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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2015-12-14

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00:26 paramat O/ hmmmm this is ready if you want to review 'Mgfractal: Add 3D and 4D fractals'
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04:37 paramat hmmmm something to consider for the biome API: vertical limits of biomes and decorations should perhaps be relative to 'water level', currently changing sea level makes a mess. some values will need to be s32 to cope. i might start a branch to test this
05:05 sofar [878591.531814] Server[516]: segfault at 7f850000001f ip 00000000006cf47c sp 00007f84910c09c0 error 4 in minetest[400000+642000]
05:05 sofar took down my whole desktop session :(
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06:49 est31 hah loving these
06:49 est31 especially if you compare mt to other projects
06:50 est31 sofar, your whole desktop session?
07:10 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
07:36 sofar est31: yup, took down me whole X server (nvidia, so, that probably contributed to that)
07:38 hmmmm that happens with wine a lot
07:38 hmmmm paramat, I really don't want that to be the default
07:39 hmmmm the whole point of water level is to be disjoint.  I remember that sometime after I first implemented the water level parameter, you broke it by making the land generation relative to water level and effectively destroying the intended effect
07:40 hmmmm although I appreciate the difference between land generation and biomes/decorations/etc. I feel that this needs to be an optional boolean parameter (flag) for each of the associated definitions
07:41 hmmmm especially biomes
07:41 hmmmm *especially*
07:47 paramat joined #minetest-dev
07:48 paramat ha i looked at logs at just the right time
07:48 paramat that's fine by me, keeps things simpler
07:49 paramat i won't bother making it optional
07:50 paramat i mean i won't work on it at all (as an option) :)
08:09 paramat when i added mgv5 the terrain was linked to water level because c55's mgv5 branch did that, later i de-linked it on your request
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17:53 dfelinto howdy, any dev around willing to share some light on the code? more specifically on where should I look at if I want to implement custom matrices for drawing
17:54 dfelinto I’m not sure if this is possible via the minetest code, or if I have to look at the irrlicht code
17:54 dfelinto (use case: to port minetest for this device: )
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18:55 sofar dfelinto: minetest code already supports anaglyph, so follow the code from there
18:55 dfelinto sofar: thanks, I will look at it
18:57 sofar perhaps... I'm just nosing around here myself
18:58 sofar there's also interlaced support, but if you're doing VR glasses you'll want side-by-side I think
18:59 sofar void draw_sidebyside_3d_mode?
18:59 sofar looks like it's already there
19:00 sofar dfelinto: try digging into the advanced gfx options menu first, before you code up something that isn't needed :^)
19:00 dfelinto drawscene.cpp seems to have much of what I need
19:00 dfelinto right, that one
19:00 dfelinto not side by side
19:00 dfelinto but quadbuffer
19:00 dfelinto (aka, frame sequential)
19:00 dfelinto maybe I will try to add new stereo modes first, because trying to tackle the Mesa3D
19:01 sofar is that the name of the device itself?
19:05 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
19:06 dfelinto sofar: it’s what we call the device (Mesa3D)
19:06 dfelinto sofar: that site has some more info
19:06 sofar that's just a terrible name choice
19:07 sofar I mean, come on, google "mesa 3d"
19:07 dfelinto so far (not sofar ;) ) we are using the BGE - Blender Game Engine for the demo files . But we are considering putting together a Minetest demo too
19:07 dfelinto haha I guess what comes up
19:07 dfelinto mesa == table in Portugueses
19:07 dfelinto Portuguese*
19:07 sofar google it on, not
19:07 dfelinto let me see
19:08 sofar
19:09 sofar still don't see your 3d table...
19:09 dfelinto sofar:
19:09 dfelinto sure it’s not the greatest name, but that’s beyond the point here ;)
19:09 sofar you already posted that link
19:10 sofar anyway, bad name, cool table. hope you get it to work with minetest
19:10 dfelinto so do I
19:10 dfelinto thanks for the help. my first time diving on its code
19:10 dfelinto I wasn’t sure of how much of minetest relied on irrlicht, but apparently I shuold be able to hack my way through it
19:15 sofar I doubt you need to do anything in irrlicht itself
19:15 sofar other than using irrlicht methods
19:16 dfelinto and if everything goes well I will take a look at minetest + dk2 too
19:16 dfelinto that is not the priority though
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19:53 Calinou this is Mesa for me:
19:54 Calinou for Minecraft players, it's just a biome
19:54 sapier seems there's a new guy doing 3d except of me here :-)
19:54 sapier I'm still missing a "laserpointer" device which is quite necessary in 3d mode maybe that should be done first ;-)
20:02 sapier comments?
20:08 paramat joined #minetest-dev
20:14 paramat i'd like to merge this later 'Mgfractal: Add 3D and 4D fractals' if anyone wants to review and/or approve that's appreciated, although, it's straightforward adding of formulas so doesn't particularly need reviewing. bbl
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20:43 sofar if only paramat would help out valleys_mapgen get merged ;^)
20:43 sofar that thing has potential
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21:25 luizrpgluiz will be new in the next version of minetest?
21:33 rubenwardy luizrpgluiz, -> #minetest
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