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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2022-01-31

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All times shown according to UTC.

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Time Nick Message
00:03 Wuzzy please update thx
00:04 rubenwardy done
00:04 rubenwardy but what even is that
00:05 Wuzzy IT's a template for the version number, it is used in various places inserted in the wiki
00:06 Wuzzy like the Minetet Game Infobox
00:06 Wuzzy Like here:
00:06 Wuzzy thx
00:10 Wuzzy contentDB versions need updating
00:13 rubenwardy done
00:17 erlehmann Wuzzy will you be using package aliases because mineclone2 is no longer your package?
00:17 Wuzzy I don't know how it works
00:18 Wuzzy but I am obviously ok with transfer of "package ownership". I have not done anything for MCL2 for a very long time
00:29 erlehmann is missing the removal of texture formats other than PNG, TGA, JPEG imo and removal of MD2
00:32 erlehmann also it would be nice if the bugfixes were actually sorted in crashfix / security etc. – can i somehow edit that thing to that effect?
00:37 Wuzzy sure
00:37 Wuzzy just be careful not to destroy existing information
00:37 erlehmann what kind of account do i need?
00:37 Wuzzy but you can use the preview feature
00:37 Wuzzy you need a wiki account
00:37 erlehmann i see a login button but no register button though
00:38 Wuzzy You must request accounts here:
00:38 erlehmann ig i first register on the forums then
00:39 Wuzzy in the meantime, just paste the text you want me to insert lol
00:39 Wuzzy like in chat
00:39 Wuzzy I'll stick around for a while
00:41 rubenwardy pcx, ppm, psd, wal, rgb
00:43 erlehmann also in the compatibility note it does not say that you can not open them with previous versions, isn't that like the whole reason why it is in that section?
00:44 erlehmann the maps
00:44 erlehmann i mean
00:44 erlehmann sorry sleepy
00:44 erlehmann i shall edit when i am awake again, good night
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03:30 rubenwardy Updated the PPAs
03:31 rubenwardy Needed to edit the packaging to remove libirrlicht and add libzstd, then add irrlichtmt as a repo, and finally update the recipe to clone it to lib/irrlichtmt
03:34 queria^clone joined #minetest-dev
04:24 MTDiscord <dettomi> Hi! Can someone tell me if texture tweaks are included in the freeze? I would mainly want to work on the ones that are really out of place or too low effort compared to the others. I know I could make a texture pack but I don't really think the people should make everything for themself mindset is the way to go with an open source project like this.
04:25 erlehmann dettomi what do you mean with texture tweaks? there is a new PNG texture combinator, but its probably not a good idea to use it.
04:26 erlehmann texture modifier
04:26 erlehmann whatever it's called
04:26 erlehmann dettomi are you talking about minetest_game maybe?
04:27 MTDiscord <Jonathon> yes
04:27 MTDiscord <dettomi> Sorry my bad! Yes
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08:03 sfan5 hard to say, better open an issue first on the minetest_game repo first
08:03 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
08:28 sfan5 by the way, how/who updates the flatpak and snap packages?
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08:49 MTDiscord <luatic> The mainmenu "about" tab should be completely replaced
08:49 MTDiscord <luatic> sfan5: I believe it was sofar who managed the flatpak? The snap seems to be managed by some ominous "Snapcrafters" team, will try to contact them
08:50 MTDiscord <luatic>
08:52 MTDiscord <AFCM> 100% aggreed I had this idea a while ago
08:54 ROllerozxa @luatic what should it be replaced with?
08:54 nrz great job team for the 5.5 release ?
08:55 MTDiscord <luatic> What should be replaced with what ROllerozxa?
08:56 ROllerozxa the main menu "about" tab
08:57 MTDiscord <luatic> Ah yes, hypertext
08:58 MTDiscord <luatic>;height=562 it looks like 5.5 contains an awful regression related to either backface culling or alpha blending (most likely a different backface culling default?)
08:58 MTDiscord <luatic> reported by @ExeVirus on the MTD
09:04 MTDiscord <luatic> could it be that use_texture_alpha = true works no longer (looking at the commit that presumably fixed this:
09:04 MTDiscord <luatic> arguably it was deprecated already
09:06 MTDiscord <Sublayer plank> oh, so reworking it to use hypertext instead of the table abuse it's using right now?
09:07 MTDiscord <luatic> not only that, the entire layout is crap now
09:08 MTDiscord <luatic>
09:08 MTDiscord <luatic> The button could be an actual link if it was hypertext[]
09:08 MTDiscord <luatic> The entire sidebar needs to go, maybe in a header-ish way
09:09 MTDiscord <luatic> It's ugly currently because with the "active renderer: ..." debug info mushed in there it's not even horizontally centered anymore
09:13 MTDiscord <Sublayer plank> yeah that all needs a bit of an overhaul
09:14 MTDiscord <Sublayer plank> renaming it from the credits tab to the about tab and cramming more junk into it may not have been a good idea
09:14 MTDiscord <luatic> The About tab was a good idea, it just wasn't executed properly
09:14 MTDiscord <luatic> The Credits deserve their own section in a hypertext
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09:44 MTDiscord <luatic> How is #12007 in any way unconfirmed!?
09:44 ShadowBot -- Game does not fully display on Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2's main (large) display
09:45 MTDiscord <luatic> This is a report by a (former?) core dev, well documented with screenshots attached. Calinou, what else does it take for you to consider it conformed ;P
09:45 MTDiscord <luatic> confirmed*
09:45 erlehmann another person i guess
09:45 MTDiscord <Sublayer plank> don't bug issues get the "uncomfirmed bug" by default until a triager removes it
09:46 MTDiscord <luatic> This is also likely very tricky to confirm, as Z-Fold devices are most likely a rarity in the MT community
09:46 MTDiscord <luatic> @floofy ralsei But I believe Calinou has labeling privs, otherwise he couldn't have added the "Android" label
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11:39 MTDiscord <exe_virus> On the subject of the star thing for LL, that's not backface culling, but definitely a change in use_texture_alpha=true handling. Before it defaulted to I think blend for mesh draw types and now it's defaulting to clip for mesh drawtypes. I suspect this helped with shadows honestly...
11:48 Baytuch Good morning
11:54 Calinou I never was a coredev, just someone who has labeling permissions (triager role)
11:55 Calinou I left it as unconfirmed bug because it'll likely take a while for somone else to be able to reproduce this bug. Foldable phones aren't exactly common among Minetest developers :)
11:59 MTDiscord <exe_virus> Yeah people who have such phone today typically never looked for open source Minecraft back in the day....
12:15 HuguesRoss Merging #11940 in 20min
12:15 ShadowBot -- Document moon orientation relative to sun by appgurueu
12:37 HuguesRoss merge done. I'll be merging #12000 this afternoon, in ~8-9hrs. There will be another reminder before then, but if anyone cares strongly about it you have this window to speak up
12:37 ShadowBot -- Fix builtin statbar backgrounds by appgurueu
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15:23 Pexin will protocol version bump to 41 for 5.6dev?
15:37 rubenwardy yes
15:37 rubenwardy at some point before 5.6 release
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16:26 ROllerozxa #12027 uh oh
16:26 ShadowBot -- Forked Irrlicht not included in release.
16:30 ROllerozxa this was what I feared would happen. Audacity has had the same issue when switching to their WxWidgets fork, and is also the reason most Linux distros are stuck on a rather old version of Audacity. I really don't want the same to happen to Minetest
16:35 Pexin remind to extract into lib/irrlichtmt not lib/irrlicht
16:49 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
17:00 rubenwardy Thoughts on deprecating game.conf name, and using title instead?
17:00 rubenwardy currently, what mods call `name` is called a `id` in game.conf
17:00 rubenwardy and what mods call `title` is called `name` in game.conf
17:01 rubenwardy although, a problem with deprecating like this would be then freeing up and using name in a 6.0
17:02 MTDiscord <Warr1024> It seems like once you've used the "name" key to mean one thing, you should probably never use it to mean a different thing unless you're able to really cleanly break from the legacy meaning.  Maybe a 6.0 might be able to do that, but it seems like it'd still be painful.
17:03 rubenwardy yeah exactly
17:03 rubenwardy after this deprecation, games would use title in the same way as mods
17:03 rubenwardy but would need to use id rather than name
17:04 rubenwardy which they already do
17:12 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
17:17 rubenwardy merging #12029 in 10 as trivial
17:17 ShadowBot -- Update copyright year in README by Zughy
17:17 rubenwardy or more
17:21 rubenwardy huh, games don't support id
17:25 sfan5 are you sure we don't have more copyright years
17:25 sfan5 like not in the source files but elsewhere
17:26 rubenwardy there's license.txt
17:26 rubenwardy
17:28 MTDiscord <savilli> // Copyright (C) 2019 Irrlick
17:28 MTDiscord <savilli> who is Irrlick?
17:29 ROllerozxa it's some kidscode guy iirc
17:31 ROllerozxa I've seen that too and wondered if it was a typo but it is an actual user named irrlick who contributed to kidscode and I assume also contributed to upstream minetest
17:32 MTDiscord <savilli> ah okii
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18:08 kilbith ... someone has to create a tool that makes compiling on MSVC easy
18:08 kilbith this is getting on my nerves
18:29 erlehmann joined #minetest-dev
18:59 rubenwardy #12032
18:59 ShadowBot -- Revert "Disable dynamic shadows for the 5.5.0 release" by rubenwardy
19:01 kilbith_ joined #minetest-dev
19:04 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Heh, I misread 'Revert "disable dynamic shadows for the 5.5.0 release"' as 'Revert "disable dynamic shadows" for the 5.5.0 release'
19:05 Pexin methinks Warr1024 sees what Warr1024 wishes to see.
19:07 MTDiscord <Warr1024> methinks Pexin wishes to see me wishing to see what Pexin thinks I should wish to see.
19:09 * Pexin head explod
19:19 proller joined #minetest-dev
19:26 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> kilbith, what parts of the MSVC compilation frustrate you the most?
19:28 kilbith_ cmake setup (there's always something wrong), dealing with Visual Studio which is a confusing kludge
19:29 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
19:30 kilbith_ I don't have the patience to deal with this shit
19:31 rubenwardy vcpkg makes things easier, but not by much
19:32 kilbith_ it's shit too
19:33 kilbith_ I am able to compile on WSL and run a Linux binary, but then the cursor goes crazy and the performances are suboptimal
19:34 kilbith_ it's gonna improve and one day it's going to be 1:1 with Linux I am sure
20:05 MTDiscord <josiah_wi> If you catalogue some of the frustrating CMake stuff I will work on it. Unfortunately I don't have a Windows machine, so I can't easily test stuff myself.
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21:12 HuguesRoss Merging #12000 in 15min
21:12 ShadowBot -- Fix builtin statbar backgrounds by appgurueu
21:25 nrz performance on WSL will be 1:1 with mesa on WSL with all opengl to DX 12 native translation
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21:38 rubenwardy looks like GitHub still has that bug where force pushing resets the last updated for all PRs :(
21:38 HuguesRoss oof
21:38 rubenwardy merging #12032 in 10
21:38 ShadowBot -- Revert "Disable dynamic shadows for the 5.5.0 release" by rubenwardy
21:43 sfan5 pushing after that
21:48 rubenwardy sfan5: done
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