Time Nick Message 00:01 Sokomine hi. i keep getting "ERROR[Main]: Some exception: "Reading outside packet (offset: 12, packet size: 12)" 00:02 Sokomine ..on one server with newest mt. any idea what might be the reason? 00:04 paramat i hope that's not also clouds API, that uses packets 00:04 paramat =/ 00:04 paramat nerzhul knows more about packets 00:07 Sokomine nothing really active clientside 00:07 Sokomine ok, the preview mod keeps printing out intresting messages...but that's about it 00:08 paramat CSM preview mod? 00:12 paramat ARGB 255 240 240 255 might have been confused as RGBA 255 240 240 255 00:13 paramat is anyone making a fix PR to test? if not i'll make one now 00:15 Sokomine don't know. the one that comes as a sample 00:28 paramat making a PR for corrected cloud colour, then we can test it and compare it to old code 00:42 paramat #5693 will test carefully tomorrow 00:42 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5693 -- Clouds: Fix accidental swap of red and blue components by paramat 01:01 paramat first test seems promising, but menu clouds look very wrong 01:45 paramat ugh, ok PR seems good and menu clouds are reasonable, just need input from bendeutsch 01:46 paramat time to relax now .. 02:02 paramat so yes it was swapped R and B components 02:04 sofar btw the cloud color in the menu does weird things, I think it's not initialized properly 02:04 sofar so I wouldn't look too much into that 02:04 sofar with the skybox mod it can get all weirdly colored 04:16 sofar fade PR is good now, yay 04:34 sofar ModError: Runtime error from mod 'preview' in callback on_placenode(): /usr/local/share/minetest/builtin/client/register.lua:8: assertion failed! 04:35 sofar wow, that's a first 04:39 sofar I may have to disable the preview mod, I can't place nodes 04:39 sofar not sure what happened there 05:33 red-002 huh 05:33 red-002 traceback? 05:34 sofar that's all I got 13:49 DS-minetest sofar: the new chests stay open if you press Esc in the time between you have rightclicked it and the formspec opens 13:51 DS-minetest it's easy reproduceable if you hold ESc 15:43 sofar DS-minetest: then don't do that :P 15:45 Fixer o____o 15:46 Fixer observerved smth interesting 15:46 DS-minetest ok 15:47 sofar it's not something I can detect I think, anyway 15:47 Fixer shaders disabled, at sunrise during transition fps slowly and noticably goes down, during this transition it is quite low, when full light kicks in - fps goes back to normal in very smooth manner 16:42 paramat i'll rebase #5672 fo a possible merge tonight 16:42 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5672 -- Set sky: Add bool for clouds with custom skybox by paramat 17:17 paramat will merge #5675 and #5693 later 17:17 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5675 -- Sneak: Improve and fix various things by SmallJoker 17:17 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5693 -- Clouds: Fix accidental swap of red and blue components by paramat 17:17 paramat in 3-4hrs 17:46 sofar cool 17:46 paramat will test dawn/dusk colours first 18:31 paramat the knockback PR is a nightmare, needs a complete rewrite :] 18:35 Krock :< 18:35 benrob0329 Do we have set velocity for players yet? 18:35 Krock locally, yes. But it's too laggy on servers to get percise results 18:47 paramat (i have a physics degree so can help out with knockback stuff) 18:50 kilbith there are plenty of job offers in physics.... 18:59 paramat i know, but i will not go into personal details 18:59 Krock nevertheless it would be the wrong channel for that 19:09 paramat and you do not know my personal details 19:10 kilbith nobody asked for 19:17 paramat closed #5689 19:17 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5689 -- Recebo erro de memória insuficiente ao tentar compilar esse arquivo 19:34 Beerholder_ Hi all, question: I would like to determine which tile of a node was clicked and the point of intersection relative to the corner of the face 19:35 Beerholder_ I have two approaches: 1) Compare the normal of all vertices with the intersection normal of PointedThing 19:37 paramat we have a new function for the fine position of pointing 19:37 Beerholder_ 2) Iterate over the selection boxes and test if PointedThing's intersection point is inside the bounding box with isPointInside 19:37 Beerholder_ Oh ok ... Which one is that? 19:38 paramat which tile clicked is found from 'pointed_thing.above / under' 19:38 paramat is this MT dev related or modding? 19:39 paramat if it's for a PR we can discuss here 19:41 Beerholder_ It is for the minetest browser, so in the engine itself 19:41 paramat ok :] 19:41 paramat will get you a link 19:43 paramat https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/builtin/common/misc_helpers.lua#L698 19:44 paramat https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L1947 19:45 paramat it's used in MTG stairs mod when placing stairs or slabs 19:46 paramat by comparing the positions of 'pointed_thing.under' and 'pointed_thing.above' you can work out which face was pointed at 19:47 paramat as the face is between those 2 pos 19:47 Beerholder_ Oh super, thanks :) will most def have a look at that 19:49 Beerholder_ And for my information pointed_thing.under/ pointed_thing.above are PointedThing node_abovesurface and node_undersurface in the engine? 19:50 Beerholder_ I ran into those two and was wondering what they were for :) 19:52 paramat they probably are yes 19:54 Beerholder_ Ok cool, thanks paramat! I will start digging into that lua code and see what I can do with that :) 21:07 paramat ugh all liquids are hardcoded to wave #5694 21:07 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5694 -- Lava shouldn't be effected by the waving shader 21:08 paramat we need 'waving = 1' in nodedefs instead 21:08 nerzhul lava can wave depending on viscosity of the material 22:36 paramat #5693 has become quite epic, however at least i know it is not causing the green clouds at sunset (which are in master), so it could be merged 22:36 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5693 -- Clouds: Fix reddish clouds. Add missing alpha update by paramat 22:50 nore green clouds at sunset? 22:50 sofar with or without shaders? 23:05 paramat no shaders 23:06 paramat shader master switch off 23:11 sofar same tint shows with shaders enabled? 23:13 paramat i didn't test, thought we should deal with no shaders first and get that right 23:16 paramat the issue already makes my head hurt *=/ 23:42 paramat anyway i'll take a break on that and rebase cloud bool instead