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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2015-08-08

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00:56 wischi is it possible to delete and regenerate an entire block (or mutliple blocks)? - for example to reset mining areas
00:56 est yes
00:56 est but its very buggy right now
00:57 wischi 0.4.12-dev/13 feature or 0.4.12-stable?
00:57 est I think even 0.4.12
00:58 wischi and what do u mean with buggy? can it mess up the (entire) map
00:58 est it can mess with close blocks yes
00:58 est and it can crash your game
00:59 est there has been a small bugfix in that direction recently, I think, but its still buggy
01:00 wischi do you know which function/object I need to achieve this. Can't find it in the lua_api.txt
01:01 est minetest.delete_area
01:01 wischi thx
01:01 est it even has a chat command
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04:43 hmmmm saving the registering mod name along with callbacks seems to be trickier than expected due to the fact there's no unified callback system
04:53 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-dev
04:54 hmmmm not to mention impossible with lua entities since those are registered after the registration phase...
05:15 hmmmm hmm could somebody explain to me why there's only one single on_player_hpchange at any time?  why can't multiple mods have callbacks on this?
05:15 hmmmm VanessaE you probably know about this
05:17 est hmmmm, there are multiple
05:17 est at least i think
05:18 hmmmm nope take a look at on_player_hpchange
05:18 hmmmm it doesn't run script_run_callbacks(), just a simple lua_pcall()
05:18 hmmmm also evidence that it's not a bug or oversight is that there's no "s" at the end of the name, like all the other callbacks that can have multiple ones
05:18 hmmmm callees
05:18 est look at core.registered_on_player_hpchange
05:19 est it first iterates core.registered_on_player_hpchanges.modifiers
05:19 est then it iterates core.registered_on_player_hpchanges.loggers
05:19 est see the pr #2751 for discussion about the design
05:19 hmmmm ahhh...
05:19 ShadowBot -- Add minetest.register_on_player_hpchange by TeTpaAka
05:20 est was a bit in this direction then in that direction, but what we got in the end is quite decent i think
05:20 hmmmm also this is newer than i thought
05:20 est its hard to design apis without having usecases :)
05:20 hmmmm would be really nice if there was a gigantic unified callback mechanism
05:21 hmmmm script_run_callbacks in particular needs to die because there's no reason why lua can't do what it does
05:22 hmmmm basically looking for easier hookability
05:23 Krock joined #minetest-dev
05:27 hmmmm actually you know what I take back what I said
05:27 hmmmm registered_on_player_hpchange could be done better
05:28 hmmmm instead of splitting into modifiers and loggers why isn't there a registered_on_player_hpchange_modifier and then registered_on_player_hpchange_observer
05:28 hmmmm script_run_callbacks is run on each
05:28 hmmmm this would eliminate the need for that entire chunk of code in register.lua that the PR added
05:35 est bikeshedding
05:35 est but yeah, perhaps its cleaner
05:36 hmmmm I disagree, I think it's important to have a single unified callback thing so that implementing hookers and chainers is easier
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06:53 est hmmmm, seen this:
06:53 hmmmm yes
06:54 hmmmm that would seem to indicate this new thing we're seeing is a mod problem + luajit problem
06:54 est I think I had this problem too, months ago
06:54 est I think with the on_construct callback
06:54 hmmmm did some author of a popular mod mess something up and now nobody can tell what's going on?
06:54 est but might have been register_on_setnode too
06:54 hmmmm it's on literally everything and anything
06:55 hmmmm i added the callback name display and there hasn't been any pattern
06:55 hmmmm i was working on attaching mod names to callbacks so we can further narrow down problems
06:55 hmmmm and then the last thing to do would be to log which API is currently being run
06:55 hmmmm but this is the most complex
06:56 est which api?
06:56 lag01 joined #minetest-dev
06:56 hmmmm yeah
06:57 hmmmm not for this release, but i'm going to change up the way lua functions are registered so we can get a lot more data about which functions are being called when
06:57 hmmmm then in the case of a double error or OOM error where we have no backtrace, at least we have the name of the last lua api called stored in the engine
06:57 hmmmm so, the callback + the mod + the failing API should give a very strong hint about what the problem is
06:58 est what do you mean with api?
06:58 hmmmm when someone from lua calls minetest.set_node, i want the engine to actually set a variable that it entered set_node
06:59 hmmmm but i don't want to add code to literally every one of the hundreds of API functions to do this
07:00 hmmmm so if you see an error that says something like:  "OOM error in environment_OnGenerated() registered by mod 'riverdev' in function 'set_lighting'" for example, that would be really helpful
07:06 Player_2 joined #minetest-dev
07:15 celeron55 i'd imagine a circular buffer of called lua function names could be even handier and wouldn't be that much slower
07:16 celeron55 oh, well, whatever; maybe it wouldn't help most of the time
19 more elements. Show/hide.
16:37 amadin Dear developers, do you can add option to disable this in config or by edit other file manualy by server owner?
16:39 amadin i mean sneak glitch
16:47 nore joined #minetest-dev
16:50 Calinou amadin, sneak glitch can be disabled already.
16:50 Calinou see reply to your topic
16:51 Calinou it's a player stat, it's not disable-able using minetest.conf
17:03 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
17:24 amadin i alredy download this mod
17:24 amadin already
17:24 nore joined #minetest-dev
17:25 amadin please add this mod add to minetest wiki
17:26 amadin i mean no_sneak_glitch
17:26 VanessaE this is off-topic for this channel, amadin.
17:27 amadin sorry
17:27 amadin where i must write for wiki?
17:28 VanessaE #minetest but if the mod doesn't work for you, talk directly to the author first.
17:28 amadin i want write to minetest wiki moderator, who is?
17:30 VanessaE I don't remember.
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20:59 wischi is it possible to block liquids if area is protected?
21:11 rubenwardy #3010 can be merged
21:11 ShadowBot -- Remove unused file by nerzhul
21:17 VanessaE joined #minetest-dev
21:20 rubenwardy if you try to minetest.chat_send_player a non-existent player, should Minetest crash or show a warning?
21:21 wischi should only warn imho.
21:24 rubenwardy I thought so
21:24 rubenwardy really maybe it should be player:send_chat()
21:37 rubenwardy Okay, the segfault reported here happens in these lines:
21:38 rubenwardy Adding std::cerr << m_players.size() << std::endl; before also segfaults, which makes me think that it's been corrupt some how
21:38 hmmmm rubenwardy, bt show all
21:39 rubenwardy I tried initialising it with a size of 0 in Environment::Environment
21:39 rubenwardy is bt == traceback in GDB?
21:39 hmmmm yes
21:39 sfan5 bt full if you want more infos
21:39 sfan5 thread apply bt full if you want it for every thread
21:39 rubenwardy okay, compiled a debug build
21:40 rubenwardy
21:40 hmmmm yea
21:40 hmmmm read a manual on how to use GDB
21:40 hmmmm it's way more useful than getting a backtrace
21:40 rubenwardy ok
21:40 hmmmm Environment is NULL?
21:41 hmmmm sounds to me like a race condition while it's shutting down
21:41 rubenwardy bt full:
21:42 hmmmm the chat is being sent before the environment is even created
21:42 hmmmm look
21:42 rubenwardy maybe Environment hasn't been initialised yet
21:42 hmmmm loadScript
21:42 rubenwardy oh, inb4
21:42 hmmmm obviously the solution here is to add a sanity check to see if env != NULL
21:43 hmmmm GET_ENV_PTR is what you want
21:43 rubenwardy the chat message shouldn't be queued, as there won't be any players yet
21:43 rubenwardy will prepare a PR
21:43 hmmmm actually
21:44 hmmmm it goes right into a Server call
21:56 hmmmm :D?
21:56 hmmmm where's the PR
22:40 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
22:43 hmmmm hehehe
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