Time Nick Message 09:16 sfan5 I consider a review approach to be infeasible 09:38 sfan5 merging #11290, #11281, #11031 in 5m 09:38 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11290 -- Fix cloud fog being broken for high clouds (maybe) by Wuzzy2 09:38 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11281 -- UnitSAO: Prevent circular attachments by SmallJoker 09:38 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11031 -- Fix misleading builtin command syntax of /shutdown by Wuzzy2 13:15 specing_ sfan5: Why? 13:16 specing_ Are there no reviews of contentdb mods? 14:17 sfan5 contentdb is an optional, additional way to install mods. if you have a private server, being forced to upload your SSCSM to cdb would be unreasonable 14:18 sfan5 even if you have a public server and are rapidly iterating on new features having to wait for reviews would be a bottleneck 15:03 specing_ And that's unreasonable compared to the current situation of no SSCSM support at all? 15:03 specing_ What's the blocker on SSCSMs, anyway? 16:39 MTDiscord Mostly distrust of Lua sandboxing and lack of great reasons to support them 16:40 MTDiscord But we'll get there I'm sure. The first step is a SSCSM for physics 16:42 sfan5 specing: here onwards https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/10594#issuecomment-720562520 16:43 sfan5 but mostly it's really "someone needs to do it" 16:46 specing exe_virus reviewed contentDB for CSMs would mitigate sandboxing concerns, lack of great reasons? Wielded light? Animation based on node content/properties without having to pollute the registered node space? 17:10 MTDiscord Obviously it's not enough content or someone would have made it correctly already haha, it just takes time and obviously we all have different priorities at the moment. I personally will tackle it within 1-2 years if it doesn't exist by then 17:11 specing sfan5: what needs to be done? API? 17:11 MTDiscord you guys do realize that the active reviewer count on cdb is pretty low 17:14 sfan5 "API"? 17:14 sfan5 someone needs to write the code that does the stuff mentioned in the issue 17:15 sfan5 if there's anything we don't need at this point it's yet another API added to CSM before the rest works 17:17 specing sfan5: that means "static client storage"? 17:17 specing but CSMs already have modstorage... 17:17 sfan5 what are you referring to? 17:18 specing * `minetest.get_mod_storage()`: 17:18 specing * returns reference to mod private `StorageRef` 17:19 sfan5 I mean: where did you see static client storage and why do you think it would be needed? 17:20 specing Last comment on that issue 17:20 specing "So I support adding a static client storage, usable by SSCSM. After all, isn't server media already cached on client?" 17:20 sfan5 ah 17:20 sfan5 I should be have been more precise on what posts I meant 17:21 sfan5 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1042418/97895938-b65d3a00-1d34-11eb-9603-d05d73e87999.png < this is a TODO list I made 17:21 sfan5 "have the server send mods for the client to execute" if the main point of course but there's other things to be figured out before that 17:23 specing sfan5: have you looked into how it's done in SpringRTS? 17:23 sfan5 I don't know what that is, sorry 17:24 specing FOSS RTS game engine 17:25 specing it's lockstep, so all clients execute the same lua code, but it has both synced lua (one that has to run) and unsynced lua code (GUI) 17:26 specing And it has supported player provided local mods for a very long time 17:26 specing each mod is composed of multiple lua scripts and media files 17:27 specing lua scripts are divided between "widgets" and "gadgets" 17:27 specing "gadgets" handle physics, damage, etc and have both synced and unsynced parts 17:28 specing "widgets" handle GUI 17:28 specing errors in each lua widget only crashes that script (which is auto-disabled), but can be reenabled in F11 menu 17:29 specing errors in gadgets well...spoil the match :) but they can also be reloaded 17:33 specing all mods (called games in springrts) are downloaded from a central server, which caches their development repositories. 17:33 specing The latter also means that players can play on almost every commit in a game 17:37 specing I'm not sure if there are any extra threads involved 20:59 MTDiscord I'm against doing all that and very much for trusting Lua to sandbox correctly using it's built-in methods to do so. We don't expose file handling and we give it a separate Lua context, that uses a limited RAM allocator, so it tops out at 1.8 GB, and then gracefully fails. As for what else we expose, that's a different question 21:05 specing Oh, and lua can do OpenGL calls directly in SpringRTS 21:06 specing things like pushmatrix, popmatrix, add vertices etc 22:55 MTDiscord We could do that ourselves, but no need to expose that low of a level in our case