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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2017-05-25

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04:40 paramat hmm reading hub -logs, i think we should drop android support, we're halfway to that already
04:40 paramat then the apps have to work for their money instead of just copying our code
04:41 * paramat is doing
04:45 paramat it would also reduce our workload
04:47 paramat the apps would continue but would have to do their own android code, this would weed out the lazy ones and leave the more serious commited ones, like multicraft
04:49 paramat i made a post on the forum 11 months ago asking for new devs to help with android code, nothing has come of that
04:57 paramat this would actually help android players as their choice of apps is narrowed to higher quality ones
05:03 paramat and hopefully narrowed to the ones less likely to have adds and payment scams
05:07 paramat 0.5 is next release so a good time to do this
05:07 luk3yx 0.5?
05:09 paramat 0.5.0
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05:18 paramat so it has been at least a year now with android being neglected by devs and hoping someone would appear to maintain it, long enough. i remember a year ago we talked about possibly dropping android but waiting until we had spent some time waiting for an enthusiastic android dev to appear, or for sapier to return
05:22 Hijiri are there any android minetests other than the official one without proprietary components?
05:22 Hijiri not that I really play on android though, since I don't like the controls
05:27 paramat i dont know
05:28 paramat we could perhaps team up with a particularly good app and declare it the 'officially recommended' one
05:29 paramat maybe multicraft, the author has helped out here a few times
05:49 Raven262 joined #minetest-dev
06:26 paramat ~tell nerzhul for #5798 "Mgv6 mudflow: Remove decoration if 'dirt with grass' below flows away" testing is quite complex, this had been tested by 2 people, including me, so please could you approve on code alone and trust me it is tested?
06:26 ShadowBot paramat: O.K.
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10:25 nerzhul Hijiri, there is minetest on playstore i publish at each release
10:34 nerzhul merging #5811 & #5798 in ~10 mins
10:34 ShadowBot -- Close formspec on client shutdown. by red-001
10:34 ShadowBot -- Mgv6 mudflow: Remove decoration if 'dirt with grass' below flows away by paramat
10:34 nerzhul seconds need to be pushed fast to servers and tested to ensure we are okay
10:34 nerzhul nice shot red-001 for the 5811 :)
10:45 nerzhul wtf !
10:47 nerzhul !tell paramat is this normal ?
10:47 ShadowBot nerzhul: O.K.
10:47 nerzhul not very realistic
10:47 paramat joined #minetest-dev
10:47 nerzhul paramat, is this normal: ?
10:48 paramat hehe yes in mgv7
10:48 paramat 3D noise mountain terrain
10:48 paramat thanks for the merge
10:48 DS-minetest joined #minetest-dev
10:49 paramat as many have observed, mgv7 is stunning and epic, and occasionally does something very weird
10:50 nerzhul yeah, gravity seems to have no sense at this point :(
10:51 Raven262 But:
10:53 paramat hehe
10:53 nerzhul lava fire is disabled by default ?
10:53 nerzhul i put lava bloc on a tree, no fire
10:53 paramat erm
10:54 Raven262 but you could cause a forest fire like that.
10:54 paramat singleplayer should have fire spread enabled
10:54 nerzhul okay
10:54 nerzhul it's not the case atm
10:54 nerzhul oh
10:54 nerzhul it was triggered now
10:54 nerzhul very strange, the first tree doesn't burnt but when lava hit second tree it burns
10:55 Raven262 First one must have been fire resistant.
10:55 Raven262 Lag, maybe?
10:55 nerzhul i have a good cpu and it's regular MT game on my local devel client :p
10:56 paramat the chance of ignition is deliberately low because fire spread speeds up exponentially
10:56 nerzhul i tested a performance enhancement for ABM
10:56 paramat you can place fire at the base of a tree and sometimes it will go out before spreading
10:56 Raven262 Ah, so not every tree will ignite.
10:56 paramat yes they will with enough tries
10:56 * DS-minetest doesn't like mgv7 caves that go deep
10:57 * Raven262 likes v7 caves that go deep.
10:57 paramat place fire in leaves and the chance of catching is higher
10:57 Raven262 No, really caves are fun.
10:57 * DS-minetest thinks, they destroy gameplay
10:57 Raven262 Ah, how so?
10:57 paramat which caves? the never ending tunnels or large blobby caves
10:57 DS-minetest yep
10:58 DS-minetest the 1st option
10:58 paramat ok
10:58 Raven262 I think tunnels make mining much easier.
10:58 paramat underground would be boring without long tunnels
10:59 DS-minetest imo the tunnels are a bit boring
10:59 paramat how do they destroy gameplay? i'm interested :]
10:59 DS-minetest the player doesn't have to dig much and already gets deep ores
11:00 DS-minetest just by falling down
11:00 Raven262 I think it would be better then if ores were lowered.
11:01 nerzhul sfan5, rubenwardy #5815 is fairly trivial and requires your approval, can you have a look ?
11:01 ShadowBot -- Enhance ABM performance a little bit by removing two std::set copy by nerzhul
11:01 DS-minetest also they are so big that they are not cudly
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11:01 nerzhul Krock, ^
11:01 nerzhul hi Krock
11:01 * Krock looks logs
11:01 DS-minetest so big holes are also unrealistic
11:01 rubenwardy feature freeze, nerzhul
11:02 rubenwardy applies to performance fixes :P
11:02 nerzhul it's not a feature
11:02 nerzhul it's a fix
11:02 rubenwardy what bug does it fix?
11:02 nerzhul feature freeze doesn't mean a trivial performance "fix" should be blocked, it doesn't change the app behaviour
11:03 nerzhul it's why it's "feature" freeze, and not "bugfix except freeze"
11:03 Krock hide all features behind a solid wall of "bugfixes" - new PR strategy
11:03 rubenwardy this has been discussed before by other core devs
11:03 nerzhul if it was a major refactor i agreed with you as it's not feature but refactor
11:03 nerzhul Krock, lol
11:03 nerzhul here it's trivial
11:04 Krock it doesn't change anything but perhaps the execution speed
11:04 nerzhul yeah, it improves our ABM speed with a trivial change
11:04 nerzhul doesn't talk about performance fix freeze, just new feature are not accepted
11:05 Krock trivial and lgtm
11:05 nerzhul ty Krock , i will insert it later today i'm looking at some other problems
11:05 nerzhul maybe we should update, Blockmen doesn't do release now :p
11:06 Krock nerzhul,  only one tab missing:
11:06 nerzhul who did it for 0.4.14 and 0.4.15 ? Krock or sfan5 ?
11:06 Krock sfan5, most likely
11:06 rubenwardy paramat
11:06 rubenwardy he did it the last two times
11:07 nerzhul for windows ?
11:07 nerzhul i mean release, not managing release process
11:07 Krock if "leveldb" wasn't on that list I could do it aswell
11:07 nerzhul what is the problem with leveldb ?
11:07 paramat looking
11:08 Krock no matter what I'm trying - either it lacks of MSVC support or there are linker errors
11:08 paramat cuddly tunnels :]
11:08 DS-minetest yep, there was a d missing >_<
11:09 nerzhul Krock, MSVC builds doesn't work with leveldb but mingw yes ?
11:09 Krock I think so
11:09 Krock haven't tried
11:09 nerzhul okay i update to set you as MSVS
11:09 nerzhul MSVC
11:10 Krock no, I think sfan5 should be "elected" as he's also able to provide 64-bit builds
11:10 nerzhul we have both builds in travis
11:11 Krock mmh.. right.
11:11 nerzhul maybe we should update to announce we will release a version no ?
11:11 nerzhul it's our portal, not GH/IRC :)
11:12 rubenwardy nerzhul, forum is for news
11:12 nerzhul ok
11:16 Krock there's one more thing that should be done somewhen:
11:20 nerzhul wtf no changelog for 0.4.15
11:21 Krock well, it's more or less just copying the important changes from Fixer's post. He saves a lot of time
11:22 rubenwardy I did the 0.4.14 changelog, was possible the most boring thing ever
11:23 nerzhul yeah, for 0.4.16 it's on the forum
11:23 nerzhul but i don't wrote all commits, just the most import for end users
11:25 paramat the last engine changelog ended up  pretty much a list of commit messages
11:25 nerzhul you mean 0.4.15 paramat ?
11:26 paramat yes. not complaining though
11:26 nerzhul yeah :)
11:26 nerzhul i will try to maintain a changelog on the forum every 10-15 days
11:27 rubenwardy why not the wiki?
11:27 paramat auto-generate commit messages? some are long though, and technical
11:27 rubenwardy we used to do     0.4.X -> ?    for dev versions
11:27 nerzhul both can be done, i can do it on wiki but seems related to released version no ?
11:27 rubenwardy that stopped though as people started adding commits before ones before had been added
11:27 nerzhul paramat, auto generate is not good for feature teasing :p
11:28 nerzhul i can prepare 0.4.16 changelog on wiki if someone does 0.4.15 lol
11:29 paramat ugh :]
11:29 nerzhul i cannot do the mt_game changelog for both
11:29 paramat many commits can only be explained simply by someone who understands them
11:30 paramat it would be best if i did the mapgen ones for example
11:30 nerzhul i just don't get time to read mtg changelog, if someone wants i prepared changelog scheme on
11:32 paramat maybe if each time an author has a commit merged they add a simple description somewhere to be used in a changelog. but meh
11:38 twoelk joined #minetest-dev
11:52 sfan5 Krock: we can have both msvc and mingw builds again
11:52 Krock ah right, we already had both build types in earlier versions
11:56 nerzhul
11:56 nerzhul i transformed the forum changelog in our official changelog
12:13 rubenwardy you're meant to include authors :P
12:17 nerzhul no time to re-take the whole history, do it yourself, and someone should complete with mtg
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12:43 Fixer Calinou posted a site that has a good point: changelog is needed to present most significant and important changes for the player
12:43 Fixer and mod developer
12:44 Fixer what you need is just run git log and remove minor stuff from it
12:44 nerzhul no git log is not intended to be readable for most of our users
12:44 nerzhul but we need to do some changelogs updates periodically, like i did on forum
12:44 nerzhul i can do updates when i get time, and motivates, every 10 or 15 days, but i cannot take all changelog, mtg should have same
12:45 Fixer nerzhul: you can format the output better way, like this and just remove minor changes from it
12:45 Fixer and rephrase/merge some other changes
12:46 nerzhul sorry but it's neither user friendly nor condensed
12:46 nerzhul
12:46 nerzhul look at this :p
12:46 Fixer you can use git log as a base for your changelog
12:47 nerzhul it's what i did but i merged many commits into 1 feature or fix :p
12:47 Fixer "Hacked clients cannot ignore node damages anymore (fire, lava, cactus...). "
12:47 Fixer do we have cactus damage? o_0
12:48 nerzhul i will split our page changelog in two parts, it's too big, i will move before 0.4.10 versions to OldChangelog page
12:48 paramat would i be allowed to merge tin stair/slab for release? it's sort of a bug. rubenwardy sfan5 Krock nore
12:48 paramat no cactus damage but there are PRs
12:49 Krock that's just a missing part - doesn't mean it's a bug
12:50 nerzhul oh sorry then for cactus example, it's wrong in MTG context :p
12:50 nerzhul it's good for cactus enabled server but not mtg :p
12:50 nerzhul i moved all changelog from 0.4.4 to 0.4.10 here:
12:50 nerzhul the page is very huge to load and it doesn't help google ranking to have so many content :)
12:52 paramat hmm well i won't bother with tin then, yet, but it was an omission and inconsistent with all other common metals
12:59 sfan5 omission are not a bug, a feature freeze is a feature freeze
12:59 nerzhul :)
12:59 VanessaE oh just merge it, it's a trivial change I'm sure
13:00 VanessaE sfan5: users will see minor omissions like that as a bug, actually.
13:01 nerzhul it's just in mtg ? no core engine change to perform ?
13:01 paramat well i'm not going to now, i'm happy i asked :]
13:02 paramat just a mtg stairs mod change
13:05 VanessaE then change it
13:05 VanessaE don't leave something like that hanging that users will perceive as a bug or oversight, if possible.
13:06 nerzhul sorry travis i trigger many builds because you are just shit :p
13:07 nerzhul gitlab is far more better than travis... it permit to have pipeline and doesn't only check the build, you can build in every dsitro environment because you can use docker containers :p
13:07 nerzhul but anyway, i'm crying because travis windows build is... complicated :p
13:10 Wayward_One not sure if it's an issue with my setup, but a debug build fails with: CMakeFiles/minetest.dir/threading/event.cpp.o: file not recognized: File truncated
13:10 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
13:10 nerzhul this problem is your setup, generally a FS full
13:11 Wayward_One ah, okay.
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14:00 nerzhul merging #5815 in ~10 mins
14:00 ShadowBot -- Enhance ABM performance a little bit by removing two std::set copy by nerzhul
14:01 nerzhul VanessaE, you last comment show me UDP and Linux implementation checksuming and many network implementation triggers bad network results on minetest on IPv6
14:02 nerzhul i think many packets are lost and mientest networking code is just waiting for those lost packets
14:02 nerzhul i think you should remove IPv6 from your server unless we fixed the network implementation
14:03 nerzhul this pr #5767 needs approvals for a bugfix, if somes can look at
14:03 ShadowBot -- Don't add damage flash while punch texture modifier is active by stujones11
14:03 VanessaE nerzhul: but, I don't have ipv6 at home, so why would it time out for me?
14:04 nerzhul because of the other guy making timeout on yoyur server i think
14:04 VanessaE ok.
14:05 nerzhul as i see we are using select listener instead of epoll/kqueue and i think this doesn't help if behind the networking code waits for missing packet segments... if i get time, i think 0.5 is time to rewrite the whole networking protocol using better code and multiple threads, better than now
14:05 nerzhul but it's not simple, it's very tricky
14:05 VanessaE ok, ipv6 disabled.
14:07 VanessaE ok, that didn't fix it.
14:07 VanessaE still getting timeouts
14:08 nerzhul i think it doesn't stop all, but tell me if it enhance your experience
14:08 VanessaE it doesn't.
14:08 VanessaE however,
14:08 nerzhul mobile devices connecting to minetest is a pain, remember that, if you connect using 2G with minetest you will jsut trigger high latency in the server...
14:08 cx384 joined #minetest-dev
14:08 VanessaE wait, there is something here.
14:09 VanessaE when it times out for one client, other clients see map loading lag
14:09 VanessaE no they don;'t
14:09 VanessaE yeah, definitely not the server end
14:09 VanessaE I just ran a good 500m down a road that I know for sure wasn't loaded yet, while watching another client instance time out
14:09 VanessaE there was no lag at all
14:10 nerzhul VanessaE, yes, this timeout on one client triggering lag for all every occurs since... ever
14:10 VanessaE (that other one was probably actually server lag)
14:10 nerzhul it's possible to DoS any minetest server using 1 client and very very slow packet sending... :(
14:10 VanessaE well that surely needs to be fixed
14:10 VanessaE before someone uses it as an attack
14:12 VanessaE some people have been speculating that CSM could be a cause
14:12 VanessaE but I don't see how.
14:13 nerzhul it's ridiculous :p
14:13 VanessaE so what do I do now>?
14:13 nerzhul pray ...
14:13 VanessaE I was having huge popularity with this server just a week ago
14:13 nerzhul i don't know how to fix that
14:13 VanessaE then suddenly it just ain't working right
14:14 VanessaE then I suggest 0.4.16 not be released until it's fixed.
14:14 VanessaE honestly
14:14 nerzhul it's not possible i think i'm looking for the code i just think we can trash the code and rewrite it
14:16 nerzhul if there is a problem it's in "void ConnectionReceiveThread::receive()"
14:16 nerzhul but this is a very sensible loop
14:17 nerzhul i think selects waits too many time
14:17 nerzhul 50 ms
14:18 nerzhul the server loop is 100 ms... it's very long
14:18 VanessaE one thing I know for sure is it was working great last week, then I updated, and in so doing I went newer than that last map version bump, so now I can't roll back to an older version to test it
14:18 nerzhul yeah it's anoying, can you reproduce on a test server where map is not important ?
14:18 VanessaE I cannot.
14:19 VanessaE remember, I can't reproduce the issue with any of my other servers, it's only affecting the one heavy server
14:19 VanessaE (so by extension, I won't be able to reproduce it with a test instance either :P )
14:19 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
14:19 VanessaE the odd thing is, TWO of my servers are "heavy", in the sense of mod content, but only one of them is being affected by thids
14:20 VanessaE this*
14:20 nerzhul it's why i said it's targetted
14:20 VanessaE yeah
14:20 VanessaE ok let's try it
14:21 VanessaE I'm kicking everyone off of the affected server
14:21 VanessaE so it'll just be me, and you know I have a fast pipe and a good PC
14:21 VanessaE so this won't be "slow"
14:23 VanessaE nope.
14:23 VanessaE that's not it either.
14:24 VanessaE I can't get more than 3 or 4 client instances to stay signed into the affected server, even when I'm the only one there
14:24 nerzhul i think i understand where the problem can be
14:24 VanessaE wait, not done
14:25 nerzhul but not sure
14:25 VanessaE (had to kick someone off)
14:25 nerzhul yeah i understand the problem but it's not fixeable without risking major network break
14:26 nerzhul if one client lag, ti's ... normal... with current code to make everybody lag
14:26 VanessaE ok.  and yeah, still timeouts even with just me for sure.  I get all the way to a grey screen, black HUD elements, and some red text at the top telling me I timed out
14:26 nerzhul because on each packet reassemble we try to read data for everboy
14:26 nerzhul everybody
14:27 nerzhul if someone is laggy we wait for him
14:27 VanessaE yeah but this was all me this time.  no one online but me.  no way am I lagging if I can also do the same on the other heavy server
14:28 nerzhul if you lag alone, maybe it's you the lag problematic client
14:28 nerzhul for somewhat reason
14:28 VanessaE nope
14:28 VanessaE because others get the problem when I'm not online as well
14:28 nerzhul unfortunately, viewing the current code i cannot fix it
14:29 nerzhul it needs to rewrite all the underlying network to fix it
14:29 VanessaE but why was it working last week?  if this was some targeted attack, wouldn't kicking everyone off have stopped it?
14:29 nerzhul you kick sessin
14:29 nerzhul session*
14:29 nerzhul the problem is not on player session it's on socket listener
14:29 VanessaE mmmh
14:29 nerzhul it's not in minetest protocol itself, it's in the way we read the socket
14:29 VanessaE ok
14:30 nerzhul we have one thread which listens and reassemble packet 1 client per 1 cleint as i understand, then if one client is very slow, minetest packet reassemble will be very slow and packet are not sent to server thread
14:30 nerzhul after the C++11 switch i will work on it i think ,because i don't like our session system, and our network model can be simplified
14:31 VanessaE so you're saying I'd need to reboot the server instance to test this?
14:31 nerzhul no no
14:31 VanessaE (to ensure all sockets are closed)
14:31 nerzhul hmmm yes, you can reboot the service for cleaning up listeners
14:31 nerzhul but it's udp, there is no client state
14:32 nerzhul but maybe it can help you to purge a laggy client if you wait 10sec it should take a connection reset and his very slow client wil lbe discarded
14:32 VanessaE already did that.
14:32 nerzhul (it's why i like TCP, kernel manage that and present us a valid socket...)
14:32 nerzhul erf
14:32 VanessaE I had all users sign off, save one, which I kicked off.  and it took me way longer than 10s to start my test
14:32 nerzhul then i got no solution for release sorry
14:33 VanessaE tell me something, why was the map format bump done again?
14:33 nerzhul ask sfan5
14:33 nerzhul it's for private meta if i remember
14:33 sfan5 yes
14:33 VanessaE why can't the map just load without the feature?
14:33 VanessaE I mean, literally no mods use it yet
14:34 VanessaE i.e. why isn't there some way for me to roll back to a known good commit if only for testing?
14:34 VanessaE (the only commits I am sure of predate the map version bump)
14:34 sfan5 because that is how version bumps have always worked
14:34 VanessaE yes, I get that
14:34 sfan5 you can patch the older commit to understand the new map format if you want
14:35 VanessaE but basically now I can't bisect this
14:35 sfan5 unfortunate, but that's how it is
14:36 VanessaE I see.
14:36 sfan5 i'll make you a patch to allow reading new maps in older versions so you can bisect this
14:36 VanessaE no, don't bother
14:37 sfan5 why not?
14:37 VanessaE because imho the proper way would be for one of you guys to download my world and run tests locally
14:37 VanessaE I'm certain to break something irreparably if I do it.
14:38 VanessaE I know the file is huge, but there's really no other way
14:38 sfan5 there
14:39 est31 joined #minetest-dev
14:39 VanessaE ehm, can't copy&paste that.  line numbers.
14:40 est31 so given this PR, it seems I can turn off ubuntu precise nightly builders?
14:40 est31
14:40 sfan5 remove the ?diff from the URL
14:40 VanessaE right.
14:41 sfan5 est31: when it's merged, yes
14:41 est31 i'm not watching the minetest project any more so closely
14:42 est31 I dont want to check often until the pr is merged
14:42 sfan5 someone else should have access to travis too
14:42 sfan5 then not yet
14:42 est31 why do you hang so much on launchpad
14:42 est31 12.04 is EOL
14:42 est31 officially
14:42 est31 if you are using it you are like an XP user
14:42 est31 (sorry Krock)
14:43 sfan5 ???
14:43 est31 s/launchpad/precise/
14:43 sfan5 I am not saying that we should keep using precise
14:43 est31 well in any case, if you dont know how to disable it, you can just pm me via irc once the pr is merged
14:44 sfan5 why does this pr even relate to it
14:44 est31 c55 has access
14:44 est31 shadow ninja too
14:44 est31 sfan5: c++11??
14:44 est31 the gcc on ubuntu precise doesnt support it
14:44 est31 not fully
14:44 sfan5 is that a problem? 12.04 is EOL
14:44 * DS-minetest found something meh
14:45 est31 sfan5: so I can remove it then?
14:45 DS-minetest and
14:45 sfan5 yes, disregard what i said before i misunderstood
14:45 est31 ok
14:45 est31 fine, doing it then
14:45 nerzhul est31, no problem i can pr you, but it's not for now, this PR is for next release and not finished, i'm waiting for new leveldb library snapshot to make windows cross build works
14:45 VanessaE wait a minute,
14:45 VanessaE nerzhul:
14:45 VanessaE Client: Don't send `TOSERVER_RECEIVED_MEDIA` since it's not used anymore
14:45 VanessaE Server: Handle `TOSERVER_RECEIVED_MEDIA` using `Server::handleCommand_Deprecated`
14:46 VanessaE commit ff1ef67dcc
14:46 nerzhul ?
14:46 VanessaE could this be why?  it came after a known, working commit
14:46 DS-minetest it says placer can be any objectref or nil but builtin needs placer to be a player :P
14:48 nerzhul this packet was removed on MT in 2014
14:48 VanessaE ok.
14:48 est31 so I've disabled ubuntu precise builders now
14:48 nerzhul ty est31
14:49 nerzhul VanessaE, diff show the client now doesn't send a useless packet server ignore since a long time
14:49 nerzhul and red-001 fix the server handler from not handled to deprecated
14:49 est31 left #minetest-dev
14:49 nerzhul then a warning should be shown in your logs if you receive this packet
14:49 VanessaE just checking.  I'm skimming the commit log to make sure I'm not about to waste a bunch of time
14:51 VanessaE I really wish git log would show me the date a commit was actually pushed, rather than when it was started
15:08 red-001 not warning the log level for it is set to info iirc
15:10 nerzhul red-001, sounds better :p
15:11 VanessaE sfan5, nerzhul: without having tried to bisect yet, I am certain it worked at commit 73de17af (Apr. 16), probably also worked fine at 57eaf62c, but broke some time between those and 9b5effff.  The private metadata commit happened on May 10
15:12 nerzhul network doesn't change in this interval :(
15:12 VanessaE (9b5... was May 17)
15:15 VanessaE I know 73d... worked because that's when I last did a clean clone.  didn't touch it again for a month, when it pulled to 9b5...  then I rolled it back to 57e... for whatever reason, then went forward from there.  `git log -g` is a little confusing
15:16 VanessaE 73d... predates the map version bump, so I'd need to use that patch sfan5 made.  but I feel the need to understand wtf is really going on first.
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15:35 VanessaE nerzhul: --> github
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15:40 * VanessaE applies sfan5's patch and rolls back to the old commit
15:40 VanessaE (well, in opposite order :P )
15:41 cx384 joined #minetest-dev
15:41 VanessaE fuck
15:41 VanessaE can't build it
15:42 VanessaE sfan5:
15:42 VanessaE I applied your patch over 73de17af
15:43 sfan5 oh yea forgot about those
15:43 sfan5 change it to meta->deSerialize(is, 1);
15:44 VanessaE NodeMetadata *data = new NodeMetadata(item_def_mgr);
15:44 VanessaE -               data->deSerialize(is);
15:44 VanessaE +               meta->deSerialize(is, 1);
15:48 VanessaE nope.  that ain't it either.
15:49 VanessaE
15:49 sfan5 VanessaE: in rollback_interface.cpp not nodemetadata.cpp
15:50 sfan5 lemme make you a new patch
15:50 VanessaE thanks.
15:52 sfan5 VanessaE:
15:52 halt_ joined #minetest-dev
15:53 VanessaE trying...
15:54 VanessaE well it built.
15:54 * VanessaE runs it....
15:55 VanessaE 2017-05-25 17:55:27: ERROR[Main]: ServerError: AsyncErr: environment_Step: Runtime error from mod 'pipeworks' in callback environment_Step(): ERROR: MapBlock format not supported
15:56 VanessaE (no clue why it shows that mod at fault, maybe because it force-loads blocks or something)
15:56 kilbith had the same error
15:56 sfan5 derp
15:56 sfan5 lemme make you yet another patch
15:56 VanessaE ok
16:02 sfan5 VanessaE: here
16:02 sfan5 if that still doesn't work i'll make another one and actually test it before
16:04 VanessaE applied and building
16:06 VanessaE builds ok
16:06 * VanessaE runs it...
16:06 Raven262 joined #minetest-dev
16:13 VanessaE sfan5, nerzhul I think I can safely say it is working properly at 73de17afa82 with sfan5's last patch
16:13 VanessaE I now have EIGHT client instances of my own online with zero issue, and cheapie has three more on
16:13 VanessaE and there's more coming
16:14 nerzhul okay, now you can bisect and we can find the problem, i hope it's not a coincidence
16:15 VanessaE mmmmh
16:17 VanessaE one person is saying he can't connect with your latest build, sfan5
16:18 sfan5 sounds like someone broke something clientside
16:21 VanessaE one of the guys says he can't even get in with 0.4.15-release, but I think he's having a local problem
16:21 VanessaE care to try it?
16:21 VanessaE 30001, expect ~40 MB of medioa
16:21 VanessaE media*
16:21 QwertyDragon joined #minetest-dev
16:21 nerzhul VanessaE, due to the gap between last and patched version, just bisect to help us find which commit
16:22 VanessaE nerzhul: I am not sure that I can bisect given how much resources it takes to test :-/
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16:25 nerzhul bisect permit to have a commit range, it just take time :)
16:26 nerzhul seems you are the only server owner to report this problem ti's difficult
16:30 VanessaE ok the connection issue for those guys was just ipv6 being disabled
16:30 VanessaE so ignore that part.
16:31 VanessaE I turned it back on and they can connect okay now.
16:31 VanessaE the timeouts are definitely fixed by using this older commit
16:32 nerzhul and it seems to be linked with server, it's easier to track
16:32 VanessaE can you try connecting please?
16:33 VanessaE maybe you can ... I dunno.....wireshark it?
16:33 nerzhul on which commit are you ?
16:34 VanessaE 73de17af plus sfan5's patch to make it load my "too new" world
16:34 nerzhul erf 342 files changed :p
16:34 nerzhul 236 files in src/
16:35 nerzhul bisecting is really required
16:35 VanessaE bisecting may not be possible here without help
16:35 VanessaE (as in, someone who can connect lots of clients at once, so my machine doesn't melt down)
16:36 nerzhul first revert sfan5 patch
16:36 nerzhul if it's not a git patch a single git reset --hard on your tree is good
16:36 nerzhul then go to current master: git fetch && git checkout origin/master
16:36 nerzhul then when you are sure you are on master
16:37 nerzhul git bisect start && git bisect bad HEAD && git bisect good <commitid_good_you_found>
16:37 VanessaE nono
16:38 VanessaE sfan5's patch is necessary here, without it, my map is "too new" to run the older MT commits, because it was altered by the map version bump that came with the "private metadata" commit
16:38 nerzhul how do you applied it ?
16:38 nerzhul by hand ?
16:38 VanessaE yeah, patch -p1 < file.patch
16:39 nerzhul okay then
16:39 nerzhul instead of reset, type git stash
16:39 VanessaE so not by hand, but not a git commit either :P
16:39 nerzhul it will save the diff
16:39 nerzhul we can apply it later
16:39 nerzhul and then start bisect
16:39 nerzhul git will place your tree in bisect commit, if this commti is before sfan5 change, type git stash apply, else jsut comiple
16:40 VanessaE ok that sounds fair
16:41 nerzhul git is a nice tool heh, it have all you need for debugging
16:41 VanessaE I really wish I could get you to try this on your local box though
16:41 nerzhul i cannot reproduce it
16:41 VanessaE download the world, run a server with it, connect as many clients as you can at once until it barfs
16:42 nerzhul but bisect will help us to find the problem when we have at least a little commit range, and better the cmmit
16:42 VanessaE ok
16:42 nerzhul i'm on freebsd maybe i will not be affected
16:42 VanessaE good point
16:42 VanessaE could be specific to linux on the server side
16:42 VanessaE I'm still having some of the users beat the crap out of it right now though
16:43 VanessaE I'll try to bisec shortly
16:43 nerzhul yeah take your time, after the bisect and the test
16:43 nerzhul type git bisect bad if the commit is bad, else git commit good
16:43 nerzhul and continue while you are on the problematic commit :)
16:45 nerzhul s/while/until/g
16:46 VanessaE ok, starting to bisest
16:46 VanessaE bisect*
16:47 paramat joined #minetest-dev
16:49 VanessaE sfan5: can I just always apply your patch while I'm doing this?
16:50 nerzhul i think you can unless current commit is after the sfan5 merge
16:50 sfan5 yes
16:50 VanessaE ok
16:50 nerzhul type git stash apply
16:50 nerzhul it's in the git-stash :)
16:50 VanessaE eh, it doesn't like that.
16:51 nerzhul it depend when you are in the history just check :)
16:51 VanessaE
16:52 VanessaE screw it, I'll just `patch` it in.
16:53 nerzhul seems good
16:53 nerzhul it patched without conflict
16:53 VanessaE well you sure wouldn't know it from the bold red text.
16:53 VanessaE ok
16:53 VanessaE I'll do it your way then
16:53 nerzhul before doing git bisect good/bad don't forget to git stash
16:54 VanessaE ok
17:05 VanessaE nerzhul: root@daconcepts:/home/minetest/minetest_core# git bisect bad ... git stash apply... error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge: (the files sfan5's patch modifies)
17:06 sfan5 forgot the git stash before `git bisect bad`?
17:06 sfan5 in any case git reset HEAD --hard && git stash apply should work
17:06 VanessaE yep, that got it
17:06 nerzhul sfan5, yes
17:15 VanessaE it seems I have to do that with each cycle, but whatever.  as long as it works.
17:21 nerzhul yeah it's the bisect principle
17:21 nerzhul but at each loop step you divide commit range by 2
17:22 VanessaE I mean the `reset --hard HEAD` part.
17:22 VanessaE meh, as long as the code is right and it works, idc :P
17:22 VanessaE git is all black magic
17:23 nerzhul white magic :D
17:24 Fixer greyish magic
17:25 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
17:26 Krock black magic with poisoned injections called "patches" and blood extracts named "diffs". We're all witches here.
17:28 VanessaE heh
17:31 VanessaE I'm about 4 cycles into the bisect, fwiw
17:33 nerzhul 4 cycles ? you divide commit range by 8, it's nice :)
17:33 nerzhul 16 *
17:33 nerzhul 2^4
17:33 nerzhul what is the current bad commit ?
17:33 VanessaE moment
17:34 VanessaE
17:35 paramat with copyright credits at the top of cpp files, is the second year always updated to the current year even if that dev has not contributed to the file in that year?
17:35 VanessaE and I'm about to mark the current commit as bad also
17:35 VanessaE paramat: traditionally it just has to reflect the last date the file was modified, but it's a good idea to always keep it the year of release anyway
17:36 paramat thanks
17:36 nerzhul 190 files changes between  73de17afa821ccea84a119096b267e05a77db3ff ad9fcf859ec2347325830e09504ae96968b51ea8
17:36 nerzhul erf :p
17:36 VanessaE yeah, still whittling it down
17:37 nerzhul at least 12 days of development
17:37 nerzhul :)
17:37 Grandolf joined #minetest-dev
17:41 nerzhul in this interval there is plenty of commits
17:41 VanessaE
17:41 VanessaE there it is.
17:41 VanessaE or so says bisect anyway
17:41 nerzhul you mean this commit is the bad commit ?
17:42 VanessaE that's what bisect tells me
17:42 VanessaE
17:42 VanessaE there's the full log
17:42 nerzhul ok
17:42 Grandolf Fix jitter when walking against the sneak limits.
17:42 Grandolf Fix damage evading on sneak ladders.
17:42 nerzhul i see what has been removed
17:42 VanessaE (well git log followed by the output of the final "bad")
17:42 Grandolf r u removing the "sneak glitch"?
17:42 VanessaE Grandolf: old issue, please don't.
17:42 nerzhul the player got teleported flag was removed
17:42 nerzhul what is the side effet now
17:42 VanessaE for the love of all that is hold and decent, don't ask about sneak
17:43 nerzhul it's purely client side
17:43 nerzhul you are recompiling client or server ?
17:43 VanessaE server.
17:43 VanessaE it can't be client-side unless it's something that started with 0.4.15-release maybe
17:43 nerzhul then there is something wrong :p
17:43 nerzhul this commit is purely clietn side
17:44 VanessaE lemme roll back to one commit before it and see what happenbs.
17:44 VanessaE -b
17:45 nerzhul maybe you set a coommit as good whereas it wasn't
17:45 VanessaE I'm sure I didn't.
17:46 nerzhul to be sure, you can restart bisecting, but declare f9fdb48dc85e53253ef93972355d3c7bc9d0ffb0 as first bad, and the previous known good commit as good
17:46 VanessaE ok, after this current test
17:47 VanessaE I'm testing the server at bd921a79 just to see what it does.
17:47 nerzhul should be bad too, as the git log seems to indicate this is not related :p
17:49 VanessaE ok, bd921a79 is indeed also bad.\
17:49 VanessaE mmmh
17:51 VanessaE ok, restarting the bisect from ^^^ your commit as bad, and the known good one as...good. :)
17:52 red-001 Grandolf, old news
17:53 nerzhul VanessaE, at least there is less commits to bisect
17:53 VanessaE truew
17:53 Grandolf thought it had already been added
17:53 Grandolf red-001 ^
17:53 VanessaE Grandolf: please in the name of all that is good and/or holy, don't talk about sneak
17:54 VanessaE the first rule of sneak is, don't talk about sneak
17:54 * Grandolf sneaks outa chat
17:54 VanessaE wiseass :P
17:54 red-001 we already had a flame war between the devs and the one that shall not be mentioned over this
17:55 red-001 Grandolf, lets move this to #minetest
17:55 red-001 it's not ontopic here
17:55 Grandolf ok
18:10 nerzhul VanessaE, news?
18:11 VanessaE still working on it
18:12 VanessaE fwiw, each test I get about 20 clients online at a time, if the commit is good
18:12 VanessaE if bad, around 4.
18:12 VanessaE (6 of my own, several from other players who are helping me test it)
18:23 Fixer i can help you too
18:23 Fixer right now
18:23 Fixer where to connect?
18:24 Fixer or nevermind %)
18:29 VanessaE nerzhul:
18:30 nerzhul lol
18:30 Fixer o.O
18:30 VanessaE at least that's got changes in connection.cpp
18:30 VanessaE and other places
18:30 nerzhul yeah
18:30 nerzhul letme a minute
18:30 VanessaE ok
18:31 nerzhul it seems this PR is correct, the problematic PR should be before
18:31 VanessaE PR? or commit?
18:31 VanessaE what shall I do here?
18:31 nerzhul checkout this
18:31 nerzhul b662a4577d692329b9ca83525e6039f2ddcd1ac1
18:32 nerzhul and tell me if it is problematic
18:32 nerzhul both commits are related
18:32 VanessaE ok, checked out, and the patch is already applied at that commit.  building....
18:33 nerzhul hopefully this kind of commit can be removed after release std::chrono is far more better, but if it's the problem we should find and fix it
18:34 VanessaE running it...
18:35 nerzhul i don't think it's the problem the commit as it doesn't seems to be called by connetion
18:35 nerzhul but second uses it
18:35 nerzhul i reviewed the commit anotehr time and it seems exactly same, just pass u32 to u64 and fix indents
18:36 nerzhul i don't see why Krock type change can cause the problem, except if it works due to a integer overflow !
18:37 nerzhul and if it's the case... PAN
18:37 nerzhul if the current test works, please test 9762650f978cc7bae78861b70a051b26cc5e2dc6 and ensure me it works or not on this
18:37 VanessaE testing it
18:37 VanessaE er testing b66... I mean
18:38 nerzhul y
18:38 VanessaE b662a457 appears to be good.
18:38 VanessaE I'll try 9762650f now?
18:41 nerzhul y
18:41 VanessaE ok.
18:41 nerzhul if last is good it confirms we have a big problem :p
18:41 VanessaE building...
18:43 VanessaE running it...
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19:00 VanessaE nerzhul: 9762650f appears to be *mostly* good.  23 client instances online, 8 of which are mine (others are from a few players doing multiple instances also).  One user reports that he can't get more than just 1 to connect (which is among those 23).  could be on his end.
19:01 H-H-H hey guys quick question :) is it possible to add a key for use in a mod from a mod or would it need to be done in the c++ ?
19:01 nerzhul VanessaE, okay then...
19:02 VanessaE nerzhul: bad news? :)
19:02 nerzhul 3db66b453152c3610b858aa1650e1ab3f545a430
19:02 nerzhul sorry
19:02 nerzhul no yes it's the good commit :p
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19:03 nerzhul f727f54192644f6427ac1b2c86df8c64c7c5fdf0 seems to break but don't know why atm
19:03 nerzhul can you just test 3db66b453152c3610b858aa1650e1ab3f545a430 to confirm it's broken
19:03 VanessaE nooooooooooooo
19:04 VanessaE I've got 26 clients online, don't make me spoil it when I'm so close to filling the server to its configured limit :)
19:06 red-001 any luck finding the offending commit?
19:07 VanessaE see above, red-001
19:07 nerzhul red-001, f727f54192644f6427ac1b2c86df8c64c7c5fdf0 seems to be faulty and ... tricky
19:07 nerzhul but related
19:08 red-001 huh
19:10 VanessaE ok nerzhul, setting up to try 3db66b453152c3610b858aa1650e1ab3f545a430
19:11 VanessaE ok, that's built.  running it...
19:15 VanessaE nerzhul: 3db66b45 produces timeouts, or occasionally "init packet not recognized by server"
19:15 nerzhul okay
19:15 VanessaE this is good news>? :)
19:15 nerzhul then f727f54192644f6427ac1b2c86df8c64c7c5fdf0 is faulty
19:16 VanessaE ok
19:16 nerzhul Krock, ^
19:16 Krock pong
19:16 nerzhul it's your commit :)
19:17 VanessaE nerzhul: ok, so I guess I should put the server at 9762650f for now?
19:17 Krock that's interesting.
19:17 nerzhul you can at least make your server working on 9762650f as it seems yes
19:18 VanessaE ok, willdo
19:18 nerzhul or keep upstream master and revert f727f54192644f6427ac1b2c86df8c64c7c5fdf0
19:18 nerzhul it will not produce conflict
19:18 VanessaE ok, let me try THAT
19:18 nerzhul OKAY
19:19 Krock I bet someone gotta explain me how >more< space for a number can cause new problems
19:20 VanessaE f727f541 reverted okay.  building...
19:20 VanessaE Krock: unless some value was over/underflowing and it just happened to work okay before?
19:23 nerzhul Krock, as i said before youi connect, i hope network just don't work because there is overflow on an integer...
19:24 Krock overflow detections are done by checking if the previous number is more than the new computed one. That's a generic check that works on all integer types
19:24 nerzhul if VanessaE confirms current master works without f727f54192644f6427ac1b2c86df8c64c7c5fdf0 we should study it carefully and find what append
19:24 nerzhul it's done when you did it, we are in C/C++ not java :p
19:24 nerzhul if you overflow, 1111 + 0001 = 0000
19:25 nerzhul :)
19:25 Krock ehm.. yes, I'm aware of that
19:28 Krock boom found one missing occurence
19:28 Krock connection.h L772  is still u32
19:29 Krock apparently I only ran my search expression for direct assignements
19:29 nerzhul it's why IDE are better than grep
19:29 nerzhul :)
19:29 nerzhul in clion: find callees and that's all :p
19:30 nerzhul and CTRL+MAJ+F if you are not sure it's only in code :p
19:30 RobbieF joined #minetest-dev
19:30 VanessaE nerzhul: confirmed.  upstream HEAD with, reverted f727f541 -- works fine, 34 clients online.
19:30 nerzhul nice
19:30 Krock VanessaE, patch coming
19:30 VanessaE Krock: ok
19:30 nerzhul Krock, it's due to getTimeMs assigments ?
19:31 nerzhul ouch we have same problem on client it seems
19:31 Krock yes, m_last_timeout_check is still u32
19:31 nerzhul oh, exactly this bug
19:31 nerzhul do you want me to fix all the occurences ?
19:31 nerzhul there are many problems on client
19:32 nerzhul s64 m_hovered_time = getTimeMs ... gtmlt
19:32 Krock u32 BlinkStartTime   intlGUIEditBox.h
19:32 Krock should be u64 aswell
19:32 nerzhul yes
19:33 nerzhul and it's not the only case
19:33 nerzhul there are many
19:33 nerzhul u32 animation_timer = porting::getTimeMs() % 100000; in game.cpp
19:33 nerzhul u32 timer = porting::getTimeMs() % 5000;
19:33 nerzhul game.cpp too
19:33 Krock err
19:33 Krock are you serious?
19:33 nerzhul delta = porting::getDeltaMs(m_hovered_time, porting::getTimeMs());
19:33 nerzhul in guiFormSpec menu
19:33 Krock >  % 5000
19:33 Krock u64 looks reasonable
19:34 Krock /s
19:34 nerzhul i hope compiler correctly strip it :)
19:34 nerzhul u32 delta = porting::getDeltaMs(m_doubleclickdetect[0].time, porting::getTimeMs());
19:34 nerzhul in guiFormSpecMenu
19:35 nerzhul m_internal_time = porting::getTimeMs() / 1000.f; in joystickcontroller
19:35 nerzhul u32 delta = porting::getDeltaMs(m_key_events[0].down_time, porting::getTimeMs()); in touchscreengui
19:35 Krock also unittests need some updating.. replacing the stuff
19:36 nerzhul i don't find unittest problems where did you see them ?
19:36 nerzhul test_connection.cpp is good
19:36 nerzhul but many delta are not correct and can overflow
19:36 Krock test.cpp: u32 t1 = porting::getTime(PRECISION_MILLI);
19:37 nerzhul getTime has same problem... erf
19:38 nerzhul u32 curr_time = porting::getTime(PRECISION_MILLI);
19:38 nerzhul in map.cpp
19:38 Krock only 49 hits here
19:38 nerzhul 10 getTime function usage
19:38 nerzhul m_connection_time(porting::getTime(PRECISION_SECONDS))
19:38 nerzhul this is problematic too
19:38 nerzhul m_connection_time is u32
19:38 nerzhul in remoteclient
19:38 nerzhul u32 RemoteClient::uptime() const
19:39 nerzhul u32 TimeTaker::getTimerTime() read getTime ...
19:39 nerzhul sooooo many things to fix
19:39 Krock well thanks. already found that 5 mins ago
19:39 nerzhul :p
19:39 nerzhul i'm waiting for your PR then and i will re-check after applying it
19:40 VanessaE are we sure this'll work? ;)
19:40 paramat awesome, great work
19:40 nerzhul for connection pretty sure
19:41 nerzhul overflowing the timeout timer seems a good reason for this bug
19:41 nerzhul fixing it in all places permit to prevent other overflow with not undenstandable bugs;..
19:41 VanessaE yep, that sounds fair
19:56 Krock nerzhul, #5818
19:56 ShadowBot -- Time: Change old `u32` timestamps to 64-bit by SmallJoker
19:59 nerzhul there is one error to fix
20:00 nerzhul the first fix precision second you changes it to ms
20:01 Krock huh?
20:01 Krock oh I see, thanks
20:09 nerzhul VanessaE,
20:09 nerzhul remove the revert on the problematic commit and apply this patch please
20:10 nerzhul for me it's good, i will just verify if it's complete or not
20:17 octacian_ joined #minetest-dev
20:19 VanessaE I'll wait for you guys to test it a bit first :)
20:21 nerzhul it's stable, it's just variable change
20:21 nerzhul you can test it
20:21 VanessaE ok
20:24 nerzhul Krock, it's mergeable without problem i don't see any remaining entry
20:25 VanessaE compile failure
20:25 VanessaE
20:26 octacian__ joined #minetest-dev
20:26 nerzhul looking, i missed it
20:26 Krock totally forgot them. fixing
20:26 VanessaE so yeah, I would suggest you guys test it ;)
20:26 nerzhul travis told us
20:27 nerzhul yeah pointers
20:27 nerzhul debug stuff timers...
20:29 nerzhul u32 updateareawaterpressure_time = 0;
20:29 nerzhul u32 flowwater_pre_time = 0;
20:29 nerzhul they can be removed,
20:29 nerzhul they are not used
20:29 nerzhul (you will modify the variables just upper :p
20:31 Krock nerzhul, interestingly we thought about the same thing while looking at this problem
20:32 Krock also noticed here that some variables are no longer used
20:32 nerzhul oh i was just reviewing at the same time on clion :p
20:32 nerzhul which IDE do you use ? VS ?
20:32 Krock none :trollface:
20:33 luk3yx left #minetest-dev
20:37 nerzhul VanessaE, re-apply the patch please by re-downloading it
20:37 VanessaE sure.
20:39 paramat hehe waterpressure, finite water code?
20:39 Fixer nah
20:40 VanessaE that built ok
20:49 VanessaE if anyone wants to help me load test that patch,
20:49 VanessaE go to 30001
20:49 VanessaE with as many client instances as you can safely run
20:50 Krock is that the dreambuilder one?
20:51 Krock yeah, just 207 (partwise heavy) mods :3
20:56 kilbith testing creative inventory' new design:
20:59 VanessaE Krock: and yeah, it's dreambuilder
21:04 VanessaE anyone else care to give it a try?
21:14 rubenwardy oh nice, kilbith
21:17 RobbieF left #minetest-dev
21:18 nerzhul VanessaE, it works now ?
21:18 VanessaE nerzhul: it seems to
21:18 VanessaE but I'm having trouble getting you guys to actually sign on and try to push it to its limit :)
21:18 VanessaE I've got 28 clients going now
21:19 VanessaE need more :P
21:20 nerzhul it's sufficient
21:20 VanessaE ok
21:21 Hijiri Does anyone see any potential problems implementing dimensions in the map db as separate tables rather than part of the mapblock hash?
21:21 Hijiri "hash"
21:21 Hijiri It would avoid increasing the map size too much
21:30 VanessaE Kray: thanks again for the patch.  Survival is happy now :)
21:31 Kray wat
21:31 nerzhul thanks Kray :D errr Krock xD
21:31 nerzhul poor SmallJoker :p
21:31 nerzhul Kray please change your nick it break autocompletion on core devs xD
21:32 nerzhul erf MacOSX build is not happy
21:34 VanessaE er Krock ^^^^
21:34 VanessaE sorry Kray.  tab-complete error
21:34 nerzhul i hope Krock can look at this tomorrow and fix it, but i don't know how to fix it, sfan5 and idea ?
21:34 nerzhul
21:34 nerzhul i don't know why there is a problem here
21:52 Fixer had few crashes during closing of rtt=-1 clients, irrlicht.dll and ntdll.dll related
21:54 Fixer will try with debug build to see anything interesting, i had 6 clients running from separate folders at the time of kick
21:56 Fixer 6 clients were kicked, 4 kicked to main menu, 2 had RTT=-1 and still game visible, esc-exit = crash on both
22:01 Dumbeldor
22:04 nerzhul nice video Dumbeldor , seems to improve the user experience on inventory
22:05 Dumbeldor Thanks nerzhul :)
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