Time  Nick           Message
11:26 Obani          Guys, I thought you would like to know about this https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pipsqueake.squeakecraf
11:28 Obani          Also, there is a version you can buy https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pipsqueake.squeakecraftplus
11:48 Calinou        old news
11:48 Calinou        we banned SquakeCraft default names in name_restrictions in like, April 2015?
11:49 Gael-de-Sailly https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.roso2kosi.castmedbu
11:49 Gael-de-Sailly another clone
11:50 Gael-de-Sailly https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.bestsandapp.obsidiancraft
11:50 Gael-de-Sailly ...
11:50 Gael-de-Sailly (list is long)
11:51 Obani          damn
11:52 Gael-de-Sailly is that really a problem for Minetest ?
11:52 gravgun        Yes it is
11:52 Obani          It's problem of honour
11:52 gravgun        It makes peple play shitty ripoffs
11:53 gravgun        And it's a *legal* issue here
11:53 Obani          We had an example just right now on a server
11:53 gravgun        Clones isn't a problem
11:53 gravgun        aren't*
11:53 Obani          gravgun, make it possible to buy is legal ?
11:53 gravgun        Ilegal clones are
11:53 gravgun        Yea you can sell LGPL software
11:53 gravgun        even GPL can be sold
11:53 gravgun        as long as you provide source for the same cost
11:53 gravgun        or less
11:54 gravgun        If you propose a free version then the source access must be free too
11:54 gravgun        In Squeake Craft's case, only the Java wrapper is accessible
11:55 gravgun        The "jni" directory is nearly empty and contains a sort of broken symlink to the guys' machine
11:55 gravgun        That makes it illegal since it's only partial source
11:55 gravgun        The big part, that is the engine, isn't there
11:56 gravgun        And since he may have modified the C++ source, his changes are distributed with his binaries
11:56 gravgun        And since the binaries are publicly accessible, he's violating LGPL.
11:57 gravgun        Thankfully the guys making those illegal clones are generally weak idiots
11:57 gravgun        Putting a bit of pressure on them works most of the time
12:01 sapier         9af7f38e3f077ec42fcc3086c82d2676c53c84a6 ???
12:01 Obani          Uh ?
12:02 sapier         this commit removes removal of redundant information on favour of passing bloated pointlists to lua ... calling it "more usefull paths"
12:05 sapier         prior a path from (1,1,1) to (3,1,3)  was { (1,1,1), (3,1,3) } now its { (1,1,1), (2,1,2), (3,1,3) } why not add some digit value points in between this way the path could be even more big ;-)
12:06 Gael-de-Sailly gravgun : I think this kind of clone has not any future
12:06 Gael-de-Sailly it may attract some players but not a lot
12:06 Obani          Gael-de-Sailly, but it can be bought
12:06 Gael-de-Sailly and it's on android phones
12:09 Obani          tablets are way more popular than PC for minetest things
12:10 Gael-de-Sailly android players are a problem for MT
12:10 Gael-de-Sailly MT is a PC game
12:11 Obani          But they still are the greatest part of MT community :/ (playing)
12:12 Gael-de-Sailly I think it was a mistake to make an android version. I've not played it, but it's said to be unplayable. It brings many players and a bit of popularity, but the quality of the game is only getting worse
12:13 Obani          Gael-de-Sailly, It IS unplayable :)
12:13 sapier         well there have been a lot of unautorized clonse by that time, android version not beeing playable is because there's noone maintaining it ;-P
12:13 Obani          Maybe because no one wants to maintain it
12:15 sapier         obvious ;-) ... but don't be too upset last time I tried to start it on my lolipop phone it did immediatly crash so chances someone really plays it are minor
12:15 Gael-de-Sailly Minetest should aim the quality, not the quantity
12:16 sapier         ok this is the point I'm out of discussion, I did fight to dead about philisophic usless topics in past I'm not gonna do it again
12:16 Gael-de-Sailly That's not a problem if we are only some hundreds around the world to play MT, if it's a good game
12:17 Gael-de-Sailly ok
13:01 yunfan         sapier: i think official team should learn some experiece from php team, for every release, they add some hot and tested extensions and drop some not that hot or proved harmful extensions
13:02 yunfan         for MT case, it should be some core modules that could enhance the game playing
13:04 sapier         I'm not in position to decide anything and if I remember correct there's never been a lack of ideas in minetest team but in ppl doing it ;)
13:05 yunfan         also a universal storage interface should be added for the lua script, i have played a minecraft clone which i modified some modules , and i found there're no standard on storage, some use plain file as the store while other use sqlite
13:22 Wayward_One    I use Minetest on Android quite often... it works well enough for me
13:27 yunfan         hey, i just downloaded the sourcecode from github(master) and built a client, and i found that the chest response very laaaaag even in my local server
13:29 sapier         I realized this for regular pc client too
13:29 sapier         even in singleplayer
13:30 yunfan         i guess 2 reason: 1, udp; 2, does chest modules needs to syncing to filesystem everytime it has changed?
13:31 yunfan         will check that
13:46 yunfan         by quickly checking the code , it looks like chest store items by the node's meta data
13:48 sapier         that's what I remember too
13:51 yunfan         do you still play the game?
13:51 yunfan         i found the lua module system give me lots of fun
13:52 yunfan         i could easy check the code and gains
13:53 sapier         I didn't do anything for minetest for quite some time but I'm fixing some long run bugs in animals_modpack atm trying to get a release till christmas
13:53 sapier         and obviously I have to play minetest to find those bugs ;-)
13:53 yunfan         :]
13:54 yunfan         authors often didnt get much fun playing the game campared to just players
13:55 sapier         true writing is more fun :-) but to find the bugs you've got to play yourself
13:56 sapier         and for some bugs you even require some time to realize it's abug
13:58 yunfan         i think for sandbox game like mt, if you know too much rules, especially the rules are created by you, then you lost some fun.
13:58 sapier         that's why animals_mod uses some randomness ;-)
13:58 yunfan         when i running a minecraft smp server, the op role has just let me lost all fun from the game :[
13:59 yunfan         becasue i could get everything i want, then i wont feel great when digging :]
13:59 sapier         cheating always ruins fun ;-)
14:00 yunfan         but bug using are different
15:01 luizrpgluiz    would have any problems in using the torque to make the game?
15:32 Calinou        won't happen.
15:32 Calinou        Torque 3D is not made for voxel games
19:51 sapier         https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/3454 whoever does maintain the play store build plz check this pull
19:51 VanessaE       omg
19:51 VanessaE       the prodigal son returns :)
19:52 sapier         hmmm not sure what to think about this comment ... *looking up prodigal in dictionary*
19:52 VanessaE       it means someone who has gone missing for a long time has returned
19:52 sapier         ahhh
19:52 VanessaE       it's something of a compliment.
19:52 sapier         thanks
19:52 Fixer          "dependencys"
19:53 VanessaE       anyway I think nrz handles the play store app
19:53 sapier         argh ... why is it always some sort of spelling mistake commented first? ;-)
19:53 sapier         or coding style
19:54 VanessaE       because they're easiest to spot? ;)
22:04 sapier         https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/2132 is for android too ... don't know why this wasn't merged ages ago