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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2018-04-08

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06:05 oiaohm Ok what have I missed.   I have just built 0.5.0 development and I seam to have black or white filling in the areas that should be transparent.
06:07 Cornelia O.o
06:11 oiaohm Cornelia:  This is not what you call looking right.
06:12 Cornelia Bizarre
06:16 oiaohm Cornelia: Looks like my fault I symlinked a few things instead of copying them.
06:53 proller joined #minetest-dev
07:22 nerzhul paramat: for the sunlight color, i just did a bugfix on a color not used by error in the code, i thought this will change the color sun, but it restore the original intended behaviour in code heh :)
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09:50 nerzhul hello, i just pushed #7225, it ca nbe interesting to assure our lua api stability
09:50 ShadowBot -- Normalize LuaReference objects by nerzhul
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14:54 paramat game#2091 is ready for testing and review. Shara
14:54 ShadowBot -- Add 'spawn' mod to spawn new players in less extreme biomes by paramat
14:55 proller joined #minetest-dev
14:57 Shara Thans paramat. Will take  alook a little later
15:12 paramat why does the hoes API define an 'air' recipe?
15:13 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
15:19 paramat makes it difficult to avoid an 'air' recipe appearing in a craft guide
15:22 paramat i'll look at the PR for that
15:39 Fixer even if it appears in craft guide, ordinary players can't craft it anyway
15:41 paramat looks like the reason is 'because mistake' :)
15:53 paramat so fixed it
15:57 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-dev
16:05 paramat ready game#2103
16:05 ShadowBot -- Farming: Deprecate bronze, mese and diamond hoes. Tune steel uses by paramat
16:06 paramat also fixed #2107 so will merge soon
16:06 ShadowBot -- Dynamic texture and nodebox changes
16:16 paramat actually, i feel an urge to make some more ores deeper. diamond at y = -500 is too easy
16:16 Fixer agreed
16:16 paramat digging to y = -1000 was one of the first things i did in MT, wasn't much of a challenge
16:19 paramat this allows us to have a depth progression from mese crystal to diamond instead of them being at the same depth
16:39 paramat updated
16:43 paramat the 2^n numbers are just lovely now, they used to be mess
16:44 paramat will merge game#2103 in 5 mins
16:45 ShadowBot -- Farming: Deprecate bronze, mese and diamond hoes. Tune steel uses by paramat
16:46 paramat also game#2106
16:46 ShadowBot -- Prevent divide by zero. by sofar
16:54 paramat merging
16:57 paramat done
16:58 IcyDiamond Any more before I build?
17:00 IcyDiamond paramat: that ores deeper idea is a great idea
17:00 IcyDiamond +1
17:00 IcyDiamond Like, the map goes down to -31000, the ores are way too close to the surface :pp
17:11 paramat no more for a few hours at least
17:13 paramat the first level of underground ores is now as deep as the deepest MC world ^_^
17:31 NewbProgrammer10 joined #minetest-dev
17:41 paramat game#2091 updated, now disabled n mgv6 and singlenode
17:42 proller joined #minetest-dev
17:42 ShadowBot -- Add 'spawn' mod to spawn new players in suitable starting biomes by paramat
17:45 Icedream joined #minetest-dev
17:49 Shara paramat: seems to work well while I test
17:50 Shara Reduced possibilities down to a single biome to push it, but it's getting the correct biome and without a big delay each time
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21:51 Fixer don't want to advertise much, but INCLUDE rubenwardies achievements into MTG! That way player at least can have at least something to achieve...
21:53 Fixer to keep him busy
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22:25 nerzhul Fixer, agree
22:26 longerstaff13-m joined #minetest-dev
22:43 rubenwardy sounds good to me
23:32 Tmanyo joined #minetest-dev

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