Time  Nick        Message
00:00 alkotob     Even better.
00:00 Warr1024    even if mods are not shared, you might just have some "unknown" things in there in certain worlds...
00:00 alkotob     Warr that would be spectacular
00:00 Megaf       with base64 we can send via regular text or binary any kind of data
00:00 paramat     closed #4247
00:00 ShadowBot   https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/4247 -- Coredump under Archlinux
00:00 alkotob     Absolutely spectacular
00:00 alkotob     I just thought the game would crash with unknown IDs
00:01 Warr1024    no, minetest is pretty nice about that
00:01 alkotob     Well that's perfect
00:01 Megaf       alkotob: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64
00:01 alkotob     Thanks
00:01 Megaf       it can be done in Lua...
00:02 Warr1024    I'm now tempted to play w/ inventory sync again, even w/o the automatic redirects.
00:02 alkotob     Really? I thought all the network code was on the C end
00:02 Megaf       it is
00:02 alkotob     Are there Api calls for connecting?
00:02 Megaf       but you don't need to touch the C code to test the exchange of data
00:03 Warr1024    I did something like that once for a certain more well-known mining-themed game, back before they had multi-dimension multiplayer, using some awful awful perl hacks.
00:03 Megaf       if you use IRC mod as API of data exchange
00:03 alkotob     Ah ok
00:03 alkotob     What about the server switch itself?
00:04 alkotob     I'll write a list of short specific Todos
00:04 alkotob     Ah it's not even necessary
00:04 Megaf       worldfolder/players/PlayerName
00:04 Megaf       that's the player info file and inventory
00:05 paramat     closed #4262
00:05 ShadowBot   https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/4262 -- Ability to see mapchunk borders ingame
00:05 Megaf       it can be easily encoded
00:05 Megaf       $ du -b players/Megaf
00:05 Megaf       7016    players/Megaf
00:06 Megaf       $ du -b MegafData.base64
00:06 Megaf       9480    MegafData.base64
00:06 Megaf       for a single file base64 is not necessary tho
00:06 alkotob     less than a kilobyte
00:07 Megaf       Lua base64 enconder/decoder https://gist.github.com/bortels/1436940
00:10 Megaf       but I think the first step is make servers exchange information
00:10 alkotob     Actually the first step before exchanging info
00:10 alkotob     maybe the switching process
00:10 alkotob     may be*
00:12 alkotob     i.e. in-game command to disconnect and reconnect to the required server
00:12 alkotob     I honestly have no idea how this is handled
00:12 alkotob     Will be diving into more C
00:14 Megaf       a lot of stuff are actually done in Lua in Minetest
00:14 Megaf       but I have no idea. I'm just a server admin
00:17 alkotob     Looking at the server lua atm
00:17 alkotob     It'll take a short while to go over the whole Lua scripts
00:17 alkotob     Then I'll know for sure what the C does ;P
00:18 alkotob     i.e. the rest
01:00 est31       its really pleasing to see that at least the list of public servers is growing : https://gist.github.com/est31/66602d589b225b27afd5
01:01 est31       129 in march, now its 167.
01:01 est31       thats 38 servers, or 29%
01:21 alkotob     Cool
01:21 AntumDeluge I'm having trouble creating a custom node (green glass).....
01:21 AntumDeluge Code is here: http://pastebin.com/69xJs16P
01:22 AntumDeluge Screenshot is here: https://postimg.org/image/drhchmty5/
01:23 AntumDeluge I can't get the node to work right. The inventory image isn't displayed (I can set a custom inventory image) & when it's held in hand it is just a white rectangle. I can't place it either.
01:24 AntumDeluge I'm sorry if that's not enough details to help me out. Please let me know if there is anything else I need to post.
01:25 alkotob     I hope to have some of them connected into a hub
01:25 alkotob     Would make the first distributed MMO
01:25 alkotob     afaik
01:25 alkotob     *decentralized
01:26 est31       I've done this little project
01:26 est31       https://github.com/est31/share_login
01:26 est31       but its not ready yet for super primetime
01:50 alkotob     est31 cool
01:52 alkotob     est31 So that's the sync done, we just need to allow world-switching initiated in-game
01:52 est31       yes
01:53 alkotob     I've been looking at the C and I might be able to wrap a quick hack
01:53 est31       but in fact this sync isnt the way it should be done
01:53 est31       instead we should use a system with a shared auth server
01:53 alkotob     Ah, but it works, no?
01:53 est31       the client logs in to that server, then gets an auth token
01:53 alkotob     As a prototype at least.
01:53 est31       then connects with that to the server
01:53 est31       alkotob, yes
01:53 est31       it works as prototype
01:54 est31       but note its already some time ago since I've worked on it
01:54 alkotob     Well my first priority now is the in-game switch initiation, and the database sync will come directly after.
01:54 alkotob     So I'll look into your code soon.
01:56 alkotob     I'm jumping from C file to C file exploring, someone more knowledgeable would've made it by now
01:58 alkotob     est31 Ah it's from July. You spoke as if it's pre-0.4
01:58 alkotob     XD
01:58 est31       :)
01:58 est31       one month is a long time
02:08 AntumDeluge Texture files seem to be fine. I replaced default:glass with them & they looked fine. Something is wrong in the register_node script.
02:14 alkotob     Are the texture files being found?
02:14 alkotob     Maybe they're misplaced and it's not throwing an error
02:15 alkotob     AntumDeluge check whether there's a typo in the name or maybe you have to specify a sub-directory
02:15 alkotob     Ah nvm I just saw your most recent message
02:16 alkotob     Perhaps an alfa layer is missing or something else with the image format
02:16 alkotob     alpha*
02:16 alkotob     That could cause it to misrepresent it
02:17 Warr1024    alpha blending only works in a few places in mt; for most of the rest, alpha isnreduced to either fully transparent or fully opaque
02:18 Warr1024    e.g. for glasslike
02:19 paramat     translucency causes visual bugs in MT
02:19 est31       translucency is a big problem in many games
02:20 est31       because how games draw their stuff
02:20 AntumDeluge This is the layout of the textures in the filesystem: https://postimg.org/image/4c62i61b1/
02:20 paramat     btw modding discussion should be in minetest channel
02:20 AntumDeluge Names look okay to me.
02:20 AntumDeluge Oh, sorry. I thought that was more for casual talk.
02:21 AntumDeluge #minetest is just for core development then. right?
02:21 est31       #minetest-dev is, yes
02:21 est31       but #minetest is not the place core development usually happens
02:22 est31       #minetest allows actually lots of off topic talk
02:22 est31       just this channel is monitored (aka they read the logs) by people interested in minetest development
02:22 est31       e.g. developers
02:23 est31       and if we'd talk about various topics here it would bloat the stuff to read
02:23 AntumDeluge Okay, I'll move my questions to #minetest.
02:28 paramat     there's usually more modders around to help in the other channel too
02:43 est31       #4461
02:43 ShadowBot   https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/4461 -- Client: disable pre v25 init sending by default by est31
02:43 est31       ^ much needed for security IMO
14:45 Megaf       alkotob: did you see that?
16:01 alkotob     Megaf see what?
18:33 paramat     classic post from the other channel: "i have dug a hole now what do i do?"
18:33 sofar       "duck and cover"
18:34 octacian    scream
19:05 paramat     game#1266
19:05 ShadowBot   https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/1266 -- Remove cape from player model
19:24 paramat     closed #902
19:24 ShadowBot   https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/902 -- Toggling in-game console sets wrong focus