Time Nick Message 01:48 sofar ewww 01:48 sofar https://gist.github.com/sofar/e4b821d151e61fba7ff3c87769732077 01:49 sofar MT is re-downloading the same hash several times from the remote media server 04:35 paramat merging #7142 04:35 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7142 -- Minetest ASCII art: Move from actionstream to rawstream by paramat 04:35 paramat done 19:49 Roger9_ /client/shaders/nodes_shader/opengl_fragment.glsl, line 213, I set clarity to 1.0, and nothing seems to be different 19:58 sofar try different values? is it even used? 20:32 Roger9_ sofar: it is used to determine 'col', which is then assigned by gl_FragColor, so I assume so 20:32 Roger9_ no other changes seem to be working either 22:52 Roger9_ client/default_shader/opengl_vertex.glsl, what is mWorldViewProj defined as?