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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2017-06-01

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05:44 nerzhul hi, merging #5847 in ~10 mins
05:44 ShadowBot -- fix dropdown menu selection by red-001
05:45 VanessaE morning, nerzhul
05:46 nerzhul hi VanessaE
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08:48 nerzhul !tell paramat, just understand OOP PLEASE
08:48 ShadowBot nerzhul: O.K.
08:49 SG9kb3I I prefer Practical Object-oriented Programming (POOP)
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14:15 Taoki Sorry for reconnecting so much earlier everyone: Had some issues with the package of my IRC client, and had to reinstall and test an updated version. Should no longer be having any more problems now.
14:30 VanessaE nerzhul: still no chance? :)  #5870
14:31 ShadowBot -- Helper methods for hardware colorization by juhdanad
14:32 nerzhul still no chance
14:32 VanessaE :(
14:34 VanessaE then can we please get a point release after 0.4.16 goes out?
14:34 VanessaE I don't want to have to do double work to use that feature.
14:34 red-001 oh btw will #5852 have to wait for after release?
14:35 ShadowBot -- Improve the path select GUI by red-001
14:35 VanessaE not a bug, it would seem so
14:36 VanessaE (well I wouldn't have defined it as such)
14:38 red-001 well I suppose I could extract the bugfix part of it but I don't think it's worth the time
14:38 red-001 the code would have to be replaced again if this is suppose to be merged
14:39 red-001 plus release is in 3 days
14:43 red-001 couldn't #5840 be merged once bigfoot is added to the contributer list?
14:43 ShadowBot -- Update credits by rubenwardy
14:43 VanessaE heh
14:44 red-001 !tell bigfoot547 I made some PR's for your player ranks mod
14:44 ShadowBot red-001: O.K.
14:47 red-001 !tell bigfoot547 see #2 and #3
14:47 ShadowBot red-001: O.K.
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18:06 Hijiri can player metadata be retrieved for offline players?
18:14 bigfoot547 joined #minetest-dev
18:15 Krock AFAIK, there's no way to load an offline player's data using the current Lua API
18:21 Hijiri that is dumb
18:22 DS-minetest Hijiri: you can save somewhere else the data when the player lefts
18:22 Krock that is something that wasn't needed yet
18:23 Hijiri DS-minetest: yeah but the point of player attributes is to not have to do that
18:25 DS-minetest Hijiri: but then also a point of player attributes is not to get them when the player is not there :P
18:26 DS-minetest so, just use something else, eg. worldstorage
18:27 Hijiri DS-minetest: is that a thing now also?
18:27 red-001 yes
18:27 red-001 modstorage
18:27 Hijiri alright, that's better than saving it in a file
18:27 DS-minetest maybe there's no worldstorage, idk >_<
18:28 Hijiri though if you save everything from every player in one big field then you will need to get a ton of stuff just to edit one player
18:28 red-001 no worldstorage iirc but you get per-mod storage
18:28 Hijiri red-001: isn't the mod storage per-world?
18:28 red-001 Hijiri, use the player name as tthe index?
18:28 red-001 yes
18:28 Hijiri red-001: that would work
18:29 DS-minetest use as index worldname.."/"..playername
18:29 red-001 no need for worldname
18:29 DS-minetest but players arent the same on different worlds
18:29 Hijiri maybe something else to make it more meaningful than playername, like "blah_stuff:" .. playername
18:30 Hijiri DS-minetest: mod storage is per world
18:30 DS-minetest ooh
18:30 red-001 thats up to you
18:30 Hijiri red-001: it would be required if you had more than one player-indexed thing
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20:50 Wuzzy Can someone please explain me what the new anchor[] formspec element is all about?
20:51 Wuzzy cuz lua_api.txt fails to explain :(
20:59 cheapie Wuzzy: There's zero documentation at all on it, IIRC, but I think it lets you align the form to the side/corner of the screen instead of the center.
21:00 cheapie I don't know how it differs from position[], as neither is documented.
21:05 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
21:06 nerzhul hey, can someone review #5876 please ?
21:06 ShadowBot -- Document hardware coloring and soft node overlays by juhdanad
21:06 nerzhul merging #5868 in ~10 mins
21:06 ShadowBot -- Show singlenode mapgen to menu by nerzhul
21:06 bigfoot547 +1
21:07 nerzhul and #5869 will be merged too
21:08 ShadowBot -- Do not shade inventory items with textures by juhdanad
21:08 bigfoot547 Yay! Thanks nerzhul!
21:08 nerzhul many PR and many issues as it seems
21:09 nerzhul also merging #5840 which can be improved a last time, but the PR is good atm, if needed a second pr can be done later
21:09 ShadowBot -- Update credits by rubenwardy
21:14 Shara nerzhul: that's not very fair on others who meet the requirement
21:14 Shara rubenwardy and Zeno both confirmed I should be included, and it seems so should bigfoot
21:18 Shara Pretty sure others do as well. I don't really care if the requirement is changed and I don't get in, but it should be fair either way.
21:18 nerzhul then waitinf for this
21:18 bigfoot547 Shara +1
21:19 Shara thanks nerzhul
21:19 red-001 I agree either rise the requirement or fix the list, the gaol of the requirement was to get rid of the arbitrary list of contributors
21:19 red-001 goal*
21:21 nerzhul omg 157 PR and many non mergeable
21:21 Shara It's because merge commits were excluded from the data which was used.
21:22 red-001 Shara, merge commits can only be created by core devs anyway
21:23 bigfoot547 Yes, but the person still wrote the code
21:23 red-001 and the way git is used by the project these commits are not created
21:23 Shara red-001, I have no clue how or why, but it means none of my work was included when that list was made
21:23 bigfoot547 Me too
21:24 red-001 look I say it's best at you ask rubenwardy about this, but I can tell you it should have nothing to do with merge commits
21:24 bigfoot547 make
21:24 bigfoot547 Sorry, thought I was typeing in terminal
21:24 red-001 lol
21:25 nerzhul 5869 & 5868 merged
21:25 Shara red-001: I really don't know, but that's what I was given as the reason
21:28 Fixer i've just compiled before you merged :(
21:29 nerzhul wow there is a server called "Fuck minetest"
21:29 bigfoot547 Yep. On
21:29 VanessaE wat
21:29 Fixer nevermind
21:30 VanessaE I thought that was fixed.
21:30 Shara I thought that had already been reported
21:31 red-001 it was
21:31 bigfoot547 Lets see... server description:
21:31 red-001 so how about we use that new shinny server ban feature?
21:32 bigfoot547 What if they allow hacked clients?
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22:31 Fixer interesting;t=17692
22:32 red-001 eh that shouldn't work?!?!
22:32 red-001 I have a feeling I missed something while trying to understand formspecs
22:33 red-001 is this inventory somehow separate from formspec handler?
22:33 red-001 s/this//

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