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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2018-04-06

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All times shown according to UTC.

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Time Nick Message
00:03 proller joined #minetest-dev
00:16 rubenwardy [k00l]shamoanjac: no reason it appears
00:16 rubenwardy likely left after a refactor
00:17 [k00l]shamoanjac heh
00:24 paramat joined #minetest-dev
00:29 rubenwardy is there any way we can bribe Travis to run our jobs faster?
00:33 troller joined #minetest-dev
00:34 rubenwardy right,  #7202 passes the lint now (nerzhul)
00:34 ShadowBot -- Add player:get_meta(), deprecate player attributes by rubenwardy
13 more elements. Show/hide.
06:22 nerzhul gg
08:16 Krock joined #minetest-dev
08:52 nerzhul merging  #7202
08:52 ShadowBot -- Add player:get_meta(), deprecate player attributes by rubenwardy
2 more elements. Show/hide.
10:11 rubenwardy merging #7213 in 15
10:11 ShadowBot -- Run code style linter first by rubenwardy
10:19 rubenwardy huh
10:19 rubenwardy clang tidy failures when I didn't touch it
2 more elements. Show/hide.
10:53 rubenwardy #7214
10:53 ShadowBot -- MetaDataRef: Add contains() and get_string_or_nil() by rubenwardy
9 more elements. Show/hide.
14:33 nerzhul merging #7200
14:33 ShadowBot -- Fix SAOM by numberZero
14:38 celeron55 the naming in it seems off
14:38 celeron55 16*BS isn't called a chunk unless you're developing some other engine
14:47 Krock getObjectPosToMapblockPos(..) then?
14:57 rubenwardy that's not for Mapblocks though
14:57 rubenwardy it's for a linear spatial partition of variable granuatity
14:58 rubenwardy which mapblocks also are, but it's a different system
14:58 rubenwardy err
14:59 rubenwardy Mapblocks are also a spatial patition, but fixed size
3 more elements. Show/hide.
15:40 paramat uh that will cause confusion, 'chunk' should not be used
15:41 rubenwardy probably better to name it:   getObjectPosToPartitionCellPos()
15:45 paramat commented
5 more elements. Show/hide.
17:37 nerzhul i didn't merged it seems, and it's a good thing :p
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20:54 paramat #7218 is ready, now dungeons are also integrated into the Biome API
20:54 ShadowBot -- Biome API / dungeons: Add biome-defined dungeon nodes by paramat
4 more elements. Show/hide.
22:45 Fixer reminder: fix that annoying falling/stucking through slabs/stairs/etc
3 more elements. Show/hide.

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