Time Nick Message 11:19 sofar !tell paramat that fix looks fine, just do it 11:19 ShadowBot sofar: O.K. 18:52 paramat ok and thanks 19:10 Krock because I worked a bit with the player interpolation, I can tell that #8395 (continuous) is pretty much useless unless you want to replace he velocity/position prediction with only position setter calls 19:10 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/8395 -- 'move_to': explain 'interpolated', document 'continuous' 19:10 Krock it smoothens the movement, just like players move 19:11 Krock their physics are not calculated client-side, so changes in the position have to be interpolated and they will "overshoot" a bit into their destination position 19:12 Krock the target is to generate a linear movement based exclusively on position information 19:13 paramat thanks, could you suggest the documentation for 'continuous' in the thread? 19:14 Krock it has near to no use in the Lua API, thus finding a good explanation is quite hard except for taking player movement as an example 19:14 Krock it could even be removed IMO 19:15 Krock tried to use it with the carts but it gliched more than it solved 19:20 paramat merging game#2335 19:20 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/2335 -- add food groups to blueberries by tenplus1 19:52 fwhcat Beds everywhere on my server lol 19:53 fwhcat just kidding just found at the bug with undiggable beds and the fix tested for MTG :)