Time Nick Message 01:47 MTDiscord Hey Krock, I see that kilbith left you in charge of i3, I am looking at trying to extend it somewhat, but all of its formspec code is localized. I.e. I would have to regurgitate the entire init.lua to overwrite a few values. I just wanted to add a new tab to it for in-game documentation like how skins or armor or awards or waypoints all have a tab. 01:47 MTDiscord I see there is a "newtab()" function but it seems to be for earlier renditions of the inventory formspec. ideas on how to get myself worked into that system? (I just need a single button haha) 01:48 MTDiscord #minetest-irc 01:48 MTDiscord my bad 18:04 sfan5 merging #11688, #11680 in 8m 18:04 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11688 -- Remove broken timeout behaviour by sfan5 18:04 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11680 -- Fix player hp desync between client and server by savilli 18:09 Krock ah so you were faster 18:10 Krock would you please be so nice to merge #11658 as well, while you're at it? 18:10 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11658 -- Remove a few unused functions reported by callcatcher by SmallJoker 18:10 sfan5 sure 18:11 Krock thanks! 18:16 sfan5 rubenwardy: how does this look? https://github.com/minetest/minetest_android_deps/runs/3873932109 18:17 rubenwardy looks good 18:18 sfan5 not a drop-in replacement for the old one but changes should be minimal 18:18 rubenwardy awesome 20:03 Lone_Wolf Tried to compile Minetest on Windows and it looks like the vcpkg command for dependency installation is missing libjpeg-turbo 20:09 sfan5 I believe it's called just 'libjpeg' 20:09 sfan5 or 'jpeg' 20:20 Lone_Wolf openjpeg / libjpeg-turbo are the only packages in vcpkg that look relevant 20:20 Lone_Wolf I think you're supposed to use libjpeg-turbo for jpeg stuff 20:20 Lone_Wolf It works too 20:22 sfan5 oh I didn't read your message properly 20:23 sfan5 libpng and libjpeg are Irrlicht dependencies so technically they shouldn't be in the instruction in the README 20:25 Lone_Wolf I followed the instructions and Irrlicht was automatically compiled, so it should at least be added as a side note somewhere? 20:25 Lone_Wolf *the minetest instructions 20:27 Lone_Wolf Installing `opengl-registry` with vcpkg fixed the opengl errors, now I'm getting https://pastebin.com/hFS518jd 20:29 sfan5 looks like missing includes or whatever, make sure to file a bug 20:33 Lone_Wolf `#include ` fixes it, I'll make a PR 20:33 Lone_Wolf It looks like there are more include issues, could I have messed something up? 20:34 MTDiscord If there are lots of missing headers that's something that should be fixed. And maybe you just got lucky somehow and got transitive includes disabled or something. 20:35 MTDiscord I've somehow found missing includes before that weren't a problem for other people compiling the same code with the same compiler (maybe not the same version? don't remember.) 20:36 sfan5 Lone_Wolf: is it about "rmdir"? 20:36 Lone_Wolf Yeah 2>C:\Users\lonew\minetest\src\filesys.cpp(567): error C3861: 'rmdir': identifier not found 20:37 sfan5 does MSVC not support that function? 20:39 Lone_Wolf I am using Visual Studio 2017 AFAIK 20:40 celeron55 most definitely rmdir isn't supposed to be used on windows 20:40 celeron55 it isn't detecting the platform correctly 20:41 celeron55 it's trying to use a define named _WIN32 for that 20:43 celeron55 not sure where that's supposed to come from, is it something defined on windows or does cmake set it after detecting windows 20:46 celeron55 i think it should come from any compiler that targets windows 20:46 Lone_Wolf Ah, I guess I misunderstood how this works: The CXX compiler identification is MSVC 19.16.27045.0 20:46 MTDiscord It looks like WIN32 (with no underscore) is the variable set by CMake. 20:46 sfan5 no no I added an rmdir call there recently 20:47 sfan5 I see no reason why Microsoft couldn't support it 20:47 celeron55 oh, well that makes sense then 20:47 celeron55 8) 20:47 sfan5 mingw - of course - does 20:48 celeron55 well filesys.cpp originally avoids rmdir on windows and uses RemoveDirectory instead 20:48 celeron55 probably for a reason 20:48 sfan5 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/c-runtime-library/reference/rmdir?view=msvc-160 20:48 sfan5 sounds like it should work 20:48 sfan5 so just missing the include then? 20:49 celeron55 #include ? or what does it need 20:51 sfan5 seems so 20:51 sfan5 ^ Lone_Wolf try that? 20:52 Lone_Wolf ayyyy 20:52 Lone_Wolf I shall make a PR with my changes, it compiled successfully 20:52 Lone_Wolf I guess I can also get the VS action working now too 20:54 Lone_Wolf Hmmm, none of the visual studio files are .gitignored 21:07 erlehmann Lone_Wolf use git add -p ideally 21:08 erlehmann and not the mode where it adds everything 21:08 erlehmann it helps a lot 21:08 erlehmann i have seen so many .vscode folders and stuff hehe 21:08 erlehmann in git repo 21:09 Lone_Wolf Is there a -p option for git pull? 21:11 MTDiscord Does -p do something different than listing each file you want to add? 21:11 Lone_Wolf -p, --patch select hunks interactively 21:12 MTDiscord Listing the files ought to be a little more efficient if you're just adding all the changes in one or two files... 21:13 MTDiscord git pull does have a -p option, but it does something different apparently. (--prune) 21:14 Lone_Wolf Huh, I can't see where I linked https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/11691 , maybe I didn't 21:15 erlehmann Does -p do something different than listing each file you want to add? 21:15 erlehmann it allows you to make fine-grained changes 21:15 erlehmann even if you did 3 different things 21:16 Lone_Wolf Hmmm, #include breaks other systems 21:16 erlehmann oof why 21:16 erlehmann do include guard? 21:17 Lone_Wolf I shall look into how to do windows-specific includes look later, gotta go do some other things 21:17 Lone_Wolf I think direct.h isn't a thing for other systems 21:17 celeron55 it's only needed on windows, just use #ifdef _WIN32 21:17 celeron55 and doesn't exist elsewhere