Time Nick Message 18:16 Krock will merge #9081 and #9084 in 10 minutes 18:16 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/9081 -- Add debug.txt.1 to .gitignore by DS-Minetest 18:16 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/9084 -- changed "this may take long." to "this may take a long time." by psypherium 18:27 Krock mergign 18:29 Krock done 18:34 kilbith is it a lack of guts to only merge trivial commits or small patches lately 18:35 kilbith or not to merge major PRs standing with 2 approvals 18:37 Krock the HTML one should be ready by now I think 18:38 Krock rubenwardy: does #8680 still look good to you? 18:38 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/8680 -- Formspec: Add HTML-like element by kilbith 18:38 Krock couldn't spot any rebase errors in settingtypes, but four eyes are better 18:39 Krock kilbith: lack of motivation today. did plenty other stuff rather than PR reviewing 18:40 kilbith you have #8461 that give you a lot of extra FPS, we provided a patch to fix the continuous emitter... and that PR remains inert as usual 18:40 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/8461 -- Reimplement particles using the Irrlicht particle system and improve collision handling by DTA7 18:42 kilbith that kind fof stuff should be handled in priority before any shit doc or comment commits 18:42 sfan5 it still removes the feature of vertical particles, no? 18:42 kilbith how does the game gets better by changing string to "this may take a long time." 18:42 sfan5 I would have merged it already if it wasn't for that 18:44 kilbith sfan5: it's right, vertical's still removed 18:50 Krock Krock, whats the point of the html kind of stuf...? formspecs already have their own descriptive langauge 18:51 kilbith ? 18:51 kilbith where does this comes from 18:52 nepugia from irc 18:55 Krock just felt like forwarding it. because it's kinda right, but the current elements do not allow nesting (or if, not that easily) 18:55 kilbith html is ISO/IEC 15445; formspec is... 18:55 Krock standard vs minetest glibberish 18:56 kilbith tags are easy to use formatting 19:07 nepugia kilbith, there are severall html standards, but just because it exists doesnt mean one should embed it into another descriptive language 19:08 nepugia If you need more from formspecs then either extend formspecs OR replace them entirely 19:08 nepugia trying to nest one with the other will just end badly, but that is just my 0,02€ 19:08 kilbith what do you suggest instead that is as easy? 19:08 nepugia To not embed it at all 19:09 kilbith ok cool 19:09 nepugia If you would like to instead use html, then use it completely 19:09 nepugia dont embed it into the formspec language 19:11 kilbith languages can co-exist too 19:11 kilbith html and JS 19:11 kilbith C and ASM 19:12 kilbith etc. etc. 19:12 nepugia html is not a programming language 19:12 nepugia it just describes how stuff is laid out 19:13 kilbith that's right but why it should be limited to programming languages? 19:13 nepugia which incidentally is exactly what formspec is too 19:13 kilbith sounds kinda arbritrary 19:13 nepugia what should be limited to programming languages? 19:14 kilbith co-existing of languages 19:14 nepugia .... i still dont understand what you mean 19:14 kilbith sometimes books contain different languages, and they're descriptive 19:14 nepugia HTML and JS fulfill very different purposes 19:14 kilbith that's rather obvious 19:15 nepugia Yes... but html and formspec do exactly the same 19:15 kilbith but you would want to limit co-existing languages to programming languages and not to descriptive ones? 19:15 nepugia Uhh, i wouldnt do it in either case 19:15 kilbith s/but/why 19:16 nepugia do you normally embed java into C? 19:16 kilbith that you're arbitrary 19:16 nepugia I said that it is a bad idea to nest two lanaguages that do exactly the same... and you conclude that i am arbitrary? how so? 19:17 kilbith but it doesn't hurt you when 2 programming languages co-exist at the same place 19:17 nepugia Yes it does 19:17 kilbith ah so 19:17 kilbith your problem 19:18 nepugia not the /you/ part though 19:18 nepugia It's still a bad idea 19:18 nepugia Well, here https://jdebp.eu/FGA/dukhat-on-foolishness.html 19:18 kilbith you don't give any logical reason to this 19:19 nepugia You havent given any reason why you are trying to force a new grammar into the formspec langauge instead of adding the parts you actually want in the syntax 19:19 nepugia So i shall say the same about you "you don't give any logical reason to this" 19:20 kilbith there's one about nesting 19:20 kilbith it's more difficult with the formspec syntax 19:21 kilbith there are problably some very formspec things that are not convertible to HTML 19:22 kilbith or ones more easily doable using the formspec syntax 19:22 nepugia If the formspec syntax would be incapable of expressing what you wanted you would replace it entirely, nesting it only leads to uneccesary bloat and difficulty in programming it 19:23 kilbith bth formspec and html may have their strength for different purposes 19:23 kilbith *both 19:23 nepugia for example, if you want a formspec button in the space that the html ocupies in a fixed position relative to html stuff, how would you go about this? double nest? or try to calculate the stuff beforehand? 19:23 nepugia kilbith, Yes they do, only use one of them. 19:24 kilbith how long have you been dealing with formspecs btw? 19:25 nepugia I don't keep track of such metrics, why would that matter? 19:26 kilbith because relevance speaks from experience 19:28 nepugia I don't know what you are trying to say with that 19:28 nepugia HTML is mostly for relative stuff... defining stuff in relation to other stuff 19:29 nepugia formspec is mostly only absolute coordinates for stuff 19:29 nepugia those two systems dont really mix 19:35 kilbith rewriting the whole formspec parser to use the HTML syntax is something that will never happen anyway 19:38 nepugia It would simply be a seperate thing imo 19:38 nepugia if that is needed at all 20:49 p_gimeno I think #8461 brings back #8363, so that should be addressed (and #8363 closed). 20:49 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/8461 -- Reimplement particles using the Irrlicht particle system and improve collision handling by DTA7 20:49 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/8363 -- Attached particle spawners no longer rotate with object 20:49 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/8363 -- Attached particle spawners no longer rotate with object 20:57 rubenwardy The hypertext element adds a nice richtext display, which is what it should be limited to 21:57 nepugia rubenwardy, to me it makes no sense to add a second language to implement something that should have just been implemented in the first one