Time |
Nick |
Message |
00:00 |
kaeza |
but please make up our mind |
00:00 |
paramat |
i'm overruled already |
00:01 |
kaeza |
uh, did not see rubenwardy's comment |
00:01 |
paramat |
i can only go by screenshots and the new screenshot shows unpleasant distortion, sorry |
00:01 |
kaeza |
yeah, that could be useful I guess |
00:01 |
paramat |
i'm wondering if icons can ever look good due to scaling |
00:05 |
paramat |
https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/pull/1666#issuecomment-289321050 this looked good so i supported but perhaps that was just luck there was no distortion (but there is on the dustbin) |
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00:05 |
Guest30080 joined #minetest-dev |
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^v joined #minetest-dev |
00:08 |
paramat |
rubenwardy sofar #5439 ? |
00:08 |
ShadowBot |
https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5439 -- Add pointed_thing_to_face_pos to misc_helpers and doc by MarkuBu |
00:09 |
troller joined #minetest-dev |
00:10 |
paramat |
beginning to think best left as ? X < > |
00:11 |
rubenwardy |
reviewing |
00:13 |
Halt_ joined #minetest-dev |
00:20 |
paramat |
thanks |
00:32 |
troller joined #minetest-dev |
00:35 |
paramat |
sorry kaeza |
00:59 |
paramat |
#5464 simple PR to avoid ladder breakage, sofar ? |
00:59 |
ShadowBot |
https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5464 -- Sneak: Set 'sneak glitch' setting default to 'false' by paramat |
01:01 |
VanessaE |
paramat: can you also review #5453 ? \ (I note that you already commented on it) |
01:01 |
ShadowBot |
https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5453 -- Fix upside down textures by numberZero |
01:03 |
paramat |
hm i need to look at that yeah |
01:05 |
VanessaE |
thanks. |
02:15 |
paramat |
will merge 5377 5440 in a moment |
02:20 |
paramat |
merging |
02:28 |
paramat |
complete. mapgen limit finally sorted |
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02:42 |
^v joined #minetest-dev |
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08:12 |
TvAntenna |
Hello |
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08:17 |
glut32 joined #minetest-dev |
08:17 |
Lunatrius` joined #minetest-dev |
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RandomX45 joined #minetest-dev |
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^v joined #minetest-dev |
08:46 |
glut32 |
I have a question about the bump of the protocol : Should I only increment by 1 the LATEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION const in "minetest\src\network\networkprotocol.h" ? |
08:51 |
nrzkt |
glut32: hi, yes it's exact should should update this value, and ensure backward compat if needed, depending on which modification you do (in the packet handler) |
08:53 |
glut32 |
thanks it's ok for me. It will be commited ASAP |
08:54 |
glut32 |
I added also a comment about this new protocol version like others previous protocols |
08:57 |
nrzkt |
nice, what do you need in protocol ? |
08:58 |
kilbith |
he needs to bump the formspec API version to be backward compat with old clients with this PR : https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/5395 |
09:00 |
nrzkt |
i saw this comment, but i'm not sure it's the protocol version, it's not logical, because yo ucannot strip new flags in cpp, we don't have any formspec rewriter server side |
09:02 |
kilbith |
this is what Krock told me anyway (i.e. bumping the API version) |
09:08 |
glut32 |
it's commited ! |
09:09 |
nrzkt |
thanks, it doesn't seems logical to me, by anyway if it's our current solution |
09:11 |
nrzkt |
i think we should have a real discussion with other coredevs about formspecs as it's very anoying to have this versioning problem, minimum is to ignore error on screen, just in console |
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09:16 |
^v joined #minetest-dev |
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Lunatrius` joined #minetest-dev |
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^v joined #minetest-dev |
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Fixer joined #minetest-dev |
10:25 |
sfan5 |
kilbith: there is a seperate formspec version thing |
10:25 |
sfan5 |
the protocol has nothing to do with this |
10:27 |
nrzkt |
10:27 |
sfan5 |
however i'd suggest doing it the way rubenwardy suggested |
10:27 |
nrzkt |
10:28 |
nrzkt |
but it's 1 |
10:28 |
nrzkt |
((parts.size() > 3) && (m_formspec_version > FORMSPEC_API_VERSION))) |
10:28 |
nrzkt |
it seems it's managed like this in guiFormSpecMenu |
10:29 |
sfan5 |
yeah however it doesn't really help with compat in this case |
10:42 |
nrzkt |
sfan5: thanks for the review, i removed the test commits & update the condition you pointed |
10:42 |
nrzkt |
(for the clang-format) |
10:42 |
nrzkt |
waiting for your stamp :) |
10:43 |
nrzkt |
when i get time after merge i will create a script to look at all recent PR to see which files are modified and pass clang-format on non affected files + open a new pr |
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11:08 |
rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev |
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YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev |
11:28 |
glut32 |
I forget something about the protocol bump : I think that I must to modify the PROTOCOL_ID const |
11:38 |
sfan5 |
no no don't modify that one |
11:49 |
troller joined #minetest-dev |
12:01 |
nrzkt |
glut32: no, please rever tthe change on protocol version & bump formspec_api_version |
12:02 |
kilbith |
he has already squashed I'm afraid |
12:02 |
kilbith |
though that may work with `git reflog` |
12:42 |
Darcidride joined #minetest-dev |
12:43 |
rubenwardy |
the problem with bumping the version is that you would still get the problem on old servers |
12:43 |
rubenwardy |
which is why I'd prefer a style[] tag |
12:44 |
nrzkt |
but style is a bit hacky, we may fix this versioning problem before release permitting to enhance our formspec interface which is old and like a rock |
12:44 |
rubenwardy |
as an API, I think style[] is better |
12:44 |
rubenwardy |
the entire formspec code isn't particularly nice |
12:45 |
kilbith |
we'd be less annoyed with backward compat if formspecs were tables |
13:01 |
nrzkt |
oh in pg we use a wrong statement on delete block, it's a trivial fix (changing name of the statement...) i will push this to fix #5426 |
13:01 |
ShadowBot |
https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5426 -- /deleteblocks does nothing when using postgres backend |
13:01 |
nrzkt |
on delete we are doing... select |
13:04 |
nrzkt |
https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/a9878a0da56834eb23e3c05d505e5dbec4c81b88 |
13:04 |
nrzkt |
pushed, we are less conservative now :) |
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Mazemanwill_ joined #minetest-dev |
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nrzkt |
merging #5459 |
13:33 |
ShadowBot |
https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5459 -- clang-format: add a whitelist by nerzhul |
13:33 |
nrzkt |
do you think it's possible before next century to have more commits on minetest repo than celeron 55 |
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13:56 |
octacian joined #minetest-dev |
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XtremeHacker joined #minetest-dev |
14:17 |
kilbith |
effectivement |
14:17 |
kilbith |
oops, wrong tab |
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XtremeHacker joined #minetest-dev |
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15:55 |
cheapie |
Does CSM have any way to send chat messages to the local player yet? I'm not seeing one. |
15:55 |
red-002 |
yes |
15:55 |
red-002 |
display_chat_message |
15:56 |
cheapie |
Thanks. Maybe that should be added to the docs... |
15:56 |
red-002 |
it should be.... |
15:56 |
red-002 |
maybe it somehow got lost when merging |
15:56 |
cheapie |
I'm assuming so. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minetest/minetest/master/doc/client_lua_api.md is the official document for this, right? |
15:57 |
red-002 |
yes |
15:57 |
red-002 |
or I forgot to add it |
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Hunterz joined #minetest-dev |
15:57 |
red-002 |
I think the doc wasn't around when basic stuff like that was being added |
15:57 |
cheapie |
Well, now you know it's missing :P |
15:57 |
* red-002 |
goes off to make a PR |
15:59 |
proller__ joined #minetest-dev |
15:59 |
red-002 |
I should fix up the doc in general |
15:59 |
cheapie |
Yeah, I saw a few odd things about it. |
15:59 |
cheapie |
(such as the ending appears to be cut off) |
16:00 |
red-002 |
whats missing from the ending? |
16:00 |
cheapie |
It also says "Mods are contained and ran solely on the server side.", which is a bit out-of-place now, especially in client_lua_api.md. |
16:00 |
cheapie |
The ending appears to say "For named colors the hexadecimal string representing the alpha value must (always) be two hexadecima" |
16:01 |
* red-002 |
has failed at ctrl + c |
16:01 |
cheapie |
There should probably be an L at the end of that, and likely some more words too. |
16:01 |
red-002 |
that part was copied from the server code |
16:02 |
cheapie |
The chat command definition table also appears to be incorrect, as no "name" is passed to the function, only param as far as I can tell. |
16:02 |
red-002 |
we should make a lua_api_common doc |
16:03 |
nrzkt |
cheapie: you can also use colors :) |
16:03 |
cheapie |
nrzkt: Yep, I saw. The issue is with the end being cut off. |
16:06 |
cheapie |
It also mentions a "minetest.register_on_receiving_chat_message()" function, while the function appears to actually be minetest.register_on_receiving_chat_messages()" (note the S at the end). |
16:10 |
red-002 |
is this section incorrectly named? https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L185 |
16:10 |
red-002 |
you can't even use : for a file name on windows |
16:11 |
cheapie |
Looks fine to me? |
16:11 |
red-002 |
I think I better name would be "Naming convention for registered nodes names" |
16:11 |
red-002 |
oh |
16:11 |
cheapie |
I think it's supposed to apply to any text (textual) names, such as LBMs, forms, nodes, etc. |
16:11 |
red-002 |
I misread that as texture names |
16:11 |
red-002 |
my bad |
16:17 |
kaeza |
~tell paramat no problems on your opinion about textures. I left unexpectedly yesterday for other reasons |
16:17 |
ShadowBot |
kaeza: O.K. |
16:23 |
Krock joined #minetest-dev |
16:28 |
red-002 |
cheapie, https://github.com/red-001/minetest/blob/improve_csm_doc/doc/client_lua_api.md |
16:29 |
cheapie |
Looks good, aside from the very end. Two hexadecimal what? (I know, digits, but it doesn't appear to say that) |
16:31 |
cheapie |
Is there a way to determine what the local player's name is? |
16:31 |
red-002 |
not yet |
16:31 |
cheapie |
OK. That should probably be added at some point :P |
16:32 |
red-002 |
it wouldn't be hard to add |
16:33 |
proller__ joined #minetest-dev |
16:33 |
red-002 |
on it's own adding it is about 10 minutes work including updating the docs and building |
16:37 |
red-002 |
#5467 |
16:37 |
ShadowBot |
https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5467 -- [CSM] Fix errors in and improve the CSM documentation. by red-001 |
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proller__ joined #minetest-dev |
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paramat joined #minetest-dev |
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^v joined #minetest-dev |
19:20 |
kaeza |
is this useful to anybody else? https://github.com/minetest/minetest/compare/master...kaeza:strip?expand=1 |
19:21 |
kaeza |
disregard the lack of docs for now |
19:37 |
Thomas-S_ joined #minetest-dev |
19:37 |
paramat |
#5382 is ready |
19:37 |
ShadowBot |
https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5382 -- Cavegen/Mgv5/Mgv7: Add optional giant caverns by paramat |
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^v joined #minetest-dev |
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YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev |
19:57 |
paramat |
~tell rubenwardy https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/5439 seems good now |
19:57 |
ShadowBot |
paramat: O.K. |
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21:24 |
red-002 |
kaeza seems useful |
21:54 |
rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev |
22:00 |
VanessaE |
sofar: I would suggest shortening the duration of repeats for the howling sound cause dby using the pbj pup head. Maybe reduce it to just one instance. |
22:00 |
sofar |
the head is so rare, is it an issue? |
22:00 |
VanessaE |
Wuzzy thinks it is ;) |
22:00 |
sofar |
note that it also does something else |
22:01 |
* VanessaE |
looks again |
22:02 |
VanessaE |
aside from eating one every 15 seconds? |
22:04 |
VanessaE |
(also, I didn't like Lua could do tail recursion like that) |
22:04 |
sofar |
it heals the player every 15 seconds for 5 minutes |
22:04 |
VanessaE |
didn't know* |
22:04 |
red-002 |
nerzhul, does depends.txt work in client-side mods? |
22:05 |
sofar |
VanessaE: it could, I made it safe when I rewrite minetest.after() |
22:05 |
sofar |
rewrote* |
22:05 |
VanessaE |
oh, I didn't catch that, to me it looked like it would just repeatedly eat one. I so rarely use the *_eat() calls, wasn't sure how that worked. |
22:05 |
nerzhul |
red-002, i think it should work as the loading processus uses same code as server mods |
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Fritigern joined #minetest-dev |
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rubywarden joined #minetest-dev |
22:22 |
red-002 |
updated #5467 |
22:22 |
ShadowBot |
https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5467 -- [CSM] Fix errors in and improve the CSM documentation. by red-001 |
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numzero joined #minetest-dev |
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rubenwardy |
!seen tenplus1 |
22:30 |
ShadowBot |
rubenwardy: I saw tenplus1 in #minetest-dev 3 weeks, 0 days, 7 hours, 28 minutes, and 10 seconds ago saying "hi oc" |
22:30 |
rubenwardy |
!seen TenPlus1 |
22:30 |
ShadowBot |
rubenwardy: I saw TenPlus1 in #minetest-dev 13 weeks, 3 days, 13 hours, 12 minutes, and 32 seconds ago saying "congrats on 0.4.15 release btw" |
22:30 |
Fixer |
rubenwardy: he rage quit forever after that metadata thing |
22:30 |
Fixer |
:trollface: |
22:30 |
rubenwardy |
which metadata thing? |
22:30 |
Shara |
It broke his mobs redo |
22:31 |
Fixer |
rubenwardy: last time I seen him he said mobs redo had probs with tamed mobs after those metadata PRs... |
22:31 |
rubenwardy |
ah, woops :S |
22:31 |
Shara |
Tamed mobs were just despawning. |
22:32 |
rubenwardy |
#5302 |
22:32 |
ShadowBot |
https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5302 -- Store legacy metadata separate from new item meta data by rubenwardy |
22:32 |
Fixer |
probably this |
22:33 |
Fixer |
rubenwardy: mar 26 last activity, seems ok |
22:38 |
Fixer |
I have straight stair down mineshaft (with stairs), about 300 nodes down, going up stuck on it 13 times |
23:04 |
Fritigern joined #minetest-dev |
23:25 |
paramat |
please can anyone look at #5439 ? |
23:25 |
ShadowBot |
https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5439 -- Add pointed_thing_to_face_pos to misc_helpers and doc by MarkuBu |
23:31 |
Grandolf joined #minetest-dev |