Time Nick Message 06:10 crazyR Does anyone know if its possible to get player meta data for a player thats offline? 06:35 VanessaE new bug in 0.4.17 (5.0.0 also? idk). the engine's infinite water routine does not reset the node's param2 when filling in air with water source 06:35 sofar some stuff is available offline, yes 06:55 crazyR sofar how would i access it? its not possible to get the player object when the player is offline is it? 07:06 VanessaE does the engine execute callbacks on a water node when it fills one in during an infinite water update? 07:07 VanessaE (e.g. on_construct or whatever) 07:18 VanessaE nevermind.. 07:18 VanessaE https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/stable-0.4/src/map.cpp#L900 07:19 VanessaE is why I get the 240 mentioned in #minetest 08:21 nerzhul hey VanessaE #1 08:21 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1 -- GlowStone code by anonymousAwesome 08:22 VanessaE ? 08:28 nerzhul i just tell your hey but i miss typed on my keyboard :D 08:28 VanessaE hi 10:39 nerzhul celeron55, i like the CSM PR, nobody wants to answer you or me about the technical problem in the implementation. it's just drama without technical arguments about implementation or problematic calls. 10:40 nerzhul celeron55, to answer you we already have restrictions (originally called flavors), added when the first drama occurs. 10:40 nerzhul celeron55, no more new feature was added to CSM since those restrictions has been added 10:42 p_gimeno can I make a server to have my users mine bitcoins for me, when csm is complete? 10:44 nerzhul no 10:44 nerzhul you can't communicate outside with CSM 10:44 nerzhul no HTTP or other API will be added 10:44 nerzhul it's server responsibility to do HTTP calls, not client 10:45 nerzhul p_gimeno: see https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/client_lua_api.txt 10:45 nerzhul if you want to read the APi 10:46 p_gimeno does that mean players can't do anything that the server notices? 10:46 p_gimeno like, move the player? 10:48 nerzhul you cannot control the player with CSM 10:49 nerzhul you can only read its attributes 10:49 nerzhul read the doc i linked 10:49 nerzhul you have the full API 10:49 nerzhul i just noticed that restrictions are not mentioned inside it 10:51 p_gimeno send_all(message) looks like can send back the results 10:52 p_gimeno add_particlespawner() can probably send some data as well 11:18 nerzhul send data where ? to irrlicht ? 11:18 nerzhul send_all(message) is in mod channels ? then it just talk with server to share data 11:19 nerzhul add_particlespawner just call irrlicht and create a particle spawner client side 11:31 nerzhul it seems some servers owners are not reading the doc again and told me to prove how can i make them creative with CSM, wtf 11:31 nerzhul on the forum we have better creative users with CSM than on this topic 11:31 nerzhul maybe i'm rude but it's real... 12:51 rubenwardy You could make a csm to bitcoin mine, yes 12:52 sfan5 monero* 12:52 sfan5 bitcoins is not feasible to cpu mine 12:52 rubenwardy Such an application would be banned from cdb 12:52 rubenwardy Whatever, I couldn't care less about cryptoshit except the damage it causes 12:53 nerzhul rubenwardy how can you do this if you cannot communicate with the blockchain ? 12:53 rubenwardy Mod channels 12:54 nerzhul mod channels doesn't permit to discuss outside of the MT server area 12:54 nerzhul then how do you connect to the blockain ? 12:54 nerzhul blockchain* 12:54 rubenwardy You can talk to the server, which can then act as a proxy 12:54 nerzhul okay, then the server is a rogue server 12:54 nerzhul and that needs SSCSM 12:55 rubenwardy Which is the whole point? 12:55 nerzhul because server must send the code to the client 12:55 rubenwardy Why would you run a bitcoin miner with cpcsm? 12:55 nerzhul as no client will download a such CSM mod, except if compromised 12:55 rubenwardy There's literally no point 12:55 nerzhul with CPCSM there is no point yes because without server you cannot connect to the blockchain 12:56 rubenwardy The suggestion was obviously about servers making clients doing this like with js on websites 12:56 rubenwardy No 12:56 rubenwardy There's no point because you could just run it more efficiently as it's own process 12:57 rubenwardy And most players will just click "allow" or "ok" to any dialogs 12:57 nerzhul like on websites, yes 12:57 nerzhul (on website we can hide that) 12:57 rubenwardy Users aren't going to be technical enough to review all the mods they download 12:58 nerzhul but there is no real issue here, if i remember the specs we won't allow mods > x KB size 12:58 rubenwardy That also doesn't matter, because of mod channels 12:58 nerzhul and i think blockchain mods should be heavy in terms of code to calculate 12:58 nerzhul mod channels are limited in terms of message size 12:59 rubenwardy You can use multiple messages 12:59 nerzhul you should chunk data , and due to the MT underlying protocol you will affect the game quality 12:59 nerzhul but yes i agree technically it can be possible, complicated but possible 13:00 nerzhul also you can't run code from mod channels you can only serialize data 13:00 rubenwardy Also 13:00 rubenwardy [10:42:38] <cddc39p_gimeno> can I make a server to have my users mine bitcoins for me, when csm is complete? 13:00 nerzhul and if i remember we don't allow to load code from a random data blob 13:00 rubenwardy They even implied sscsm 13:01 rubenwardy Has loads and such been removed from the csm API? 13:01 nerzhul it's more secur ethan SSM on that part 13:01 rubenwardy You don't need to load from a random data blob , just text 13:01 nerzhul you can't write/load files for example 13:02 nerzhul yep but i can't remember if you can run random text , maybe yes due to lua 13:05 rubenwardy Yes, you can run random text in lua 13:05 rubenwardy That's what dofile does 13:05 rubenwardy Dofile opens a file and calls loadstring 13:05 nerzhul yes, if i remember it's forbidden in CSM 13:05 nerzhul (do file) 13:06 rubenwardy However, these functions may not be in the whitelist 13:07 nerzhul rubenwardy: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/5f1cd555cd9d1c64426e173b30b5b792d211c835/src/script/cpp_api/s_security.cpp 13:07 nerzhul look at initializeSecurityClient 13:08 rubenwardy I can't on my phone 13:08 rubenwardy I have touched this section recently, so I know how it works 13:08 nerzhul it's nice to hear 13:08 nerzhul at least someone who looked at the implementation :p 20:02 p_gimeno Krock: Thanks. I missed the option to add single comment. I thought that was what I was doing. My bad. 20:03 Krock ^^ np 20:04 Krock just add "til" in front of your sentence and it sounds all natural 20:06 p_gimeno Krock: did you get my message regarding a trivial fix for a compiler warning in src/util/ieee_float.cpp? 20:06 Krock wasn't it pushed already? 20:07 Krock apparently not 20:07 Krock it's just a warning. will push tomorrow when I've got time 20:08 p_gimeno thanks 20:08 p_gimeno it didn't seem worth creating a new issue 20:08 Krock keep on reminding me until I do it l:P 20:08 Krock (if it doesn't happen)