Time  Nick        Message
03:20 paramat     game#1920 updated as requested and retested, now merging
03:20 ShadowBot   https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/1920 -- Footstep sounds: 5 new sounds by paramat
03:26 paramat     done
03:26 paramat     at last
03:56 lhofhansl   Comments on #6552? I'm trying allow the server and client to keep up with loading blocks as the player moves.
03:56 ShadowBot   https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/6552 -- Reduce server FOV with forward speed. by lhofhansl
04:09 paramat     will test
04:31 paramat     seems ok
04:32 paramat     dot product is 0 for orthgonal vectors
05:07 lhofhansl   Yep. The effect gets weaker the less the player actually looks into the direction of movement. At 90 degrees of greater (dot product <= 0) the effect is off.
05:08 lhofhansl   #6556
05:08 ShadowBot   https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/6556 -- Blurred player textures when bi/trilinear filtering is on
05:08 lhofhansl   I expect that one to cause some discussion ... ?
05:59 paramat     hm
06:35 paramat     merging game#1925
06:35 ShadowBot   https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/1925 -- Binoculars / Map mods: Clarify key-activation of items in descriptions by paramat
06:41 paramat     done
18:50 Krock       nerzhul, I've just seen your XML branch on GitLab. It looks very nice but how will it be possible to change the formspecs dynamically?
19:28 nerzhul     !tell Krock thanks for looking for this, it's a startup it's not ready for MT usage but a registration model can be done, and some subelements can be made dynamically
19:28 ShadowBot   nerzhul: O.K.
22:08 Wayward_One okay, twice now my entire system has frozen while taking a screenshot via f12 requiring a hard reboot
22:58 hashcacher  hey all - does anyone know a way to set up a ontake or onplace callback for the main / craft inventories?
23:20 nymeven     Hi, is there french people here?
23:24 rubenwardy  nymeven, #minetest-fr
23:25 nymeven     hmm, was about development, i'm trying to learn C++, OpenGL and other stuff to understand Minetest's source code (or at least how it work xd)
23:29 sofar       just ask in #minetest
23:32 nymeven     Maybe tomorrow in this case
23:40 hashcacher  seems weird that main / craft don't have the same capability to set callbacks like detached inventories, unless im missing something