Time Nick Message 02:12 ANAND !tell Krock https://krock-works.uk.to/u/patches/set_rotation_autorot.diff doesn't seem to work. The object auto-rotates only along the global Y-axis, even if had a rotation applied. 02:12 ShadowBot ANAND: O.K. 08:49 nerzhul sfan5, #9641 has been fixed and required a last view :) 08:49 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/9641 -- Replace travis with github actions by nerzhul 11:03 nerzhul oops i closed it by error ? :D 15:36 nerzhul sfan5 i have a question about the buildbot windows scripts. What is the interest to pull or clone the repository in this script ? We are in the CI there is no interest to switch commit id whereas we want to test it 15:37 nerzhul we can just remove the pull/clone part i think 15:37 nerzhul if it's a end user need it should not be in the code repository unless it's used for a real good reason in the CI 15:37 sfan5 good question, historically the script always did this since it was standalone 15:37 sfan5 I don't think it should be removed though 15:38 nerzhul i had some scripts like this at work historicall, and it was mor error prone than nothing when you use them and forgot they do git operation when you don't want :D 15:39 nerzhul maybe we can keep the existing behaviour and change the EXISTING_MINETEST_DIR with a if [ "x$NO_CODE_UPDATE" = "x" ] or something like this, okay ? 15:40 nerzhul it permits to keep update for who wants it, and remove the ugly symlink CI hack :D 15:40 nerzhul does that sounds okay to you ? 15:40 sfan5 hm 15:41 sfan5 instead of symlinking, the buildbot.sh scripts could maybe just cd $EXISTING_MINETEST_DIR 15:42 nerzhul it can be another behaviour but requires extra setup on the CI side i want to avoid to keep the shorter ci. Short CI make it easy to understand for whoever wants to build on its machine 15:43 sfan5 inside the buildbot.sh I mean, no extra code needed for the CI 15:44 nerzhul i should define the EXISTING_MINETEST_DIR and detect it on the CI 15:44 nerzhul it's extra setup :D 15:45 nerzhul the only goal of this variable is to have a clean workdir and the current workdir 15:45 nerzhul (as far as i understand when you switch the variable value) 15:46 nerzhul it's why if you want to keep the update part i prefer to add a toggle (default true) to do the clone or build what we have currently 15:47 nerzhul our travis setup is a little bit crazy, you are in the folder, you register, you go upper, you symlink and you build 15:47 sfan5 nerzhul: here's what I mean http://sprunge.us/nqoRhC 15:48 sfan5 then you can call EXISTING_MINETEST_DIR=$PWD ./util/buildbot/buildwin32.sh cmakebuild from the CI 15:48 nerzhul exact 15:49 nerzhul i need to change the cd on minetest game, they will be impacted too (the cd ../.. is specific when you clone the mtg and should not work like you want if you clone or don't update+clone) 15:50 sfan5 huh? 15:50 nerzhul cd games + cd GAME_NAME if exists + cd ../... 15:50 nerzhul in the case the folder doesn't exists 15:50 nerzhul cd games + clone + cd ../.. 15:51 nerzhul we don't finish in the same folder, but it's recovered by the cd CORE_NAME just after 15:52 sfan5 oh then replace cd ../.. with cd .. 15:52 nerzhul i will do some tiny changes and test it, let me a second :) 15:58 nerzhul sfan5 just updated the PR, it sounds fine and proper now :d 16:13 nerzhul sfan5, green, i hope you like it this time, after that i can return to real cpp life :D 16:14 sfan5 yes I'll take a look soon 17:42 sfan5 nerzhul: can you change the on.push.paths to be more closely what the travis.yml had? 17:42 sfan5 e.g. 'builtin/**.lua' for the lua check 17:43 nerzhul i can yes 17:43 nerzhul i'm testing that all tasks are appearing but i'm close :D 17:43 nerzhul okay for lua, other concerns ? 17:44 sfan5 similar for the build workflow 17:44 sfan5 other than that, no concerns 17:44 nerzhul i will filter on lib & src 17:44 nerzhul (we need to rebuild if lib change then) 17:45 sfan5 there's a few more paths https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/util/travis/common.sh#L47 17:45 nerzhul ah right, the cmake files too :D 17:45 nerzhul and the scripts, okay 17:46 nerzhul i note that travis don't rebuild on lib change but it's required 17:47 nerzhul okay PR is ready, this time i hope it can be merged haha 17:47 nerzhul builds are running 17:48 nerzhul i don't know why when i started to use actions i failed to use 2 workflow files, it's why i did only one, but this time is the good one haha 17:55 sfan5 pushed some small changes to your branch 17:55 sfan5 if the build works now the PR is finally finished 17:56 nerzhul if i'm correct the windows build will fail 17:56 nerzhul i tested one time to use an env var befor ethe script call and it failed, but we will see 17:56 sfan5 it doesn't actually use that toolchain file, util/buildbot/ has one for x86_64 17:56 sfan5 oh 17:57 sfan5 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/9641/checks?check_run_id=602690072 looks like it's working 17:57 nerzhul oh yeah, it's fine, maybe it was due to another concern at the beginning of my gh action discovery :D 17:57 nerzhul gh actions are powerful but far more harder to use than gitlab ci 18:07 nerzhul here we are :) will merge after tidy finished 18:09 sfan5 hm I forgot one thing 18:09 sfan5 the removal of util/travis/toolchain_mingw.cmake.in might break gitlab-ci 18:09 sfan5 but you can fix that afterwards 18:09 sfan5 ..or before merge actually 18:12 nerzhul yep i will restore it 18:12 nerzhul and merge :) 18:12 sfan5 no, don't restore the file 18:13 sfan5 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/.gitlab-ci.yml#L222 remove this line 18:13 nerzhul okay like github, perfect 18:14 nerzhul i added a commit, if it's fine i merge :) 18:18 nerzhul merging #9641 18:18 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/9641 -- Replace travis with github actions by nerzhul 18:19 sfan5 the badge in the README still points to "validate", oops 18:19 sfan5 should be changed to "build" I think 18:20 nerzhul fuck 18:20 nerzhul i forgot that, and what about the 3 workflows we have now... i put the build on the cpp part only ? :D 18:20 nerzhul or i do 3 badges ? :p 18:21 nerzhul okay to push build instead of validate on master sfan5 on the readme ? 18:21 sfan5 sure 18:21 sfan5 3 badges is too much 18:22 nerzhul okay it'sp ushed to master 18:36 sfan5 reminder about #9617, I've had it running on a server for a week without any issues now 18:36 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/9617 -- Improve protocol-level receiving code by sfan5 18:44 Krock couldn't invalid packets (too short) hang the server endlessly due to the while() if "getFromBuffers" throws an exception? 18:45 Krock that was also in the previous code, so no change in behaviour there 18:46 Krock actually that would throw an InvalidIncomingDataException 18:47 Krock looks good. Will quickly test 18:48 sfan5 tip: enable no-whitespace diff 18:48 Krock already happened 18:51 Krock singleplayer, local server and mutiplayer work. 20:40 rubenwardy What was the original reason for moving from flat files to SQLite? User is asking 21:10 sfan5 performance? 21:10 sfan5 merging #9617 in 10m 21:10 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/9617 -- Improve protocol-level receiving code by sfan5 21:12 rubenwardy that's what I thought, from the overhead of getting handles from the kernel right? The filesystem in a directory soft limit is unlikely to be exceeded 21:13 sfan5 file i/o even with lots of small ones is fast on Linux 21:14 sfan5 on Windows not so much, you can even observe this when extracting MT from zip: the I/O graph goes down as soon as it reaches the games folders with lots of small files (lua, png)