Time  Nick       Message
03:59 paramat    merging game#2274
03:59 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/2274 -- Remove unused 'puts out fire' group by paramat
04:00 paramat    merged
11:36 pgimeno_   nerzhul: how easy or hard would it be to replace Irrlicht's ISceneNode with a Minetest-specific version? Would it just be a question of defining a class derived from it, override the virtual methods and use it in its place?
11:38 nerzhul    pgimeno_ it should not be so diffult we already do that in some other parts, what's your usecase ?
11:39 p_gimeno   to replace setRotation, getRotation and getRelativeTransformation, and possibly add sane ones
11:42 p_gimeno   see #7927 for more context,but it's a long thread
11:42 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7927 -- set_rotation problems
12:23 nerzhul    is the problem on any object or only boats ?
12:24 nerzhul    and when the problem appears ?
12:24 nerzhul    if it's in 5.0.0 it can be fixed before release
13:11 Krock      p_gimeno: code is surely welcome
13:39 nerzhul    hi Krock
13:58 ClockGen   nerzhul: I need your help. I'm packaging minetest for f-fdroid, and I'm having problems building it. While compilation of 0.4.16 is fine, fails during applying android patches to irrlicht (I've managed to workaround it already) and during irrlicht compilation itself. I've tried using all NDK versions since r15c
14:00 ClockGen   With versions r15 and r16, it simply can't find clang and libncurses.so.5. Considering that I'm writing metadata for f-droid, I can't modify NDK in any way (to symlink it to another location for example)
14:00 nerzhul    ClockGen why do you package it ? take the apk from github no ?
14:00 ClockGen   It's for f-droid
14:01 nerzhul    it requires to be rebuilt ?
14:01 ClockGen   They built all apks from source
14:01 nerzhul    ok
14:01 nerzhul    the libncurses.so.5 requires older ncruses if o remember
14:01 ClockGen   And with r18 it fails during compilation of irrlicht itself. I'm compiling it right now and I'll post the error as soon as it fails
14:01 nerzhul    clang is included in the ndk
14:01 ClockGen   Which NDK version should I use?
14:02 nerzhul    i have r18 if i remember (im not on my main pc currently)
14:06 ClockGen   Also, with all versions ( tag, latest commit and this commit https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/65af7d2fb6a7e9537dedfb9d11e93c929030d71b)
14:06 ClockGen   It fails during applying patches to irrlicht
14:06 ClockGen   With this exact error that's fixed in this commit
14:06 ClockGen   (even when using fixed version)
14:07 ClockGen   converting line endings to unix format helps
14:07 ClockGen   I'm wondering if this problem only occurs on my machine
14:08 ClockGen   Ok it's done, https://pastebin.com/N67Rgnt2
14:08 ClockGen   Here's are the errors
14:09 ClockGen   As I can guess it's something with android library itself in ndk
14:09 ClockGen   I'm using latest ndk
14:09 ClockGen   Which is 18
14:46 p_gimeno   Sorry for the delay replying. nerzhul: the problem is in every object that uses that axis convention, that I believe is every object in MT. It surfaced with the addition of set_rotation (#7395). Yes it would be nice to have for 5.0.0, but I wonder if there will be anyone to review that.
14:46 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7395 -- Add Lua methods 'set_rotation()' and 'get_rotation()' by CoderForTheBetter
14:49 stujones11 ClockGen, see here for ndk-18 https://github.com/stujones11/minetest/tree/android-ndk-18
14:49 stujones11 It’s a bit out of date but you should see what needs to be changed.
15:16 nerzhul    ClockGen the patch issue is anoying don't hesitate to replace line ending yes
15:16 nerzhul    p_gimeno: np
15:17 nerzhul    p_gimeno if it's just a 5..0.0 addition we should fix it, if it's an old Lua API we cannot due to our lua API contract
15:20 p_gimeno   nerzhul: set_rotation/get_rotation are a 5.0.0 addition; prior to them, only horizontal rotation could be set for entities, not general rotation
15:21 nerzhul    if you understand the problem, just fix that PR by providing another
15:21 ClockGen   stujones11: apks located at were built with these changes?
15:21 nerzhul    i'm not very comptenent on this par
15:22 nerzhul    skilled*
15:22 p_gimeno   nerzhul: my concern is that there aren't enough developers to review and approve it
15:22 nerzhul    i think you are right
15:22 nerzhul    also i think PR should add unittests
15:23 nerzhul    this permist to cover usage and ensure we think about the use case
15:23 nerzhul    i know it's not easy to do it in some parts
15:24 nerzhul    but we really should increase code quality at PR intergration and it's useful
15:26 nerzhul    merging #7950
15:26 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7950 -- Fix crash if display resolution is not set by martinxyz
15:26 p_gimeno   say my PR has a first commit with the unit tests that fail with the current code, and are fixed by the next commit(s), would that help in any way with approval?
15:28 p_gimeno   well, my PR would be in GitLab. I am not going to reopen any repos on MS-GitHub.
15:32 ClockGen   stujones11: you're a life saver, native part just compiled succesfully, hopefully we'll see updated minetest in f-droid soon. Can I use your build.gradle and Makefile for f-droid?
15:41 nerzhul    p_gimeno it's a good argument and PoC :)
15:41 nerzhul    if the new unittests reveal the problem and the function is fixed after that, we securise tihs code part
15:41 nerzhul    p_gimeno, erf, you can show me
15:41 nerzhul    if it's okay i can download the patch and integrate it on GH
15:42 p_gimeno   I'll try
15:44 nerzhul    Krock i just finished #7939
15:44 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7939 -- Add an activeobject manager to hold active objects by nerzhul
15:44 nerzhul    it's now LINT fixed and i fixed unittests and covered server part
15:53 stujones11 ClockGen: sure, if it helps you.
15:59 ClockGen   I mean, I'll add them to official f-droid data repository as patches
15:59 ClockGen   To existing build metadata
19:33 p_gimeno   nerzhul: updated #3943, maybe you're interested in fixing that?
19:33 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/3943 -- testStreamRead and testBufReader failures
19:37 ClockGen   stujones11: it's more of a general gradle question, but did you have this problem?
19:37 ClockGen   Execution failed for task ':lintVitalRelease'.
19:37 ClockGen   > Could not resolve all files for configuration ':lintClassPath'.
19:37 ClockGen   > Could not find com.android.tools.lint:lint-gradle:26.1.3.
19:38 ClockGen   I'm using your gradle.build, but for some reason it doesn't even try to look in maven repos
19:41 stujones11 ClockGen, I don't recall that but you might want to include #7820 as it contains more fixes
19:41 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7820 -- Update Android java-part by MoNTE48
19:41 stujones11 It really should be backported
19:43 ClockGen   Unfortunately I can't, in case with f-droid
19:44 ClockGen   Besides I'm trying to package release version
20:03 Krock      nerzhul: updated #7947. Maybe you'd like to review it?
20:03 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7947 -- Update minetest.conf.example and run updatepo.sh by SmallJoker