Time Nick Message 07:56 ANAND Trivial bug-fix PR: #8155 07:56 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/8155 -- Content Store: Fix overlapping labels displayed when store.packages_full == 0 by ClobberXD 08:12 nerzhul approved 08:26 ANAND Thanks :) 09:35 nore ~tell paramat you might want to get a look at #8152 09:35 ShadowBot nore: O.K. 21:14 nore #8156 21:14 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/8156 -- Move missing translations warnings to verbosestream. by Ekdohibs 21:25 p_gimeno how long is a server tick? 21:29 p_gimeno in other words, what's the minimum delta time between on_step calls? I suppose there's a minimum, lest the server uses 100% CPU constantly 21:38 stujones11 p_gimeno, it _should_ be this https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/minetest.conf.example#L1408 21:39 stujones11 however, I have noticed that dtime passed to on_step is terribly inaccurate as compared to get_time_us() 21:39 p_gimeno ah thanks 21:40 p_gimeno I'm not concerned about dtime, more about how often on_step() is called compared to the client FPS, in relation to the test in #8019 21:40 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/8019 -- Use true pitch/yaw/roll rotations without loss of precision by pgimeno by pauloue 21:41 paramat entity on_step()? 21:41 p_gimeno yes, according to the docs it's called every server tick 21:43 paramat somehow i seem to remember someone telling me it's run more often in singleplayer, but not sure 21:44 p_gimeno thanks, the test won't be in singleplayer so that factor is off the table :) 21:57 stujones11 paramat, I generally get around a 0.03 step in singleplayer so that does seem quite likely 22:03 paramat hmm see commit message https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/commit/5c8bd349577f3967ab541a5da7f3a5f6f2ff5971#diff-3050cdd0c1278550063b3fac05a028c6 22:03 paramat that suggests it too 22:11 paramat boats used to not take dtime into account, so behaved well in singleplayer but sluggish in multiplayer 22:37 stujones11 in practice, I found that using a fixed step actually behaves better, though perhaps not so smoothly 22:38 stujones11 if you do account for delta time then use get_time_use() instead, that doesn't seem to lie so much! 22:47 stujones11 -e