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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2018-04-03

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06:23 nerzhul merging #6587
06:23 ShadowBot -- Optimize entity-entity collision by numberZero
06:26 nerzhul i moved 0.4.11 changelog to the old changelog page, i will try to update our current 0.5 changelog (3 months of commits)
06:36 nerzhul i updated the current changelog from 13 jan to 19 feb
06:46 nerzhul Please and i published the announcement for the release
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08:54 Krock nerzhul, your linked topic does not exist anymore. Was it superseded by ?
08:55 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
08:58 Krock Will merge #6520 in 15 minutes
08:59 ShadowBot -- Selected ItemStack: Reduce black magic by SmallJoker
09:00 proller joined #minetest-dev
09:07 nerzhul Krock: WTF
09:07 nerzhul who moved my message ?
09:07 nerzhul it was an announcement, i'm not sure it was same as this topic which is a discussion about future :p
09:14 Krock merging...
09:15 nerzhul ty
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16:08 nerzhul is this me or is this like we said in french "le ménage de printemps" (spring cleaning)
16:08 nerzhul :p
16:10 Krock regarding the refactors in our code base?
16:14 IcyDiamond I advocate for a refactoring regarding textures. They should be able to be defined in the metadata of nodes and items.
16:15 nerzhul no, in the PR and issue list :)
16:15 nerzhul the refactors are quite nice
16:16 nerzhul i push a trivial bunch of fixes (without including missing to cmath) to fix many performance-type-promotion-in-math-fn issues reported by clang (~15 occurences)
16:16 nerzhul see #67a4cb7d8a4461fe7d5206189fd4e9539beb20b7
16:16 nerzhul
16:17 Foz joined #minetest-dev
16:19 nerzhul i will continue some little patchs when i get time, hoping i can fix remaining performance-type-promotion-in-math-fn and triggering a vote to promote it in CI blocking :)
16:36 paramat request, please don't remove '//#include "profiler.h" // For TimeTaker' frommapgens, very useful for profiling, and is commented out anyway
16:48 Wuzzy can some1 plz look at <>? again? i think its fine now
16:48 Krock #7019
16:48 ShadowBot -- Colorize command parameters and privilege names by Wuzzy2
16:52 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-dev
16:58 rubenwardy #4576
16:58 ShadowBot -- Add string.regex_search(string, pattern)
17:00 Krock should be kept open IMO regex is quite helpful and Lua's methods are limited
17:01 sfan5 and where do we pull regex from? the C++ standard library?
17:01 sfan5 (is that even available everywhere?)
17:01 sofar it should be, but it's fairly limited afaicr
17:02 sofar I usualy go for pcre, but I wouldn't recommend that in this case
17:02 rubenwardy Right
17:03 Krock C++ has regex, <regex>. But I don't know how much it supports
17:26 p_gimeno well, there's this: which is an explanation about regexes, how to compile them into a graph and how to trace the graph - step by step with C source
17:26 sfan5 I don't think we want to NIH our own regex library
17:29 p_gimeno it's not a bad idea from the security standpoint, but certainly not as feature rich as other solutions
17:29 nerzhul paramat: noted
17:29 nerzhul sfan5: c++11 has regex embedded
17:31 paramat thanks nerz
17:34 p_gimeno
17:35 p_gimeno that's the kind of security I was talking about
17:38 p_gimeno both linked GCC bugs remain open
17:44 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-dev
17:45 nerzhul it seems to depend on the developed usecase
17:49 p_gimeno the guy who wrote the article about NFAs also wrote a library that is apparently maintained now by Google:
17:53 p_gimeno I'll add that last link to the issue
17:59 p_gimeno on a different matter, I have a question. Should I rebase my PRs when I notice there's a conflict, or wait until being told to do so?
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18:39 Wuzzy What's holding back #6325?
18:39 ShadowBot -- Add scripts to find and update translations. by Ekdohibs
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19:58 nerzhul pushing another trivial commit to fix performance-type-promotion-in-math-fn problems
20:09 SilverLuke joined #minetest-dev
21:04 nerzhul and pushing the last commit for this issue (i also added 2 missing copyright notices)
21:06 Cornelia joined #minetest-dev
21:43 paramat thanks, looks ok
21:54 nerzhul sorry guys 80 PR :) i just pushed 2 little PR
21:54 paramat partly my fault too
21:57 nerzhul heh
21:58 nerzhul my 2 PR are tiny, one require tidy to pass and will promote a quality rule, other is just a little performance fix
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22:41 nerzhul wow i found a nice improvement in mapblock loading
22:41 nerzhul out LBM loading code has a very high cost on each node, but changing loop order & cache some lookups i divided by 20 the LBM def lookup on mapblock loading
22:43 nerzhul merging #7193 (remaining builds will be okay i compiled with clang 6 on my machine)
22:43 ShadowBot -- Optimize a little bit isBlockInSight, adjustDist & collisions by nerzhul
22:44 rubenwardy oh wow
22:44 rubenwardy nice!
22:44 nerzhul callgrind report a nice reduction on that part
22:45 nerzhul see #7195
22:45 ShadowBot -- Huge LBM lookup performance improvement on mapblock loading by nerzhul
22:46 nerzhul before, for 455 mapblock activations, 3M lookups on LBMContentMapping. After for 351 actations only 142k calls. Lookup reduced from 23% CPU time to 1.53%
22:47 Fixer nice work!
22:47 nerzhul review is needed to ensure my unroll + caching is good
22:47 nerzhul note: this will not reduce the Lua overhead on executing those ABM :) but core take less time to lookup
22:47 rubenwardy nice!
22:48 rubenwardy more of that please!
22:48 nerzhul just take time to analyse with callgrind if you want, sometimes i like to look at this, i didn't thought i could find that today :p
22:48 rubenwardy I suck at callgrind
22:48 nerzhul just be sure my change is good, analyse the caching please :) if i miss a case or something, i don't think but anyway
22:49 longerstaff13-m joined #minetest-dev
22:49 nerzhul just call it when needed, use kcachegrind to show report and that's all ^^
22:49 rubenwardy I did a course which involved serial optimisations, but find analyising kcachegrind hard
22:50 nerzhul our main problem is to have separate bench on various code parts. Generally when i run callgrind i lost many time on mapblock loading, and game is very slow due to the analysis then ... it's hard to test other code parts
22:52 nerzhul nice catch sfan5 :) we don't need to copy iterator anymore heh
22:53 sfan5 first i wanted to suggest `auto iit = it` but then I noticed that the copy is useless
22:54 nerzhul world loading on regular MTG is blazing fast like this, i hope caching algo is good. I go to bed, see you
22:54 nerzhul push your approval when you get time :)
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