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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2018-01-14

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11:39 pgimeno_ where can I find the translation script?
11:42 pgimeno_ I need to check if translation works for a change in one of the Lua functions in builtin/
11:50 pgimeno_ ah never mind, guess it's util/
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14:37 pgimeno_ Krock: thanks for your review! About the modpack enable in the GUI, I think that mods_by_name keeps the code quite intelligible, while making two passes would introduce even more complexity. What do you think?
14:40 pgimeno_ It needs a fix though, which I will address too. Mods that belong to the subgame should be left alone, not enabled or disabled.
14:50 kilbith
14:50 kilbith still lots of problems to fix though
14:56 Krock pgimeno_, if keeping mods_by_name keeps it more understandable it's fine
14:58 Krock kilbith, for the beginning it looks already quite good :)
14:59 pgimeno_ Krock: I'm afraid that's the case. OK, I'll push the amendment after I test it.
15:00 pgimeno_ kilbith: wow, one step closer to this:
15:08 kilbith keep dreaming
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16:00 kilbith
16:00 sfan5 it's better than nothing though
16:02 Fixer not bad
16:02 Fixer what OpenGL version it requires?
16:03 kilbith >= 2.1
16:13 pgimeno_ in the first video, the shadow direction didn't look right because it moved as you did, were you supposed to yield a light?
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16:27 kilbith this depends on the camera position and it's indeed not correct
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