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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2016-08-21

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21 more elements. Show/hide.
07:48 Hijiri !tell est31 just press charges under the CFAA :^)
07:48 ShadowBot Hijiri: O.K.
41 more elements. Show/hide.
16:23 paramat any reviews for this simple one? #4457
16:23 ShadowBot -- Camera: Allow up to double speed view/hand bobbing, footsteps by paramat
16:25 est31 paramat, okay with me
16:27 exoplanet joined #minetest-dev
16:27 paramat thanks
16:33 betterthanyou710 joined #minetest-dev
16:34 hmmmm hey wait a second
16:34 hmmmm isn't that basically the same PR as another one we rejected?
16:34 hmmmm except instead of the constant being changed to "60" it's "80"?
16:34 Krock it wasn't rejected
16:35 hmmmm the max speed of a player running in MT right now is "200"
16:35 hmmmm that means whatever that constant is set to will make a huge visible difference to the end user
16:35 hmmmm consider that before you merge it
16:36 hmmmm so that's a misnomer in that PR:  it doesn't "allow" it to go faster, it *does* make the animation twice as fast as it was
16:37 est31 oh, then I reject my +1
16:39 sfan5 est31: withdraw or revoke, not reject
16:39 est31 err sorry wrong term
16:39 est31 revoke then :)
16:39 hmmmm paramat:  did you highlight my nick about a week ago about something?  could you repaste whatever it was you wanted me to look at?
16:42 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
16:42 paramat i'll check
16:44 paramat 200 is not 'running', it's a cheat/admin thing like 'fly'
16:45 paramat the PR makes no difference except when physics override is set to boost player speed, in this case no change of frequency looks very wrong
16:45 hmmmm 200 is the max speed when you're running
16:45 paramat that's why 'allow'
16:45 hmmmm 40 is the max speed for walking
16:45 hmmmm do the majority of servers not allow run mode?
16:46 hmmmm but the max run speed is also the fly speed
16:46 paramat it's 'fast move' and not 'minetest run'
16:46 hmmmm ahh fast move
16:47 paramat also when fast is enabled the slow walking animation looks very wrong
16:47 paramat double looks about right, quite rapid
16:47 hmmmm that's the thing
16:47 hmmmm it comes down to preference
16:48 paramat it's like moonwalking forwards :]
16:48 hmmmm as for me, i don't care if it gets merged or not, i'm just pointing out an obvious caveat
16:48 hmmmm if users start complaining, you know why
16:49 paramat hmmmm it might have been this but it has been merged
16:50 paramat i assumed your +1 since you approved the code in the issue
16:51 paramat good to see you here btw
16:51 hmmmm i'm here, just not here
16:51 paramat yeah :]
16:51 hmmmm was on a business trip all last week and before that i was rushing to get some project at work done
16:51 hmmmm and the last thing i want is more work
16:52 hmmmm i can't really comment on 4442 because it's hard to tell what the effect is of those code changes without a deeper understanding of that code to start with
16:52 hmmmm but if it looks visually fine, then it must be fine, since it's purely graphics related
16:53 paramat list of wtfpl mods for change, and tagged authors
16:53 hmmmm oh, my policy is to not comment on mtgame PRs
16:53 hmmmm sorry
16:53 paramat not for you
16:55 paramat so est31 without my PR any speedbuff or sprint mod will not increase view bob / hand bob / footstep frequency, just to clarify
17:02 paramat the rapid frequency is also cute and fun when using 'fast move'
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20:04 DonBatman rubenwardy paramat should issue i#3892 stay open or should I close it?
20:06 paramat looking
20:07 paramat #3892
20:07 ShadowBot -- Forum link in the mod section of the menu
20:10 paramat i'm -1, sorry, but there isn't enough disapproval to require a close, so it's up to you
20:11 DonBatman ok Thanks. I will leave it up. If you feel it should be closed for any reason please feel free to do so
20:12 paramat it will need several -1s to close it
20:19 Megaf folks. Can you merge this please?
20:19 Megaf paramat: ^
20:20 paramat looking
20:21 paramat seems good
20:22 Megaf I will punch myself if I got such fix wrong
20:22 Megaf such easy fix*
20:28 Megaf sfan5: +1 game#1265
20:28 ShadowBot -- Added missing aliases for mushrooms from mushroom mod. by Megaf
20:30 Megaf paramat: I will test the patch here just in case
20:30 Megaf hold on
20:30 paramat it's fairly trivial so i might merge on one +1
20:30 paramat ok
20:33 paramat seems fine, it will soon be obvious if it isn't
20:34 Megaf paramat: is with the simple things that we have to be careful with xP
20:34 Megaf paramat: don't merge it
20:34 Megaf see?
20:35 Megaf I applied the patch and there's still missing alias for mushroom:red_natural
20:35 paramat oops i see
20:35 Megaf yep, typo
20:36 Megaf how do I fix that that?
20:36 Megaf I remove the PR, fix and create another one or what?
20:36 paramat are you able to just add a fixing commit? then i can squash
20:37 paramat squash on merge is easy for me
20:37 sfan5 paramat: Megaf's PR is a trivial thing it won't need two approvals
20:37 Megaf sfan5: Yet I got it wrong
20:37 paramat yeah
20:38 agrecascino joined #minetest-dev
20:38 agrecascino
20:38 agrecascino help
20:38 Megaf paramat: ok, fixed I think
20:38 Megaf
20:38 paramat ok
20:38 Megaf github updated itself
20:41 paramat since it's affecting worlds i'll merge this tonight
20:41 Megaf paramat: just tested here, the PR is fine now. Thanks
20:41 Megaf double checked node names
20:42 paramat thanks
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23:40 paramat will merge game#1265 in a moment
23:40 ShadowBot -- Added missing aliases for mushrooms from mushroom mod. by Megaf
23:44 thePalindrome joined #minetest-dev
23:45 alkotob I've been looking at the client.cpp code
23:46 alkotob trying to think of a way to allow players to use portals to go to another world
23:46 alkotob I think perhaps I could add a few lines in the step() function
23:46 paramat now merging
23:46 alkotob in the chunk where it processes events such as player_damage or player_breathe
23:47 alkotob so it would capture the hint from the game that it's supposed to de-connect and re-connect
23:48 alkotob I'll dive deeper and see what I find
23:49 Megaf alkotob: by portal to another world, what do you mean?
23:49 Megaf having different maps in the same server?
23:49 alkotob I'm thinking different servers
23:49 Megaf Thanks paramat
23:50 Megaf alkotob: I've been thinking about that too
23:50 alkotob If they're on the same server I just have to change coordinates
23:50 Megaf but I can't find a way
23:50 paramat merged
23:50 alkotob Have you looked at the C code or just the Api?
23:51 Megaf none
23:51 alkotob We need a daemon listener to oversee this
23:51 Megaf but I understand how the game works
23:51 alkotob Because
23:51 alkotob the command has to persist through the disconnecting
23:51 Megaf basically we need to first define a standard that all servers would follow, maybe a unique set of mods
23:52 Megaf a modpack containing the portal mod and other essential mods, and both servers will be running only this modpack and the default game
23:52 Megaf that to begin with
23:52 alkotob Well at first the inventory wouldn't sync
23:52 alkotob so that's not necessary to start with
23:52 Megaf then to teleport and talk betweek servers the IRC mod/protocol could be used to exchange messages
23:52 alkotob Yes
23:53 alkotob I considered making shared mods but
23:53 alkotob I thought that if the mods were separate
23:53 Megaf OldCoder: ^
23:53 alkotob then this would allow for better performance
23:53 alkotob in the long term
23:53 OldCoder R
23:53 alkotob especially if different worlds have different themes
23:53 alkotob As more and more content is added, things would get pretty bloated
23:53 OldCoder It might be pretty slow to switch
23:54 Megaf ok, let me bring in experience from other game where you can teleport from one server to another keeping the inventory
23:54 OldCoder Unless the daemon were optimized for this
23:54 OldCoder Would need to allow materialize in particular location
23:54 Megaf the players inventory, skin and things related to the player are kept in a main server
23:54 Megaf from this main server it is sent to the servers player are teleporting to
23:54 Megaf that is in the process called handshake
23:55 OldCoder Very nice if it worked smoothly
23:55 * OldCoder is restin
23:55 * OldCoder is resting
23:55 OldCoder Happy to contribute to this or test
23:55 alkotob Yes that would be nice
23:55 Megaf in minetest, the items the player have and the new server don't they could either just be sent to unknown item/be invisible or, hm
23:55 Megaf we need some unified mod list
23:56 alkotob Megaf but what about simple mini-game servers that don't need, say, anti-cheat and magic an electricity
23:56 alkotob Wouldn't this be unncessary bloat?
23:56 Megaf so basically when teleporting, first the player would login to the new server, after the login is completed, player logout from old server, all this using default login and logout calls
23:56 Megaf no changes in that
23:57 alkotob I'm thinking MMO scale, eventually you'll have all sorts of different theme worlds
23:57 Megaf old server could lets say, kick the player too, to make sure iti s disconnected
23:57 Megaf alkotob: at the current state of minetest that is very, complciated
23:57 Megaf complicated*
23:57 alkotob syncing mods would be a hit
23:57 Megaf the game wasnt designed for that
23:58 alkotob Well I can think of a few quick ways to implement it
23:58 paramat closed #4224
23:58 ShadowBot -- Hiding collision boxes
23:58 alkotob Think of it this way
23:58 alkotob Initially if we ignore inventory sync and mod sync
23:58 alkotob All we have to do is have the client de-connect and re-connect
23:58 alkotob Which is trivial
23:59 alkotob We just have to add it to the game Api
23:59 alkotob Items can be synced in an sql database and there'll be no conflicts if all mods are shared
23:59 alkotob There, quick easy hacks.
23:59 Megaf hm, we could encode the players inventory in base64 and send over IRC and then decode

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