Time Nick Message 02:04 cat-master21[m] Krock I've been doing some work now and try building the AppImage now with https://github.com/cat-master21/minetest/commit/df26dfcf92f09b4b84b3bc85104e41df61fb1a37 the locales issue is fixed, booting it is good also. 02:05 * cat-master21[m] posted a file: Minetest-2.3333-x86_64.AppImage (26625KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/wyiNpBRrFNmwONmuIZHeXQOF > 02:06 cat-master21[m] here is what I built so you can test it (the 2.3333 was just a random version I chose) 19:44 MTDiscord Merging #13197 in a few minutes 20:03 sfan5 hmm where did ShadowBot go 20:05 MTDiscord no idea. merged. 23:03 pgimeno Issue 13197 not found in project minetest/minetest 23:03 pgimeno #13197 23:07 caffblks When is data exchanged between client and server? 23:08 pgimeno https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/13197 -- Fix no color values on bloom texture by x2048 23:08 pgimeno #13197