Time Nick Message 07:41 red-001 #5847 07:41 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5847 -- fix dropdown menu selection by red-001 07:42 red-001 not sure what happened with travis, it just errored out and didn't run one of the builds 07:42 nerzhul red-001, i restarted the job 07:43 red-001 ty 08:05 red-001 should I isolate the bugfix from #5852 so that it can make it into the release? 08:05 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5852 -- Improve the path select GUI by red-001 08:33 nerzhul yes, if we can fix many bugs before release it's nice 09:23 kilbith I really wish 'singlenode' was back into the world creation dialog 12:15 red-001 #5859 12:15 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5859 -- Add more files and file types to `.gitignore` by red-001 12:18 red-001 would be pretty useful for anyone working with git and csm 12:18 nerzhul looking 12:19 nerzhul lgtm 12:23 red-001 pushed a change so that all of /clientmods/preview is included 12:35 Wuzzy Blinkenlights bug: https://thumbs.gfycat.com/FittingWhichEmu-size_restricted.gif 12:36 Wuzzy argh, GitHub is not up :Y 12:36 Wuzzy will post issue later 12:37 red-001 yeah github is having issues 12:38 Fixer Wuzzy: this is known, z-sorting issue 12:38 Wuzzy is it in GH? 12:39 Fixer Wuzzy: only way to avoid it is make ice transparent 12:39 Wuzzy ??? 12:39 Wuzzy as in, fully invisible? o_O 12:39 Fixer Wuzzy: like glass 12:40 Wuzzy i think the blinking is something different than just broken depth sorting? 12:40 Fixer broken depth sorting iirc 12:40 Wuzzy maybe some sort of Z-fighting here? no idea 12:41 Fixer happens on everything that has translucency 12:41 Fixer Wuzzy: no, z-fighting looks different 12:41 Wuzzy right 12:41 Wuzzy i forgot 12:41 Wuzzy sorry 12:42 Wuzzy i think i gonna post this in original depth sorting bug then 12:43 Wuzzy GitHub Status says: “We are currently experiencing major service outages.â€. ouch 12:45 Wuzzy i wonder if depth sorting is ever going to be fixed. a surprisingly large number of video games have broken depth sorting 12:46 Wuzzy okay, looking for other bugs in MT then (I am in full testing mode) 12:46 Fixer vanilla game itself does not use translucency, so broken z-sorting is hidden, but mods... 12:46 Wuzzy Yeah. I guess I just disable translucency for ice in MineClone 2 then … until it is fixed 12:48 Wuzzy What I do not understand is why it does flicker so heavily 12:48 Wuzzy note I do not even move or rotate in the video 13:10 red-001 alright github is back 13:30 Fixer Wuzzy: z-sorting also happens on vanilla game under water, just build a glass tunnel and enjoy it... 13:40 Wuzzy just updated issue #95 13:40 ShadowBot Wuzzy: Error: Delimiter not found in "Page is too big or the server took too much time to answer the request." 13:40 nerzhul #1 13:40 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1 -- GlowStone code by anonymousAwesome 13:41 red-001 #95 ? 13:41 ShadowBot red-001: Error: Delimiter not found in "Page is too big or the server took too much time to answer the request." 13:42 nerzhul #666 13:42 nerzhul erf, evil 13:42 ShadowBot nerzhul: Error: Delimiter not found in "Page is too big or the server took too much time to answer the request." 13:52 Fixer Wuzzy: https://imgur.com/LrLlnsa ;D 13:52 Wuzzy looks scary 13:53 Wuzzy i didnt know Minetest has built-in lightinng. XD 13:53 Fixer Wuzzy: "server in USA" joke 13:54 DS-minetest then did the light also make sounds? 13:54 Fixer sounds removed to easy the lag 13:55 red-001 how long until someone abuses this for lighting and complains when it's fixed? 13:56 Fixer it blinks in very ugly way, build glass tunnel underwater put lots of torches in water and doors, enjoy ;) 13:56 Fixer in addition to square water blink ofc 14:02 Fixer blinking when viewed under water via glass https://i.imgur.com/LzHPuIS.jpg 14:06 Fixer https://i.imgur.com/HdkkAx7.png 14:11 Fixer Wuzzy: https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/26123860/24078514/b8153304-0c3d-11e7-807e-f06fb162d73f.png 14:11 Wuzzy o_O 14:11 Fixer seen this myself too 14:11 Fixer bad part is water itself is translucent? 14:14 Fixer Wuzzy: you can remove last pic since it is already posted in that issue 14:32 Fixer Wuzzy: and you already reported this problem earlier... https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1485 %) 14:33 Wuzzy not the disco bug in particular 14:34 Wuzzy of course i know i reported it earlier. i was just thinking the disco floor is something new 14:43 Wuzzy I like the way how the clouds API is done. Good work. Will be useful for many subgames to come. There are only 2 minor issues which I posted. 14:45 red-001 where are the colour escapes for strings handled? 14:45 red-001 they don't seem to be part of normal irrlicht 15:07 red-001 #5862 15:07 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5862 -- Nametag: remove colour codes before calculating alignment. by red-001 15:12 srifqi Wuzzy, nerzhul, #4095 15:12 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/4095 -- Possible to corrupt minetest.conf by setting font_path to nonsense value in advanced settings 15:12 srifqi Any idea? 15:12 Wuzzy I am in full testing mode, I can't be bothered now. 15:13 srifqi Oh, okay. 15:56 Wuzzy it is claimed by a core dev that you are now able to set the player's collision box 15:56 Wuzzy How? 15:59 sfan5 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/2738 was merged but reverted shortly afterwards 16:00 red-001 ^ 16:00 red-001 it caused a whole bunch of issues 16:12 Wuzzy :-( 17:06 Wuzzy oh nice 17:06 Wuzzy Apparently, minetest.player_exists is broken, too 17:06 Wuzzy https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5865 17:09 red-001 doesn't remove player just remove the player file? 17:09 bigfoot547 It should also remove from auth.txt 17:09 red-001 in that case everything is working as expected 17:13 bigfoot547 But, does it? 17:38 Wuzzy aaaaaand another bug found! 17:38 Wuzzy https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5866 17:38 VanessaE what? a bug??? NOOOOOOOOOOo 17:38 VanessaE :P 17:39 red-001 AWildBugAppears 17:43 Fixer finally bugs going away from me 17:44 red-001 Krock, are you ok with #5847 now? 17:44 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5847 -- fix dropdown menu selection by red-001 17:44 Krock did you test it? 17:44 red-001 yes and it seems to work 17:44 Krock ok 17:50 Krock merging #5862 and #5859 in 15 minutes 17:50 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5862 -- Nametag: remove colour codes before calculating alignment. by red-001 17:50 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5859 -- Add more files and file types to `.gitignore` by red-001 17:51 Krock Wuzzy, http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lumraaPklZ1r0ojhto1_250.gif we want to get it down to 400 17:52 red-001 I think we should have a sepical place in the credits for the people that create 50 issues at a time 17:53 red-001 Wuzzy, for issues like this #5855 why not make a PR instead? 17:53 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5855 -- lua_api.txt syntax and other errors 17:54 Wuzzy i am not done testing :P 17:54 Krock Wuzzy, are you able to compile and bisect on your machine? Knowing the bad commit would help a ot 17:54 Krock *a lot 17:54 Wuzzy will do when I am done with my testing plan 17:54 Krock okay, great. Thanks :) 17:55 red-001 surely thats easier if you already now exactly what to fix 17:55 red-001 oh ok 17:55 red-001 I suppose github issues are a good way to keep track 17:55 Wuzzy Krock: can you reproduce the dark items bug? 17:55 Wuzzy exactly 17:56 Krock hmm.. I think I'll have to figure out where my stable build lies. Haven't used it at all :3 17:57 Wuzzy lol. You actually can write /shutdown inf?! 17:57 Wuzzy thats not even the fun part 17:57 Wuzzy the fun part is that someone actually bothered to explicitly write “info†into the chat command decription XD 17:58 Wuzzy inf* 17:59 Wuzzy @Krock: oh. one thing. I am NOT going to fix all the issues I'll report. that would drive me crazy 17:59 Krock thanks for driving us crazy instead :P 17:59 Wuzzy but a few of them,... okay. maybe 18:00 Wuzzy ikr. truth hurts :=) 18:01 red-001 not expecting you to fix all of them but you might as well fix string issues where you already now what to change 18:01 red-001 know* 18:07 Wuzzy i agree 18:09 Krock Wuzzy, the items are still bright with 0.4.15-dev 0891116 but indeed darker in the current version 18:10 red-001 what is it with clang-format recommanding werid code style 18:11 red-001 apperenlty switch doesn't need an ident? 18:11 red-001 indent* 18:12 red-001 oh I see that is part of the linux kernal code style 18:17 Wuzzy is it intentional that /clearinv only clear 3 hardcoded lists? (main, craftpreview, craft)? 18:18 Wuzzy because mods add an arbitrary amount of other inventories 18:18 Wuzzy i am thinking of something like bags 18:18 Wuzzy which wont be emptied by /clearinv 18:28 nerzhul as you seems to maintain a fork you can help us but doing some PR instead 18:28 nerzhul many issues you reported are hopefully history and it's interesting to fix them for improving MT quality 19:40 Fixer nerzhul: he is just making a minecraft-like subgame 19:41 Fixer nerzhul: i'm looking at that brightness change bug, narrowed down the window to bisect to 8-14 APR 2017, have two suspects, so manual compile mode 20:27 itubal Hi all 20:27 itubal here again 20:40 nerzhul https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AjRD6mU96s 20:40 nerzhul oops 20:49 Fixer wuzzy reported a bug here https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5866, regression was found by me in https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/58d83a7bb2f992194c3df304b1dcbb81f98f78c0 20:50 itubal Nice video. Very interesting. I'll see later