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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2022-01-15

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04:38 Pexin okay so.. it seems that since 5.3, modders have made games which assume bounce is not controllable, so rely on the current behavior (which is still not completely consistent). so my change would make some of their puzzles easier than intended.
04:38 Pexin the only solution for THAT is a game-specific setting to allow controllable_bounce. is there a way to do that other than adding ANOTHER PERM?  >_<
05:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest-dev
05:49 Pexin not a perm, a lua binding to a new serverside variable which must be communicated to the client creating another client/server versioning hiccup whicfasdfalksdjflkasjhfdlka
06:51 MTDiscord <Benrob0329> Player physics override?
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09:42 MTDiscord <luatic> ^
09:43 MTDiscord <luatic> make an "old_bounce" boolean flag
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10:12 sfan5 do we want to formally enter feature freeze?
10:12 sfan5 this'd mean a 5.5 release just before february
10:13 MTDiscord <luatic> #11877 should really be fixed IMO
10:13 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11877 -- New player causes: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "auth_name_key"
10:15 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> #11952 has 2 approvals, easy to squeeze it in real quick ;p
10:15 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11952 -- Give the ASCII console splash a facelift by GreenXenith
10:16 MTDiscord <luatic> that's neat
10:19 proller joined #minetest-dev
10:35 x2048 sfan5: I'd vote for a feature freeze to get over 5.5.0 as soon as possible
10:36 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
10:38 sfan5 that's my reason too
10:42 sfan5 #11437 will probably end up not being solved
10:42 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11437 -- `3d_mode` is broken
10:43 sfan5 and for #10632 I'm waiting for an implementation by appgurueu
10:43 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/10632 -- Retrieve DPI from get_player_information
10:45 x2048 sfan5: I'll close #11951 then, there is little support among coredevs.
10:45 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11951 -- Proposal: Limit availability of dynamic shadows in 5.5.0 by x2048
10:46 sfan5 sure
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12:49 erlehmann celeron55 since it has been decided to scrap the “turn the moon upside down and make a lot of people unhappy” PR, could this be closed? https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11901
12:51 Krock yes, a 5.5.0 feature freeze seems reasonable
13:06 MTDiscord <luatic> erlehmann: this should be closed by a doc PR
13:08 erlehmann luatic then the title of the issue must be changed
13:09 MTDiscord <luatic> indeed, and it should be labeled "documentation request /missing / error"
13:11 MTDiscord <luatic> sfan5: don't worry about #11957, it was a mistake on my part, should've commented
13:11 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11957 -- Minetest does not detect Postgres version, always considers it zero
13:13 longerstaff13 joined #minetest-dev
13:28 sfan5 obligatory reminder for #11857 and #11866
13:28 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11857 -- Raise minimum compiler versions by sfan5
13:28 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11866 -- Raise max mapgen limit constant to align with MapBlock by sfan5
13:37 erlehmann btw, i would like the mapblock thing to be solved because mineclonia (and the other mcl games) contains a structure that can spawn near the map border and contain tnt
13:37 erlehmann so it is unlikely, but possible, that the map generator will place a crashy schematic there
13:37 erlehmann (i think?)
13:37 erlehmann i have not tested that lately tbh
13:39 erlehmann i will certainly revisit other map border bugs after #11866 is merged and report back about if they are gone
13:39 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11866 -- Raise max mapgen limit constant to align with MapBlock by sfan5
13:44 sfan5 you will still find some, I promise
13:49 erlehmann yeah but i bet this removes a bunch
14:03 tekakutli joined #minetest-dev
14:41 sfan5 for some reason an `mod_storage` folder recently appeared in all of my worlds
14:41 sfan5 this is a recent change
14:41 sfan5 an empty*
14:44 Krock could this be due to the sqlite3 transition?
14:47 erlehmann Krock wdym which PR are you referring to?
14:47 sfan5 #11763 obv
14:47 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11763 -- Use a database for mod storage by TurkeyMcMac
14:49 Pexin ive seen people complaining about that but they didnt go into detail
14:49 erlehmann well this should not affect any *existing* worlds unless they are migrated, should it?
14:52 Pexin i will try to track down who it was and ask them to elaborate (preferably here?)
15:06 sfan5 I guess I should tag a new version of irrlichtmt too so all changes are included in an eventual release candidate
15:09 erlehmann good idea
15:10 appguru joined #minetest-dev
16:34 sfan5 merging #11857, #11874, #11952, #11950 in 10m
16:34 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11857 -- Raise minimum compiler versions by sfan5
16:34 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11874 -- Don't call on_dieplayer callbacks two times by savilli
16:34 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11952 -- Give the ASCII console splash a facelift by GreenXenith
16:34 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11950 -- [NOSQUASH] Two commits by sfan5
16:48 sfan5 I doubt anyone of the devs who haven't commented yet would disagree so I'll declare the feature freeze in effect
16:49 Topic for #minetest-dev is now Minetest core development and maintenance. Chit-chat goes to #minetest. https://dev.minetest.net/ | FEATURE FREEZE IN EFFECT (as of 2022-01-15)
16:49 sfan5 since it's two weeks that'd make the planned release date 2021-01-29
16:51 sfan5 (features already in the milestone are exempted of course)
17:02 erlehmann i suggest to not have a planned release date, but release after all bugs in RC are solved or deemed unimportant
17:03 erlehmann it would also allow a faster release or not?
17:03 erlehmann if no new bugs crop up
17:03 erlehmann come up
17:04 erlehmann celeron55 could you maybe look into 11866? i assume you may know a bit about the code ;)
17:06 erlehmann (i want it to avoid crashy crashy at the map border, not out of purity reasons)
17:09 sfan5 bugs do inevitably crop up
17:10 sfan5 and you want to give people time to actually give 5.5 a test
17:10 erlehmann well the question is if they are dealbreakers
17:10 erlehmann ah so you freeze it and then you have 2 weeks for testing?
17:11 erlehmann i must admit, i do not understand it. but i am in favor of not adding new features shortly before release.
17:11 sfan5 not by us, we give it to people and say "this will be 5.6, make sure your stuff works"
17:12 sfan5 5.5*
17:12 sfan5 devs and some users may be running 5.5-dev but especially server owners do not have time to follow development
17:13 sfan5 so it's their chance to find issues of any kind
17:13 sfan5 before release
17:13 erlehmann oh yeah
17:14 erlehmann so 2021-01-29 is the release date for the release candidate?!
17:14 erlehmann that would make sense
17:15 erlehmann like, polish it, make a RC, then wait for input
17:15 erlehmann i think i get it now
17:15 erlehmann thx
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17:52 sparky4 guys guys PLEASE DON"T use sqllite to store cliend side mod data! i loose hundreds and undres of waypoints!
17:53 hlqkj how does that relates to the use of sqlite?!
17:53 sfan5 erlehmann: no, that's the final release date
17:54 Krock sparky4: migrate
17:54 sparky4 HOW!?
17:54 sfan5 you should not need to migrate
17:54 Krock done automatically
17:54 sparky4 there will be a butt load of complaits from people whjo use the mods
17:54 sparky4 it did not for me
17:56 Krock for server mods, there's --migrate-mod-storage  to migrate them explicitly
17:56 sparky4 there is not client side mod migrator
17:56 sfan5 if the migration does not work you should file that as a bug
17:56 rubenwardy I'd like #11955 in as it improves UX a lot and is relatively simple
17:56 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11955 -- Update and improve warnings when no games are found or when only devtest is installed by rollerozxa
17:56 sparky4 it is best not to do this
17:56 rubenwardy Other than that, feature freeze sounds fine
17:56 MTDiscord <luatic> sparky4: elaborate
17:57 MTDiscord <luatic> for now, all we've heard are baseless claims
17:57 sparky4 i tested out newer 5.50 minetest and it failed to migrate my lient side mod database and i cannot teleport anywhere.
17:57 Krock https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/11763/files#diff-d0e4d904960723de71f0db13669ff088d764e125bbc8133c3cfed05bf0792512R131-R135
17:57 erlehmann Krock so if i do not use --migrate-mod-storage what happens then, it continue to use json i hope?
17:57 Krock client mods assume sqlite3. no migration code,
17:57 rubenwardy #11784 has reached approval but probably too late as that's more risky
17:58 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11784 -- Use virtual paths to specify exact mod to enable by rubenwardy
17:58 sparky4 this WILL break many things
17:58 MTDiscord <luatic> have you migrated, sparky4?
17:58 sparky4 no i dont know how it failed to work
17:58 sfan5 I don't see migration code
17:58 Krock luatic: there's no CSM migration code
17:58 sfan5 in what Krock linked
17:58 Krock only for server mods
17:58 sparky4 thje client side mods DO NOT Migrate over
17:58 erlehmann uh that sounds horrible
17:58 Krock please open an issue for that
17:59 erlehmann client side waypoints are like, the most common thing i know from CSMs
17:59 MTDiscord <luatic> heh, technically we don't support CSM ;)
17:59 erlehmann luatic do not give them ideas
17:59 rubenwardy Client side API is experimental, breaking compat isn't strictly a problem
17:59 MTDiscord <luatic> but yeah this should definitely be fixed immediately
17:59 sfan5 throwing away user data != API compat
17:59 erlehmann rubenwardy declaring it not a problem does not mean it is not a problem …
17:59 rubenwardy I'd at the most migrate but not support files
17:59 rubenwardy API includes file formats
17:59 sparky4 i have a database of hundreds of waypoints to teleport across LF
18:00 MTDiscord <luatic> sparky4: are you sure that the waypoints are lost?
18:00 Krock on-the-fly migration should be pretty trivial
18:00 MTDiscord <luatic> as in, have you checked your FS?
18:00 sparky4 yes but the old database is intact
18:00 MTDiscord <luatic> yeah, so nothing is really lost?
18:00 erlehmann just to be clear, server-side nothing will get lost if someone just upgrades from 5.4 to 5.5-dev with the sqlite thingy?
18:00 MTDiscord <luatic> erlehmann: yes
18:00 sfan5 erlehmann: server-side migrations are not automatic
18:00 erlehmann sfan5 uh-oh
18:01 sfan5 I know what you're thinking but no
18:01 erlehmann sfan5 if they are not, this will break A LOT of stuff.
18:01 sfan5 stop talking
18:01 sfan5 the old backend remains supported
18:01 sparky4 this sqllite stuff will break many servers!
18:01 erlehmann oh good
18:01 erlehmann sfan5 i shall be silent
18:01 sparky4 and break many client side mod databases
18:01 sfan5 at least this is the behaviour I observed
18:01 sfan5 I can't say for sure because I didn't review the code myself
18:02 sparky4 guys please dont break minetest client side mods!
18:03 Krock old data is kept intact, and copied to the new backend when specified by the command line argument. there is no data loss
18:03 Krock sparky4: stop whining and open an issue so that it's tracked
18:03 hlqkj #11959 and blocking, too
18:03 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11959 -- CSM mod storage has no migration path
18:04 Krock okay
18:04 hlqkj and my bad for earlier: didn't get he was talking about migration, but sqlite loosing data 0\
18:04 erlehmann well as long as the old backend is supported, can't that be used for csm mod storage too?
18:05 Krock yes of course
18:05 erlehmann good
18:05 sparky4 also nice to meet you all i am mary4 from LF
18:06 sfan5 hmm so do new worlds default to sqlite3?
18:08 sfan5 ah, yes
18:08 Krock https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/11763/files#diff-eed156eda45af76b19e24f3f291ac7cd0d1986c991a4b56323f842544ceab99aR361
18:08 Krock fallback is "files". https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/11763/files#diff-d0ecb51621381529aa2b31bb04fecee4a1b1b7dc0be53978c4878f2c4d4bfe1fR4008-R4009
18:09 erlehmann sparky4 you can be assured that if the thing would break on servers a lot of ppl would be very unhappy. like, skinsdb would break. mineclone portals could lead to different places, maps would break too i guess.
18:10 rubenwardy Yeah, that's not happening
18:10 erlehmann i just wanted to reassure sparky4
18:10 sfan5 rubenwardy: [11955] sure if it's fully fixed
18:10 sparky4 thank you and watch the client sid emods too >.> thanks guys!
18:10 sparky4 i gotta get food
18:12 erlehmann sparky4 in the worst case you can always use waspsaliva client i guess
18:12 erlehmann cora uses waypoints herself
18:12 erlehmann (she develops it)
18:12 erlehmann it is mostly a bunch of CSMs so any CSM breakage is considered important ig
18:12 sfan5 more like just keep using Minetest 5.4 if nothing else helps
18:13 sfan5 no need for any third party software that would probably get you banned off most servers
18:21 erlehmann sfan5 in my experience people get banned for abusing alternate clients, not for simply joining with them.
18:21 erlehmann no one cares what client you use if you do not cheat
18:21 erlehmann but i understand, my advice was wrong
18:40 erlehmann sfan5, why was this closed? is it fixed? if yes, in which commit? https://github.com/minetest/irrlicht/issues/70
18:40 erlehmann sfan5, sorry my fault. reading comprehension error.
18:41 erlehmann it was fixed in https://github.com/minetest/irrlicht/commit/195759100fc723f466b46938128eeaed3edc3a24
18:47 sfan5 ye
18:50 rubenwardy You can be banned for joining CTF with a cheat client, even if you don't use jt
18:50 Krock make sure you're not caught. that's the general rule
18:53 MTDiscord <Jonathon> ironically it requires a engine patch to catch people using unpatched df
18:56 v-rob joined #minetest-dev
18:57 erlehmann rubenwardy wait how would you catch ppl who have a cheat client but set it to “not cheating”?
18:57 rubenwardy That's a secret :)
18:57 erlehmann like say i override the privilege thing
18:57 erlehmann i can fly but ofc i do not do it in ctf
18:58 erlehmann i know a few methods to detect cheats employed, but not one to detect a cheat client
18:58 erlehmann like, killaura? try to place an invisible entity near the player. if they punch it a lot, cheater.
18:59 erlehmann same with invisible fake players
19:00 erlehmann also flying: if someone is accelerating straiht upwards, well … ;)
19:11 x2048 joined #minetest-dev
19:14 v-rob AAAAAA Why is it that every time I think I have Unicode pretty well figured out and write code for it, I learn yet ANOTHER thing that breaks it all and I have to rewrite the code?! Errg!
19:15 v-rob And I'm only working with a SUBSET!
19:16 erlehmann v-rob what is it this time
19:16 v-rob Grapheme iteration
19:16 erlehmann v-rob also tell me if you want me to try to break your unicode stuff (but try zalgo text first)
19:17 v-rob I haven't even gotten it to the rendering part yet, I've always found problems before I get there.
19:17 erlehmann let me stack hundreds of diacritical marks on a letter in non-canonical form and hope your implementation uses a fast sorting algorithm for figuring it out ^^
19:17 v-rob Time to go library hunting again...
19:17 erlehmann tbh i would be happy if utf-8 with unifont worked, how far is that away?
19:18 v-rob Depends on which languages you want to work.
19:18 Pexin be vewwy quiet. it's wibrawy hunting season! huhuhuhuhuhu
19:18 MTDiscord <Benrob0329> inb4 v-rob curses Unicode and swears allegiance to Extended  ASCII
19:18 v-rob :)
19:18 erlehmann v-rob all of them in the astral plane
19:18 MTDiscord <Benrob0329> Welp, time to get the spell book-
19:19 v-rob Well, some time from now then. Assuming I don't find another problem with my approach, not terribly long before I have a prototype. That's a big if, judging by how many times I've goofed already.
19:20 erlehmann v-rob i just want to ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and ? in minetest tbh
19:20 Pexin ಠ_ಠ
19:22 erlehmann v-rob vs unicode (2020, colorized) … (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
19:23 v-rob I really don't want to use the ICU library. It's about the largest, cruftiest C++-classes-ported-from-Java with disgusting redundant classes that each have one feature that the others don't, and annoyingly scattered documentation. However, it's the most complete Unicode library there is, and the industry standard at that.
19:25 v-rob It'd probably double the size of the Minetest executable or something :/
19:58 x2048 sfan5: I think I found a fix for #11437, posted in #11961
19:58 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11437 -- `3d_mode = anaglyph` is broken
19:58 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11961 -- Reset override material in anaglyph by x2048
20:01 erlehmann neat!
20:54 v-rob Results of the library hunt: ICU (yuk), GNU FriBidi + GNU libunistring, or Courier Unicode seem like the most viable options.
20:55 v-rob Courier Unicode is an interesting case: it's maintained as part of a larger project (Courier Mail Server), but is available as a standalone library.
20:57 v-rob Both Courier and ICU support bidirectionality as well, so FriBidi wouldn't be necessary with them, whereas FriBidi and libunistring are meant to go hand-in-hand.
20:58 v-rob So, it's one big ugly library, two smaller libraries, or one obscure but viable library.
20:59 v-rob Honestly, I see no point in using ICU; it's just too much.
21:01 v-rob I would like at least one other core dev opinion to know which to work with. The HarfBuzz library would still be included in any case.
21:02 v-rob I'm fairly certain that I'll never need more libraries than whatever is chosen; those encompass basically all of Unicode.
21:04 erlehmann -
21:04 erlehmann sorry, a water bottle fell on the keyboard
21:04 erlehmann v-rob have you looked at comparable projects already and what they used?
21:06 erlehmann v-rob like, say, supertuxkart
21:06 v-rob Hard to say. A lot either don't care about Unicode, or use Pango, which has already been rejected (for instance, it pulls in Cairo, which doesn't play well with hardware acceleration like OpenGL), or embed another GUI system.
21:06 v-rob I'll look though
21:07 erlehmann supertuxkart is that other game that forked irrlicht AFAIK
21:07 erlehmann and i think they have unicode?
21:10 v-rob Hmm, yes they do actually
21:10 v-rob Does supertuxkart have text input fields anywhere, or does it only render text?
21:11 v-rob I can't seem to remember any
21:11 v-rob Been a long time since I played it
21:11 erlehmann uh username?
21:11 erlehmann you could just install it ^^
21:12 v-rob Too lazy
21:12 v-rob I'm looking through the code anyway
21:14 MTDiscord <MisterE> Screenshot (Jan 15, 2022 4:14:13 PM)
21:14 MTDiscord <MisterE> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/747163566800633906/932020034103021608/Screenshot_20220115-161413.png
21:14 Pexin when poring through code is considered less effort than installing and trying it out. you know you Might Be too deep into dev.   :]
21:15 v-rob Apparently, it uses HarfBuzz (like I want to), SheenBidi as opposed to FriBidi, and directly copies grapheme iteration from another library.
21:15 MTDiscord <MisterE> v-rob look @ screenie
21:15 v-rob Yes, I'm probably a hopeless programmer :)
21:16 v-rob Yeah, that makes sense. There's probably a chat somewhere anyway
21:16 v-rob I don't think assimilating code like they do is a good idea, since you don't get the benefits of bugfixes and updates
21:17 MTDiscord <MisterE> Bugfixes are important, updates are likely to require bugfixes
21:17 MTDiscord <MisterE> For libraries
21:18 Pexin (I take it back, STK is a much bigger download than I expected)
21:19 v-rob Hmm, the library it copies from seems promising, though...
21:22 v-rob Well, I guess not. No way of implementing text editing
21:40 v-rob CEGUI doesn't support graphemes at all, although it has bidi and complex text
21:44 erlehmann how do you do unicode without graphemes
21:44 erlehmann like … not render it?
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22:57 v-rob By grapheme I meant language-specific characters (as opposed to codepoints, since characters can be multiple codepoints, and not glyphs either, which are what you render). I prefer "grapheme" to "character" because it's unambiguous what it refers to.
22:59 v-rob Anyhow, it appears that most projects I've looked at (games and GUIs both) either use some combination of libraries like I'm proposing, or just don't support Unicode.
23:00 v-rob So, choosing libraries like I've proposed is probably the solution.
23:04 v-rob If no other core dev weighs in, I'll probably default to GNU libunistring + GNU FriBidi
23:05 v-rob I figure two more mainstream dependencies is better than one more obscure dependency.
23:05 v-rob But if anyone would prefer a single dependency over two, please speak up
23:11 proller joined #minetest-dev
23:11 erlehmann well you have evaluated it best
23:11 erlehmann i guess?
23:13 appguru joined #minetest-dev
23:14 v-rob Probably. I just want to make sure the other core devs have a say when adding dependencies.
23:18 celeron55 are those libraries self contained?
23:18 celeron55 i suppose they are
23:18 v-rob As in, do they depend on anything else?
23:18 v-rob I'm pretty sure they don't, but I'll check
23:19 erlehmann it would be a shame if they depend on, say, colors.js
23:19 v-rob :P
23:19 celeron55 :D
23:19 celeron55 fribidi advertises as not having any dependencies
23:19 erlehmann but are they telling the truth let me check
23:20 erlehmann you have been bamboozled, fribidi depends on having a libc!
23:20 erlehmann (but only that)
23:21 erlehmann unistring also depends on a libc
23:21 erlehmann that's basically it
23:22 erlehmann v-rob i notice that unistring is a c library, does it work with c++ without problems?
23:22 celeron55 and it's LGPL 2.1 for both, right?
23:22 v-rob extern "C" is nice
23:23 celeron55 looks like no
23:23 v-rob Hmm, libunistring is a dual license LGPL 3 or GPL 2
23:23 v-rob I didn't think about that
23:23 celeron55 fribidi is LGPL 2.1, unistring is LGPL 3
23:23 celeron55 but LGPL 3 is fine i guess
23:24 v-rob Courier Unicode is GPL, so definitely no then
23:24 v-rob ICU is MIT
23:25 celeron55 hmm
23:25 celeron55 https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#AllCompatibility
23:26 celeron55 this makes it quite simple
23:26 MTDiscord <Benrob0329> Oh no, GPL compatibility
23:26 celeron55 so, it's ok
23:26 celeron55 (using (not copying) LGPL3 code in an >=LGPL2.1 project)
23:26 erlehmann oh, i have a spiel
23:26 celeron55 if you copied it, then the end result is LGPL3
23:27 v-rob No, copying promotes it to GPL v3
23:27 erlehmann https://www.gnu.org/licenses/quick-guide-gplv3-compatibility.png
23:27 celeron55 v-rob: it's not what that page says
23:28 celeron55 how it works is >=LGPL2.1 is promoteable to LGPL3, and if you copy LGPL3 code into an LGPL3 project, well, it's obvious
23:28 erlehmann https://www.gnu.org/licenses/quick-guide-gplv3.html
23:28 celeron55 but this is about using so it doesn't matter
23:28 erlehmann > Arrows pointing from one license to another indicate that the first license is compatible with the second. This is true even if you follow multiple arrows to get from one license to the other; so, for example, the ISC license is compatible with GPLv3. GPLv2 is compatible with GPLv3 if the program allows you to choose "any later version" of the GP
23:29 v-rob Are we 2.1 only or 2.1 and later?
23:29 celeron55 >=LGPL2.1, like i said
23:29 celeron55 that's the shorthand for "or later"
23:29 v-rob Sorry, I thought we were ==, not >=
23:30 v-rob That's where I got confused
23:30 celeron55 it of course would be ok to use an LGPL3 library even in a proprietary project, it wouldn't change anything
23:32 celeron55 (what i don't know about is whether some of the statement relating to patents or something differ in 2.1 vs. 3. if so, it might bring troubles to some commercial forks but i doubt it)
23:33 celeron55 so the dependencies are ok and the licenses are ok
23:33 celeron55 i trust you to determine that the design and implementation is up to the task
23:34 celeron55 also i agree that it's best to use mainstream projects
23:35 v-rob Actually, libunistring does have a dep on iconv on Windows. I can't tell if it's optional or not.
23:39 celeron55 doesn't seem bad in itself, other than it of course makes it 3 libraries
23:39 v-rob Yeah, it looks required
23:39 celeron55 i would hope people with recent experience in making windows builds would give their opinions
23:40 celeron55 but there's probably not a lot that can be done. being so mainstream it shouldn't be difficult to build them
23:40 v-rob Actually, it would make 4 -- HarfBuzz is a 100% required library for proper Unicode
23:40 v-rob Windows uses vcpkg, but I don't see libunistring anywhere on that, which might be somewhat annoying
23:41 v-rob So, I guess it's 3 deps vs ICU.
23:41 celeron55 oh yes that too... the licene is fine, however what are the dependencies?
23:44 v-rob As far as I can tell, none.
23:45 erlehmann celeron55 the GPLv3 patent statements are mostly “you can't say others can use the stuff and then turn around and sue them or you lose the license to this software yourself”
23:46 MTDiscord <luatic> opinions on making libspatialindex a required dependency?
23:46 erlehmann celeron55 it's only problematic for big companies that fight patent wars
23:46 erlehmann or threaten patent litigation
23:47 v-rob Oh hey, there's a Boost.Locale, which is the Boost wrapper around ICU. Like, replace crufty old Java APIs ported to C++ with highly overblown C++ interfaces XD
23:49 v-rob No, ICU has no dependencies.
23:50 v-rob So, it's triple dependencies or one big one
23:51 celeron55 what's this? https://vcpkg.info/port/libunistring
23:52 celeron55 i think all of the libraries mentioned by v-rob are on vcpkg
23:52 v-rob Odd, when I run `vcpkg search libunistring`, I get no results
23:53 v-rob That website also doesn't load for me.
23:53 celeron55 i don't know how that can be
23:53 celeron55 wait
23:54 v-rob Then again, the website might be caused by my internet. It refuses to load other things, like the Web Archive, and just lets it time out.
23:54 v-rob The vcpkg command line lets other packages show up, though
23:54 celeron55 "supports: !windows"
23:54 celeron55 does that mean it's on vcpkg but can only be installed on... non-windows?
23:55 sfan5 vcpkg is in fact a platform-agnostic package manager
23:56 v-rob libunistring has build instructions for Windows though. Weird
23:57 celeron55 but, it's a self contained library written in C
23:57 celeron55 what a lazy package publisher
23:57 v-rob Wait, the main Windows build instructions use Cygwin. That might have something to do with it...
23:59 sfan5 I vaguely remember gettext already including libunistring to it building on mingw is assured
23:59 sfan5 so*

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