status/1215835416001011712 20:38 MTDiscord <Flamore> EWWWW 20:39 HuguesRoss If I was careless enough to massively breach NDA (I'm not) I could pull out similarly-concerning examples running in multi-million dollar game franchises. Good code isn't worthless (far from it, often it greatly simplifies comprehension and maintenance), but code quality doesn't necessarily need to exist everywhere at all times 20:40 MTDiscord <ROllerozxa> I find it hilarious how basically every proprietary game that has its source code available turns out to be absolutely awfully programmed 20:40 MTDiscord <ROllerozxa> ...and yet it's a highly successful game, usually :P 20:40 MTDiscord <MisterE> Im finishing up the engine section for the january blog post. Ive got glTF news. Anything else I should include? 20:40 HuguesRoss Bad code is cheap to write, good code is cheap to maintain long-term. But often, games aren't long-term projects 20:41 kilbith your customer cares about if the software fits their needs and if it runs well, the customer rarely question you about the code itself 20:42 HuguesRoss There's also an idea that I've come across in some places that many parts of the codebase tend to remain mostly static throughout the project's lifetime, and if it works the aesthetic qualities are not actually important (and indeed, cleaning it up unnecessarily can introduce regressions if not done properly)