Time  Nick             Message
00:02 est31            added a comment https://github.com/est31/minetest/commit/b8ac7b80e6031f1322b76d638256f8e4a52e89d1
00:03 est31            paramat, can you give it a look
00:03 paramat          just did, seems good +1
00:03 est31            will fix #3939
00:04 ShadowBot        https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/3939 -- Hiding nametags stopped working
00:04 paramat          much appreciated
00:06 est31            pushed
00:07 est31            and yes usually I read the logs, but i dont guarantee it
00:07 est31            kahrl, you have added a patch to gist, what about merging it?
00:12 est31            And yeah its a good idea that the "merge PR" button is now just a "close PR" one. You always accidentially click the weirdest buttons...
00:12 est31            cool that github started improving their service
00:15 ShadowNinja      Maybe we can start using auto-merging now: https://github.com/blog/2141-squash-your-commits
00:16 ShadowNinja      It should allow pull requests to be merged much more easily, promoting faster merges.
00:16 ShadowNinja      It has to be enabled though.  celeron55 ^?
03:06 sofar            !tell pilzadam I'd love to maintain "nether" in minetest-mods - PM me
03:06 ShadowBot        sofar: O.K.
04:09 VanessaE         sofar: what's the probability of using that new drawtype for pipeworks tubes?
04:09 VanessaE         (doesn't seem like it would work for steel pipes, but maybe those also?)
04:10 VanessaE         (actually, it wouldn't work for steel pipes, as those are mesh nodes)
04:10 sofar            aren't those meshes?
04:10 sofar            yes
04:11 sofar            pipeworks tubes should work. I forgot who it was but someone already hacked up a lot of technic conversions
04:11 sofar            they worked nicely
04:11 VanessaE         technic has already been patched, works well.
04:11 sofar            ahhh good
04:11 sofar            yup, we can do pipeworks as well soon
04:12 sofar            might as well now
04:12 VanessaE         nore: *poke*
04:13 VanessaE         what about mesecons?  that one I guess would be kinda tricky, no doubt?
04:13 sofar            well, you could convert some of mesecons wire, but not all
04:13 VanessaE         that's what I thought
05:11 VanessaE         I must be missing something - is there a way to have a mod (or modpack) provide settings equivalent to minetest.conf (i.e. stuff that takes effect before the server's mods are initialized)?
05:12 sofar            you can set stuff in minetest.conf
05:12 sofar            but it's during mod initialization that you have the first chance
05:12 VanessaE         damn it.
05:13 sofar            that's only a problem if you need to share settings between mods
05:13 sofar            but yes, modpacks :(
05:13 VanessaE         I just converted dreambuilder into a normal modpack, and I was hoping to include a minetest.conf equivalent to what the subgame had before.
05:13 sofar            make a dreambuilder_settings mod, have all the mods depend on it
05:13 sofar            something like that will work
05:13 VanessaE         ew.
05:15 VanessaE         I'll figure out another way.
05:19 VanessaE         strike that, there's no way to do what I want without an equivalent to a subgame's minetest.conf.
05:20 VanessaE         (specifically, one of the things the subgame used to do was disable the mesh cache)
13:24 nore             hm, does anyone know how to detect user language?
13:24 nore             I'm trying to add this client-side translation thing
13:24 nrzkt            on Linux LANG is the answer
13:24 nore             and it works well, except that I can't find the language
13:25 nrzkt            nore what is your exact thing ?
13:25 nore             nrzkt: well, I'd like to be able to get the language name
13:25 est31            we already have code to get the language name
13:25 nore             like "fr", "de", etc in the menu
13:25 nore             est31: where?
13:25 Krock            nore, could there be a gettext function?
13:25 est31            ah
13:25 nore             I can't find it
13:26 nore             and even setlocale(LC_ALL, NULL) does strange things
13:26 nrzkt            haha welcome to locales :(
13:26 nore             like, always replying the same thing
13:26 nore             even if I set language to "de" or "C"
13:26 nore             I get my fr locale (with LC_NUMERIC=C)
13:27 nore             and, even more strange, if I do 'LANG="" bin/minetest'
13:27 Obani            est31, will utf8 based chat be in 0.4.14 ?
13:27 est31            Obani, no
13:27 nore             language does not work anymore
13:27 est31            nore, the language seems to be overwritten by minetest
13:27 nore             even if I set it in minetest.conf
13:27 nore             est31: I know it is
13:27 est31            init_gettext from src/gettext.cpp
13:27 nore             that's what I'm saying
13:28 nore             after mt overrides it, I get the same answer
13:28 nore             (I'm changing it by writing the language name in minetest.conf)
13:29 est31            ahh
13:29 nore             and what I don't understand is why I always get the same answer
13:29 est31            that seems to happen only on windows
13:29 nore             and why language doesn't work if I set LANG="" before launching mt
13:30 est31            man this code is a mess too
13:30 nore             est31: no, there's a call if not windows too
13:30 est31            tons of #ifdef here ifdef there
13:30 est31            no idea what happens
13:31 nore             well, what should happen since I'm on a linux laptop
13:31 nore             // Add user specified locale to environment
13:31 nore             setenv("LANGUAGE", configured_language.c_str(), 1);
13:31 nore             // Reload locale with changed environment
13:31 nore             setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
13:32 nore             I don't know why LANGUAGE is set and not LANG though
13:32 sfan5            iirc LANGUAGE overrides LANG
13:32 sfan5            if you have set LANG to de and set LANGUAGE to fr you get french
13:32 sfan5            s/overrides/has higher priority than/
13:33 nore             sfan5: hm, if I set LANG instead, language does not work anymore
13:33 sfan5            hm
13:34 sfan5            % LANGUAGE=de_DE.UTF-8 LANG=C bash --version | tail -1
13:34 sfan5            There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
13:34 sfan5            doesnt seem to be that way
13:34 sfan5            % LANGUAGE=de_DE.UTF-8 bash --version | tail -1
13:34 sfan5            Für den größtmöglichen gesetzlich zulässigen Umfang wird jede Haftung ausgeschlossen.
13:34 sfan5            not setting LANG obviously works
13:34 nore             other, unrelated problem: is there a reason why fonts are awful when I set the language to fr?
13:36 nore             sfan5: if I do LANG=C bin/minetest, language does not work anymore
13:37 nore             even if I add language=fr to minetest.conf
13:37 sfan5            i would call that a feature
13:38 nore             sfan5: well, if I do LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 bin/minetest, I get no languge either
13:38 nore             so not really feature :/
13:38 nore             but if I replace LANG with LANGUAGE, it works??
13:39 sfan5            most likely because LANGUAGE is overriden in the code
13:40 nore             ok, but why if I do LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 I get nothing, even if I have language=de in minetest.conf too?
13:42 sfan5            magic maybe
13:42 nore             (also, when I try to query LC_ALL, I get "C")
13:43 nore             i.e. fr_FR.UTF-8, with LC_NUMERIC=C
13:43 nore             even if I set language to de for example
13:45 sfan5            thats because minetest only sets LANGUAGE to the one in minetest.conf
13:46 nore             hm...
13:46 nore             so LANGUAGE has priority over LC_*
13:46 nore             ?
13:47 sfan5            no idea
13:47 nore             looks like so then
13:48 nore             I'm still not able to understand why LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 bin/minetest gets me an english mt, even if language is set to "de" in minetest.conf
13:55 Zeno`            doesn't quite make sense does it
13:56 Zeno`            last time I tried I had a lot of trouble setting the language
13:56 Zeno`            more trouble than I expected
13:57 Zeno`            maybe it's easier on Windows
14:04 nore             what do you think about not translating game content except if the user sets the language in minetest.conf/in the menu then?
14:05 nore             or, maybe I have an idea
14:05 nore             translate a string called LANG_CODE
14:05 nore             and it would have to be translated to each language's code
14:05 nore             and then, we can use gettext :)
14:06 nore             it's a bit hacky, but maybe the best solution
14:06 nore             what do you think?
15:39 nore             #3950
15:39 ShadowBot        https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/3950 -- Add client-side translations by Ekdohibs
17:19 neoascetic       Did anyone have problems with doubleclick event on touchpad while playing?
17:24 nore             PilzAdam: do you have an idea to avoid large strings server-side?
17:49 PilzAdam         nore, like I said in the comment on the PR: the client could send the preferred languages to the server
17:49 PilzAdam         then the server only sends the already translated strings to the client
17:49 nore             PilzAdam: yes, but how would the server know the translated strings?
17:49 VanessaE         qwrwed reports a facedir bug:  a mesh node with paramtype2="wallmounted", such as homedecor shutters and I think default wooden signs, some rotations put the model and the selection box in different places:  https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?p=212897#p212897
17:50 PilzAdam         this would be totally backward compatible; just an additional package at init phase is needed
17:50 nore             also, some of these strings are in metadata (infotext for example)
17:50 nore             for example, a furnace
17:50 PilzAdam         mods could provide compiled gettext files
17:51 PilzAdam         the server could some kind of markup internally
17:51 nore             it sets texts like "Furnace is cooking (42% remaining)", or something like that
17:51 PilzAdam         but it shouldn't expose this to the client
17:51 nore             so two problems: it isn't easy to translate that without help from the mod
17:51 nore             and second one, this is an infotext
17:52 nore             so it resides in metadata
17:52 nore             which would have then to be modified before being sent to client
17:52 nore             and server would still have to store all the translations somewhere
17:52 nore             (so, a long string)
17:52 PilzAdam         hm.. metadata is indeed a problem
17:53 PilzAdam         maybe use your way for metadata, and mine for everything else (descriptions, HUD elements, etc)
17:54 PilzAdam         although: if you save all translations to the metadata, then updating the translation files wouldn't automatically update all nodes on the map
17:55 nore             and where would the translations for descriptions be stored? I'd suggest in the format that I used
17:55 nore             PilzAdam: yes, but again, if you change the text that is written, all nodes aren't updated
17:55 nore             so it works the same way as now
17:56 nore             not really a problem, thus
17:56 nore             sorry, gtg now
17:56 PilzAdam         the translation would be stored in *.mo files in the mods
17:56 PilzAdam         and the server simply uses gettext before sending anything to the client
17:56 nore             PilzAdam: and what about dynamic strings?
17:57 nore             (let's say, for HUD for example)
17:57 PilzAdam         there could be an API method that translates into a markup format (like you proposed), but the server resolves it before sending to the client
17:58 nore             that looks fine
17:59 PilzAdam         so the mod calls minetest.translate("Health: %d", 100), which results in "Health: 100\v{de: Leben: 100}", but the server still only sends "Health 100" or "Leben 100" to the client
18:02 nore             yeah, that could be done in another pr though :)
18:02 nore             I don't think it is really a problem right now
18:29 celeron55        has anyone yet used the new squash+rebase github button?
18:30 celeron55        looks like probably no
20:22 hmmmm            hey
20:22 hmmmm            hmm paramat isn't on
21:44 paramat          hi hmmmm
21:56 paramat          hmmmm i might work on #2759 soon, please could you read through that sometime just in case something occurs to you?
21:56 ShadowBot        https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2759 -- Shadow bug at y = 63 in mgv5/mgv7/mgflat/mgfractal/mgvalleys(/mgwatershed)
22:07 ShadowNinja      MT tries to generate chunks if any of the blocks in them are missing, even if some of them have m_generated=true.  This means that my map converter tool will have to pad out chunks with empty blocks to make a complete chunk, or face mapgen greifing (core mg should be overridden but waste CPU cycles, mod mg like in moretrees will cause greifing though).
22:07 ShadowNinja      This also causes the "/deleteblocks regenerates the whole area around the deleted area" issue.
22:08 ShadowNinja      Also, doc/world_format.txt is wrong about the generated flag: http://ix.io/vuo/diff
22:09 paramat          seems correct behaviour
22:10 hmmmm            I think what ShadowNinja wants to do is not pass blocks to the generator if they're marked as m_generated == true
22:10 hmmmm            but this is not possible...
22:13 ShadowNinja      hmmmm: I got it working more-or-less, I just had trouble with getting lighting to update when the lighting_expired flag was set.
22:13 hmmmm            how did you get it working?
22:15 ShadowNinja      hmmmm: Here's the meat of it: http://ix.io/vur/diff
22:16 hmmmm            that is a huge misunderstanding of how the emerge thread works...
22:17 hmmmm            consider the case where a non-generated block has been requested but exists in the same chunk as one that's already been generated.
22:18 ShadowNinja      Perhaps only skip Lua mapgen then.
22:19 hmmmm            it doesn't work that way either.  now you just broke a bunch of mods.
22:19 ShadowNinja      That could be an issue for full-blown Lua mapgens though.
22:20 ShadowNinja      Maybe just return an empty block in that case.  MT itself won't actually generate chunk with missing blocks.
22:20 hmmmm            I think I considered a strategy back when I was working on mapgen multithreading but rejected it for some reason I don't immediately recall
22:20 hmmmm            s/a strategy/that strategy/
22:24 ShadowNinja      Any better ideas?  It not I'll have to modify my converter to just pad out chunks with empty/stone blocks.
22:26 hmmmm            So you want your converter to place the map right inside the mapgen?
22:26 hmmmm            place the converted map right inside of the map-generated map
22:29 hmmmm            that's not going to blend well anyway
22:33 ShadowNinja      hmmmm: Yes, ideally the MT mapgen should handle everything not included, but not touch the included blocks.
22:34 ShadowNinja      That'll be hard though, because of the chunk abstraction.
22:34 hmmmm            maybe there should be a do_not_touch_this_block flag
22:34 hmmmm            m_immutable
22:34 hmmmm            any attempts to write back to the block would simply not succeed
22:35 hmmmm            so moretrees can do whatever it so desires to the block in the voxelmanipulator - but good luck getting it committed back to Map!
22:36 ShadowNinja      Hmmm, could I just set chunksize=1 in map_meta.txt to get what I want?
22:36 hmmmm            yes
22:36 hmmmm            but you'll get no caves or dungeons
22:36 ShadowNinja      That's acceptable.
22:43 paramat          comments on #2721 ? is it even possible?
22:43 ShadowBot        https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2721 -- Possibility to rotate entity's collision box
22:52 VanessaE         it is not.
22:53 VanessaE         not unless you want to rotate it by whole 90 degree increments anyway
22:53 VanessaE         the collision system can't otherwise work with it.
22:53 paramat          yeah, the idea suggested is alter the cuboid dimensions as the object rotates
22:55 VanessaE         misleading title :P  THAT should be possible I would think
22:55 paramat          btw VanessaE the 'official' moretrees lighting bug thread is now this #3421 and has some more results
22:55 ShadowBot        https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/3421 -- Moretrees lighting bug: Mapgen 1 up 1 down overgeneration changes lighting behaviour
22:57 VanessaE         https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/3421#issuecomment-202032200   "1 light level darker than they should be [in water]" isn't unique to tree growth btw.
22:57 VanessaE         that also used to happen when dumping a bucket of water into a source that was placed on-generated.
22:58 VanessaE         that's progress though
23:29 paramat          closed #2773
23:29 ShadowBot        https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2773 -- Allow semi-transparent pixels in detail texture of connected glass
23:31 hmmmm            you should keep it open to track the issue...
23:31 hmmmm            don't tell them that you're not going to fix it because you personally don't know how and/or it's a lot of work
23:38 paramat          the z-sorting issue is seperate and can be tracked seperately, in our situation we can't add transparency to glass
23:39 hmmmm            then why not link to the existing issue and close it as a duplicate?
23:40 paramat          ok. i also misunderstood slightly
23:40 Fixer            VanessaE, yes, i confirmed that water bug lighting too
23:41 paramat          re-opened for now
23:41 VanessaE         hmmmm: you once said that proper alpha/z-sorting should be fixable, but a LOT of work.  just how much work are we talking about here?
23:41 hmmmm            i don't know really
23:41 hmmmm            i started it on it a while ago but shelved the feature because i got bored
23:41 hmmmm            maybe i should work on that
23:42 VanessaE         (I only ask because both the engine and game have undergone a shit ton more work in the couple of years since you mentioned that, that I wonder if it's more a matter of wanting to make the effort than being able to)
23:42 VanessaE         looks like you just answered my question :)
23:43 paramat          closed #2778
23:43 ShadowBot        https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2778 -- Textures sometimes corrupted
23:53 MyTeke_ChrisWMas Awesome..