Time  Nick      Message
16:32 Krock     Will merge #7214 in 10 minutes
16:32 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7214 -- MetaDataRef: Add contains() and get() by rubenwardy
16:35 Krock     #6786 too, afterwards.
16:35 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/6786 -- Allow damage for attached objects, add attach/detach callbacks by SmallJoker
16:42 Krock     Merging..
17:00 paramat   anyone object to me removing all the commented-out lines from biome definitions in MTG? will save space. Shara
17:03 Krock     removal of dead code is always accepted. we have git if something needs reverting :)
17:03 Krock     Will mark #7236 as trivial (unless there are objections) and merge together with #7288 in 10 minutes
17:04 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7236 -- Global new() or grab() to be managed in constuctor only (#7235 partial) by JDCodeIt
17:04 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7288 -- Delete two method definition in nodedef.h file. by opk4406opk
17:13 Krock     Merging..
17:30 paramat   yeah, will put it on my todo list
17:39 paramat   (it was on there already)
17:46 Shara     paramat: oddly enough have been meaning to ask you about that as well
17:47 Shara     But no objections from me at all
20:19 paramat   celeron55 , i'm curious mgv6 caves, is there a particular reason why the small caves do not generate out beyond the mapchunk border while the large caves do? giving the small ones a chance to overlap and connect seems good
20:21 celeron55 no idea at all
20:21 celeron55 in addition to that, it could be an artefact of optimizations made by someone else
20:22 celeron55 like going back to noise buffers
20:22 celeron55 all the way
20:24 paramat   ok thanks, i'll check history
20:27 paramat   at least there seems no reason to avoid doing so
20:29 paramat   not that mgv6 can be changed now, but small caves could overgenerate if used in other mapgens
20:39 paramat   found it https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/c0bd96d9b314e78a7aeb74b1bff70e1023b2f9e2 by c55 "attempt to fix flying gravel and dirt" =)
20:41 paramat   the added ignore check stopped overgeneration. i'll make sure to watch out for flying gravel
20:46 celeron55 it's probably a matter of allowing generation in place of ignore in the x and z directions but not y
20:59 paramat   yes the code does that already
21:02 Shara     Will merge game#2114
21:02 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/2114 -- Remove commented lines from biome definitions by Ezhh
21:15 nerzhul   can someone look at #7289 nice bugfix
21:15 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7289 -- Fix invisible chat error messages by Dumbeldor
21:38 paramat   i looked but can't judge it, sorry