Time Nick Message 14:45 kilbith man I'm fucking sick of this hecks' irrlicht stripping commit 14:45 kilbith it's not because something is used now that it won't be in the future 14:46 kilbith and it doesn't hurt at all to have these extra features we don't immediately need, it's a fucking a rendering engine 14:46 kilbith -a 14:47 kilbith so right now I'm forced to track down what was removed and add them back one by one 14:52 kilbith so please do stop removing features that we *might* potentially use in the future; if you do a lot of irrrlicht stuff, you'd fucking understand 15:38 Guest74 I'm taking with sfan5 at the moment about a double listing problem with the minetest server list 15:39 Guest74 im suggesting we add an optional password field in minetest for the announce 15:39 Guest74 if no password is supplied the serverlist uses the remote ip as it does now 15:39 Guest74 if a password is supplied it only updates the record from announcements that supply that same password 15:39 Guest74 and finally; the password can only be changed once the listing times out from the server list naturally 15:40 Guest74 this would solve my particular issue where I am behind a GCNAT with a static ip assigned to inbound connections 15:40 Guest74 in my case i have both an IPv6 and an IPv4 15:41 Guest74 my IPv4 is static and my IPv6 is subject to changing every few hours due to the GCNAT 15:41 Guest74 the server list only logs my IPv6 15:42 Guest74 either the server list software needs to track both IPv6 and IPv4 per server record 15:43 Guest74 so that it can detect requests from a static IPv4 but dynamic IPv6 15:43 Guest74 and vice-versa 15:43 Guest74 or we need to add an optional "password" field to the announce system 15:43 Guest74 any other thoughts on how this can be solved 15:57 MTDiscord <Warr1024> "password" doesn't sound quite like the right thing for this, but maybe "server_uid" or something. 15:58 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Should it be kept private? That's ... hard to say, actually ... isn't there actually already a vulnerability that somebody could send competing announces to the list to muddy up the listing for a server? 16:05 Guest74 yes it will double list server at the moment 16:07 MTDiscord <paradust> hm, can that be used to steal username/passwords ? 16:08 Guest74 also there is a very dedicated and well known group of "griefers" known across many server by many names but are all the same person and his friends most commonly identified by their use of "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" in the chat that would absolutely exploit this if they knew about it 16:09 Guest74 they abuse servers daily until the servers fix the problem or shutdown 16:10 Guest74 its only a matter of time before they realize that they can abuse the server list to also grief those servers they target 16:10 Guest74 so this does need to be solved tbh because eventually someone will use it to grief popular servers 16:15 Guest74 paradust: no 16:15 MTDiscord <paradust> why couldn't it? can someone spoof an existing server? 16:15 MTDiscord <paradust> or take advantage of a server that is down / fails to announce itself 16:24 Guest74 sure if it goes down 16:24 Guest74 that is a problem 16:24 Guest74 someone could steal the slot with a new UID/Password 16:24 Guest74 and bogart it 16:24 Guest74 this is why I am asking here for help 16:24 Guest74 this is not a simple problem to solve 16:25 Guest74 how hard would it be for the server software to track both IPv4 and IPv6? 16:25 sfan5 it doesn't know both your ipv4 and ipv6, only one, that is whichever you currently announce with 16:25 Guest74 paradust: at the moment yes someone can spoof an existing server with a duplicate entry 16:26 Guest74 okay so some how I would need to make the announce from a IPv4 TCP packet? 16:26 MTDiscord <MNH48> > hm, can that be used to steal username/passwords ? 16:26 MTDiscord <MNH48> if you mean the player, then not the actual password since Minetest uses SRP 16:26 Guest74 which means the minetest client would need to be updated to specify if the packet is sent as IPv4 or IPv6? 16:26 sfan5 I already proposed that to you in pm 16:27 MTDiscord <paradust> server could pop up another dialog box and ask for password confirmation, yea? 16:27 Guest74 I assume that IPv6 headers dont also contain an IPv4 address unless that IPv6 address is "the special one" that contains also the IPv4 inside it 16:27 Guest74 ah sfan5 suggested `enable_ipv6 = false` 16:28 Guest74 this sounds like the best solution 16:29 sfan5 "server spoofing" is also not an issue, the Minetest client only considers servers the same when `address` and `port` are the same 16:29 sfan5 so yes you can add duplicate entries, but only if the destination where clients connect is the same 16:29 Guest74 `enable_ipv6 = false` - IPv6 client will still be able to connect right? 16:29 sfan5 no 16:29 Guest74 ok i cant do that 16:29 Guest74 a lot of mobile devices are now only IPv6 16:29 Guest74 particularly from china 16:30 sfan5 ipv6 client connections are not configured to work by default 16:30 sfan5 so if you have not explicitly set it up you are not missing anything 16:30 MTDiscord <Warr1024> IPv6 clients would be able to connect to an IPv4-only server if they have some kind of 6-to-4 bridge to go through setup on their end, wouldn't they? It seems like that would have to be kind of common, since there's still quite a lot of the open internet that's v6-challenged... 16:31 MTDiscord <MNH48> > server could pop up another dialog box 16:31 MTDiscord <MNH48> if server ask for password again after getting into the server then it's red flag 16:31 Guest74 still would be better to have an option that forces announce as IPv4 or IPv6 16:31 Guest74 and not everything else 16:32 Guest74 i might just wget my announce 16:32 Guest74 as IPv4 or something 16:32 Guest74 for now 16:32 Guest74 anyone got an announce template to make my life easier? 16:32 MTDiscord <paradust> sfan5: I'm thinking of the case where a user is looking for a server they have an existing account on, but ends up clicking on an impersonation 16:33 sfan5 I don't think we can reasonably prevent that 16:33 Guest74 also most clients save the host details in faves 16:33 Guest74 i assume 16:33 Guest74 so its a reduced risk vector 16:33 Guest74 for regular players 17:56 nrz merging #12879 17:56 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/12879 -- [NO SQUASH] Mod storage PostgreSQL backend by TurkeyMcMac 23:16 lhofhansl Hi. Planning to merge #12925 some time today. 23:16 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/12925 -- Alternative I: Reduce active mgmt interval for a bit when a player joins by lhofhansl 23:53 Zughy[m] thoughts on #12950? It seems pretty trivial but not a lawyer 23:53 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/12950 -- Added copy of LGPL-2.1 by StrajnarFilip