Time  Nick        Message
00:04 paramat     p_gimeno please could you check my use of 'const' for the table is correct in #8453 ?
00:04 ShadowBot   https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/8453 -- daynightratio.h: Improve codestyle, some optimisation by paramat
00:04 paramat     or anyone else ...
00:24 p_gimeno    that const looks adequate
00:24 p_gimeno    it should have already been there :)
00:35 p_gimeno    i = i looks awful, by the way
00:42 paramat     thanks
00:43 paramat     i = i? can't see it
00:44 p_gimeno    in the for loop
00:44 p_gimeno    ohh
00:44 p_gimeno    I need new glasses, never mind. It says i = 1, not i = i.
00:44 GreenDimond lmao
00:47 paramat     phew =)
13:11 ANAND       https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/8454
13:11 ANAND       lol :)
13:12 xerox123    poor guy
19:14 paramat     2 simple MTG PRs, tested, need 1 more approval, rubenwardy sfan5 Shara game#2333 game#2349
19:15 ShadowBot   https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/2333 -- Moss growth code cleanup by HybridDog
19:15 ShadowBot   https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/2349 -- Add waving waterlily by t0ny2
19:27 p_gimeno    2333 looks quite straightforward, add the missing stairs and use a translation table instead of a chain of elseif's
19:39 paramat     possibly trivial
20:31 paramat     yes trivial, merging