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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2017-03-25

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10:47 red-001 #5436
10:47 ShadowBot -- [CSM] Change command prefix to "." and add "help" command. by red-001
15 more elements. Show/hide.
17:25 nerzhul sfan5, it's now fixed
17:25 nerzhul i added header ordering rules
17:25 nerzhul <> before ""
17:25 * sfan5 waits for travis again
17:25 nerzhul include ordering*
18:01 nerzhul sfan5, is this okay for you ?
18:01 sfan5 i'd prefer if it did not want to reoder includes
18:02 sfan5 sorting by e.g. alphabet does not make sense imo
18:02 sfan5 otherwise ok
18:02 nerzhul nice, can i merge then ?
18:03 sfan5 can you prevent it from reordering the includes?
18:03 sfan5 if you have done that, then yes
18:04 nerzhul i don't see any option for this, it seems it does it natively, except if you customize priority with regexp
18:04 nerzhul IncludeCategories
18:04 nerzhul
18:05 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
18:08 sfan5 why can't we just prevent it from reordering includes
18:08 sfan5 this is stupid
18:09 nerzhul ofc yes, i don't see any option
18:09 sfan5 :/
18:10 nerzhul then ca we merge ?
18:11 sfan5 i still dislike the include ordering thing, but it's okay for now
18:11 nerzhul nice, thanks for your time
18:11 nerzhul #5433
18:12 ShadowBot -- Add clang format & skip build if no source file modified by nerzhul
18:12 nerzhul it will permit to do faster code style reviews, i hope (but in fact not exactly because we have many parts to cleanup)
18:12 nerzhul it's merge, ty
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19:55 nerzhul sfan5, just a note: on CSM there is Client Script API label :)
19:56 est31 joined #minetest-dev
19:57 * paramat fetches popcorn
19:58 * nerzhul overturns paramat popcorn
20:00 * red-002 overpays for a bag of popcorn
20:02 sfan5 nerzhul: i noticed
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20:48 paramat sfan5 i'll review the PR a little later (now eating) but if i like it i'll merge it tonight
20:48 sfan5 i'd prefer if it had 2 approvals by coredevs that arent myself
20:48 sfan5 but sure
20:48 paramat we can consider the default later
20:48 paramat ok
20:49 paramat i'll try to get others to look at it
20:49 sfan5 thanks
20:49 red-002 #5436
20:49 ShadowBot -- [CSM] Change command prefix to "." and add "help" command. by red-001
20:51 paramat now take a break you deserve one :] i'll take over hehe
21:33 paramat +1 for #5443 the author is not happy with off by default but that can be done in a following PR
21:33 ShadowBot -- Bring back sneak elevators/ladders by sfan5
21:35 sfan5 welll.. "happy"
21:35 sfan5 more like i think off by default will not be well received by the people who care about this
21:35 paramat please can others review? it's rather important
21:37 paramat yeah i understand, but i expect it will only be a minor annoyance for them, it seems many devs prefer default off, nore too?
21:37 paramat anyway, that's for another PR
21:38 nore hmmm, I prefer off by default but of course it depends on whether the users really want it on by default or if it's only a small minority
21:43 paramat nerzhul rubenwardy sofar Krock if possible could you review #5443 ? otherwise i'll merge it late tonight on 2 approvals
21:43 ShadowBot -- Bring back sneak elevators/ladders by sfan5
21:45 paramat Fixer does damage avoidance change with this PR?
21:45 paramat as long as it doesn't get worse, no problem
21:46 Krock testing...
21:47 Fixer paramat: should not get worse
21:47 Fixer paramat: time will show
21:48 paramat Fixer i mean, did you test damage avoidance with this?
21:48 Fixer paramat: yes
21:48 paramat so no worse i guess
21:48 sofar here's what I would do
21:48 sofar keep it on by default for now
21:48 Fixer paramat: i will play more with it
21:48 sofar and turn it off by default at a later release
21:54 paramat game#1665 doesn't seem good, see comments
21:54 ShadowBot -- Adding Unicode arrows to player inventory by MrRar
21:55 paramat -1
21:55 paramat comments on game#1555 ?
21:55 ShadowBot -- Add /kill chat command by zaoqi
21:56 Krock just noticed that slow sinking.. strange that it this appeared now
21:56 sofar y velocity not properly set to 0
21:56 sofar ?
21:58 diemartin paramat, I have the code for the arrows ready. if the feature is worth it I can make an alternate PR
21:58 paramat for image arrows?
21:58 diemartin yes
21:58 paramat that's preferable
21:59 diemartin is the Apache 2.0 license OK with you?
21:59 Fixer Krock: slow sinking is already documented by sfan
22:00 paramat ok as long as the license is compatible with MT
22:00 Krock Fixer, I know
22:01 Calinou why Apache 2?
22:01 Calinou that's not compatible with LGPLv2.1
22:01 sofar I'd prefer CC-*
22:01 Calinou (if talking about code)
22:01 Calinou if it's art, use CC0 1.0/CC BY 3.0/CC BY-SA 3.0
22:01 sofar art should be CC-BY-* something
22:01 paramat yes
22:02 sofar code should just be derivative, therefore MIT or LGPL-2.1+
22:02 paramat saves writing out extra license text in license.txt too
22:04 paramat in fact, in default, we re-license anything CC 0 to CC BY SA
22:04 paramat CC BY SA 3.0
22:05 paramat so yes CC 0 or CC BY SA 3.0 please, otherwise someone else could provide the arrow icons
22:06 sofar the best one to use IMHO is CC-BY-4.0
22:06 sfan5 paramat: it does make damage avoidance worse but pretty insignificantly
22:07 sfan5 (only in very specific cases when sneak_glitch is enabled)
22:08 paramat ok no problem
22:09 sfan5 also whather its enabled by default is a decision to be taken in minetest_game and completely unrelated to any engine changes
22:09 sfan5 whether*
22:09 paramat it works well and really means we're getting somewhere, makes me feel positive
22:10 paramat any last comments for game#1658 ? i might merge it later
22:10 ShadowBot -- PB&J Pup. by sofar
22:11 paramat (with some other PRs)
22:27 Calinou sofar: can we use CC BY 4.0 though?
22:27 Calinou we have CC BY-SA 3.0 stuff, a lot of it
22:28 Calinou it's probably not a problem, Debian has approved the license a while ago
22:31 paramat we have CC BY SA 4.0 stuff in default
22:33 Krock sneak ladder PR LGTM. But I have the feeling that this sneak code can be further simplified
22:37 paramat thanks, obviously we'll continue working on it
22:38 Puka joined #minetest-dev
23:02 kaeza paramat,
23:03 paramat looks nice to me so far
23:08 sofar Calinou: any CC is OK
23:08 sofar but, SA may be problematic for companies/commercial use
23:09 rubenwardy lgpl is that too, basically
23:09 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
23:10 kaeza game#1666
23:10 ShadowBot -- Creative: Use icons for buttons. by kaeza
23:10 kaeza dat issue number
23:11 Krock shit man
23:12 Fixer seems fine
23:12 Calinou sofar: we use a lot of CC BY-SA already
23:14 sofar right, but it's kind of silly to continue using it if we can improve
23:14 sofar artwork is easily replaced
23:20 Calinou replacing all of it is going to be a tough task :)
23:33 kaeza Fixer, sfan5, how is this?
23:33 kaeza the "search" image still needs to be done
23:33 Calinou filtering looks strange
23:34 Calinou otherwise, looks fine to me
23:34 rubenwardy better size, but the AA / filtering looks odd
23:36 Fixer kaeza: can you post PNG version?
23:37 Fixer agree with rubenwardy
23:38 kaeza
23:41 kaeza meh
23:44 paramat why does the edge look weird when the dustbin is clean?
23:44 paramat maybe it's the 'soft edge' in the textures?
23:45 paramat that's better anyway
23:45 paramat but see how the dustbin was done and copy that
23:45 paramat er, please

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