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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2016-02-07

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Time Nick Message
00:04 est31 OldCoder, commented
00:07 OldCoder est31, paramat doesn't want the maximum range capped. If the actual setting is capped, will this contradict his point?
00:08 OldCoder If it is capped dynamically as you suggest, will he still be able to do as he wishes?
00:08 paramat no est's suggestion is good
00:08 OldCoder So, a dynamic cap?
00:08 paramat there's no need to see beyond the world edge
00:09 * OldCoder is curious about what is beyond, but very well
00:09 OldCoder Cap needs to be dynamic so that screenshots will work as you wish, paramat ?
00:09 OldCoder Will look into this
00:10 paramat yes
00:10 est31 capping to world edge would be even too restrictive
00:10 OldCoder est31, go on
00:10 est31 capping to coord edge is better
00:10 OldCoder Distinction?
00:11 est31 world edge is at 31000
00:11 est31 there is where mapgen stops
00:11 OldCoder And coord edge is 32767 ?
00:11 est31 coord edge is where s16 flips over
00:11 est31 yup
00:11 OldCoder Ninja
00:11 est31 :)
00:11 OldCoder Ttys
00:11 paramat yes agreed, coord edge
00:11 * OldCoder will rest and look at this
00:11 OldCoder o/
00:11 est31 that way you still see something when standing at world edge and looking back
00:11 OldCoder Indeed
00:12 OldCoder "I don't know where I'm going but can see where I've been"
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01:49 OldCoder est31, patch has been updated to reflect both your input and paramat's
01:50 OldCoder
01:50 OldCoder ^ Ready for glory
01:50 OldCoder Press Reload button or Refresh link on page to see latest version
01:50 OldCoder
01:51 * OldCoder has spent a day on this and looks forward, eventually, to his first official patch
01:52 OldCoder Hm, wait, the update didn't flush
01:52 * OldCoder goes to fix it
01:53 OldCoder No, it's correct, press Reload
01:59 kaadmy joined #minetest-dev
02:01 est31 OldCoder, commented
02:02 OldCoder est31, thanks
02:02 OldCoder Commenting back
02:03 OldCoder This is fun, in a way. II suppose I'll end up with a parallel program as many developers, including you, have.
02:03 OldCoder Oops
02:03 OldCoder This is fun, in a way. I'm convinced I know best, some will agree and some will not. I suppose I'll end up with a parallel program as many developers, including you, have.
02:03 OldCoder *
02:03 OldCoder Comments coming online
02:10 OldCoder est31, that last point is sensible
02:10 OldCoder I'll probably fix that, but growing physically tired today
02:10 * OldCoder is referring to the per-frame issue
02:10 est31 ah yeah
02:10 est31 it will make the code more complex, that's bad
02:10 est31 but any fix is probably better than no one :)
02:10 OldCoder Incorrect, it's good
02:11 OldCoder Will explain online as paramat has raised this issue there
02:11 OldCoder Will fix the runtime load issue separately another day, I think
02:12 est31 take your time
02:14 paramat joined #minetest-dev
02:15 paramat sorry OldCoder i don't think it's worth fixing at all
02:16 OldCoder paramat, I am savaging your views in the PR thread
02:16 OldCoder As you have commented there
02:16 OldCoder I trust you will not mind
02:16 * OldCoder turns to GitHub and edits
02:17 paramat no problem
02:22 OldCoder paramat, a confusing point...
02:22 OldCoder I don't think it's even worth fixing, it would be preferable to keep the ability of a 2000 node view range elsewhere in the world.
02:22 OldCoder ^ quote
02:22 OldCoder The patch does exactly that as we discussed
02:22 OldCoder It only limits view range at the edges of the universe
02:23 OldCoder Am I missing something or was this not clear?
02:23 paramat yes, i'm referring to my suggested alternative fix
02:24 est31 I hope we agree there are two alternatives here:
02:24 est31 1. limit the viewing range to a fixed amount
02:24 est31 2. limit the viewing range to the distance to the world edge
02:25 est31 2 is more smarter and is almost as lightweight as 1.
02:25 OldCoder My online response will go into detail regarding one issue because I feel it's an important philosophical difference
02:25 kahrl well there's a third one
02:25 paramat do nothing
02:25 OldCoder But I'll work further on the patch and wish to hear kahrl's point
02:25 kahrl yes, and a fourth one
02:25 OldCoder paramat, you have made your view clear
02:25 kahrl work with v3s32's and rangelim them to s16 range at the end
02:25 kahrl that would give the most "correct" output, but I'm not sure how expensive it is
02:26 OldCoder You're in error and this will be explained shortly. However, your time is also much appreciated.
02:26 OldCoder Not kahrl, paramat
02:26 OldCoder This has been more fun than these things usually are
02:28 kahrl 4. is more correct than 2., because let's say the viewing range is 3000 and you're at the world border, if you look away from the world border you see 3000 nodes far with option 4., but less with 2.
02:30 OldCoder est31, paramat, reading the exchange, I'd like to be clear, this is all with a smile. I've genuinely enjoyed the process and appreciated your help. Both of you.
02:30 paramat ok
02:30 OldCoder kahrl, I'm growing physically tired but will review your remarks at a later point.
02:32 est31 OldCoder, paramat and me often play this game "est wants this, paramat doesnt want this", its not the first time we have discussions of this kind.
02:32 OldCoder Ah thanks
02:32 * OldCoder turns back to editing
02:33 paramat heh yeah
02:34 paramat my opinion is shifting anyway
02:34 est31 its not really personal, but idk, our views arent aligned or something. still paramat is a nice guy
02:35 paramat est is ok too
02:39 kahrl so, while we're looking at the performance of this code
02:39 kahrl what is the purpose of m_camera_mutex?
02:39 kahrl all places that lock it appear to be called from the main thread
02:40 kahrl ClientMap::m_camera_mutex, to be clear
02:43 kahrl I grepped the codebase for lines that lock it (thankfully grep only found lines in clientmap.h and clientmap.cpp) and added logging next to each one
02:43 kahrl the log only shows [Main] as the thread
02:43 OldCoder est31, I'll drop the redundant code if you'll merge the P.R. I've explained the reasons for retaining it but it isn't a significant issue.
02:45 OldCoder I'll also look at a more efficient version at a later date, though it sounds as though kahrl is onto something
02:45 OldCoder I actually considered that approach this morning, but didn't know enough to go that route
02:46 OldCoder Or you can merge the P.R. and delete those lines
02:46 OldCoder est31, ^
02:47 paramat i'm beginning to agree this needs attention, but i think we can come up with something better, i don't think this is mergeable
02:47 kahrl gaining performance by getting rid of an unnecessary mutex would compensate a somewhat more expensive node range calculation :)
02:47 est31 yup
02:47 est31 I'll try to dig up the commit that added the mutex
02:49 OldCoder paramat, I'm fine with tossing the P.R. and am glad if it leads to discussion of a superior approach
02:50 paramat ok cool
02:50 * OldCoder has not eaten and will now go on break. He will be here Saturday night later and all day Sunday.
02:51 OldCoder o/
02:51 OldCoder (This assumes that the issue is fixed one way or the other)
02:51 OldCoder
02:51 kahrl est31, it's there in 4e249fb
02:51 kahrl "Initial files"
02:54 kahrl wow, I completely forgot about the initial attempt to add lua scripting (way before 0.4 was even dreamt of)
02:55 kahrl (got reminded by commit 9778347c which touches m_camera_mutex)
02:57 paramat not sure if this is the case, but the camera seems to have a viewing limit of 2000 nodes? if so, for a start we could limit view range min/max and m_control.wanted_range to 2000 nodes, this would fix this occuring in all places more than 300 nodes from world edge
02:57 paramat this would be lightweight
02:58 paramat another possibility, reduce world size by 300 nodes =)
02:58 paramat or to 30000 (might not be popular though)
03:01 * OldCoder is headed out to lunch but hopes not to sacrifice outer 1000 nodes just for this.
03:02 paramat yeah forget that idea
03:02 paramat players already say it's too small
03:02 OldCoder Tell them to build up :P
03:04 paramat so since this occured due to m_control.wanted_range becoming 9600+ first we should avoid such crazy values being possible. limiting this and view range min/max can be done where those are set or adjusted, lightweight because not per-frame
03:06 est31 well kahrl m_camera_mutex is an object that's predating the git history of minetest: its contained in the initial commit 4e249fb
03:08 paramat !tell RealBadAngel does the camera have a viewing limit of 2000 nodes?
03:08 ShadowBot paramat: O.K.
03:12 kahrl est31: yeah
03:12 kahrl it's not there in NMPR, so it must have been added between then and the first git commit
03:13 RealBadAngel joined #minetest-dev
03:15 RealBadAngel paramat, near plane of camera is set to 1.0 i think by default
03:15 RealBadAngel mt never sets or changes near plane
03:15 RealBadAngel also minimum is always 20000
03:15 RealBadAngel (for far plane)
03:16 RealBadAngel so it can 1 - 20000 or 1 - 20000+
03:16 est31 well kahrl I can see m_camera_mutex be unlocked / locked at several places:
03:17 est31 1. in the header src/clientmap.h. The only place where updateCamera( is called is in game.cpp and that code is only called in main game loop
03:18 est31 2. ClientMap::renderPostFx is only called by draw_scene in drawscene.cpp
03:18 est31 and the method has video::IVideoDriver *driver as its argument
03:18 est31 knowing that irrlicht is single threaded only, it must be used in the main thread already
03:19 paramat hm i know clouds cutoff at 2000 nodes
03:19 est31 3.   ClientMap::updateDrawList and ClientMap::renderMap both take the driver as arguments as well. same argument applies
03:19 kahrl ah, true I didn't even think of that to make it easier to analyze
03:19 est31 so +1 to your proposal
03:20 paramat i suspect MT sets far plane to 20000 units = 2000 nodes
03:20 RealBadAngel paramat, see what i wrote
03:20 RealBadAngel 20000 is hardcoded limit
03:21 RealBadAngel whatever distance you set, far plane of camera will be no lower than 20k
03:21 paramat yes
03:21 est31 it'd be cool to see player's reactions when we limit world to +-11760 in all directions
03:22 RealBadAngel also, propably even when you set vRange to 245 it is still 20k
03:22 RealBadAngel dunno why
03:22 paramat i'm just wondering what MT sets the far plane to?
03:22 RealBadAngel damn
03:22 RealBadAngel 20k
03:22 RealBadAngel always
03:22 paramat well clouds are always visible out to 2000 nodes whatever view range is
03:23 RealBadAngel even when you set it to 245, far plane is 20k
03:23 RealBadAngel that may be a bug
03:23 paramat RBA, you weote '20000+' and 'no lower than 20000', that means it could be higher?
03:23 paramat (wrote)
03:24 RealBadAngel lookin at code its broken
03:24 RealBadAngel 20k means that far plane is way too far
03:24 RealBadAngel and has nothing to do with nodes visible
03:25 RealBadAngel its just set absurdly far to make everything visible
03:25 paramat but clouds need to be visible out to 20000 whatever view range is set to?
03:25 paramat and indeed they are
03:25 RealBadAngel clouds yeah
03:25 RealBadAngel but world?
03:27 RealBadAngel its set to see 125 maplocks in straight line
03:28 RealBadAngel 20000 / BS / 16 = 125
03:29 RealBadAngel it means that setting lower vRange wont speed up rendering
03:29 RealBadAngel because no matter what everything will be always rendered
03:30 RealBadAngel with 20k far clipping is effectively disabled
03:30 paramat but setting lower view range does speed up rendering in-game
03:31 RealBadAngel blocks are manually occluded
03:32 RealBadAngel in clientmap.cpp
03:32 kahrl est31: #3661
03:32 ShadowBot -- Remove ClientMap::m_camera_mutex by kahrl
03:32 RealBadAngel thx to that code we do have missing blocks in the screen corners sometimes
03:33 RealBadAngel btw, #3654
03:33 ShadowBot -- Use tangent space meshes only when shaders are enabled by RealBadAngel
03:33 RealBadAngel can somebody merge it?
03:34 paramat i need to test that
03:34 paramat i'll do that now
03:34 RealBadAngel there are 2 dev votes already
03:34 est31 but paramat wants to test it
03:34 RealBadAngel ok
03:35 paramat need to check it restores FPS
03:35 est31 and if he finds something that needs improvement, it improves the whole situation
03:35 est31 so no need for haste
03:35 est31 paramat, if the test is successful, I assume you plan to merge it?
03:35 RealBadAngel est31, kinda, im blocked with it
03:35 paramat sorry i was going to do that earlier but got sidetracked
03:36 est31 because I am planning to getting sidetracked myself
03:36 paramat yeah! if it works i want it in
03:36 est31 sort of... getting to bed :)
03:36 paramat yeah i'll merge it if tests well
03:37 RealBadAngel paramat, please do, this PR blocks all my other ones
03:38 est31 joined #minetest-dev
03:38 est31 and somebody if they have time should have a look at
03:38 est31 its a good pr IMO and fixes a long standing bug in minetest
03:38 * est31 now really heading to bed
03:48 RealBadAngel paramat, ive solved problem with selection boxes, they can remain old way
03:49 paramat nice
03:49 RealBadAngel
03:49 RealBadAngel so theyre no longer an obstacle for deferred rendering
03:51 RealBadAngel now i have to take care of player name tags
03:52 RealBadAngel and the entities ones
03:52 RealBadAngel and the sky ;)
04:08 paramat ok FPS up from 42 to 52, 42 is 81% of 52 so a 19% drop, close enough to 21% so PR seems good, will merge
04:10 RealBadAngel good
04:10 paramat now merging
04:17 paramat merged
04:21 paramat issue closed too
04:21 paramat thanks for that
04:22 RealBadAngel np
04:28 RealBadAngel i will update now 3650
04:28 OldCoder paramat, does this address the other issue or is it still open?
04:37 paramat which other issue?
04:38 OldCoder The one we spent an hour on (paramat)
04:39 paramat ah, no it's unrelated
04:40 OldCoder ah
04:40 * OldCoder trusts est31 paramat others will settle the other issue. Or merge OldCoder patch as a fallback. But OldCoder will nap now.
04:43 paramat now that est has reviewed 3610 it may be mergeable once updated
04:54 RealBadAngel im fixing now 3650 code with nrzkt comments
04:54 RealBadAngel i will do 3610 as next
04:57 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
05:31 RealBadAngel ok 3650 now become #3662
05:31 ShadowBot -- Cleanup selection mesh code, add shaders for halo and selection boxes by RealBadAngel
05:32 RealBadAngel paramat, ^^
05:36 paramat ok
05:51 RealBadAngel 3610 and 3662 are confilcting as usual
05:51 RealBadAngel please merge 3662 before i can make 3610 mergeable
05:55 paramat ok
05:58 paramat hopefully it can get some approves later on sunday
05:58 RealBadAngel code was reviewed already
06:03 paramat needs +1 from the reviewer nerzhul plus another +1, unfortunately you'll have to wait, much as i'd like to get things moving
06:06 paramat wow big commit
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06:36 RealBadAngel ok, ive updated #3610 with est31 comments
06:36 ShadowBot -- Use meshes to display inventory items by RealBadAngel
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13:59 red-001 nrzkt I updated #3657
13:59 ShadowBot -- Allow players to drop unknown items and add a setting to remove them on drop. by red-001
13:59 est31 sfan5, is the +1 you did in RBA's PR a "real" +1?
13:59 red-001 could you re-review it?
14:01 DFeniks joined #minetest-dev
14:10 Fixer I really hope for PR #3612, i playing with it for a long time, works fine and gives nicer view
14:10 ShadowBot -- Filmic HDR tone mapping by RealBadAngel
14:10 Fixer I'm*
14:16 sfan5 est31: what's a "real" +1?
14:16 Fixer code review?
14:16 est31 sfan5, well were you just supporting the idea, or were you agreeing to the actual code being merged into master
14:17 est31 if its the second, I'll merge it now
14:17 * sofar peeks in
14:17 est31 (after reviewing it for a last time)
14:17 sfan5 est31: idea approval
14:17 sfan5 but i can look at the code now too if you want
14:18 est31 would be cool if you did
14:18 est31 137 open pull requests and counting
14:19 red-001 minetest game has more PRs then issues
14:19 sfan5 est31: looks good
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15:25 Fixer !tell paramat happens sometimes
15:25 ShadowBot Fixer: O.K.
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17:10 RealBadAngel so, whats about #3662, #3612 and #3610 ?
17:11 ShadowBot -- Cleanup selection mesh code, add shaders for halo and selection boxes by RealBadAngel
17:11 ShadowBot -- Filmic HDR tone mapping by RealBadAngel
17:11 ShadowBot -- Use meshes to display inventory items by RealBadAngel
17:11 est31 RealBadAngel, seen my comment in the last PR?
17:11 est31 why is it not needed to set delta = 0?
17:11 RealBadAngel because its set before?
17:12 est31 mhh that makes sense
17:12 est31 its a bit confusing what's static here and what isnt
17:13 RealBadAngel this is not a class, so some variables have to be made static
17:14 RealBadAngel otherwise i would need them to be global
17:14 est31 why so?
17:14 est31 i've thought they only serve as speedup?
17:14 RealBadAngel draw function can be called from formspec or hud
17:15 RealBadAngel it doesnt belong in fact to any of them, but have to remember whats selected, dragged or hovered
17:16 RealBadAngel and keep the timers for those 3
17:16 RealBadAngel so its not about speed
17:18 est31 and why does it require three fields?
17:18 est31 why is not one enough?
17:18 RealBadAngel three at the time can spin...
17:18 est31 you cant hover if you drag can you
17:18 RealBadAngel one in the hotbar
17:18 RealBadAngel the one you have dragged
17:19 RealBadAngel and you can hover next one when dragging
18:17 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
18:30 nrzkt RealBadAngel, i added comments on #3662
18:30 ShadowBot -- Cleanup selection mesh code, add shaders for halo and selection boxes by RealBadAngel
18:33 RealBadAngel nrzkt, about frist one, scolor, that wont even compile
18:33 RealBadAngel you already pointed that one before
18:34 nrzkt why ? there is a local modification ?
18:34 RealBadAngel idk, its not my code
18:34 RealBadAngel youre pointing mostly old code around
18:34 nrzkt but you are using it, adding a little maintenance could be good :)
18:34 RealBadAngel ive added something to that function call
18:35 RealBadAngel i have no slightest idea why it wont work
18:36 RealBadAngel also why everybody are so keen on ternary operators?
18:37 RealBadAngel static const on txc also wont work
18:37 RealBadAngel iterators will refuse it
18:37 hmmmm because having 5 lines to change one slightly different parameter in otherwise identical code is repetitive
18:37 hmmmm repetitive code is bad
18:39 hmmmm what is a "txc"?
18:39 hmmmm you have repetitive code such as "bool use_default_txc = (txc != NULL) ? false : true; ... if (use_default_txc) txc = txc_default;"
18:40 RealBadAngel f32[24] table of texure coords
18:40 hmmmm that doesn't make it more clear
18:40 hmmmm texture coords for what
18:40 RealBadAngel mesh faces
18:40 hmmmm i know what it is, but other people reading the code casually do not
18:40 hmmmm "txc" is pretty useless to anybody but you yourself
18:40 RealBadAngel grep for txc
18:40 hmmmm don't care
18:40 hmmmm it's not descriptive at all
18:40 RealBadAngel its used 50+ times in source
18:41 RealBadAngel if not more
18:41 hmmmm the minute it's being used as a parameter you need to put in some effort into describing it better
18:41 hmmmm also just because it's been done before doesn't mean it's right
18:41 hmmmm old code has buffer overflows everywhere and no security
18:41 hmmmm because it's been done a lot, I guess that must mean it's the right thing to do, right?
18:42 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
18:42 hmmmm look, over 100 people jumped off that cliff.  it must be the right thing to do!
18:44 RealBadAngel
18:44 hmmmm don't care
18:44 RealBadAngel fuck, its described there whats that
18:44 hmmmm as it stands, the name "txc" is useless to everybody but yourself
18:44 RealBadAngel are you blind or what?
18:44 RealBadAngel its the code you are commenting
18:45 RealBadAngel also you would like to put there:
18:46 RealBadAngel face_texture_coordinates  instead of txc?
18:47 RealBadAngel sorry man, but you are talkin bullshit now.
18:47 hmmmm face_texture_coords would be best imho
18:47 RealBadAngel hmmm lets try
18:47 hmmmm let me guess, you think short, indecipherable jibberish is more "l33t hax0r" like
18:47 hmmmm and therefore cooler
18:48 Obani Is this about a naming convention ?
18:48 hmmmm maybe it is cooler, but save it for your own projects.  seriously.
18:48 RealBadAngel
18:49 RealBadAngel here you go
18:49 RealBadAngel happy reading and formatting such piece :P
18:49 hmmmm you're being obtuse on purpose
18:49 Obani lol
18:49 Obani I think face_texture_coords is too long
18:49 hmmmm float *txc = face_texture_coords;
18:50 Obani but txc is impossible too hard to understand/memorize
18:50 red-001 texture_coords?
18:50 hmmmm you act like there is some kind of direct size/understandability tradeoff without even considering alternative solutions
18:51 RealBadAngel i think you are just overreacting on such simple things
18:51 hmmmm and I can say the same of you
18:51 hmmmm if it's such a simple thing, why not just make me happy and change it?
18:51 RealBadAngel why should i change something which is kinda convention when it comes to meshes?
18:52 hmmmm just rename the parameter "face_texture_coords", and add an f32 *txc = face_texture_coords; right before the loop
18:52 hmmmm because it's apparently a big deal
18:52 RealBadAngel txc, tsrc, shdrscr, BS, etc
18:52 red-001 RBA did you fix the build error in VS2013 yet?
18:52 hmmmm you call it such a simple thing, but here you are making it a big deal
18:52 RealBadAngel we are using many common shortcuts there
18:52 Obani vhdjsbfjsdbf
18:52 Obani I like that shortcut
18:53 RealBadAngel and all the gfx related functions are using the same ones
18:53 hmmmm [01:42 PM] <hmmmm> look, over 100 people jumped off that cliff.  it must be the right thing to do!
18:53 RealBadAngel look, now i dont have to think how the stuff is called elsewhere
18:54 RealBadAngel because i do know the convention
18:54 RealBadAngel i type tsrc, txc and i know it will be there
18:54 hmmmm right
18:55 hmmmm you're coding it for YOURSELF
18:55 RealBadAngel and you want me to change the whole codebase convention because i used it in a single call
18:55 RealBadAngel huh?
18:55 RealBadAngel its not my invention :P
18:55 hmmmm no, I just want you to change the parameter name in that single function
18:55 hmmmm that's all
18:55 hmmmm you're saying -
18:55 RealBadAngel i just got used to it
18:55 EvergreenTree joined #minetest-dev
18:55 hmmmm "I know the convention, I know it will be there, I know this, I know that"
18:55 hmmmm did you ever think about future coders working on the graphics?
18:56 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
18:56 hmmmm look I realize that you like to pretend that you're the only one who can work on graphics but seriously cut the shit
18:56 RealBadAngel yes, they will read comment: //Compute texture coords
18:56 hmmmm texture coords for what
18:56 hmmmm also I don't get why you need a comment when you can simply name the parameter something sane in the first place
18:56 hmmmm also what are the chances of them running across that SPECIFIC comment?
18:57 hmmmm more description is better than less
18:57 hmmmm stop writing cryptic code.
18:57 est31 well if something naming related is used all over the codebase then it should be consistent shouldnt it
18:57 est31 or we could do a big s/txc/texture_coords/g kind of thing
18:58 hmmmm those are all internal to the functions, here RBA is passing a parameter to a public function
18:58 RealBadAngel ok, i will comment that call
18:58 hmmmm oh my god
18:58 hmmmm why do you need to add a comment
18:58 est31 *** Error in `bin/minetest': double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x00000000024accc0 ***
18:58 hmmmm what's actually wrong with my suggestion?
18:58 est31 interesting
18:58 est31 but not reproducible
19:02 RealBadAngel est31, you can ofc do that with such variables, but you will end with lines this: video::S3DVertex(min.X,min.Y,max.Z, 0,-1,0, c, face_texture_coordinates[4],face_texture_coordinates[7]),
19:02 RealBadAngel repeated 24 times
19:02 RealBadAngel also look, theres "c" here, wonder whats that ;)
19:04 hmmmm do you see "c" as the parameter name anywhere?
19:04 hmmmm or how about something more descriptive like thing_color
19:04 hmmmm c is fine if it's a short-lived local variable where the meaning is obvious
19:04 hmmmm the second you make it into the parameter of a public function, you're defining it as part of an external INTERFACE
19:05 hmmmm you have a duty to make it a good, clean, understandable one
19:06 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
19:06 RealBadAngel ok, i can make parameter a bit more descriptive
19:07 hmmmm that's all I asked for
19:07 est31 oops sorry nrzkt didn't see your comment
19:07 RealBadAngel but dont expect to exaplain in its name that is a uv texture coordinate for each face of used mesh
19:07 est31 do you mind if I implement what you asked?
19:07 RealBadAngel unless you want to copy what i wrote and replace spaces with underscores
19:08 RealBadAngel but then propably i should also mention what uv mapping is ;)
19:09 red-001 shouldn't torches be made floodable?
19:09 kaadmy red-001: aren't they already?
19:09 RealBadAngel they should imho
19:09 red-001 kaadmy afaik no
19:10 red-001 no they are not
19:10 RealBadAngel unless something changed you can still place torch underwater and it will burn ;)
19:12 red-001 fire should be floodable
19:12 red-001 would make the code a lot smaller
19:13 red-001 maybe an abm could be removed
19:14 RealBadAngel ok, i will dig through 3662 now with all the comments
19:16 RealBadAngel meanwhile #3612 doesnt require any further changes i suppose?
19:16 ShadowBot -- Filmic HDR tone mapping by RealBadAngel
19:16 red-001 ohh
19:16 red-001 floodable doesn't drop the node
19:17 red-001 and doesn't call a callback
19:24 red-001 that's bad
19:29 est31 nrzkt, you want to have a look
19:29 Krock joined #minetest-dev
19:29 est31 I did what you asked in #3610
19:30 ShadowBot -- Use meshes to display inventory items by RealBadAngel
19:33 Amaz joined #minetest-dev
19:33 Fixer RealBadAngel, i'm at this very moment making a simple MT benchmark with tinytask tool that records mouse and keyboard, fraps and special world and config, will see how it goes :}
19:34 Fixer now i can also measure reliably that horrible mapgen or meshgen stutter
19:34 Fixer it will reproduce exact path and actions
19:35 RealBadAngel est31, static bool enable_animations
19:36 RealBadAngel whoops, wont work
19:36 est31 RealBadAngel, what about it?
19:36 RealBadAngel hmm, wait a sec
19:37 RealBadAngel ive tried already to make it static or const, one of them not worked
19:37 RealBadAngel i mean it works just once
19:37 RealBadAngel then changing a setting in main menu wont help
19:39 RealBadAngel just try goin back to main menu, changing the setting and back to game
19:39 est31 nrzkt, I have linked the commit :
19:39 est31 nrzkt, merge it if you +1 it, or if you dont want to merge, +1 on github, or in IRC
19:39 est31 will monitor all of them
19:39 est31 bye!
4 more elements. Show/hide.
20:04 nrzkt est31: i like your change
20:05 RealBadAngel a bit overcomplicated imho but nice
20:08 RealBadAngel i think that "rotation_kind" is kinda confusing
20:09 RealBadAngel as if dragged or hovered were animated different way
20:10 RealBadAngel those flags were only to pass which one is displayed to store its mesh and update timers, not animate them different ways
20:12 red-001 game#829
20:12 ShadowBot -- Make grass, flowers, fire, crops and torchs floodable. by red-001
20:12 red-001 not sure if making torches floodable is a good idea
20:13 RealBadAngel or torchs ?
20:13 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-dev
20:13 RealBadAngel ^^typo in commit title
20:13 red-001 thanks
20:16 red-001 fixed
20:24 red-001 #3667
20:25 ShadowBot -- Sneak can be used to stop a fall without fall damage.
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23:34 est31 I'll merge the commit now with hmmmm 's proposed adjustments
23:34 hmmmm what??
23:34 est31 first value in enum is 0
23:34 hmmmm oh
23:35 hmmmm yeah everything looks fine
23:35 hmmmm that's the only thing i could nitpick about
23:35 hmmmm there's no issue with being more explicit either, it's just that i figured you might not be aware of that rule
23:35 hmmmm that enums always start at 0
23:36 est31 pushed
23:37 est31 well I wasn't sure, and I saw other code do it
23:37 est31 codebase is bad teacher :)
23:37 hmmmm it's a good teacher to learn quickly, but at some point you should start reading the language spec
23:59 paramat RealBadAngel if you haven't seen this yet #3668
23:59 ShadowBot -- Wield images are set as inventory images since 6cd2b3b
23:59 _rubenwardy_ joined #minetest-dev

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