Time  Nick       Message
01:26 rubenwardy urgh https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/1435#issuecomment-289250746
01:28 Calinou    see my reaction :)
01:30 rubenwardy lol
01:31 paramat    hehe
01:31 paramat    but then, he has improved recently
01:41 paramat    er well, spoke too soon
01:57 paramat    ok will merge game#1658 game#1662 game#1664 in a few mins
01:57 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/1658 -- PB&J Pup. by sofar
01:57 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/1662 -- Flora spread: Re-enable dry shrub replacing flora in desert sand by paramat
01:57 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/1664 -- doors: record protection violation if it cannot be dug by paly2
02:08 paramat    merging
02:08 paramat    bye kitty
02:11 nore       I just thought we could have made a mod called cyan_cat to replace the nyan cats :D
02:11 * Shara    has been considering red_cat version for a while...
02:11 nore       (keeping the rainbow, and changing the cat image)
02:12 sofar      there's no win when it comes to legal issues
02:12 sofar      take the loss and move on
02:12 nore       sofar: PB&J pup is fine for me as well :)
02:13 Shara      servers can just use old mod if they prefer anyway.
02:13 nore       exactly
02:13 nore       (and if they get legal issues, well, just use PB&J instead)
02:14 paramat    heh cyan cat. red cats are a good idea too
02:15 paramat    i'll make a post in the forum
02:15 nore       I don't know why we even had nyan cats
02:15 paramat    about re-adding nyancat mod as a separate mod
02:16 paramat    yeah lets ask c55 sometime
02:20 paramat    anyone else ok with me merging #5443 tonight? i know minor code requests have been made but considering the pressure over this it would be good to merge it as soon as the authot wants (tonight as i said i would)
02:20 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5443 -- Bring back sneak elevators/ladders by sfan5
02:20 paramat    we'll be working on improving it anyway soon
02:22 paramat    ~tell Krock https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/5440 is ready if you can review
02:22 ShadowBot  paramat: O.K.
02:23 paramat    #5440
02:23 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5440 -- Map generation limit: Make per-world by paramat
02:24 paramat    this will finish the necessary work on map gen limit
02:25 nore       paramat: see my last suggestion, however, since it is an addition to this pr it can be done in a later pr anyway
02:28 paramat    yeah
02:28 paramat    i'll merge 5443 later if no objections
02:29 Shara      nore: if anyone is able tocompile for me with your change, I would test before I sleep.
02:29 Shara      I feel kind of bad about having said I can't
02:30 nore       Shara: unfortunately I don't know how to do that, sorry :/
02:30 Shara      heh, you're not the one who needs to say sorry :)
02:32 paramat    sofar #5439 perhaps you could look at this? then we can get new slab placement in mtg
02:32 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5439 -- Add pointed_thing_to_face_pos to misc_helpers and doc by MarkuBu
02:39 paramat    will merge #5436 #5270 later with 5443
02:39 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5436 -- [CSM] Change command prefix to "." and add "help" command. by red-001
02:39 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5270 -- [for testing] Add minimum mesh generation interval by numberZero
02:46 VanessaE   sofar: what's the decision regarding aliasing the nyan rainbows to...  well, anything aside from the pup's candies?
02:47 VanessaE   should I import the old rainbow into gloopblocks as discussed before?
02:52 paramat    well nore's patch does allow double jump, amazing
02:52 nore       paramat: I am concerned about bugs it might bring, though
02:52 nore       so be sure to test it well
02:52 paramat    ah ok
02:53 paramat    yeah there may be side effects
02:53 paramat    we can all test more once the PR appears
02:54 paramat    so best it's a separate PR
03:15 paramat    https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=17101 news thread about nyan cat removal, hope it's ok
03:18 Shara      paramat: Maybe explain what the pup is/show a screenshot? There's no introduction to it there.  If I had not been watching elsewhere, I wouldn't know what it was from this.
03:53 paramat    hmm there are no good screenshots of it indeed
03:53 VanessaE   sure there are.
03:53 VanessaE   https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1733537/24090713/25e458ac-0d19-11e7-805d-3b5492b463a8.png
03:55 paramat    that's not the current candies, doing this now
03:55 VanessaE   ok.
03:56 VanessaE   what say you about the rainbow question earlier, since sofar isn't arounf?
03:56 VanessaE   around*
03:56 sofar      I'm not?
03:56 VanessaE   oh, I guess he is. :)
03:57 sofar      just got back from tossing children in bed
03:57 VanessaE   you didn't answer my question earlier, figured you had gone to bed.
03:59 sofar      I'm in PST, so, I'll be up for 2-3hrs more minimum
03:59 VanessaE   for some reason, I thought you were on the other side of the atlantic somewhere.  huh.
04:00 sofar      I'm from the Netherlands
04:00 sofar      I'm not in it
04:01 sofar      well, not that often ;)
04:01 VanessaE   heh
04:04 paramat    which question?
04:04 sofar      rainbow question
04:05 VanessaE   whether I should pull the old nyan rainbow into gloopblocks, give it a new name, and alias the old nodename to it if there is no separate nyan mod.
04:05 sofar      we could, potentially, keep rainbows, but then it'd break coherence and people who want the cat back would be broken
04:05 sofar      I would actually just extract the entire nyan cat block and release as-is again
04:06 VanessaE   that's what I figured would be best really
04:06 sofar      sadly, I can't host it in minetest-mods
04:06 VanessaE   keep the rainbow in mt_game, alias it.  let users install a separate mod to get the head.
04:06 VanessaE   the reason I make a big deal of the rainbow is, it's the best shielding there is against radiation (Technic)
04:07 sofar      no, I really don't want to =(
04:07 sofar      either we alias everything, or none
04:07 sofar      no halfsies please
04:08 VanessaE   (also gloopblocks already has a rainbow block that can, as it happens, be used to make nyan rainbows)
04:08 paramat    i'm neutral about what you do in gloopblocsk, as long as it doesn't affect our intentions and aliases
04:09 paramat    "keep the rainbow in mt_game, alias it.  let users install a separate mod to get the head." no thanks
04:09 VanessaE   it won't, but I gotta know ahead of time what's gonna happen first :)
04:22 nore       VanessaE: make pup candies good radiation as well :)
04:22 VanessaE   already did.
04:22 nore       and you can even make them be dangerous to eat afterwards :)
04:32 VanessaE   heh
04:46 paramat    will merge 5270 5436 5443 during the next few mins
04:52 VanessaE   gloopblocks updated.
05:02 paramat    merging
05:06 paramat    complete
05:20 paramat    celeron55 #-project is no longer being logged, i wonder if anyone else can log it? would be good to have it logged at irc.minetest.net alongside the others
06:03 VanessaE   what stopped the log?
06:04 VanessaE   (I assume oldcoder's ragequit)
06:27 celeron55  ironically sfan5 hosts irc.minetest.net; just ask him 8)
06:33 celeron55  i think a valid option regarding nyan cat is to just replace the cat block with a block with eg. the same color scheme but with just question marks as textures or something
06:34 celeron55  let it be a statement about copyright sillyness 8)
06:34 celeron55  that's what i'd do anyway if you weren't here doing stuff
06:37 VanessaE   heh, interesting idea
08:53 nerzhul    i will push a trivial fix on the clang-format to limit the output, because atm it exceed the 4MB travis limit, i will limit the LINT to 50 files
08:58 nerzhul    hmm, will do the trivial PR instead to ensure
09:28 nerzhul    merging #5455
09:29 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5455 -- clang-format: limit diff to 50 files to prevent exceding the maximum travis output by nerzhul
12:06 nerzhul    merging #5456 fix
12:06 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5456 -- clang-format: fix bash syntax on increment by nerzhul
13:46 rubenwardy celeron55: I feel like Nintendo might have issues with blocks with question marks on them
13:46 rubenwardy sort of thing they dislike
13:50 red-002    just make sure they don't look anything like thier question mark blocks?
13:51 red-002    surely they don't have a trademark on a cube/square with a question mark on it
14:00 celeron55  is that a joke or not, i can't tell
14:02 rubenwardy it was :/
14:03 Warr1024   just use an interrobang instead
15:32 Fixer      lol
15:35 Fixer      nyan chance cube
15:38 Fixer      found possible bug
15:39 Fixer      yeah, bug in https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/5443 it seems
15:54 sfan5      Fixer: try replacing
15:54 sfan5      else if(m_can_jump || (control.sneak && m_sneak_ladder_detected))
15:54 sfan5      with
15:54 sfan5      else if(m_can_jump || (control.sneak && m_sneak_ladder_detected && !is_climbing && !in_liquid))
15:56 Fixer      sfan5: will try
15:58 red-002    does a player get a new playersao every time they respawn?
15:58 Fixer      compiling
16:03 Fixer      will need to rewalk to that build since i was approached by enemy, did spawn
16:10 Fixer      sfan5: does not help
16:24 Fixer      sfan5: you can reproduce it with this world-structure: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/files/870876/TestChamber.pdf (rename to .zip after DL)
16:31 Fixer      sfan5: try removing/moving block just below ladder to have more interesting effects
16:54 nerzhul    i will push a trivial fix to a warning introduced recently (mismatch class/struct on GameUIFlags)
16:56 VanessaE   nerzhul: fix signlike nodes being drawn upside-down, too. :)
16:58 nerzhul    no
16:59 VanessaE   :P
17:00 celeron55  it's a feature
17:00 VanessaE   some feature :P
17:00 celeron55  life would be too easy otherwise
17:01 VanessaE   https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/5453
17:01 VanessaE   looks like numberZero already did.
17:43 nerzhul    sfan5, i added the whilelist support for clang-format, if you want to check #5459
17:43 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5459 -- clang-format: add a whitelist by nerzhul
17:44 sfan5      i'll look at it laters
17:44 nerzhul    no problem :)
17:45 nerzhul    only 4 source files are compliant, maybe we should pass clang-format on non opened-PR files at a point
18:15 paramat    sfan5 are you admin for irc.minetest.net? i'm wondering if you could log -project? i consider an unlogged channel almost useless. irc logs are tracking 3 dead channels so perhaps those 3 can be unlogged (and shut down?)
18:18 rubenwardy paramat, done
18:18 rubenwardy was done this morning
18:19 paramat    ok could you link me to the logs? can't see them at irc.minetest.net
18:19 rubenwardy http://irc.minetest.net/minetest-project/2017-03-26
18:20 VanessaE   paramat: also, https://cheapiesystems.com/logs/freenode/#home
18:20 rubenwardy there's a link here: http://irc.minetest.net/
18:20 paramat    weird i don't a link here
18:20 paramat    thanks
18:21 nerzhul    was was the purpose of minetest-delta ?
18:22 paramat    oh now see link
18:23 celeron55  it's the name of a very early fork and the channel predates #-dev
18:23 paramat    good, much better logging :]
18:23 celeron55  it ended up as the development channel alongside #minetest
18:23 celeron55  so basically it's #-dev before #-dev
18:24 nerzhul    okay
18:24 nerzhul    5 years ago, calinou was so young :p
18:24 Fixer      i have delta and weedy in my archive
18:25 paramat    does OC have any unique power in -project? if so it should be moved to someone else
18:25 Fixer      minetest-delta-0.2.20110724_0-win32 / minetest-0.2.20110704_0-win32-weedy-comp-irrlicht
18:25 nerzhul    OC ?
18:25 Shara      He founded the channel
18:25 rubenwardy OC is probably the registrar
18:25 Shara      But maybe he'd transfer if asked
18:26 Krock      rubenwardy, OC and kaeza
18:26 celeron55  does anyone else have privileges to even view flags on #minetest-project?
18:26 Krock      (/cs info #minetest-project )
18:26 paramat    i had to set 'ignore' on him yesterday for sending abusive PMs =D first use of 'ignore' ever
18:26 rubenwardy lol
18:26 celeron55  oh kaeza; good
18:27 kaeza      hm?
18:27 kaeza      oh
18:27 paramat    i can handle public abuse but private i cannot
18:28 kaeza      celeron55, OldCoder expressed privately that he wanted to give you +F too
18:28 kaeza      I can grant that
18:29 nerzhul    oh OC is OldCoder i see
18:30 nerzhul    OldCoder putch was very strange, he wants me to fork minetest with him just for a PR...
18:30 * paramat  sets an "ignore" node on OC
18:30 celeron55  kaeza: feel free to
18:30 VanessaE   a PR for a feature that has since been fixed...
18:30 kaeza      celeron55, done
18:30 rubenwardy VanessaE: there's still 2 node jumping
18:30 nerzhul    paramat, maybe replace nyancat block with OldCoder block ? :p
18:31 VanessaE   Map::setNode(): Not allowing to place CONTENT_IGNORE while trying to replace "oldcoder:oldcoder" at (-66,25,102) (block (-5,1,6))
18:31 nore       rubenwardy: there's my patch for that that still needs to be tested
18:31 rubenwardy yeah, I saw
18:31 VanessaE   sorry paramat, didn't work. :)
18:31 paramat    hehe
18:32 Shara      Can we please at least not claim is has been fixed? It has not for many of us...
18:32 Shara      I know nore was looking into something though.
18:32 VanessaE   rubenwardy: that's one I don't quite get...  who would expect the player to even be *able* to jump 2m high?
18:32 rubenwardy VanessaE: could be rationalised as a pull-up
18:32 paramat    yes we're working on double jump
18:32 rubenwardy might be worth making a new post about this
18:32 VanessaE   mmh
18:32 rubenwardy *news
18:33 Shara      rubenwardy: Exactly.
18:33 VanessaE   I guess.
18:33 paramat    pull up seems reasonable
18:33 Shara      But I explained my thoughts several times in -project and don't want to go round in circles again on it.
18:33 paramat    hehe
18:33 Shara      We all had enough headaches :)
18:34 celeron55  there needs to be a forum thread or an issue where people can permanently write down what they see as the future of sneak
18:34 celeron55  that will be referred to in anything that relates to this
18:34 Shara      Fixer made a poll, and there were a couple of threads I think.
18:34 VanessaE   well fixer did make a "vote for it" thread..
18:34 VanessaE   https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=17091
18:35 rubenwardy should be a news thread from the core devs
18:35 paramat    no PR for double-jump yet, nore do you want me to make a PR from your patch?
18:35 Fixer      i tried to apply that patch but it failed with something about ending
18:35 paramat    worked for me
18:36 Fixer      paramat: double jump will go in hand with sneak ladders under option?
18:36 paramat    yeah
18:37 sfan5      paramat: i disagree with re-adding double-jump
18:37 paramat    and since the new sneak ladder has issue i should make a PR to disable the setting by default
18:37 sfan5      also double jump can be done by a server side mod
18:37 sfan5      althought not as nice as client-skide
18:37 sfan5      s/k//
18:38 sfan5      oh and irc logs are not logging 3 dead channels
18:38 sfan5      they just show up because they were logged in the past
18:38 paramat    i see
18:38 Fixer      i've found a bug related to sneaking, if someone else wants to look it beside sfan, it is here https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/5443#issuecomment-289292193
18:38 nore       #5460
18:38 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5460 -- Try to add double-jump back. by Ekdohibs
18:39 paramat    thanks
18:39 kaeza      Fixer, that could be related to the "can't pass through doors" bug I reported earlier
18:39 Fixer      kaeza: same problem without trapdoor
18:40 kaeza      oh okay
18:42 paramat    sorry to say but i love c55s ideas for replacing the nyan cat
18:42 paramat    but not too bothered
18:42 VanessaE   someone did note that nintendo would probably complain
18:43 paramat    joke
18:43 paramat    a copyright symbol would be good
18:43 VanessaE   heh
18:43 rubenwardy copycat
18:44 rubenwardy would also give a head up to our copying of MC :)
18:44 paramat    leaves a trail of legal documents
18:46 celeron55  i'm certainly sticking with my nyan-colored copyright symbol suggestion
18:46 paramat    so now i feel i merged that PR too soon (again!)
18:46 sofar      while it's awesome to give a "middle finger" once in a while, I think we should keep it out of the game
18:46 sofar      that's just my perspective
18:47 Fixer      nyan colours are nice, why not just use dog with nyan rainbow?
18:47 celeron55  it's not a middle finger; it's more like a pun, a satire
18:47 celeron55  or a parody
18:47 sofar      the dog already is that, essentially
18:47 VanessaE   explicitly. :)
18:47 celeron55  i don't like the dog
18:48 sofar      keeping it interesting for kids is a plus, imho
18:48 celeron55  i don't even know what the weird letters are
18:48 paramat    i don't like the pup but such things are very subjective so tried not to be fussy
18:48 paramat    heh
18:48 paramat    letters
18:48 VanessaE   :(
18:48 sofar      MESE
18:48 sofar      yeah no
18:48 paramat    *too
18:48 sofar      we still have to kill mese too
18:48 rubenwardy PBJ is a purely american thing
18:48 sofar      the visuals are not american
18:48 sofar      candy is global
18:48 sofar      so are dogs
18:48 celeron55  now pardon me, i'm going to my sauna ->
18:49 celeron55  lol
18:49 sofar      might even be very popular in korea for snacks :)
18:49 rubenwardy nyancat was a poptart cart, which is very american, however the name was nyancat and its a global meme
18:51 kilbith    M$ is working on the deep learning in MC and we are controversing on the nyan cat and sneak ladder...
18:51 kilbith    definitely a bunch of winners
18:52 sofar      ^^
18:52 rubenwardy so true
18:53 sofar      but hey, nobody else made a PR to fix the trademark issue
18:53 sofar      I'm not gonna make another one
18:53 rubenwardy fair enough
18:54 sofar      how dang hard would it be, even?
18:54 sofar      mine went all out
18:54 sofar      Added sounds, even
18:54 sofar      utility
18:54 paramat    it's good work
18:54 VanessaE   I guess my textures just suck :P
18:54 sofar      I spent 4 hours trying to make that animation work
18:54 paramat    the animation is amazing work
18:55 sofar      8 layers .. had to use imagemagick to do it lol
18:55 kaeza      I'd prefer a cat, but meh either way
18:55 kaeza      not a dog person :)
18:56 sofar      https://gist.github.com/sofar/c752f7afb2fa352d62c41fae35b6dbbd
19:04 paramat    close game#1665 ?
19:04 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/1665 -- Adding Unicode arrows to player inventory by MrRar
19:05 Krock      yes, there's another pull that looks more promising
19:08 paramat    will close, it's unusable due to font problems
19:21 paramat    https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/1663#issuecomment-289307869 possible cause of leafdecay bug
19:24 Fixer      paramat: it is not just apple trees...
19:24 paramat    other trees are rotated too
19:26 paramat    appletree jungletree acacia are rotated
19:30 nore       paramat: about trees: could we have more trees schematics for more variation?
19:31 paramat    yes
19:31 nore       like rare larger trees
19:31 paramat    i was thinking about a large emergent jungletree
19:31 nore       ^ maybe make large trees more frequent in jungles than in other biomes?
19:32 paramat    to avoid being chopped at mapchunk border it would have to be placed only at lower altitude
19:32 nore       so the jungle would feel even more like a jungle, with trees hundreds of years old
19:32 paramat    then it can be >16 nodes high
19:32 nore       hmmm, y=48 is the limit right?
19:32 paramat    yeah
19:32 nore       however
19:33 nore       the placement is pseudo-random IIRC
19:33 paramat    decos can be limited to y-limits
19:33 paramat    so no problem
19:33 nore       can't we just generate the mapblock below as well to spawn the top part of these trees?
19:33 paramat    also thought about small pines
19:34 nore       like when you generate y=48 to 128, you generate y=-32 to 48 as well
19:34 nore       hmmm, would be nice
19:34 paramat    no too complex
19:34 nore       (and large pines as well, think about how impressive these large forests would be!)
19:34 nore       why too complex?
19:34 paramat    we can have taller trees but limit them to low altitude
19:35 nore       :/
19:35 nore       I don't like that artificial limitation
19:35 paramat    placing a deco that spans 2 mapchunks will be a nightmare
19:35 nore       hmmm
19:35 paramat    and will probably bring other issues
19:36 Fixer      paramat: are you still planning to make altitude chill for all mapgens?
19:36 paramat    we can place tall trees up to y = 32, then from y = 48 to y = 112 and so on
19:37 paramat    if they're 32 nodes tall
19:38 paramat    temp humid gradients have a PR, i've just got a weird feeling there is an overlooked problem
19:38 nore       yeah, I don't like that
19:38 nore       why wouldn't trees be able to spawn from y=32 to y=48?
19:38 nore       and no
19:38 nore       it would be y=16
19:38 nore       and that is *really low*
19:39 paramat    those levels i mention are tree base
19:39 nore       yeah
19:39 nore       y=32 + 32 nodes tall makes y=64
19:39 nore       not 48
19:40 paramat    the surface mapchunk is generated using a voxelmanip that has a 16 node shell around the mapchunk
19:40 nore       oh
19:40 nore       hmmm
19:40 paramat    to cope with overgenerated dungeons, caves and trees
19:40 nore       yeah
19:40 paramat    all normal trees extend up into the shell
19:41 paramat    that's why they're limited to 6 nodes height
19:41 paramat    16
19:41 nore       ok, I see why there is a problem with >16 high trees
19:41 paramat    we can have very tall trees if they grow from saplings after mapgen, but
19:41 nore       then it's fine with me, especially if we make trees not that tall
19:41 paramat    that's crude
19:41 nore       ^ no don't
19:41 nore       plus it requires an abm
19:42 paramat    so i'll try a tall jungletree
19:42 paramat    yeah indeed
19:43 paramat    i always intended, just a case of being overwhelmed :]
19:44 paramat    the trunk can be thick enough to carve a staircase into, good for tree houses
19:45 paramat    or a ladder inside, 3x3 trunk
19:46 paramat    then a 2nd pine, maybe a small one. and maybe a baobab in savanna
19:48 paramat    well, perhaps best a 2nd acacia, to avoid another wood
19:52 paramat    anyway, i'll try to start with a tall jungletree soon
20:07 paramat    Fixer #5344 but my intuition is acting up over this, i feel like i need to consider it for longer
20:07 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5344 -- Biomes: Add vertical heat/humidity gradient biome parameters by paramat
20:09 paramat    i'll add the docs to #5440 and merge later
20:09 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5440 -- Map generation limit: Make per-world by paramat
20:16 kaeza      http://i.imgur.com/mxW8D8I.jpg
20:16 kaeza      nevermind the yellow color for now
20:16 kaeza      and I can't make it not do that weird antialiasing
20:16 kaeza      er, s/anti//
20:17 kaeza      Irrlicht doesn't support SVG does it? :(
20:21 Fixer      kaeza: use png, make screenshot while pointing at sky
20:21 Fixer      jpg is horrible
20:22 rubenwardy kaeza: I believe we'd need to handle it ourselves
20:24 paramat    how does the dustbin avoid these problems?
20:25 paramat    the icons should not have soft edges, if you're still doing this, and yes png
20:47 kaeza      sfan wants small icons (which fucks up AA), pmat wants hard pixels (which leave no detail to do a non-shitty search icon), and Fixer complains about irrelevant stuff (screenshot format)
20:47 kaeza      nice
20:47 kaeza      http://i.imgur.com/0VACbSs.png
20:48 Fixer      relevant, jpeg is horrible i can't appreciate those icons properly since they fucked up a lot
20:49 nerzhul    rubenwardy, we have some PR opened which permits to enhance the formspec, you mean there will be errors on client ? why we do this for unk tags, it should be removed
20:50 paramat    oops sorry i thought the icons were jpg, you meant the screenshot
20:50 rubenwardy yeah, it's a bit broken
20:50 sfan5      kaeza: the right arrow looks good
20:51 nerzhul    trivial #5459 needs a little review :D
20:51 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5459 -- clang-format: add a whitelist by nerzhul
20:51 paramat    icons with the same resolution as the dustbin are fine for me. i was suspecting the soft edge was what was causing the weird edge issues
20:52 kaeza      the trash icon is a pixelated icon in an odd size (49x49)
20:52 kaeza      hm, lemme try
20:56 kaeza      hrm
20:58 paramat    matching pixel size to the dustbin seems necessary, don't worry about the weird size
20:58 paramat    (tile size)
21:00 paramat    celeron55 see #5451 what was the reason for keeping docs as .txt files (even if MD-formated ones), i feel there was a reason i have forgotten. anyone else find MD-display harder to reference?
21:00 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5451 -- Rename doc/*.txt to *.md. by ensonic
21:01 celeron55  one is that they need to be converted to something else in order to be viewable on eg. regular windows systems
21:01 celeron55  i guess just a line or two in the cmake install script might be enough for that
21:02 paramat    i feel we at least need to keep a .txt copy alongside
21:02 sfan5      they could be renamed during installation
21:02 paramat    but i reference the files in my installation too
21:05 kaeza      http://i.imgur.com/hPeaTHZ.png
21:05 sfan5      ^ nice
21:07 celeron55  i guess microsoft mostly intends that documentation would also come as .exe that can view itself
21:07 celeron55  given the lack of default programs
21:07 rubenwardy celeron55, lua_api.txt isn't readable currently due to \n vs \r\n
21:08 rubenwardy you need notepad++
21:08 celeron55  yeah, starting from that
21:08 rubenwardy and if you use that, then it's not much harder to open a MD
21:08 celeron55  it's ridiculous
21:08 celeron55  actually windows comes with wordpad; it understands \r\n
21:09 celeron55  i mean \n
21:09 celeron55  but you have to realize that's the case and open .txts with it
21:09 celeron55  which nobody does
21:09 kaeza      it's Microsoft. they are well known for doing things the standard way and interoperating with everything
21:10 celeron55  .html would probably work best
21:11 celeron55  so, really, just rename to .md and add something to cmake that causes windows packages to have something that can be clicked open
21:13 Fixer      kaeza: you styling it for custom fonts, try with default ones :}
21:23 kaeza      Fixer, http://i.imgur.com/mTWJG6z.png
21:23 Fixer      omg
21:24 kaeza      sfan5, ^ how's the search icon? making it the same size as the others makes it just too small
21:26 kaeza      I'm starting to think that maybe it shouldn't be pure white but maybe something like #ddd
22:11 kaeza      http://i.imgur.com/Vb8Yy3Y.png
22:15 paramat    nice
22:15 kaeza      :I
22:16 kaeza      you can't be serious
22:16 kaeza      but oh well. about tastes...
22:18 paramat    yeah serious :]
23:35 paramat    anyone like #4959 ? i could merge this with 1 more approval. fairly simple
23:35 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/4959 -- Fix retrieving blocks in 3rd front camera view. by lhofhansl
23:42 paramat    i'll merge #5377 #5440 later
23:42 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5377 -- Pathfinder: Send errors to `warningstream`. by kaeza
23:42 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5440 -- Map generation limit: Make per-world by paramat
23:52 kaeza      paramat, http://i.imgur.com/DgAsC48.png
23:53 Fixer      those icons feel very 8-bit to me
23:53 Hijiri     what's the difference between A*_noprefetch and A*?
23:53 Hijiri     for find_path
23:53 kaeza      that one has _noprefetch
23:53 Fixer      magnifiying glass looks a bit off center, not sure
23:53 Hijiri     so in name only?
23:54 nore       ew, I don't like these pixelized icons :/
23:54 kaeza      blame paramat :P
23:54 Hijiri     kaeza: is that the only difference?
23:55 kaeza      Hijiri, no idea really
23:55 Hijiri     alright
23:56 paramat    the dustbin is low res too
23:57 kaeza      nore, TBH, I hate them too, see logs earlier
23:57 nore       kaeza: yeah, I saw that
23:57 nore       well, depends on what the other devs want I guess
23:58 paramat    sorry, i may be in the minority here
23:59 paramat    the distortion due to scaling is a problem
23:59 rubenwardy I don't like them pixelated
23:59 paramat    which happens on the dustbin too but is less noticeable due to it's colour
23:59 kaeza      I will override these with a TP locally, so meh
23:59 paramat    *its