Time Nick Message 13:47 MTDiscord For the record 64bit builds of Minetest are terrible at media loading in comparison to 32bit builds. 13:50 MTDiscord I still see 32bit newly produced Android devices sold in every store I visit in Africa as well. 13:51 MTDiscord I don't think the region matters anyway, they're still getting produced and sold is the point. 13:51 MTDiscord nobody has never talked about dropping minetest 32-bit android builds 13:51 MTDiscord it was just in regards to windows 32-bit builds 13:53 MTDiscord I wasn't talking about that. 13:53 MTDiscord I brought up the missing points on comments I saw above. 14:01 MTDiscord note that this is channel for IRC bridge, message edits on here are not reflected on IRC side and Matrix side, so you should write out the correction in new message (instead of editing original message) every time you wrote something wrongly in the channel 15:27 jonadab Agreed: Android, and ARM in general, still need 32-bit support. i386 support for the various free desktop OSes (Debian, OpenBSD, etc.) is largely pointless for anything that won't run on a twenty-year-old potato, as those communities all moved to amd64 decades ago. Windows is the open question.