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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2021-02-17

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00:15 ronoaldo joined #minetest-dev
01:00 ronoaldo Do we have utf-8 support for minetest_game translation?
01:07 rubenwardy it should just work
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01:45 rubenwardy Is the override character (":") for item names an undocumented feature, or am I blind?
02:49 TechDude joined #minetest-dev
03:39 ronoaldo It's documented in lua_api i guess...
03:49 MTDiscord <e​xe_virus> nowhere in lua_api.txt does this string <string> exist: <":">
03:50 ronoaldo let me check where I saw that
03:52 ronoaldo It's under naming conventions:
03:52 ronoaldo I believe that the site I linked is generated from lua_api.txt, right? If not, then it is only stated there.
03:56 MTDiscord <e​xe_virus> it's generated from lua_api.txt, thank you
03:56 MTDiscord <e​xe_virus> rubenwardy will be happy to know it's documented somewhere ?
04:02 ronoaldo Nice :) I just added a PR for early review; I asked for some other portuguese speakers to help review the translations.
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11:29 rubenwardy ah thanks ronoaldo.   I searched for ":" but not `:`
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16:37 rubenwardy what are you thinking about 5.4.0 Krock sfan5?
16:37 rubenwardy Did you have a fix for the short_description issue?
16:39 rubenwardy regarding short desc and translations: if a translation has newlines, I think the best thing to do would be to clip within the translations
16:39 rubenwardy rather than including a newline in the short_desc
16:48 calcul0n_ joined #minetest-dev
17:07 sfan5 translations are a problem indeed but I don't think we handled that previously
17:08 sfan5 so the current PR for it should probably be fine(?)
17:09 Krock rubenwardy: I don't really see a point in short_description overall, hence no motivation to troubleshoot that so far
17:09 Krock clipping translations might lead in untranslatable strings
17:13 sfan5 solution: recommend mods to split the first and rest of description into two translations
17:13 sfan5 (mtg already does)
17:15 Krock I also need to look into the wrongly reported itemstack move counts sometime
17:24 rubenwardy the current PR doesn't break anything, the bugalready exists
17:30 Krock it only bothers me that the short description isn't necessary the shortest, but it can't be helped. I'll give my approval on that one
17:32 Wuzzy joined #minetest-dev
17:42 rubenwardy I think that #10731 should either be merged and a new release candidate made, or removed from the milestone. It's fine to make an exception but it shouldn't be merged last minute
17:42 ShadowBot -- Add physics modifier API by rubenwardy
17:42 rubenwardy and thanks Kr.ock
17:44 rubenwardy I'm currently investing the Android slow loading issue
17:44 rubenwardy I've noticed that searching for resources takes a while, even before networking
17:52 Krock it's a feature PR and release is hopefully soon. perhaps delay t for 5.5.0-dev, so that it can be tested well?
17:52 ShadowBot joined #minetest-dev
17:53 Krock perhaps just the network that's bugged and does not process enough packets in time
17:54 rubenwardy done
17:57 sfan5 i'll review the physics modifier PR and then we can merge it and put out RC2
18:08 sfan5 or maybe not idk
18:10 rubenwardy I wish it had been reviewed and merged back when it was added to the milestone, that would have left at least a week before release - 2 weeks now
18:10 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
18:11 rubenwardy we have the feature freeze rules for a reason, I think if you merge a feature like that you should delay for another week
18:11 rubenwardy err, you should reset the 1 week counter *
18:12 LoneWolfHT I'll start modding with it, although it probably won't get good testing
18:13 LoneWolfHT Is it server-side or client-side?
18:13 rubenwardy server-side
18:13 LoneWolfHT I guess it would be fine if it was added after 5.4 then
18:14 LoneWolfHT For servers at least
18:17 MTDiscord <J​onathon> it would be nice to have for 5.4 as then we no longer have to deal with physics headaches anymore (hopefully)
18:19 MTDiscord <F​lamore> Physics improved in 5.4?
18:31 proller joined #minetest-dev
18:32 sfan5 nah just the way you set them
18:40 rubenwardy Updated the physics modifiers PR
18:40 rubenwardy merging #10943 in 10
18:40 ShadowBot -- Fix short_description fallback order by rubenwardy
18:41 rubenwardy there's also #10937 which I think is arguably more important for this release
18:41 ShadowBot -- Add nametag background setting and object property by rubenwardy
18:53 sfan5 I already reviewed that one at least
19:14 MTDiscord <J​onathon> So physics wont be in 5.4 then? :|
19:40 rubenwardy merging #10937 in 10
19:40 ShadowBot -- Add nametag background setting and object property by rubenwardy
19:49 rubenwardy ha, I said that exactly, to a second, an hour from the previous one
20:08 sfan5 rubenwardy: I think 10731 is missing a method to at least retrieve all modifiers and perhaps one to unset all of them
20:09 sfan5 because at some point someone is going to want to do that and there is currently no way to do that
20:10 sfan5 and are we sure nobody will ever want to have multiple, then add, then multiply different values?
20:10 sfan5 man this is such a hard problem
20:11 sfan5 maybe the engine should merely make it easy for games to provide their own implementation?
20:11 LoneWolfHT Does the dependency installer update already installed mods if needed?
20:12 sfan5 I don't think the current proposal is bad but it's hard to be confident in putting it in when we are forced to support a potentially suboptimal system for all time
20:55 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-dev
21:32 rubenwardy > and are we sure nobody will ever want to have multiple, then add, then multiply different values?
21:32 rubenwardy So, I had two ideas for this: you'd either have a new types of multiplier called "premultiply" and "postadd", or you allow specifying an order. I think it would be worth waiting for user feedback before doing anything like that
21:33 rubenwardy > maybe the engine should merely make it easy for games to provide their own implementation?
21:33 rubenwardy This could be that way. If you added an ability to get modifiers, then mods could use set_physics_override to handle the modifiers themselves with backwards compat
21:34 rubenwardy The current problem we have is having many different mods for doing this - see XKCD standards. It results in conflicts, which are confusing to the user
21:34 rubenwardy If there are concerns over API design then this should probably wait for 5.5.0
21:37 sfan5 yes
21:37 sfan5 for the "engine only makes it easy to do, but provides no impl." way I envision games* shipping their own implementation
21:37 sfan5 * at least the ones that are meant to be moddable, so Minetest Game of course
21:39 sfan5 you could even keep a similar (set|add)_ api and then call a redefinable minetest.resolve_physics_modifiers() when the engine needs the value
21:40 Calinou I just built the latest Minetest version and it seems a lot of progress has been done in the last 6 months, kudos :)
21:40 Calinou it feels a lot more polished now, I noticed various small but impactful changes
21:40 Calinou the new interaction crosshair is a great idea, although it's not very visible compared to the custom default crosshair I'm using
21:46 LoneWolfHT object_crosshair.png is the texture for that IIRC
21:46 Calinou I see, I'll make a custom crosshair for that too then
21:46 Calinou might make it yellow as well to bring attention :)
21:47 LoneWolfHT There was an object_crosshair_color setting but it was removed before the PR got merged
21:49 Calinou if the crosshair itself can be colored, it's fine
21:54 LoneWolfHT Yeah, the change applies to both
21:54 Calinou I mean, I can change the color of object_crosshair.png but not crosshair.png in an image editor
21:56 rubenwardy Maybe make crosshair.png RGB rather than indexed?
21:57 LoneWolfHT No, they mean they can give them seperate colors in order to get around the lack of an object_crosshair_color setting
21:57 LoneWolfHT This is a confusing topic lol
21:58 rubenwardy I don't get it
21:58 rubenwardy oh right, they don't want to change crosshair.png. Not that they can't
22:02 Calinou yeah, I made a PR for that a while ago but it was closed
22:03 rubenwardy so you can't change it?
22:14 Calinou I can change it locally, but it would be nice if the default was more visible
22:14 Calinou the 1-pixel crosshair with no outline disappears quickly if you look at a bright surface :)
22:18 Calinou on the other hand, I don't remember where my crosshair texture is… it's not in the Minetest source folder or in my ~/.minetest
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