Time  Nick       Message
01:14 rubenwardy #6751
01:14 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/6751 -- Fix nodes dropping the wrong item by rubenwardy
01:15 rubenwardy it's an issue caused by 0.4.17-dev not having a certain feature
07:13 jas_       #6715 may or may not be a bug.  it's entirely solved for me using qjackctl's patchpay.  there is also a possibility of one using a shell script, or maybe even dbus(?)... anyway want me to close it?
07:13 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/6715 -- OpenAL device gets recreated each time the main menu is loaded.
08:43 sfan5      jas_: just leave it open
08:45 jas_       ok ty
10:11 nore       nerzhul: commented on #6738
10:11 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/6738 -- CSM fixes: load mods after flavours & add flavour to block mod loading by nerzhul
10:12 nerzhul    nore: ty
10:12 nore       (in short: to be really useful, the PR would need builtin mod verification, other than that, looks good)
10:14 nerzhul    yeah i add the point
10:14 nerzhul    what do you think about a sha256 on each builtin file embedded in a cpp dictionnary ?
10:14 nore       should be enough
10:14 nerzhul    and a travis check to verify it's good
10:15 nore       yep, good idea
10:15 nore       don't forget to check there are no added/deleted files
10:16 nerzhul    yeah
10:16 nerzhul    i will try to code that this week to permit a merge on sunday