Time  Nick         Message
00:30 * VanessaE   smacks hmmmm around a bit with a large OOM error :)
03:40 VanessaE     hmmmm: Any chance we can get 0.4.13 to be released in the form of a self-extracting archive of some kind?
03:40 VanessaE     zip or 7z or whatever is convenient
04:02 hmmmm        what do you mean?  aren't releases already made as .zip
04:49 paramat      now pushing geme#614
04:49 paramat      game#614
04:50 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/614 -- Default/trees: Combine sapling ABMs into one ABM by paramat
04:54 paramat      complete
06:12 paramat      this one needs discussion game#616
06:12 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/616 -- Default: Rename tree nodes and textures to underscore versions by paramat
08:00 paramat      this is better game#617
08:00 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/617 -- Default: Rename pine tree nodes, textures and mapgen aliases by paramat
08:22 paramat      ^ sfan5
11:03 est31        nore, can you review some french translation changes?
11:04 est31        first this https://github.com/est31/minetest/commit/5ffb752d3ae4ba14729d7301be544a6e8fbf51ce
11:04 est31        and https://github.com/est31/minetest/commit/5622fb2cee6d86f0220ea5773ec78f5f2f6714c3
11:05 est31        also somebody needed for russian https://github.com/est31/minetest/commit/247dda5005ae35f6047008938aadd5efcd78a494
11:05 est31        say if they are ok, then I'll push them all
11:08 est31        Me wonders whether "По этому пути мира нет:" is a good translation for "Provided world path doesn't exist: "
11:09 est31        google translator gives "In this way there is no peace:"
11:18 est31        russian looks good too
11:21 est31        except that single string
11:22 est31        any russian speakers here?
11:23 est31        ah
11:23 est31        google translator gives me for "мира нет" "there is no peace"
11:23 est31        but for "мира" it gives me world
11:24 est31        now нет is "no", know that much russian
11:24 est31        guess its ok then
11:24 est31        pushing the translations
11:51 VanessaE     hmmmm:  of course they're zip, but they're not self-extracting i.e. you can't just "run" the file to have it extract.  Seems like a lot of people who are otherwise intelligent players can't figure out the concept of unzip -> cd to minetest/bin -> execute minetest.exe, so I figured, why not a self-extracting archive that handles all of these steps?  (plus a dialog box on first-run that tells the user where to find the
11:51 VanessaE     game next time around)
12:10 Calinou      we should have a proper NSIS installer...
12:10 Calinou      that's all
12:10 Calinou      and portable .zip builds for those who want it
12:20 kaeza        I wrote this long ago, FWIW: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4245
12:21 VanessaE     the important part of that thread:  https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?p=67020#p67020
12:22 nore         est31: the translations look good
12:35 kaeza        related: https://github.com/kaeza/minetest/commit/3285bc69afe7ae750af9040616b51757f94dd312
12:52 paramat      nore sfan5 any comments/approval for game#617 ?
12:52 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/617 -- Default: Rename pine tree nodes, textures and mapgen aliases by paramat
12:54 nore         paramat: looks good
12:54 nore         but I think jungletrees could be changed too
12:55 nore         aliases aren't that expensive
12:57 paramat      yeah perhaps, sfan5 may prefer that too
12:58 paramat      if so there are some issues to consider in 616
13:00 VanessaE     paramat: I don't recall seeing an answer:
13:00 VanessaE     if A is aliased to B, and C comes along that's aliased to A, will C = B or will the engine throw an error?
13:01 paramat      i dunno
13:12 paramat      that may be another reason to try avoiding aliases. also the jungle node names may be the wrong form but they are consistent as a group and players are used to them
13:12 paramat      how about i push this as is, then we can consider the jungle names later?
13:21 nore         VanessaE: I think it will work
13:21 nore         I am not completely sure though
13:24 kahrl        as I recall, it will work as long as the alias from A to B is defined earlier than the alias from C to A
13:24 kahrl        (so that the definition of A can be looked up at the time C is defined)
13:25 twoelk       no alias database? ;-P
18:30 est31        VanessaE, no, its not transitive: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/990a96578f20244626b6b9f67f8e79a7e2e614ea/src/itemdef.cpp#L222
18:30 est31        and here too https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/990a96578f20244626b6b9f67f8e79a7e2e614ea/src/itemdef.cpp#L281
18:31 VanessaE     ok
18:31 est31        kaeza, it would be great to have an installer
18:31 VanessaE     in which case game#617 is gonna break things.
18:31 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/617 -- Default: Rename pine tree nodes, textures and mapgen aliases by paramat
18:31 est31        but I have no windows to do it, so you'll have to convince a minetest dev with windows
18:32 VanessaE     kaeza is not here.
18:32 est31        i know
18:32 est31        tab complete didnt work :((
18:35 est31        BlockMen uploads the windows version at around 00:00 CEST, so in around 3 hours 25 minutes
18:42 est31        ok hmmmm kahrl nore nrzkt sfan5 Tesseract, last call, to propose any changes to the core engine
18:43 est31        and I dunno about minetest_game, will have to ask paramat which things he wants in until 0.4.13
18:43 sfan5        est31: you'll also need to tell me to make a build
18:44 est31        which build do you want to do?
18:44 sfan5        mingw
18:44 sfan5        and it's not "want"
18:45 VanessaE     make them self-extracting zip/7z please
18:45 est31        which builds does blockmen make?
18:45 sfan5        i don't think anyone else has a build env working
18:45 sfan5        msvc
18:45 est31        ok
18:45 VanessaE     let's finally make it easy for users to install.
18:45 sfan5        VanessaE: if you tell me how to do that with p7zip i can do that
18:45 est31        ok
18:45 VanessaE     sfan5: http://www.wikihow.com/Use-7Zip-to-Create-Self-Extracting-excutables
18:45 sfan5        i know how to use the gui
18:46 VanessaE     looks pretty simple, but no idea how you'd script it
18:46 sfan5        there is no 7zip gui on linux
18:46 VanessaE     zeno had something the that though
18:46 VanessaE     damned if I can remember
18:46 est31        also, we need sb to create a changelog
18:46 kahrl        what about the blockers?
18:46 Warr1024     making 7z sfx isn't hard...
18:46 kahrl        #3011 #2653 #2145
18:46 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/3011 -- ERROR[main]: Lua: error in error handling
18:46 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2653 -- (Another) Possible memory leak
18:46 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2145 -- Multi-second lag in default singleplayer game
18:47 VanessaE     release can't be made until those ^^^^^ are fixed
18:47 Warr1024     it's just the 7z sfx module with the archive concatenated after it.
18:47 VanessaE     and any blockers that were for some previous version that has been pushed back
18:47 est31        the issue has been created january
18:47 est31        in
18:47 est31        the last one
18:47 VanessaE     sfan: https://netbeansscribbles.wordpress.com/2015/01/30/creating-a-self-extracting-7zip-archive-multi-platform/
18:48 est31        thats before 0.4.12
18:48 Warr1024     the *.sfx file is just an exe blob.  cat 7z.sfx archive.7z >install.exe
18:48 Warr1024     there can be an optional config file (plain-text) that can be catted between.
18:48 kahrl        the blocker label was added only 19 days ago though
18:48 sfan5        VanessaE: thanks ill look at that
18:50 hmmmm        est31:  Hold on a minute
18:50 hmmmm        why are you releasing in a known bad state
18:50 est31        what are your issues?
18:50 hmmmm        how about all the graphical regressions on android
18:51 hmmmm        and then what about the ATI/intel issues
18:51 hmmmm        and then there are these unknown problems with delete_area
18:51 est31        they existed before too
18:51 hmmmm        and what about the race conditions?
18:51 est31        graphical regressions on android?
18:53 est31        is it ATI/intel, and not just old GL API version?
18:53 est31        also do you mean #2866 with it
18:53 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2866 -- Graphical regression.
18:58 est31        hmmmm, is it that issue, or some other github issue?
19:01 est31        The "possible memory leak" one requires imo a deep rewrite of when we delete mapblocks from the scene
19:01 est31        about 3011, it seems to be of recent origin?
19:01 VanessaE     est31: also #2350
19:01 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2350 -- Wielded is glichted on certain OpenGL versions
19:01 VanessaE     this seems to be affecting more people than was originally though
19:01 VanessaE     thought*
19:01 est31        I mean, is it our fault, or is it just modders assigning their errors to the engine
19:02 VanessaE     plus there are fps regressions
19:03 VanessaE     the more map that's loaded, the lower your FPS, to the point of the autotuner really having to scale back your view range for the same scene as would have produced higher fps right after login
19:03 VanessaE     and then there's the autotuner itself not scaling back the range properly from time to time as well
19:04 est31        and about 2350, which options need to be enabled?
19:04 VanessaE     (wanted fps: 30.  actual?  say 20 with a view range of 100+)
19:04 est31        can you add that perhaps as github comment
19:04 est31        "I can reproduce this with no option enabled"
19:04 est31        or "only if fsaa is set"
19:04 est31        and so on
19:04 VanessaE     no idea
19:04 VanessaE     WSDguy is the latest victim of it
19:10 hmmmm        what's 3011?
19:10 hmmmm        #3011
19:10 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/3011 -- ERROR[main]: Lua: error in error handling
19:10 hmmmm        oh
19:10 hmmmm        yeah if we release a minetest where people get error in error handling problems every 3-4 hours that's not too good
19:11 hmmmm        i don't think there needs to be a release right now, personally
19:12 hmmmm        also what ever happened to the Android stuttering issue
19:12 nrzkt        hmmmm: agree
19:12 VanessaE     I agree, hmmmm
19:12 VanessaE     (sorry est :) )
19:12 est31        stuttering?
19:13 hmmmm        wasn't there a stuttering using the softfp abi?
19:13 hmmmm        stuttering issue
19:13 est31        ah that one
19:13 est31        the "looking around is jittery" one?
19:13 hmmmm        yeah
19:13 est31        that one wayward says is old, but he only opened the report recently
19:14 est31        #2998
19:14 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2998 -- [Android] Looking around is jittery
19:14 hmmmm        plus TBC_x is in the process of fixing some race conditions iirc
19:14 hmmmm        what's going on with #2999?
19:14 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2999 -- Fixes a freeze on the phone or NativeActivity LockScreen by MoNTE48
19:14 est31        thats only an issue if we target a newer api version
19:14 VanessaE     note also the crash-on-exit-to-menu that I get sometimes
19:15 hmmmm        crash on exit to menu usually means the server isn't getting cleaned up correctly
19:15 hmmmm        like a double free or use after free
19:15 est31        or the client
19:15 est31        can happen with it too
19:15 hmmmm        it's almost always the server :).
19:15 est31        I had it multiple times on the client
19:15 est31        while connecting to a server :)
19:16 hmmmm        :(
19:16 VanessaE     I'm talking strictly about client exit-to-menu while on a server.
19:16 est31        but dont have much singleplayer experience
19:16 est31        perhaps its more often there
19:16 hmmmm        well if we can reproduce that
19:16 VanessaE     (though I'm sure it happens on sp also)
19:19 est31        its hard to fix these bugs
19:19 est31        the memory leak is one of the easiest to reproduce
19:20 est31        but the other ones, are all hard to repro
19:20 est31        and about android, I have no idea how the bug is created
19:20 hmmmm        i don't want to release software with such blatant problems
19:20 hmmmm        why the rush for a release??
19:21 est31        I dont even have an idea about #2973
19:21 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2973 -- [Android] No text on main menu
19:21 est31        hmmmm, do you think we should wait?
19:21 hmmmm        absolutely...
19:21 est31        how long?
19:21 est31        6 months?
19:21 est31        8?
19:21 hmmmm        not how long
19:21 hmmmm        until things get solid
19:22 est31        we should make a clear list of issues
19:22 hmmmm        i'm not counting months here, i'm counting severity and how common the known bugs are
19:22 est31        in github
19:22 est31        so that we can track them
19:22 hmmmm        they have the blocker tag on them don't theY?
19:22 est31        not just "i remember someone said it"
19:23 est31        "nobody knows which config to reproduce, but well, lets stop release for it"
19:23 hmmmm        like i said
19:23 hmmmm        if it's a /common/ error, that has more weight
19:23 hmmmm        a common bug, like the error in error handling one, might hbe hard to reproduce, but it's so common and fatal that it doesn't matter
19:24 est31        what is that bug precisely about
19:24 est31        because I see multiple different problems here
19:24 hmmmm        it's PROBABLY a mod problem
19:24 est31        1. we do "error in error handling" at all
19:25 est31        and 2. servers occasionally get it
19:25 hmmmm        but it's our problem because there's no way to tell where it came from or to fix it
19:25 est31        so is 2. our fault=
19:25 est31        ?
19:25 est31        is that the "blocker"?
19:25 est31        or is 1. it?
19:25 hmmmm        that's one of the blockers
19:25 hmmmm        it's not an error in error handling, it's a regular runtime error that happens inside of a lua callback that originated from inside of a lua api call
19:26 hmmmm        anyway, https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/3023
19:26 hmmmm        we should check this out too
19:26 est31        hmmmm, you still havent answered my question
19:26 est31        is it 1 or 2
19:26 est31        or both
19:27 hmmmm        it's both
19:27 hmmmm        we shouldn't ever get an "error in error handling" error
19:27 hmmmm        and 2. it is our fault because there's no way to diagnose it
19:27 est31        they are different issues, and should be tracked by different github tickets
19:27 hmmmm        what are LUA_ERRERR should be LUA_ERRRUN instead
19:28 est31        its the fault of the lua runtime, no?
19:28 hmmmm        it might just be a luajit problem for all we know
19:28 est31        its like blaming your distro for a driver problem
19:28 VanessaE     {"
19:28 hmmmm        if it is a lua problem we should still find a way to work around it
19:29 hmmmm        right now it's unacceptable for people to see "error in error handling" every 4 hours and have their servers shut down
19:29 est31        that doesnt apply to all downstream problems
19:29 est31        also its no reason to stop a release
19:29 est31        we arent perfect
19:29 hmmmm        i don't advocate a release at all.
19:30 est31        you gonna add blocker to every issue?
19:30 hmmmm        to the issues that are blockers
19:30 est31        perhaps you are right
19:31 est31        lets blow 0.4.13 off
19:31 hmmmm        i'm just tired of minetest having a reputation for being a crashy piece of shit
19:31 hmmmm        it's a slippery slope argument
19:31 hmmmm        i am not saying we block on every issue, just the ones that are severe and common
19:31 hmmmm        severe meaning things that crash or are security problems
19:32 hmmmm        commmon meaning happens to like 3-4 people in a regular manner
19:32 hmmmm        on a regular basis of playing
19:32 est31        you added that precision assert, didnt you?
19:32 hmmmm        yes
19:32 hmmmm        and it caught something :)
19:32 est31        so it must be reverted then
19:32 hmmmm        no, fix the bug
19:33 est31        it crashed the game
19:33 est31        you convert small glitches into crashes, and then complain about minetest being crashy
19:33 hmmmm        that's easy to fix
19:33 est31        this should give a log msg to errorstream
19:33 hmmmm        crashing behavior is better than subtle problems
19:33 est31        certainly no
19:34 hmmmm        why??
19:34 hmmmm        you can fix a crash
19:34 est31        imagine if minetest had an error, do you want your os to freeze?
19:34 hmmmm        that's obviously not what happens
19:34 est31        well, but should os developers have the same attitude
19:35 hmmmm        OS authors can control what happens in their environment
19:35 hmmmm        not the individual applications that run
19:35 est31        we neither
19:35 hmmmm        all we need to do is get a backtrace, find the API it originates from, and then make the API fail
19:35 hmmmm        what's going on here is like
19:36 hmmmm        somebody misuses CreateFile() and it causes some subtle data corruption where it's not supposed to
19:36 hmmmm        whereas the correct behavior would be to fail
19:37 hmmmm        from what I understand you just want to get rid of the assertion because you want a release fast
19:37 hmmmm        i don't understand the obsession behind wanting a fast release
19:37 est31        its not a fast release
19:37 est31        this is planned for months
19:37 hmmmm        it's not ready
19:38 hmmmm        how about #2145
19:38 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2145 -- Multi-second lag in default singleplayer game
19:39 est31        that seems easy to reproduce, no?
19:39 hmmmm        I personally can't, but multiple people can reliably and it ruins their minetest experience
19:40 est31        if it actually ruins it, they have motivations to bisect it, perhaps?
19:41 est31        even if they did few steps, that would be already helping
19:41 hmmmm        a lot of these people are not developers
19:41 est31        our asserts only fail in debug mode, no?
19:41 est31        you dont have to be a developer to do a bisect
19:42 est31        only git and build knowledge
19:42 est31        and time
19:42 est31        and you have to trust yourself
19:42 hmmmm        if we can catch any of these people on IRC that would be possible
19:42 est31        bisects are partly hard because you have to answer the question every build
19:43 est31        hmmmm, <est31> our asserts only fail in debug mode, no?
19:43 hmmmm        yes
19:43 hmmmm        that doesn't mean ignore it
19:43 hmmmm        this is so easy
19:43 hmmmm        you get the backtrace
19:43 est31        but a blocker tag isnt justified
19:43 hmmmm        you find the API screwing up
19:43 est31        its easy yes
19:43 hmmmm        you add if (pos.X > thing || pos.X < -thing || ...) return 0;
19:43 hmmmm        PROBLEM SOLVED
19:44 est31        but not a super serious which ruins fun for everybody
19:44 est31        it also depends on people who arent us
19:44 est31        and it cant be reproduced easily
19:44 hmmmm        alright fine, remove the blocker tag...
19:47 hmmmm        what's going to happen though, is when one of these bugs happen again without getting fixed, the object or whatever is going to magically warp to -2147483
19:48 est31        well it is odd, and a bug, but no reason to put the engine to a grinding halt
19:48 hmmmm        just fix bugs
19:48 est31        but I agree, its good to have the assert
19:48 hmmmm        this is an excellent opportunity to get minetest more stable
19:48 est31        it helps people who have debug builds
19:48 hmmmm        the minute this gets released there is going to be nothing but features features features
19:48 rubenwardy   we need more stability in Minetest
19:49 est31        so you dont want to blow the release off, but you want an extended freeze?
19:49 hmmmm        of coure
19:49 hmmmm        course
19:49 hmmmm        I want the freeze to be extended to the point where vanessae, rubenwardy, and everybody else complaining can say "yes, I would call this software reliable"
19:49 VanessaE     didn't I say a week wasn't enough like, a month ago?
19:50 hmmmm        I want minetest server uptime to not be measured in hours
19:50 hmmmm        this is so pathetic
19:50 hmmmm        this is like RoR
19:51 rubenwardy   I currently have to kill my server every 12 hours, as minetest.delete_blocks causes blocks to not emerge
19:51 hmmmm        rubenwardy:  could you help me with this
19:51 hmmmm        i desperately want to get minetest.delete_area to work too
19:52 rubenwardy   What sort of help are you looking for?
19:52 hmmmm        testing things etc.
19:52 rubenwardy   ofc then
19:53 hmmmm        maybe it would be better to go into PM
19:53 hmmmm        mind if I PM you?
19:53 rubenwardy   that's fine
19:58 est31        hmmmm, so can you perhaps at least put a list together, of issues which need fixing?
19:58 est31        then we dont release until they are resolved
19:58 hmmmm        well I think I listed my own concerns already
19:58 sfan5        est31: some germany translations were not that nicely translated "Fehler in Lua ist aufgetreten (z. B. wegen mod):" (grammatik, z.B. gehört zusammen, Mod ist ein Nomen); can we import the german translations again?
19:59 hmmmm        VanessaE, rubenwardy, sfan5, everybody else, could you compile a list of issues you'd like to see fixed before a release?
19:59 VanessaE     if it were up to me, that list would have every issue that is "medium priority" or higher, including "blocker"
19:59 est31        VanessaE, so you say you dont want any feature changes for the engine until the bugs are fixed
19:59 est31        also there are feature changes among them
19:59 VanessaE     est31: correct.
20:00 est31        VanessaE, you know they are hundreds?
20:00 VanessaE     hmmmm: my three main concerns are the "error in error handling", the OOM issue, and the more-map-loaded-makes-lower-FPS regression
20:00 VanessaE     est31: I know.
20:00 VanessaE     and how did they get into the hundreds?
20:00 VanessaE     by not being fixed.
20:00 VanessaE     frankly I think this is an "I knew this day would come" situation
20:00 hmmmm        yeah those are pretty big concerns
20:00 sfan5        hmmmm: the two blockers, the possible memory leak is not of such high importance imo
20:00 est31        the implementors ran away and didnt care
20:00 hmmmm        sfan5:  two blockers?
20:01 est31        and now it should be my job to fix it?
20:01 sfan5        hmmmm: (#2145 and #3011)
20:01 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/3011 -- ERROR[main]: Lua: error in error handling
20:01 hmmmm        yeah I figured as much
20:01 VanessaE     est31: not your job, but everyone who has the C++ skill and write access to the repo.
20:01 hmmmm        #3011 is top priority for me right now
20:01 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/3011 -- ERROR[main]: Lua: error in error handling
20:01 est31        3011 has to be split up
20:02 est31        I'll add a new one, and make it a blocker
20:03 est31        so VanessaE you say I should say "fuck off " to people who demand features in here?
20:03 VanessaE     no... that's a little bit harsh of a response.
20:04 est31        thats basically what you suggest
20:04 VanessaE     but given the project's current health, something a bit less harsh is in order for a while at least.
20:04 VanessaE     a week's freeze clearly isn't enough
20:04 est31        btw can you help with other bugs
20:04 est31        do you have android devices?
20:05 VanessaE     and given how long it takes to go from one release to another, it's about time to say "enough's enough" and make a release where all the really important bugs and most of the less important ones have been fixed
20:05 hmmmm        hey guys
20:05 hmmmm        what if we do a Linux release model
20:05 VanessaE     I have a tablet that's not capable of running MT, and a phone that isn't mine.
20:05 hmmmm        even release numbers are stability releases, odd are feature releases
20:05 VanessaE     hmmmm: that's not a bad idea.
20:06 VanessaE     but it still leaves unanswered the question of how much gets done for this release (which by that def, would be 'stability')
20:06 VanessaE     or wait, no
20:06 VanessaE     it'd be a feature releaase
20:06 hmmmm        well at the very least the untraceable lua errors
20:06 VanessaE     (was thinking 0.4.14)
20:08 est31        VanessaE, you'd like now to have 1.0.0 dont you :)
20:08 VanessaE     est31: no.
20:08 VanessaE     1.0.0 would imply lots of *features* that are still on the drawing board.
20:08 VanessaE     I'm not talking features, I'm talking about bugs.
20:09 VanessaE     if it's in the issue list and it's not a feature request, it needs addressed
20:09 est31        some are a mixture
20:10 est31        "copy paste doesnt work"
20:10 est31        "mobs are shit"
20:10 hmmmm        I wouldn't consider those bugs personally
20:10 VanessaE     copy&paste is a bug but that's one of those low-prio ones.
20:10 VanessaE     "mobs are shit" depends on adding a new feature
20:10 VanessaE     (client-side modding)
20:11 est31        so you want to exclude everything that depends on features?
20:11 est31        also we should wonder about which gfx targets we want to have
20:12 est31        e.g. should we support the earliest buggiest implementation of opengl that exists on some old computer out there in the world
20:12 est31        note that im not rba and want to have super old version
20:12 VanessaE     Everything that is at least "medium priority" and which doesn't require implementing some new feature in order to resolve to the satisfaction of the *reporter*
20:12 est31        err super new
20:13 est31        so you say we shouldnt release until 3018 is fixed?
20:13 hmmmm        alright guys problem
20:14 est31        thats e.g. one of these shit bug reports
20:14 hmmmm        HybridDog's method to reproduce a double fault doesn't cause the same error
20:14 est31        "if you click here click there move here move there, then this happens, and only hypothetically"
20:15 hmmmm        the second thing causing the runtime error is the thing that causes a LUA_ERRERR, which gets rethrown as a LuaError, which gets caught by the first pcall
20:15 hmmmm        which then runs the error handler, succesfully printing the backtrace
20:15 est31        I think the problem is minetest has far too much features in order to be called stable
20:15 est31        we should only consider bug reports from people who
20:15 est31        1. use gdb backtraces
20:16 est31        2. have NO MODS except minetest_game
20:16 VanessaE     est31: impossible
20:16 est31        and 3. give us steps to reproduce and their config
20:16 VanessaE     you need mods to reproduce some errors, particularly those which depend on an API call minetest_game doesn't uise
20:16 est31        otherwise its "impossible" to fix them
20:16 est31        and even then its hard
20:17 est31        if they say "it happens on my hardware", they should buy us an example, so that we can test, or help us fix it
20:17 est31        but if they say "please fix it, minetest is so super buggy shit, i hate you people", why should we do anything for them?
20:18 est31        I mean its just a git bisect
20:18 hmmmm        because it's our software
20:18 VanessaE     come on, enough with the slipper slope
20:18 VanessaE     +y
20:18 hmmmm        if there's any problems at all I'd be willing to bend over backwards to make it work
20:18 hmmmm        a bug is like... embarassing
20:18 hmmmm        even if it's not caused by me
20:18 hmmmm        whenever I see a new error report I get a feeling of failure
20:20 est31        hmmmm, how would you fix the "sometimes its a bit laggy" bug?
20:20 hmmmm        the 5 second lag thing?
20:20 est31        the one that has been mentioned here to be a blocker
20:20 est31        #2145
20:20 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2145 -- Multi-second lag in default singleplayer game
20:20 hmmmm        look at callgrind outputs, but the links to the ones wayward mentioned are gone
20:21 hmmmm        I didn't get the vibe that it's "sometimes a bit laggy" from that issue report
20:21 hmmmm        sounds to me like it's a consistent problem that happens constantly and makes minetest unplayable
20:22 est31        first, lets make sure the person feels the same
20:22 est31        second, how would you fix it
20:22 VanessaE     and if they say it's "laggy" find out if they mean server<->client latency or low FPS
20:22 hmmmm        how it gets fixed depends on what the problem is
20:22 est31        ah i see he says "singleplayer is unplayable for me"
20:23 hmmmm        we can't know one without the other
20:23 est31        what would be the next step in your opinion
20:23 est31        here
20:24 est31        I have fixed some of the bugs I deemed as critical
20:24 est31        in the past
20:25 hmmmm        hmm
20:25 hmmmm        well it depends on wayward or pilzadam showing up
20:25 hmmmm        !seen pilzadam
20:25 ShadowBot    hmmmm: I saw pilzadam in #minetest-dev 2 weeks, 5 days, 7 hours, 10 minutes, and 21 seconds ago saying "Zeno`, what else could be done instead of bisecting?"
20:25 hmmmm        yikes..
20:25 hmmmm        !seen wayward_one
20:25 ShadowBot    hmmmm: I saw wayward_one in #minetest-dev 1 week, 2 days, 7 hours, 14 minutes, and 38 seconds ago saying "celeron55: it seems the FAQ on forum.minetest.net returns a 403 error"
20:25 est31        #2942
20:25 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2942 -- Fix srp default password by est31
20:25 VanessaE     !seen wayward_tab
20:25 ShadowBot    VanessaE: I saw wayward_tab in #minetest-dev 5 weeks, 5 days, 19 hours, 29 minutes, and 3 seconds ago saying "The minimap doesn't seem to work for android atm. I just git pulled and built, and added the respective lines to minetest.conf, to no avail."
20:25 est31        #2915
20:25 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2915 -- Shift-Click in Minetest Game replicates items
20:25 est31        this is my regression
20:25 VanessaE     feh.
20:26 est31        #2904
20:26 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2904 -- No sound on Android dev build
20:26 est31        not mine
20:26 est31        #2847
20:26 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2847 -- Font characters broken
20:27 est31        so dont tell me i dont fix bugs
20:27 hmmmm        you do
20:27 hmmmm        i never said you didn't...
20:27 est31        ok then
20:29 est31        our current master isn't much buggier than 0.4.12 is, no?
20:29 sfan5        est31: should i already make a build of git HEAD?
20:29 est31        so what about the following: we do a release, but we stay in freeze, and fix the bugs, and make a bugfix 0.4.14?
20:29 sfan5        also what about the translation import?
20:30 est31        ok, will do
20:30 VanessaE     est31: fix the very worst of the worst bugs, releast 0.4.13, stay in freeze, fix everything else, release 0.4.14, then release the freeze.
20:31 VanessaE     release*
20:31 VanessaE     s/release the/end the/
20:32 VanessaE     and that means RBA's fancy features would have to wait until post-0.4.14
20:32 VanessaE     oh hi RBA ;)
20:33 rubenwardy1  #3025
20:33 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/3025 -- Fix segfaults caused by the Environment not being initialized yet by rubenwardy
20:33 sfan5        thanks est31
20:34 est31        3025 looks good
20:39 est31        ok, further reviews for 3025?
20:40 sfan5        looks good
20:40 nrzkt        okay for me, but why m_env is not initalized and those calls are done ?
20:40 nrzkt        how can m_env not being initialized when those calls are performed
20:41 est31        well its people not using the engine properly, and the engine doesnt give a clear message "you dont use me properly"
20:41 nrzkt        m_env = new ServerEnvironment(servermap, m_script, this, m_path_world, m_area_mgr);
20:41 est31        so its bad
20:41 RealBadAngel est31, have you logged on skyblock today?
20:41 nrzkt        sorry for the extra arg
20:41 est31        no
20:41 nrzkt        it's in the Server constructor
20:41 RealBadAngel est31, give it a shot, theres something that should be visible from your base
20:41 nrzkt        then, why m_env is called before in its initialization in Server constructor ?
20:41 nrzkt        this is the good question and the good bugfix.
20:42 nrzkt        to do*
20:43 est31        the environment isn't initialized at init tim
20:43 est31        time*
20:43 est31        look at server.cpp line 299
20:43 nrzkt        it's in server constructor. What do you call init time ?
20:43 est31        the mods are loaded, then only we init the environment
20:44 nrzkt        we should init m_env before mods no ?
20:44 est31        perhaps its more proper to not return, but give a nice proper "sorry i cannot do that dave" error
20:44 est31        why should we
20:44 est31        perhaps m_env depends on info from mods
20:44 nrzkt        because mods depend on m_env
20:44 est31        i dont know the side effects of moving the change
20:45 est31        no, they dont have to
20:45 est31        of moving the m_env = call*
20:45 nrzkt        m_env doesn't do anything in its constructor
20:46 est31        rubenwardy, seen the log? we are discussing your pr right now
20:46 sfan5        est31: I'll delay the builds for now (made a mistake w/ version number anyway), tell me if you have decided whether to merge rubenwardy's PR
20:47 sfan5        s/if/when/
20:47 nrzkt        if we could move m_env call before in Server constructor it's better for runtime
20:47 est31        but i dont know the side effects
20:47 est31        it seems too easy
20:47 est31        and its too short before a release to risk such a change
20:47 nrzkt        we only need to look at m_env tests everywhere.
20:48 est31        amongst the argument that the side effects are not known
20:48 nrzkt        Release could be delayed. Stability is better than give shit in users repo for undefined time
20:48 nrzkt        i will not release for android with such bugs.
20:48 est31        which bug?
20:48 rubenwardy   if there is no environmrnt, there'll be no players so a return is okay (
20:48 nrzkt        the sound bug ?
20:49 est31        it is fixed
20:49 est31        can you test latest master?
20:49 nrzkt        the memleak bug ? which will cause many problems on android
20:49 est31        its older than 0.4.12
20:49 est31        so it already causes :)
20:49 rubenwardy   if there is no env, there are no players, so returning is fine. Although they are still using it wrong.
20:49 est31        for the chat_send_players yes
20:49 nrzkt        i don't have time tomorrow to test it, it's late and my build env has a little bit changed since 0.4.12 release i need to fix
20:49 est31        there its ok
20:50 nrzkt        but please, don't give a release to have a release
20:50 est31        nrzkt, fine then, we have released android 0.4.12 independently from android too
20:51 rubenwardy   I don't like the 0.4.13 then 0.4.14 idea.
20:51 nrzkt        i also noticed my server was also stuck , maybe because of the emerge problem noticed, but it's very recent, since 1 month max...
20:51 rubenwardy   seems a release for the sake of release
20:51 nrzkt        +1
20:51 VanessaE     rubenwardy: what would you do instead?
20:51 est31        well right now i am motivated to do things, perhaps once i am not motivated to do anything
20:51 nrzkt        i am motivated to release a good minetest :)
20:52 est31        point me to an actual regression which was worse than 0.4.12
20:52 rubenwardy   feature freeze can last another week. If the bugs remaining aren't so common,
20:53 rubenwardy   omg, the backspace is too close to send :(
20:53 est31        in one week the really serious bugs wont be fixed either
20:53 rubenwardy   so commonly found or vital, i guess they could be missed.
20:54 est31        i just want to release something so that players can enjoy the many fixes and additions that happened since 0.4.12
20:54 est31        and after the release, we can get better than any release before, regarding bugs
20:54 est31        because this seems to be the demand here
20:55 rubenwardy   maybe switch to semver now, so we can issue patches
20:58 est31        ok let's not merge rubenwardy's pr right now, but do what nrzkt suggested, it doesn't seem that wrong
20:58 est31        s/right now//
20:59 est31        nrzkt, can you make a commit?
20:59 nrzkt        yes i looked at the code and didn't see a reason to not move the m_env init before
20:59 nrzkt        if you thing i don't see for this issue, please tell me :)
20:59 est31        I didnt see a reason either
21:01 rubenwardy   hmmmm agrees with my methid
21:02 est31        silently ignoring the error?
21:02 est31        i've thought he likes to crash, and grind the server to a halt
21:02 nrzkt        silently ignore error instead of fixing is not the better way if we can fix it easily
21:02 nrzkt        est31: assert in debug mode permit to find unhandled cases which couldn't occurs
21:02 rubenwardy   no, not initialising the environment first this close to release
21:03 rubenwardy   #3025
21:03 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/3025 -- Fix segfaults caused by the Environment not being initialized yet by rubenwardy
21:03 nrzkt        s/couldn't/shouldn't/
21:03 nrzkt        rubenwardy: if m_env is initialized before mods in Server::Server this solve the problem too
21:04 nrzkt        it's because some mods are executing some API code at server loadMod
21:04 est31        Either we should do it as right now, by crashing, or we should perhaps give a nicer error msg
21:04 est31        and then either crash, or resume
21:04 est31        explaining that we are initializing
21:04 nrzkt        ignore m_env remove the behavious which could permit to do something on environnement at serverload
21:04 est31        but silently ignoring things will get modders file this as bug again
21:04 nrzkt        behaviour*. This could be interesting
21:05 est31        it wont remove any behaviour
21:05 est31        because right now we crash at serverload
21:05 nrzkt        atm it seems we could do lua calls when we load a mod
21:05 nrzkt        this could be interesting to load env before to let mods do something too
21:06 est31        they cant do that interesting things
21:06 nrzkt        atm no, i know
21:07 nrzkt        but if we load env before mods: 1. we fix the crash 2. we permit mods to do something at server load
21:07 est31        rubenwardy, does hmmmm still talk to you in pm? why doesnt he talk here?
21:07 est31        2. isnt needed, and 1. isnt a problem if the error message has a backtrace to the mod
21:07 est31        and 2. is dangerous
21:08 est31        because many things e.g. aliases are still existing in incomplete form
21:08 rubenwardy   Server::setTimeOfDay is a bad idea to silently fail
21:08 rubenwardy   all the others are okay as they're player related
21:08 rubenwardy   the roll back one was a mistake, i didnt mean to add it
21:09 nrzkt        est31: exact
21:09 rubenwardy   I'd be surprised if rollback could be run at load time
21:09 est31        the particle spawner ones give return values too.
21:09 nrzkt        est31: i don't understand why mods are loaded soon in Server. They should be loaded last no ?
21:09 est31        if you remove the ones you mentioned, we can merge it imo
21:10 est31        nrzkt, some mods may depend on others
21:10 est31        classical example is the craft guide
21:10 rubenwardy   so silently ignoring is absolutely fine, except for Server::setTimeOfDay
21:10 rubenwardy   it shouldn't crash
21:10 nrzkt        est31: ok
21:10 est31        no it isnt
21:10 est31        for player related yes
21:11 est31        but for the spawner things no
21:11 est31        but there you don't ignore silently
21:11 est31        you give actual return values
21:12 rubenwardy   spawners are player related
21:12 est31        you should document that if id is -1 the addition failed
21:13 est31        and the return value for the deletion should be documented too
21:13 rubenwardy   that was already returned
21:13 rubenwardy   see the code below my addition
21:13 nrzkt        a thing for next release, if we could use std::map instead of std::vector for hud client side and server side it could be good to preserve some rare case of client desync on player HUD id
21:13 est31        still it should be documented
21:13 rubenwardy   but yes, whilst I am there i should add comments
21:14 rubenwardy   i also made a mistake, all the comments i add should be "may" not "will" (only the first is correct)
21:16 est31        will is ok for me
21:16 rubenwardy   nrzkt, how could a desync happen?
21:16 nrzkt        i don't know but i notice this bug when using client in debug mode, the assertion can sometimes happen
21:18 rubenwardy   est31 it's may as the environment could be non-null whilst initialised
21:18 rubenwardy   but then again those functions won't be called other than mods in the init stage, afaik.
21:19 rubenwardy   does the hud-add packet give an id to the client, to make the client have the same id?
21:19 est31        well it will be null sometime during initialisation
21:20 est31        whether thats the same time the method is called during initialisation isnt required
21:20 rubenwardy   true
21:28 Niebieski    Hey, I'm trying to add Minetest into list of open-source games on Wikipedia.
21:28 Niebieski    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_open-source_video_games
21:28 sfan5        do we have an article?
21:28 est31        nope
21:28 sfan5        i thought we didn't have one
21:28 est31        and we dont get one
21:28 est31        unless we get more "notable"
21:28 Niebieski    We don't have to have an article to add into this list.
21:29 Niebieski    I guess...
21:29 sfan5        est31: don't tell me Terasology has an article
21:29 Niebieski    Refresh now I saved it.
21:29 sfan5        please say no
21:29 rubenwardy   we need notable sources
21:29 kilbith      we had an article on the french page but deleted because "MT was not enough important amongst dozens of clones"
21:29 sfan5        Niebieski: are you sure we don't need an article? literally every other entry has one
21:30 VanessaE     sfan5: there doesn't appear to be a terasology article.
21:30 rubenwardy   we're marked now, Wikipedia deletionists are watching our page
21:30 sfan5        there is a german minetest article though https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minetest
21:30 est31        Niebieski, just try to add it, wiki people will remove it if they dont like it
21:30 Niebieski    No I'm not sure, but I added it anyway.
21:30 est31        and you arent related with us
21:30 Niebieski    Hahahaha. xD
21:30 est31        seems wiki people dont like people related to projects editing pages about them
21:31 est31        s/with/to/
21:31 est31        lol omg :D
21:31 Niebieski    I'm telling you guys because I don't know what to add in the description ?
21:31 sfan5        est31: uploaded the mingw builds, based on current HEAD because there seems no conseus on whether to merge rubenwardy's PR
21:31 VanessaE     Niebieski: "a C++ open source block sandbox game similar to Minecraft."
21:31 est31        sfan5, no problem
21:32 sfan5        Niebieski: "Open-Source, Voxel-based sandbox game similar to Minecraft"
21:32 est31        Right now I'm editing a slightly modified version of his pr
21:32 Niebieski    Guys the list is about open-source games only.
21:32 sfan5        oh right
21:32 sfan5        drop the open-source then
21:33 Niebieski    also no one has talked about technical specs of the game like coded in.. etc.
21:33 Niebieski    I would say "voxel-base sandbox game similar to Minecraft".
21:34 Niebieski    based*
21:34 sfan5        sounds good
21:36 est31        ok what bout https://github.com/est31/minetest/commit/91ecbd7bdb0b2bf4c8504cfd089d02d17e92cd66
21:36 est31        we dont need the new it seems
21:37 est31        pushing that in 5 minutes
21:38 sfan5        seems ok
21:38 est31        also tested it, the error works
21:38 est31        even shows where exactly the error occured
21:38 est31        which lua line
21:39 rubenwardy   check that -1 is in fact returned to lua
21:39 est31        yes
21:39 rubenwardy   as server.deletepartile != l_env::l_delete_particle
21:39 rubenwardy   okay
21:41 nrzkt        why throw on delete but not in add ?
21:42 rubenwardy   because right below it fails silently on no player
21:43 est31        you mean the deletion?
21:43 est31        agreed, that should be fixed too
21:44 rubenwardy   no, in add there's if (player)
21:44 est31        it does return -1; there
21:44 est31        thats not silent
21:44 est31        it gives the error to lua
21:45 est31        there /is/ a silent fail in deleteParticleSpawner
21:45 est31        but dunno if we should throw an error there
21:45 est31        if a player doesnt exist, it usually means they have logged off
21:47 rubenwardy   if there is no environment, then there are no players.
21:47 est31        agreed
21:47 rubenwardy   although the mod is still using the api wrong
21:47 est31        see what i have pushed http://git.io/v3tqV
21:49 est31        nrzkt, you still around?
21:51 nrzkt        est31: not for a long time, i will go to bed. What do you want ?
21:51 est31        is the android version code 13 accurate?
21:51 hmmmm        wow lots of talk
21:51 hmmmm        I wanted to talk to rubenwardy in PM about delete_area specifically to reduce crosstalk and noise
21:52 nrzkt        i look at the console to be sure
21:52 hmmmm        I also approve of the way things dependent upon the environment being active are handled
21:52 est31        version code 13 for minetest 0.4.13
21:52 hmmmm        if you guys don't like the silent error thing, then it's trivial, just change return type to a bool, fail by returning false, throw LuaError if the server method returns false
21:53 hmmmm        "Environment not initialized yet"
21:53 nrzkt        current play store version is 11
21:53 hmmmm        moving the environment creation before the mod initialization might be a mistake
21:53 est31        ok then, its larger :)
21:53 hmmmm        there are VERY subtle side effects with changing the ordering of initialization of things
21:53 est31        ^
21:53 nrzkt        yes, for releasing i need at least 12 :)
21:53 est31        that was my main concern too.
21:53 hmmmm        I screwed up one time by moving something around
21:54 hmmmm        besides, setTimeOfDay or whatever would get overwritten when the env meta is loaded
21:54 hmmmm        so it's kinda useless
21:54 est31        yea
21:55 nrzkt        recent comment: Crashed on me First I spawned  In a lagoon and died. Than It crashed on me
21:55 nrzkt        The interface of this game needs some work... This Mobile Version loses too much FPS, also the HUD, Crafting Menu, Pause Menu, the Main Menu needs some work to be Mobile Friendly. :)
21:55 est31        agreed
21:56 nrzkt        Unplayable for me Tapped the button to increase the UI size multiple times when I first played. The taps took like 10 seconds to register. Of course I tapped too many times. Now the UI is fucked up and unusable. I did try to clear data/cache/reinstall but nothing changed.
21:56 est31        clearing data doesnt work
21:56 est31        its the "proper paths" problem
21:56 est31        look into your sdcard folder
21:56 nrzkt        i see, we are using a stupid data path
21:57 est31        there is a directory "Minetest"
21:57 est31        remove or rename it
21:57 nrzkt        not very user friendly
22:01 rubenwardy   the black screen on start up isn't very good also
22:01 est31        it is neccessary right now, but will be removed
22:01 est31        (mostly)
22:02 rubenwardy   there are a lot of items on screen, hide them if they didn't have the privs, and maybe move some to pause
22:02 est31        ?
22:02 rubenwardy   pressing the back button breaks flow, I'd like a close button on screen. it's close not back
22:03 rubenwardy   the fly/noclip/view all/fast/debug icons
22:03 est31        its the android way
22:03 est31        about the back button
22:03 rubenwardy   it doesn't feel right
22:03 est31        for me it does
22:04 est31        and besides we dont have it on normal minetest either
22:04 est31        e.g. on desktop
22:04 VanessaE     back (out of formspec) --> back (out of the active play) --> back (out of the back, to the home screen)
22:04 VanessaE     seems logical to me
22:05 VanessaE     out of the app*
22:05 rubenwardy   also, creative inventory - back doesn't go back a page
22:05 VanessaE     why would it?
22:05 rubenwardy   because it's back
22:06 VanessaE     that ain't how it works in android :)
22:06 rubenwardy   it took me a few minutes to work out back = pause menu
22:06 VanessaE     it's not "page back", it's "previous item in history".
22:07 rubenwardy   my back button vibrates and takes half a second to work
22:07 rubenwardy   which is probably the main cause of breaking
22:08 rubenwardy   (breaking flow)
22:08 VanessaE     turn off haptic feedback then :)
22:08 est31        btw whats the default mapgen?
22:08 rubenwardy   also, I would like to see ab official Minetrst play account, nrz is unprofessional
22:08 est31        v7 or v6?
22:08 VanessaE     (I honestly never understood the need for it in many situations where it's used.  that usual "pwop!" sound seems to be enough for me)
22:08 VanessaE     est31: v6
22:09 est31        good
22:09 rubenwardy   turn it off for all apps?
22:09 est31        ok then, seems I can make the release commit
22:09 VanessaE     rubenwardy: I guess so.  this is OS-level stuff isn't it?
22:09 rubenwardy   it still doesnt solve the half second lag.
22:10 rubenwardy   could you click outisde of a formspec to close?
22:10 rubenwardy   that would solve the problen
22:10 nrzkt        rubenwardy: i don't see why i'm unprofesionnal, it's a gratis sentence, but i'm out, and if you have 100$ to give to google, go.
22:11 est31        nice, mushrooms
22:11 rubenwardy   isn't it £10?
22:11 * VanessaE   throws a badger at est31
22:11 rubenwardy   lol
22:11 est31        rofl
22:11 rubenwardy   it doesnt matter that much though
22:12 est31        what are the spores for?
22:12 rubenwardy   for children etc (looking at the reviews) it isn't that obvious to press the back buttons
22:13 VanessaE     so you can farm more mushrooms
22:13 est31        hrmm, there seems to be a bug
22:13 rubenwardy   but if i can press the bg, I'm fine :P
22:13 VanessaE     rubenwardy: it also isn't obvious to them that this isn't minecraft, either
22:13 est31        when I mine a mushroom, i get a mushroom plus some spores
22:13 VanessaE     I've lost count of the number of times someone's written game[ ]mode[ ]1
22:13 est31        now when I place that mushroom I got, I get again a mushroom plus some spores
22:13 est31        we need a mushroom_without_spores node
22:14 VanessaE     est31: sounds like drops aren't configured right
22:14 VanessaE     there's supposed to be a way to only drop one OR the other
22:14 est31        ok
22:14 est31        can you fix this?
22:15 VanessaE     er...where's the code?
22:15 est31        flowers mod
22:16 VanessaE     wat
22:16 VanessaE     that's a weird place to put it
22:16 est31        https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/blob/master/mods/flowers/init.lua
22:16 VanessaE     found it.
22:16 rubenwardy   not the floral debate again :(
22:17 rubenwardy   anyway, gtg
22:17 est31        bye
22:17 VanessaE     wait
22:17 VanessaE     est31: add "max_items = 1" to the drop def for that node
22:17 VanessaE     right before line 148
22:18 VanessaE     that should ensure that the user never gets both.
22:18 VanessaE     oh it was ruben leaving.  fine.  gtfo ;)
22:19 est31        hrmmm, can you also drop stacks?
22:19 est31        because it would be good to drop multiple mushrooms
22:19 est31        err seeds
22:19 VanessaE     I've never tried
22:19 VanessaE     but I think so
22:19 VanessaE     it's probably just a matter of appending a space and the stack count
22:19 VanessaE     (as in any other itemstack usage)
22:19 est31        yea
22:20 VanessaE     now as for where that code belongs, frankly I'd have preferred it to be in farming mod.
22:21 hmmmm        hum :/
22:21 hmmmm        I can't replicate an error in error handling with a triple-nested setup
22:21 VanessaE     mushrooms are not plants, let alone flowers, and can be farmed, more or less
22:25 est31        agreed
22:26 est31        but i dont know minetest_game policy well enough to do such a change before a release
22:26 VanessaE     well it's not a bug, and changing it now would break nodes
22:27 VanessaE     (because they're all prefixed "flowers:" and soon I'll have to adapt plantlife's mod to use them)
22:27 VanessaE     so I guess it stays.
22:28 * VanessaE   looks at the number of merge conflicts between dreambuilder and upstream minetest_game and cries a little
22:40 hmmmm        I think we should take a very close, hard look at travelnet
22:40 hmmmm        this may be the cause of error in error handling
22:40 VanessaE     well, I DO use it on my servers
22:40 * VanessaE   pokes Sokomine
22:40 hmmmm        I cross correlated with thatgraemeguy, cornernote, tchncs, and now you
22:41 * hmmmm      goes to install travelnet
22:41 est31        VanessaE, what bout http://pastebin.com/HayDBFmh
22:41 hmmmm        that is literally the only shared mod between all people who have the problem :)
22:41 VanessaE     est31: that seems right to me.
22:42 VanessaE     hmmmm: that said, it's a fairly popular mod.  might be a good candidate for inclusion into minetest_game (after the current problem is sorted and any bugs therein are fixed)
22:43 est31        it does change gameplay
22:43 est31        before, you had to walk, now you can take the travelnet
22:43 VanessaE     yes, but not in an essential way, after all a singleplayer user can just /teleport if they want
22:45 VanessaE     and most servers have some kind of limited-teleport mod installed also.
22:46 VanessaE     hmmmm: got any particular failure in mind in that mod, btw?
22:48 hmmmm        not yet
22:48 hmmmm        but whatever it is
22:48 hmmmm        it is NOT the same thing as hybriddog posted
22:49 VanessaE     hybrid dog uses a "hacked" client.
22:49 hmmmm        ? what do you mean
22:50 VanessaE     various client modifications, for example he can place a nodee by writing something like "please place 1 2 3" or so.
22:50 VanessaE     I don't know what all.
22:50 hmmmm        oh yeah but that has nothing to do with this
22:50 VanessaE     [off] and he's a known griefer, so take his comments with a grain of salt.
22:50 hmmmm        i think he's been pretty helpful tbh
22:50 hmmmm        i like him
22:50 VanessaE     well just saying to keep it in mind.
22:51 VanessaE     [off] I used to think he was okay until he griefed my servers.  twice.  exploiting the nature of lava/water flow->cooling to cause major server lag
22:51 VanessaE     [off] he is the reason I added the alternate lavacooling method used in gloopblocks.
23:06 est31        hrmm, mushrooms are very easy to farm as it seems
23:06 est31        easier than farming crops
23:07 est31        well, thats not that important
23:07 VanessaE     btw let's resolve game#611 before release
23:07 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/611 -- Junglewood texture too light, boring
23:08 est31        is that a 0.4.12 "regression"?
23:08 VanessaE     not exactly as such
23:08 VanessaE     it's a style regression that frankly looks terrible, and apparently a lot of people agree
23:09 est31        I agree too
23:09 VanessaE     I figured we could hash out the two textures being discussed (the jungle tree top and jungle wood planks) and get that in for the release.
23:10 VanessaE     this wood, https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/611#issuecomment-128830359
23:10 VanessaE     and whatever we decide on for the top (I think my last post is pretty good)
23:11 est31        like your last one
23:11 est31        do you want to make a pr?
23:11 VanessaE     I can do that but I don't wanna take credit for kilbith's wood image
23:11 est31        you can make two commits, and I'll change the author for the wood
23:11 VanessaE     ok.
23:11 VanessaE     moment.
23:12 est31        I like your last trunk image btw
23:12 est31        stilll a slight bit too coffe-ish, but overall good
23:16 VanessaE     https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/pull/618
23:19 VanessaE     wait, lemme fix lazyj's credit.
23:19 est31        well, part of it is your texture too
23:20 VanessaE     nah
23:20 VanessaE     all I did was combine his + default
23:20 VanessaE     fixed.
23:23 VanessaE     huh, see kilbith's comment on that PR? O_o
23:25 est31        o_O
23:26 VanessaE     maybe I coulda turned the color sat down a bit but I thought it looked good
23:27 kilbith      ok, wtf is that commit ? https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/commit/6a64ec4dac8c92b8435107fb6ab1bc6bb7ce1820
23:27 kilbith      is that a mistake or are you just breaking the damn rules ?
23:28 est31        removed it, was against the rules
23:28 kilbith      same for that : https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/commit/39de13fe9e816446c2a54ead7166863d2d7656e8
23:28 kilbith      and the previous one
23:29 est31        The mushrooms had to be fixed, otherwise people get too much on servers, etc.
23:29 est31        about trunks, we already had a regressed release
23:30 kilbith      do you realize that you have 50% of chance to not get a mushroom in your inv ?
23:30 kilbith      are you experienced in modding ?
23:31 est31        i have read the algorithm, and this seemed satisfying to me
23:31 kilbith      you just added a new feature
23:31 est31        you have 50% chance to not get a mushroom
23:31 kilbith      without getting 2 approvals
23:32 kilbith      this is so stupid, you dig a mushroom, you get it
23:32 est31        its a bug, i wanted to fix it
23:32 kilbith      the bug was for the spores
23:33 est31        perhaps the proper fix would have been to register mushroom_without_spores
23:33 est31        then have an abm to add the spores
23:33 est31        but it gives terrible gameplay
23:33 kilbith      no discussion, nothing..
23:34 VanessaE     kilbith: btw, real strangler fig wood:  http://urbanforestrecycling.com/_Media/sany0003-4-1_med.jpeg  (so mine/lazyj's image is actually pretty close to the darker parts of those boards)
23:34 est31        you can still make it easier, but making it harder is hard on public servers if people have chests full of it
23:34 est31        imagine if nyan cats were as common if stones
23:35 est31        as*
23:35 est31        and then you make them super rare
23:35 est31        nobody will be believed they added it
23:36 est31        we have RC commits set for what the release should be
23:36 est31        s/added it/dug it after the super rare event/
23:36 est31        so, fine, the commits are tagged
23:37 est31        tomorrow sb can write the changelog, and the release can be made "official"
23:50 Hijiri       est31: just make it require chests full of it
23:50 Hijiri       maybe 5
23:50 est31        lol