Time  Nick      Message
00:16 paramat   good progress #7192 Shara. another productive day ^_^
00:16 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7192 -- Biome API / cavegen: Add definable cave liquid for a biome by paramat
00:17 Shara     Looking forward to seeing this added :)
00:17 Fixer     remember that serverside movement PR? give it some love
00:17 Shara     Thanks for working on this one paramat
00:17 Shara     Fixer: I hope that will get some love as well
05:23 nerzhul   nobody loves my commits :( xD
05:42 nerzhul   i push another set of performance-type-promotion-in-math-fn fixes
05:43 nerzhul   => https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/8e0b80aa369df7d1142053f077df928106c6ce8c
06:40 nerzhul   i push a little fix for a sunlight color bug + some issues reported by PVS studio
07:48 nerzhul   ty for the review Krock, i fixed your valid point
08:26 nerzhul   will merge this morning when travis pass and i look at it :p
08:53 Krock     will merge game#2089 in 5 minutes
08:53 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/2089 -- Add food_* groups to default edibles by tenplus1
08:56 nerzhul   merging #7195
08:56 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7195 -- Huge LBM lookup performance improvement on mapblock loading by nerzhul
08:56 nerzhul   done
08:58 Krock     merging..
16:50 Thomas-S  nerzhul, paramat, rubenwardy, Krock: Please take a look at #7199. It's a bug report about serious problems introduced by #6587. Thanks in advance for your efforts!
16:50 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7199 -- Bugs regarding objects
16:50 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/6587 -- Optimize entity-entity collision by numberZero
16:51 Krock     that's a nice error rainbow you've got there
16:57 Krock     Thomas-S, that stack overflow is caused by a infinite function call of display_api.update_entities, place_entities and the on_activate callback when core.add_entity returns nil
16:58 Krock     I wonder why it does that.. *checks*
16:59 Thomas-S  I'll take a look at the display_modpack code soon
17:03 Krock     Thomas-S, but why do you list the homedecor modpack to reproduce when the errors appear in display_api?
17:03 Thomas-S  The homedecor error is a separate error.
17:05 Krock     I see. two problems that might have the same source
17:09 Krock     display_lib does not add any signs
17:10 Thomas-S  but display_modpack does
17:17 nerzhul   Krock if you find the thing and it's in the activeobjectmap, please fix it and add the corresponding unittest or fix it to ensure we won't have a such error anymore
17:19 Krock     oh my god. Minetest didn't crash but when leaving to the main menu again the RAM use jitters from 200 to 700 MiB
17:20 nerzhul   Krock interesting
17:20 Krock     https://i.imgur.com/cziJ2Vk.png
17:21 nerzhul   valgrind, if you just connect and disconnect do you have a such thing ?
17:21 nerzhul   euh... Krock not valgrind :D
17:21 Krock     nerzhul, first I have to find out why it spawns a few thousand entities
17:23 nerzhul   maybe the memleak is common for bot H ? :)
17:23 nerzhul   playing valgrind memcheck connect/mapblock load disconnect
17:29 nerzhul   Krock in regular MT + MT game (maybe mtgame not up to date) no problem for me
17:29 nerzhul   ==4963==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
17:29 nerzhul   ==4963==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
17:29 nerzhul   ==4963==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
17:29 nerzhul   we got many initialization error in our lua stack but no memleak in regular mapblock load & ABM
17:32 Krock     from spawning until on_activate everything is normal, but then the "name" field of the spawned entity is nil
17:58 Krock     oh my god. I need another mod which doesn't do such complicated cross-calls three times after each node placement
17:59 nerzhul   lol
18:00 nerzhul   Krock it seems ActiveObjects are never removed
18:02 nerzhul   by folding destructor of ActiveObject i don't see calls to destructor
18:02 Krock     but I can pick up dropped items by punching
18:03 Krock     get_objects_inside_radius cannot detect them after they were :remove'd
18:33 nerzhul   Krock strangely i don't find any cleanup on activeobject list
18:33 nerzhul   i found the regular but not the shutdown removal
18:34 nerzhul   hmm
18:37 nerzhul   it sounds okay, i don't know where is the mem leak
18:39 nerzhul   #7194 is now ready for a merge, paramat seems good. Krock ?
18:39 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7194 -- [clang-tidy] Promote some performance-* as a coding error by nerzhul
18:42 Krock     *shrug* .. I guess
18:45 nerzhul   then i can merge it ? :)
18:48 Krock     quash&merge, yes.
18:49 nerzhul   ofc, done, thanks
19:06 nerzhul   vallgrind doesn't like all our lua_pushstring(L, str.c_str()) :(
19:08 sofar     valgrind doesn't like programmers, I'm convinced
19:10 nerzhul   oh i got an interesting API idea for minetest core engine, reading mientest_game
19:11 nerzhul   registering particle spwaners definitions in core and returning an ID, permitting mods to add particle spawner by id directly instead of triggering a huge lua object deserialize on each spawn
19:15 sofar     how large is the serialized id?
19:15 sofar     but, yes, interesting
19:16 nerzhul   define and then spawn it just defining a position ? maybe can be nice, it doesn't cover all cases... but it's an iea
19:17 nerzhul   hmmm, maybe there is more ideas, but it's one :)
19:21 sofar     it makes sense for the spawners
19:21 sofar     not for each particle ofc
19:24 nerzhul   the only memleak i found (difficult due to the slow process) is on shader source, 1Kb memleak
19:38 sofar     that's only leaking in between server switches
19:38 sofar     right?
19:38 nerzhul   i only see that in my check
19:38 nerzhul   ==8614==    definitely lost: 2,304 bytes in 22 blocks
19:38 nerzhul   ==8614==    indirectly lost: 6,111 bytes in 156 blocks
19:51 Krock     nerzhul, I found an issue but that already existed pre-PR
19:53 Krock     nvm. false alert :(
20:16 Krock     nerzhul, now I found the entity issue. the position is not updated on create
20:16 Krock     i.e. the server does not map its position correctly when it's only placed using add_entity
20:18 Krock     `refmap`
20:30 nerzhul   nice
20:37 Krock     and the collision box data is loaded AFTER that map is built
20:38 Krock     serverenvironment.cpp L1667 found that stupid bug
20:39 Krock     unittests pass but it doesn't work like this in our code
20:40 nerzhul   we don't cover everything :)
22:36 paramat   #7192 ready
22:36 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7192 -- Biome API / cavegen: Add definable cave liquid for a biome by paramat