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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2020-12-23

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All times shown according to UTC.

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Time Nick Message
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14:28 rubenwardy merging #9997 in 15
14:29 ShadowBot -- Add dependency resolution to ContentDB by rubenwardy
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16:43 rubenwardy trivial bug fix:
16:44 rubenwardy will merge in 10
17:14 calcul0n__ joined #minetest-dev
17:57 sfan5 rubenwardy: 10 minutes are over
18:15 Krock he meant 2 hours and 10 minutes
18:45 homthack joined #minetest-dev
19:03 rubenwardy \o/
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20:13 MTDiscord <L​one_Wolf>
20:16 sfan5 i'd look at whatever that is but the forum doesn't load
20:17 MTDiscord <L​one_Wolf> Ah, RIP. Basically Gael could convert their mapgen_rivers to C++ and asked if the devs would want it
20:36 sfan5
20:40 Krock no more luajit for the last one?
20:40 Krock err nvm. that's passed to the function
20:43 rubenwardy [20:17] <673ab7MTDiscord> <L​one_Wolf> Ah, RIP. Basically Gael could convert their mapgen_rivers to C++ and asked if the devs would want it
20:43 rubenwardy Probably not. People have contributed mapgens before and then never maintained it, leaving it on us
20:53 Krock nice. new "Helper" role on the forums.
21:22 sfan5 anyone mind approving the CI pr?
21:26 Krock I see green check symbol, I give another green check symbol.
21:27 sfan5 ty
21:27 Krock yw
3 more elements. Show/hide.
22:34 lhofhansl Hello folks... Going to merge #10734 in a few.
22:34 ShadowBot -- Minor profiler fixes. by lhofhansl
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