Time  Nick       Message
00:06 Fixer      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8K7nyD-XTGM&feature=youtu.be world-edit hack at 34:00 look at it , that was cought on video
00:08 Fixer      maybe it is admin disguised as cheater to play for fun and troll its own players?
00:12 Fixer      nope, that cheater got shout and interact
00:12 Fixer      funny
00:12 Fixer      i wonder if he still can cheat that way in 0.4.13-dev
00:15 est31      wow, seems maike really is annoyed by this
00:15 Fixer      who will not? he destroyed _protected_ stuff
00:15 est31      well, in order to investigate _any_ hack theory, one needs cooperation of the server admin
00:16 Fixer      and admin didn't want to cooperate that much, that is interesting part
00:16 Fixer      very slow response
00:16 Fixer      no bans for cheaters
00:18 est31      maike talks something about TNT
00:18 est31      short before 3:00
00:18 Fixer      that was fixed in later version of protector redo
00:19 est31      is that code applied to the server
00:19 Fixer      it is now applied
00:19 Fixer      he upgraded to newest -dev build i believe
00:19 Fixer      with new protector
00:19 Fixer      but that world-edit hack is interesting
00:20 est31      worldedit hack
00:20 est31      where
00:20 Fixer      est31, at 34:00
00:24 est31      Fixer, has that stuff happened on maike's server as well
00:24 Fixer      est31, nope, it is fine, maike has other problem with server hanging some time :/
00:27 est31      about the "worldedit hack" .. I have a theory, but cant really confirm it
00:28 Fixer      hmm
00:28 est31      I do think that it is inside the range of what clients can do
00:28 Fixer      when you place some blocks did server check if you have it in inventory?
00:28 est31      yes
00:28 Fixer      hmm
00:28 Fixer      fool the server saying that i have any blocks?
00:28 est31      no wont work
00:29 est31      the client sends a message to the server like: hi, I'd like to place a block to position (1,2,3), and my currently selected inventory stack is at position 13
00:29 est31      or well its even more low level
00:30 est31      with right clicks
00:30 est31      not with actual "place" events
00:30 est31      lemme look it up in detail
00:36 est31      yeah
00:36 est31      its only an index
00:53 Fixer      ShadowNinja, is it me or there is excess of bouncy in pr3810?
00:59 Fixer      strange problems with forum, kicks me out, need to login every N minute
01:12 paramat    sofar can connected fences and fence gate be merged together or will one need rebasing on the other?
01:13 paramat    lots of game merging later :)
01:17 paramat    stuff i will merge later: games 881 910 907 873 877 (and 898 when tested)
01:17 sofar      paramat: they all stack just fine
01:17 paramat    ok
01:17 sofar      paramat: how about the walls? two approvals as well for that one ;)
01:18 paramat    see my comment
01:19 paramat    fences are often used as pillars so make stone pillars one node high by default?
01:22 sofar      right. I'll make the wall edge also 1px higher to keep the tops close together and keep the shape
01:22 paramat    ok cool
01:23 sofar      yeah, that looks nice
01:23 sofar      refreshed PR
01:23 paramat    i'll merge it when that's done
01:23 paramat    oh heh
01:24 paramat    i'll merge stuff in an hour
01:24 sofar      paramat: did you see this: https://youtu.be/blrurijucN4 ?
01:24 paramat    yes
01:25 paramat    hmmmm says it will be difficult to implement in MT
01:25 est31      ermm
01:25 est31      it is already implemented?
01:25 est31      in minetest?
01:25 sofar      could keep it entirely client side
01:25 est31      ^
01:26 sofar      all you need is player velocity and look/yaw
01:26 paramat    i feel we should have player skins as default
01:26 est31      you already know the look/yaw of othe players I think
01:26 est31      and velocity can be added
01:26 est31      I +1 the idea
01:26 sofar      velocity is already in the player object
01:27 sofar      but you need to cache the last non-zero value of it
01:27 sofar      that will be the body angle
01:27 sofar      basically
01:27 paramat    i agree moving heads, even if just up and down, adds a lot of character
01:52 sofar      paramat: you probably want to consider game#913 for 0.4.14
01:52 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/913 -- Fire: Optimize spreading ABM. by sofar
01:53 sofar      oh crap, lol
01:53 sofar      wait, heh, it crashed on me
01:54 sofar      I... don't understand the bug
01:54 sofar      crashes in this line:
01:54 sofar      action = function(p0, node, _, _)
01:54 sofar      2016-03-12 17:51:20: ERROR[Main]: ServerError: Lua: Runtime error from mod 'fire' in callback LuaABM::trigger(): Invalid position (expected table got nil).
01:56 sofar      ah, stupid
01:57 sofar      found the problem.
01:59 sofar      yeah, it's good now
02:01 paramat    ok will look
02:03 sofar      I wonder if converting some part of fire nodes to node timers will help
02:05 sofar      we could make fire nodes actually die away faster
02:07 sofar      I'm standing next to a mid-air fire node that's just been sitting there for aaaages
02:07 sofar      I think fire nodes should die away faster if not near a flammable node
02:13 est31      its "less processing"
02:13 est31      in fact, least processing is if you just remove the whole mod from mtgame
02:13 est31      that's best imo
02:13 paramat    heh
02:13 est31      the current fire mod is a shame
02:15 sofar      abm's with chance != 1 are the problem
02:15 sofar      this one has chance = 16
02:15 sofar      that's insane
02:17 sofar      so fire nodes ABM every 5 seconds mid-air for 1/16 to see if they can be removed
02:18 sofar      nothing prevents them from never ever getting removed
02:18 est31      its just freaking wrong
02:18 est31      you know there are mods out there
02:18 est31      with trees
02:18 est31      you plant a tree, and it grows itself
02:18 est31      with abm and some magic
02:18 est31      dont know the name
02:19 est31      so if you set that thing on fire while it grows
02:19 est31      it grows faster than the fire burns
02:19 sofar      lol
02:19 sofar      https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/pull/870#issuecomment-193120289
02:19 sofar      did that as well
02:20 sofar      I might just PR this nodetimer fire node removal
02:20 sofar      afk, taking the family out for dinner
02:21 paramat    yeah the fire mod is a bit rough
04:08 paramat    now merging games 796 873 877
04:11 * sofar    does a happy dance
04:18 paramat    merged. finally
04:18 sofar      no conflicts, right?
04:18 paramat    no
04:19 paramat    i'll merge another batch of PRs later, after some testing
04:21 paramat    i mean correct, no conflicts
04:21 sofar      I got that :)
04:46 paramat    now merging games 881 898 907 910
04:54 paramat    merged
06:53 sofar      paramat: only update_liquids should be after update_map, right?
06:53 paramat    correct only that
06:53 paramat    afaik
06:53 paramat    well actually i'm fairly sure
06:54 sofar      doesn't update_map write it out to the actual game map?
06:54 paramat    no 'update map' is a lighting update
06:55 sofar      then the mapfix mod by duane has it wrong too
06:55 sofar      weird
06:55 paramat    looking
06:56 paramat    well it might not matter, just makes more sense to me
06:56 paramat    you want to modify the world before updating liquids
06:57 paramat    because th evm might be adding or removing liquids
06:57 paramat    (the vm)
06:57 sofar      ok, I'll move it to the end
06:58 paramat    the order of lighting update and liquid update might not matter but i prefer the idea of updating liquids as the last action
06:58 sofar      k, done
07:16 sofar      paramat: https://youtu.be/QSLOp0afutA (lol)
07:17 paramat    wow
07:18 sofar      with 32 it's a disaster, though, due to all the entities
07:18 sofar      8 is pretty large already
07:18 sofar      more than enough fun, IMHO
07:33 sofar      hmm, I still want to make primed tnt an entity that itself can be pushed away by explosions
07:36 sofar      oh
07:36 sofar      my
07:36 sofar      lord
07:36 sofar      that .. that .. boat model
07:37 sofar      it has 1476 tris!!!
07:39 sofar      internal blender cleanup reduces it to 156 ... wow, just wow
07:53 paramat    !
07:54 paramat    default boat?
08:01 sofar      yeah. I was thinking if fixing the UV map so it actually looks decent
08:01 sofar      now I regret :)
08:02 sofar      $ wc -l boats_boat.obj
08:02 sofar      3111 boats_boat.obj
08:02 sofar      $ grep 'v ' boats_boat.obj |wc -l
08:02 sofar       740
08:03 sofar      $ grep 'f ' boats_boat.obj |wc -l
08:03 sofar      1476
08:03 sofar      anyway, sleep
09:33 paramat    clever bugfix #3850
09:33 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/3850 -- Mapgen: Fix light in tunnels at mapchunk borders by paramat
09:47 paramat    simple and much needed #3851
09:47 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/3851 -- Mapgen: Unhide singlenode mapgen by paramat
10:23 celeron55  i rebased the far map branch
10:23 celeron55  just to stay... barely hanging from the top of things
10:49 paramat    i really should test it ..
10:56 Fixer      i will compile it soon
11:04 Obani      Every players that told me they tested it also told me it worked damn well and asked why wasn't it merged :p
11:12 Fixer      celeron55, compile error: https://i.imgur.com/Sj8LCcB.png
11:13 celeron55  Fixer: fix it
11:13 Fixer      :S
11:13 celeron55  maybe that file needs stdint.h
11:15 paramat    compiles for me, am testing in mgfractal
11:27 Fixer      i remember it compiled for linux suc-ly, but not for windows
11:32 paramat    nice, this is good for big structures
11:49 paramat    lovely, good work
11:54 paramat    http://i.imgur.com/tqyJMKN.png mgfractal with farmap < celeron55
11:58 Fixer      beautiful
11:59 Fixer      wonder what is ram usage and fps
14:14 celeron55  https://gist.github.com/celeron55/b0a2a537076a79e3b7b1#file-loading_old_minetest_worlds-txt
14:14 celeron55  i was looking through some old server world backups
14:15 celeron55  and found out the current version is able to load them, even in the "sectors" format (i think i checked one and it had version 13 mapblocks) with that little patch
14:15 celeron55  i mean, they load fine, nodes just have wrong stuff in them
14:15 celeron55  with that patch they load quite usably
14:18 celeron55  version 13 dates back to 2011-02-04
14:19 celeron55  minetest was literally less than 6 months old at that date
14:19 celeron55  this doesn't even make any sense
14:21 VanessaE   add that patch and when the time comes, tag the 0.4.14 release with "we remember our history!"  :)
14:22 celeron55  the way it is handled is inoptimal though; the sectors format is always the fallback format no matter what backend is used
14:22 celeron55  i guess it should be changed to be just a backend which is never really used but which allows migration to modern formats
14:25 celeron55  actually, the 2011-07-30 world backup works fine without patches
14:25 yang2003   Hi
14:25 celeron55  that patch is needed for some earlier stuff; but whatever
19:46 neoascetic celeron55 It seems like integration with Bountysource are broken. I am unable to find latest issues to make a bounty. Can you fix it?
19:50 neoascetic Or someone else who have admin rights on the team?
20:24 Obani      #2445 ?
20:25 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2445 -- Keyboard shortcuts for chat commands: adds user interface and code to... by spillz
21:00 sofar      eh, I think I found a tiny little bug in connected nodes
21:01 kaadmy     what bug :|
21:01 kaadmy     but minetest is TOTALLY bug-free!
21:01 sofar      it's just a missing feature, technically ;)
21:09 celeron55  minimalism is a feature
21:09 celeron55  i bet you'll have to add a line of code to fix it
21:15 celeron55  Fixer: try the branch again 8)
21:15 kaadmy     hmm
21:15 kaadmy     my friend is adding clouds with differing heights
21:15 kaadmy     looks epic ;)
21:15 Fixer      will give it a try now, result in 20 min
21:16 Obani      kaadmy, to my ears too
21:18 celeron55  Obani: why did you link this PR?
21:19 Fixer      kaadmy, could you please suggest adding fog when player inside in the clouds?
21:19 celeron55  oh, your comment is the last one
21:19 Obani      celeron55, I link the PRs I would love to see in-game
21:19 Obani      The forgotten PRs
21:20 Obani      And the one that should be closed or merged :p
21:21 celeron55  i think this one is worth pointing out, altough i have no idea how mergeable it is
21:23 Obani      celeron55, this one as you say, would totally reinvent Minetest PvP
21:25 celeron55  yeah i kind of want this; i didn't even remember this existed
21:26 Obani      Well as I'm not coding I like to go to take a look at coders work 8)
21:28 celeron55  looks like git and kdiff3 at least pretended it to rebase kind of easily
21:28 celeron55  and g++ thought the end result was valid code
21:29 celeron55  it doesn't seem to work
21:33 celeron55  wait... actually it does
21:36 Void7      how can i post images without having to make an account?
21:38 Fixer      celeron55, compilation success
21:40 Obani      Void7, on what ?
21:40 Void7      any image hosting service
21:41 Obani      Void7, https://lut.im/
21:41 Void7      https://lut.im/DUjz5Xb6dI/6K150JPpm7IunxqC.png
21:42 Obani      8) love it
21:42 Obani      is it lag-less ?
21:42 Void7      can't really tell
21:44 celeron55  i hope he realizes that's 0.3.3 which has many differences to 0.4.13-dev in its cloud implementation
21:44 Obani      Void7, I mean is it enough light to be accepted in minetest ?
21:44 Void7      probably
21:44 Void7      but i modified 0.3.3, not the git
21:45 Obani      lol didn't even see that
21:45 Obani      celeron55, as the cloud thing changed so much ?
21:45 Void7      it would probably be much harder to modify git, because minetest now removes the inner faces in the clouds
21:46 celeron55  that's probably like one line of code though 8)
21:46 Void7      view from below: https://lut.im/BpUkugVnEd/NHGxZsbO3MsEVCZP.png
21:46 celeron55  does it?
21:46 celeron55  i mean, i hope it does, but i don't remember that being ever made
21:47 Fixer      celeron55, it works! interestingly, farmap blocks tend to load earlier then high-detailed ones not far from me
21:47 Obani      Void7, maybe make it less flat on the under part ?
21:47 celeron55  the 3D clouds are huge performance hogs due to this reason and because they are drawn pretty much in immediate mode
21:48 celeron55  looks like 0.4 does that
21:48 celeron55  so you're right
21:49 Obani      also #3535
21:49 ShadowBot  https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/3535 -- fix #2876 (fix player teleportation bug) by HybridDog
22:12 sofar      what, the, heck, man
22:13 sofar      my wall nodes are connecting to like 100+ nodes
22:45 sofar      ohhhhhhhh dang, I think I found the issue
22:46 sofar      wow, broke my head nearly over that one
22:47 Fixer      celeron55, smooth mesh gen? I'm impressed, stutter went down _a lot_ and game is very good
22:48 celeron55  the block sending might be smoother
22:49 celeron55  not sure
22:49 celeron55  it's not something i had in mind when making it
22:50 Fixer      celeron55, num_processed_meshes is intelligent now, leveled, no more spikes, no more big stuttering, game is _smooth_
22:53 Fixer      only very rarely
22:56 Fixer      celeron55, i will test some more, but at this moment, that PR fixes stutter problem once and for all for me
22:58 celeron55  a screenshot of the profiler graphs would be usefu
22:58 celeron55  +l
22:58 celeron55  i didn't expect anything like this at all
22:59 celeron55  i mean, comparison of screenshots
22:59 Fixer      celeron55, one sec
23:05 Fixer      celeron55, sorry for chaotic record: https://imgur.com/UW6TIRD
23:06 Fixer      celeron55, it is clean map in heavy forest, it is practically stutter free (there 1 or 2 big spikes), but it is a huge improvement
23:07 Fixer      celeron55, farmap was off but with it also looks good
23:09 Fixer      celeron55, I can literally feel the smoothness, like after shaving
23:09 Fixer      and graphs flat as I've ever seen
23:14 Fixer      celeron55, also, i've noticed what vanessa noticed, feels like with time it generates new blocks slower (farmap off)
23:17 Fixer      celeron55, at start you have nice workload with constant num_process_meshes, but with times, chanks generates slower and it sleeps a lot and gives 4 processed meshes per few seconds or so
23:17 Fixer      with time, chunks are been generated slower*
23:22 Fixer      celeron55, with 240 v_range they keep generating somewhere at 40 before me, so map gen or whatever potentially slows down for unknown reason (bug?), restarting it fixes the problem for some time
23:28 celeron55  the transfer will go in strange waves as the block sending iterates through a radius of mapblock while the mapgen generates 5x5x5 mapblocks at a time