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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2016-11-20

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Time Nick Message
00:02 red-002 does the controversial tag still apply to #4642 now that paramat is neutral?
00:02 ShadowBot -- Allow the join/leave message to be overridden by mods. by red-001
00:04 paramat yes i think so due to other dev's opinions
00:05 paramat although it's difficult to judge when to add that label, most PRs have some degree of controversy
00:07 est31 well the label gets added when a dev doesnt want to get it merged
00:07 est31 and wont add if the dev doesnt want to get it merged at all
00:28 paramat ok that seems reasonable
00:32 sofar I must say, the cart PR is starting to look really nice now
00:33 sofar there may be a slope hiccup still, but I think that's not a really big issue
00:33 sofar the carts now also nicely stop exactly where vel=0
01:26 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
01:48 paramat sounds are much better
02:02 ShadowBot joined #minetest-dev
02:14 paramat now converting the rail textures to RGBA
02:26 ShadowBot joined #minetest-dev
02:27 paramat hm even as RGBA the sleepers still disappear
02:31 ShadowBot joined #minetest-dev
03:17 sofar paramat: yes, but sometimes they re-appear further away
03:18 sofar it's just the mipmap hardware picking scan lines from a texture based on angle
03:28 sofar can I get a +1 on game#1399 so we can rely on travis again?
03:28 ShadowBot -- Fix whitespace errors to silence luacheck. by sofar
03:32 paramat joined #minetest-dev
03:33 paramat +1
03:33 paramat yeah it's just mipmap weirdness
03:39 sofar I'm merging 1399 since it's trivial and breaking travis checks
03:40 paramat +1
03:43 garywhite #1399
03:43 ShadowBot -- Re-design formspecs
03:47 sofar thanks for helping me with the textures though, it really needs more than 2 eyes I feel
03:48 sofar geesh, 194 comments on game#1318 now
03:48 ShadowBot -- Merge boost_cart as "carts" mod. (WIP) by sofar
03:48 sofar no wonder I'm having issues finding rfc's in it :)
03:55 paramat the new rail textures are fine, i just liked the higher contrast of krock's textures
04:41 paramat i'll merge #4796 in a moment, fairly trivial
04:41 ShadowBot -- Tool break: Reduce gain of break sounds by paramat
04:44 paramat merging
04:46 paramat merged
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13:28 Zeno` does lhofhansl come onto IRC?
13:31 Zeno` somebody should try and get lhofhansl to join IRC
13:32 Zeno` or do that as well as offering him a position as a core dev
13:33 Zeno` best new contributor in ages from what I've read
13:34 Zeno` not that we don't appreciate ALL contributions
13:34 Zeno` but this guy/gal seems to be a pro
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14:40 est31 I support your proposal
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18:08 sfan5 !tell paramat is there anything left thats blocking #4774 ?
18:08 ShadowBot sfan5: O.K.
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18:31 kaeza not sure if this is already reported, but it seems mods' on_chat callbacks are still called even with spam control active
18:31 kaeza
18:32 pilino1234 joined #minetest-dev
18:32 red-001 are there any guidelines on adding stuff to the lua api?
18:58 hmmmm yes:
18:59 hmmmm don't add stuff to the lua api unless it's actually necessary
18:59 hmmmm don't get shocked if your PR gets rejected for being too unnecessary
19:00 Krock the most unnecessary Lua API function is minetest.is_yes IMO :3
19:00 Krock but well, it's used on both sides: Lua and C++
19:03 kaeza it's a nice thing to handle "booleans" the same way on both sides
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20:05 est31 anyone want to have a second look on #4737
20:05 ShadowBot -- Add minetest.close_formspec() to close formspecs from the server side by orwell96
20:05 est31 I think its a good PR
20:05 est31 sfan5 ?
20:06 sfan5 concept seems good
20:06 sfan5 haven't reviewed the code
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20:22 red-001 wow the amount of Mod security related blockers in insane
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