Time  Nick       Message
09:02 nerzhul    stupid question, do we think about bumping from C++11 to C++14, it's 6 years old now and supported on every common platform
09:04 nerzhul    and what is the motivation around moving inputs to SDL instead of irrlicht one, except having a more maintained library than irrlicht ?
09:16 pmp-p      multitouch/accel/gyro ?
09:22 Krock      nerzhul: what would be the benefits? C++11 seems good enough for the next few years
09:23 Krock      no objections for SDL
09:23 rubenwardy SDL has better controller inputs and is supported by Steam
09:24 rubenwardy Yeah, cpp14 is meh. Things get more fun in cpp17
09:52 nerzhul    Krock: using few optimizations in the compiler we can use
09:53 nerzhul    c++17 is funier but too early, maybe in 2 years when minetest OS user base iwll rollout their os ::p
09:53 nerzhul    rubenwardy: define better controller inputs, and why we think about steam ?
09:53 rubenwardy We currently can't detect controllers very well. SDL allows you to do that
09:54 rubenwardy Steam/Valve contributes to SDL which is a good sign
09:54 rubenwardy Also, irrlicht has a whole boatload of input issues that SDL is likely to better on
09:56 rubenwardy SDL is also something we can replace irrlicht with now, and would make replacing it completely easier in the future
09:57 rubenwardy That being said, I probably won't be able to give the time to actually do this myself
09:58 rubenwardy And controllers and macos is probably a minority of our userbase
10:34 nerzhul    i had some skills on it, not sure if i get many time but i may give it a try, at least it's not as hard as wayland supoprt :D
10:37 sfan5      if it's just for controller stuff we could probably use sdl alongside irrlicht
10:38 sfan5      somehow making sdl2 work with irrlicht's input/even system would be harder
10:38 sfan5      event*
12:22 zughy[m]   heyo please close #6493
12:22 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/6493 -- Server menu: Show ping ms in tooltip
12:27 Krock      seems fair
12:34 sfan5      merging #10745 in 10m
12:34 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/10745 -- Bunch of minor fixes by sfan5
12:41 Krock      cool disassembly
12:45 sfan5      it's just diff -u <(objdump --no-addresses -M intel -w -d content_cao.cpp.o) <(objdump --no-addresses -M intel -w -d content_cao2.cpp.o)
12:46 Krock      still A for effort
12:48 pgimeno    > In the end, the floating point registers are internally 80-bit wide anyway. There's no benefit to append the f.
12:48 pgimeno    That's not right for SSE2 instructions.
12:52 pgimeno    and yes, using 0.001 instead of 0.001f forces the left hand argument of the comparison to be converted to double
21:57 zughy[m]   uhm, should #8669 be closed? See latest comment
21:57 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/8669 -- Modernization of the Multiplayer tab