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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2022-08-18

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00:15 lebruhgamer[m] <kilbith> "being poor is more a mentality..." <- this is such an entitled bigoted loaded BS I've ever seen from someone on the internet, seemed like an asumption that people can be not poor by doing anything to get money -- are you suggesting people should be doing illegal stuff just to not be poor?? for example, by selling something to get money when selling stuff even in small amount require license in some country but you need
00:15 lebruhgamer[m] to pay to get the license to begin with; or by robbing the bank; or by trying to get job by lying because you're not qualified to get that job; or by smuggling out of the country to get job in other country because you can't apply for passport due to government discrimination; etc?? there's always circumstances for people being poor and not just a mentality, if you think otherwise then YOU are part of the problem that caused
00:15 lebruhgamer[m] poverty, put your foot down and see actual people around you, stop being so ignorant
00:41 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
00:59 schwarzwald[m] What causes poverty is relevant to development decisions how?
01:03 lebruhgamer[m] idk, my chat earlier was just replying to them
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08:32 MTDiscord <luatic> lebruhgamer: please be aware that this is MT-dev
08:33 MTDiscord <luatic> there is a decision to be made with how old hardware we want to support
08:34 celeron55 kilbith's opinions don't have anything to do with that though, that's just offtopic
08:34 MTDiscord <luatic> yes
08:34 MTDiscord <luatic> we should actually figure out how many people are running on how old hardware though
08:35 MTDiscord <luatic> I suppose if you can afford Internet you can also afford 5 year old hardware
08:35 MTDiscord <luatic> (just a guess though)
08:35 celeron55 well that's definitely not true
08:35 celeron55 but let's say 12 year old hardware
08:35 MTDiscord <luatic> which hardware lasts 12 years nowadays ;-)
08:36 celeron55 many students and such get internet for free, but have to pay for hardware
08:36 celeron55 so internet is top notch but hardware is utter crap
08:36 celeron55 a lot of hardware lasts 12 years easily. not the consumer stuff, but business stuff
08:37 celeron55 that's for PCs of course
08:37 celeron55 when talking about android, it's a shitshow
08:37 celeron55 they sell phones new that are basically useless for any apps
08:37 MTDiscord <luatic> so we draw the line at the top-notch hardware when Minetest was written?
08:38 celeron55 well, i think that could happen to be a reasonable limit
08:38 rubenwardy should be a sliding limit, top end hardware 12 years ago
08:41 celeron55 i can imagine what eg. erle would say to this. something along the lines of "everything should be supported if possible"
08:42 celeron55 but MT can't really afford to lose the top end hardware users of today by being held back by extremely old hardware
08:42 celeron55 that's the general problem i think
08:43 celeron55 top end hardware 12 years ago kind of matches the 200€ laptops you can get new today (that nobody should buy)
08:46 celeron55 the only way the latter is better is it that it consumes about 5% of the power of the former
08:46 celeron55 -it
08:46 MTDiscord <luatic> oi, looks like you can get a thinkpad with 8gb RAM and a core i5 for 250 bucks nowadays
08:46 celeron55 new?
08:47 MTDiscord <luatic> arguably refurbished
08:47 celeron55 i guess i'm getting old. where are the atoms and other slow processors?
08:48 celeron55 i'm not interested in used prices. you can get great hardware for free if you're not in a hurry
08:49 rubenwardy another issue is that current cheap hardware tends to support newer standards than old topend hardware
08:49 rubenwardy also iGPUs are much much better these days
08:50 rubenwardy although top end hardware wouldn't be iGPUs
08:51 celeron55 12 years old integrated gpus are pretty much obsolete today
08:51 celeron55 10 years old could still make sense
08:53 celeron55 the intel HD series was launched 2010 and in a year or two from that it got into normal hardware
08:54 celeron55 any intel HD is perfectly adequate for MT
08:54 celeron55 anything before those, i think it obsolete
08:54 celeron55 is*
08:55 celeron55 and here, erle would got mad with his gma900 series
09:01 nrz i started to dev MT on a radeon HD 4890, which is very obsolete for today, but always good for MT, as we don't added fancy graphics features ?
09:01 celeron55 anyway that's pretty much my view on this. 12 year old with an external GPU and anything with intel HD should still run MT
09:01 celeron55 12 year old top spec, i mean
09:03 rubenwardy anyway, there's a difference between old and cheap. Eliteism, bigotry, and such ignorance is not acceptable
09:04 celeron55 basically like... the official system requirements of windows 10
09:04 celeron55 except that MT actually runs on this hardware, i wouldn't say so about windows 10
09:13 Alias joined #minetest-dev
09:33 sfan5 on that topic we should figure out how many users can't run opengl with shaders
09:34 celeron55 it's basically the users running pre-intel-HD iGPUs
09:34 celeron55 that i just proposed to shove under the bus
09:35 celeron55 that's precisely where the pain point has been for years now
09:35 celeron55 i agree getting some numbers wouldn't hurt
09:35 sfan5 hopefully no "well it can technically run shaders but not at acceptable performance" issues crop up with iHD then
09:36 celeron55 no they won't. it's so much faster
09:36 celeron55 of course depends on the shaders
09:37 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
09:38 celeron55 in 2010 it was considered ridiculous MT didn't require or use shaders. 12 years have passed since that. if i happened to have a computer with an external gpu back then, MT would have never supported the fixed pipeline
09:38 celeron55 it's quite the dice roll
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11:16 kilbith "Eliteism, bigotry, and such ignorance is not acceptable" -> I didn't add up to the topic to respect the channel rules but do not fuel the flames please
11:16 kilbith and also fuck off, you have a personal issue with me
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11:37 MTDiscord <ROllerozxa> funny you're the one saying that
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13:15 MTDiscord <MarkTheSmeagol> Please don't feed the trolls
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16:41 MTDiscord <Jordach> I’d just have a rolling 10 year window with each release for a minimum supported Intel CPU generation
16:42 MTDiscord <Jordach> If the iGPU doesn’t support OpenGL 3x then drop it
16:47 MTDiscord <Jordach> A 600 nvidia GPU or later should run Minetest under any CPU generation just terribly
17:12 Desour joined #minetest-dev
17:16 celeron55 well i'd hope we'd require opengl 2 first
17:29 kilbith GL 2.1 is 20 years old
17:31 Desour wikipedia says 16 years
17:31 kilbith GL 3.x is a more reasonnable guess, especially that we can do things more efficiently with the glMultiDraw functions that are vacant from OpenGL 2.x
17:32 kilbith any refurbished 200€ laptop today can support OpenGL 3.x
17:33 kilbith and anyone in the Western world is able to spend 200€. go work at McDonald and boom, you're not poor anymore!
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18:01 MTDiscord <Jordach> hell haswell CPUs that are close to turning 10 years old support 4.2
18:02 MTDiscord <Jordach> which are still capable of excellent game performance and even run a current day GPU without much issue
18:02 MTDiscord <Jordach> it's just the thinkpad cult who believes they should be catered to
18:04 MTDiscord <Jordach> even if it's the detriment of everyone else
18:05 MTDiscord <Jordach> oh my old haswell from 2014 supported 4.3
18:06 celeron55 anyway does someone not agree intel HD is a reasonable minimum requirement? i think those do support gl 3
18:06 celeron55 or more like these, i have one also... like millions of people
18:07 MTDiscord <Jordach> yeah intel HD is the reasonable bareminimum since they're the same iGPU on mobile
18:07 Desour will there be a separate minimum requirement for android?
18:07 MTDiscord <Jordach> "if it runs it runs"
18:07 Desour (or other devices that currently use the gles stuff)
18:07 MTDiscord <Jordach> nobody can guarantee manufacturers to not do stupid shit with their ES drivers
18:08 celeron55 the main platform for MT is PC, requirements on other platforms have to be derived from that in some reasonable way
18:09 MTDiscord <Jordach> i'd treat android on a per manufacturer basis for how good are their drivers scenario
18:09 MTDiscord <Jordach> rather than pure performance
18:09 rubenwardy The minimum requirements for Android should be higher by age but lower by power
18:09 rubenwardy Like, I wouldn't support older than 5 years
18:10 MTDiscord <Jordach> that's a reasonable minimum given the pace of the mobile market
18:10 celeron55 well, if we choose to drop GL<3.0 and GLES<3.0, then that defines the devices
18:10 celeron55 not that any manufacturer advertises anything based on what GL version it supports
18:10 celeron55 it's going to have to be a community maintained list
18:11 MTDiscord <Jordach> similar to the old cyanogenmod compatibility list
18:11 Desour everything supports opengl 4.6, with the mesa software thing
18:11 MTDiscord <Jordach> (so does my M1 mac under linux)
18:12 Desour btw. is it planned to have separate implementations for a bit older and very recent gpus?
18:12 MTDiscord <Jordach> that would be bloat
18:13 MTDiscord <Jordach> and requiring two lots of maintenance
18:13 Desour but it would be sad if we can't use (for optimization) any features that exceed the new minimum
18:25 celeron55 there probably isn't enough resources to do that
18:25 celeron55 it would require new engine internal apis to be designed and implemented
18:26 MTDiscord <Jordach> just list the required GL[SL] requirements when you check it's box
18:26 schwarzwald[m] It's not like Minetest is out of stuff to improve and needs more.
18:29 MTDiscord <Jordach> if people want the graphics fancies turned on they should have the requesite hardware, but not locking out the base game out either
18:29 MTDiscord <Jordach> having them as pure optional with (X OpenGL requirement) is fine
19:10 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
19:22 celeron55 that more than doubles the workload though
19:22 celeron55 with those requirements i personally aren't expecting anyone to want to develop gl 3 stuff
19:23 celeron55 that's what i talk about when i say old systems are holding MT back
19:24 celeron55 anyway personally i don't mind, it's just that it may not be in the best interest of the project
19:25 MTDiscord <Jordach> for every 100 users the fancy graphics bring in, 1 is likely to end up writing engine code
19:28 celeron55 every year opengl 1 and 2 become more obsolete. one of these years must be the year that they're dropped
19:29 MTDiscord <Jordach> macOS can run upto OpenGL 4.2 via the usage of OpenGL contexts#
19:29 MTDiscord <Jordach> which is apparently the proper way to enable/disable certain OpenGL features
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19:35 sfan5 do we have any concrete features from 3.0 we want or why is this being proposed?
19:36 Desour it would be very useful to have array textures
19:36 Desour to reduce the number of drawcalls per mapblock
19:36 rubenwardy New opengl versions have features that allow you to improve performance by communicating with the gpu less. Fewer draw calls
19:38 MTDiscord <Jordach> we should probably have MT 6 when we break a lot of things by chopping out even more irrlicht and introducing a hard requirement for OpenGL 3.x
19:39 celeron55 the problem is, i don't know enough modern opengl to propose any actual features to use
19:39 celeron55 if you search the logs for what hecks has been blabbing about, that'll give an actual introduction to the subject
19:40 celeron55 altough i wouldn't rely on him doing any of the work
19:40 MTDiscord <Jordach> i treat MT 6's "roadmap" or "milestone" as exploratory and experimental
19:40 MTDiscord <Jordach> if you don't know what to do with it, start experimenting
19:40 MTDiscord <Jordach> let mad science produce results and learn from them
19:40 sfan5 I don't remember what hecks mentioned but I do remember that he proposed writing our own renderer that'd essentially use the common subset of OpenGL 2.0 / GLES 2.0
19:41 sfan5 Desour: sounds like binding multiple textures would be more flexible there unless we run into limits there
19:41 celeron55 yes 2.0 was more of the intention
19:42 celeron55 altough hecks had plans for newer versions also
19:42 Desour btw. with modern gl, we could try to do client-side mapblock occlusion culling by doing occlusion querries (or something similar with atomic bools, because afaik there's just one occlusion querry at once allowed) of mapblock bounding boxed using the depth buffer of last frame
19:42 sfan5 irrlicht can do that IIRC
19:42 sfan5 for example I bet you could merge the buffers of the two most common nodes in mapblocks if it's stuff like stone & dirt
19:44 sfan5 I've been thinking that particles would be a good first target for an entire rewrite with shaders in mind because it's fairly small and self-contained (you don't get into the million options nodes have)
19:45 Desour sfan5: what I meant was that you then pass an index for the texture in the vertex buffer. AFAIK, this does not work if you use multiple bound textures, because `if (idx==1) col=texture(tex1, uvpos) else if (idx==2) col=texture(tex2,uvpos)` has to sample both textures for all framgents
19:46 sfan5 hmm, not sure
19:47 Desour bindless textures would also work, but they are just an extension (AFAIK many intel gpus still don't support them)
19:47 rubenwardy particles are especially well-suited for GPUs as well
19:47 rubenwardy assuming you don't want oncollide callbacks
19:47 Desour we can also do animation in shaders then btw
19:48 sfan5 looks like you can bind multiple textures into a sampler2D array
19:49 diceLibrarian joined #minetest-dev
19:51 Desour ^ that does also not work. see
19:51 Desour (at least if the sampler2Ds are bound textures and not bindless texture handle things)
19:52 celeron55 what i don't see is leaving out obsolete gl versions to have a large effect in comparison to just implementing more aggressive batching on the cpu side, basically just bigger meshes
19:53 celeron55 i'm trying to get to working on some of that
19:53 MTDiscord <IhrFussel> My pc is from 2009 and only supports 2.1 btw...maybe thew version is 15+ years old but the industry doesn't stop releasing older versions with newer hardware right away
19:54 MTDiscord <IhrFussel> Electronic stores here also still sell Android 9 devices
19:54 rubenwardy 2009 would be outside of the proposed support Window
19:54 Desour we could also do gl 2, but with some extensions
19:54 rubenwardy Will OpenGL ES work on old devices that support GL2?
19:55 rubenwardy if we were to support two renderers, say using bgfx, could we have a OGL ES 2.0 one  and a OpenGL3/4/Vulkan one
19:56 rubenwardy this all feels quite hypothetical though, do we even have anyone that would want and have time to rewrite the renderer to use newer features
19:56 sfan5 anyway my entire point was that we should aim for opengl 2.0 and if whoever does the work notices that savings could be made using some newer feature we can talk about it
19:57 rubenwardy yeah that sounds like a solid approach
19:57 MTDiscord <IhrFussel> Would this OpenGL3+ only version be 6.0 then?
19:57 rubenwardy perhaps, but doesn't need to be
19:58 celeron55 what i'm saying is if someone with actual knowledge looks into it and propose to use features that aren't available in old gl versions, it will be considered
19:58 celeron55 proposes*
19:59 celeron55 _without_ requiring them to implement a separate mode for supporting obsolete hardware
20:01 celeron55 how this relates to getting a more modern look for the rendered result... who knows. depends on the artistic skills of the graphics person i guess
20:03 rubenwardy I think if you can sprinkle some fancy effects whilst modernising and improving performance, you get both a faster game and pretty screenshots for release posts
20:06 celeron55 but you basically have to first respect them and only then expect to get something
20:06 celeron55 saying "but it has to run on fixed pipeline" to a graphics programmer is an insult
20:09 beanzilla left #minetest-dev
20:35 MTDiscord <Benrob0329> @IhrFussel I suppose if you don't mind, could you elaborate on why you're still using a 12 year old laptop? I get not needing to upgrade, but eventually software is gonna need newer stuff
20:35 MTDiscord <Benrob0329> Unfortunately with something like OpenGL, it's very much tied to the hardware
20:35 MTDiscord <Benrob0329> Sorry, 13 year old
20:36 celeron55 it's probably not a laptop
20:37 MTDiscord <Benrob0329> I thought I read laptop, same difference for the discussion I suppose
20:37 celeron55 a laptop of that age is practically useless, a top spec desktop can be useful
20:38 celeron55 my 8 year old top spec laptop is perfectly usable for anything i do for work or hobbies
20:38 celeron55 and it better be, it was very expensive and i better get my money's worth
20:38 MTDiscord <IhrFussel> I don't have much money so I simply looked for an used older pc
20:39 MTDiscord <IhrFussel> And until this one dies I don't think I'll need another
20:39 MTDiscord <Benrob0329> My mid-tier 6-year-old laptop does what I need to most things, but it doesn't game well. MT works alright on it though, and I've done IKEA dev on it
20:41 MTDiscord <Benrob0329> @IhrFussel I mean, at what point is older hardware not worth the dev time for us to support? If there are benefits to be had for using more modern tech, when should we be able to pull the plug on old hardware?
20:41 celeron55 IhrFussel: what CPU does it have?
20:43 MTDiscord <IhrFussel> Intel Pentium Dual-Core
20:44 celeron55 so the predecessor to i3 basically
20:45 celeron55 or well, basically the same thing, different name
20:45 celeron55 oh wait
20:46 celeron55 no, it's probably a 65 nm processor, Allendale or something
20:46 celeron55 similar to core 2 duo
20:48 MTDiscord <IhrFussel> Nope, 45 nm
20:49 celeron55 ok, that's basically the fastest processor you can possibly get without getting an intel HD iGPU with it
20:49 celeron55 it will still have the integrated GPU separate from the CPU so the GPU will be much slower than intel HD
20:52 kilbith;refinements=p_36%3A9733299031%2Cp_n_feature_twenty-three_browse-bin%3A27388180031%2Cp_n_feature_fifteen_browse-bin%3A8323130031%7C8323131031%7C8323132031&amp;rnid=8323110031&amp;s=computers&amp;sr=1-1
20:52 celeron55 i guess one of those has enough single thread performance to make it still useful
20:52 kilbith Intel HD Graphics 4000 for only 180€
20:54 celeron55 that's like 2.5x faster than the pentium dual-core and almost infinitely faster graphics
20:54 MTDiscord <IhrFussel> Btw I didn't say that MT absolutely needs to support my Open GL version in the would be cool if there would be no breakage between server & client so that I could still play even with 5.6 or 5.7 (assuming 5.8 would be the newer graphics)
20:57 celeron55 i'd say whatever iGPU the pentium dual-core comes with will have the fate of pretty much a dice roll depending on the exact extensions it supports
20:57 celeron55 in the upcoming years
20:57 celeron55 it suffers from being a high end processor from a retiring cpu generation
20:58 celeron55 as you already said i think
20:58 MTDiscord <IhrFussel> Would it be possible to update the client's graphics while still allowing older clients to connect to newer servers? Or is that too much work?
21:00 celeron55 can't predict such details
21:01 celeron55 but it's true it would give a bit more time for old systems if the graphics updates wouldn't be done in an otherwise breaking release
21:02 celeron55 even this seems too much detail to plan now though. i don't think we have anyone wanting to do even GL 2 stuff atm
21:03 celeron55 i just wanted to bring this up so that nobody following development won't be surprised when it happens
21:04 rubenwardy updated #libresprite
21:04 rubenwardy heh
21:04 rubenwardy updated #12542
21:04 ShadowBot -- Prevent loading a world with unresolved dependencies by rubenwardy
21:04 rubenwardy need to check what's on my clipboard before pasting into IRC
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23:01 diceLibrarian what did you do?
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