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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2016-08-23

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All times shown according to UTC.

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Time Nick Message
00:49 paramat found in engine code: "// CLANG SUCKS DONKEY BALLS"
31 more elements. Show/hide.
14:26 Megaf Folks, I think all the hud definitions/settings in hud.h and hud.cpp could be moved to Lua
24 more elements. Show/hide.
19:00 paramat #4457 tuned and updated
19:00 ShadowBot -- Camera: Higher frequency limit for view/hand bobbing and footsteps by paramat
9 more elements. Show/hide.
22:07 Megaf Why there's duplicated entries in .mailmap?
22:19 est31 joined #minetest-dev
23:10 rubenwardy
23:11 rubenwardy paramat, est31 ^
23:13 paramat ugh i actually wondered about the use of </p> in that, i should have said something. +1

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