Time Nick Message 00:32 paramat pushing soon https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/2777 -- Biome API: Enable generateBiomes to world base 01:05 paramat now pushing 2777 01:06 nolsen . 01:06 nolsen I just updated with git pull already. 01:06 nolsen oh well. 01:11 paramat complete 01:14 nolsen I think I encounter an bug with static_spawnpoint 01:15 nolsen It's ignoring the line in minetest.conf 01:20 paramat sounds familiar 01:21 paramat there might be a bug report issue raised at github 01:22 nolsen static_spawnpoint = 488, 30, 476 01:22 nolsen instead, It spawns me at 0, 3, 0 01:22 nolsen Which was in the ground. 01:23 nolsen I had to dig a way out or people will do what they usually do, but more easily. 01:36 VanessaE nolsen: get rid of the spaces. 01:37 VanessaE make it: static_spawnpoint = 488,30,476 01:37 nolsen VanessaE: Tried it without spaces 01:41 VanessaE odd. 01:41 VanessaE usually works for me, but there is a network glitch that sometimes causes players to spawn at 0,0,0 01:54 nolsen #2788 01:54 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2788 -- Tab complete feature. 01:59 paramat hmmmm or anyone, how do i declare the blend noise params and seed in the scope of getBiome? see https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/2764#issuecomment-111679349 02:43 paramat nevermind i seem to be getting somewhere.. 02:47 paramat slowly 03:04 paramat compiles but segfaults. im cargo culting stuff so above my level i doubt it's worth trying to figure this out myself.. 03:05 paramat https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/2764 03:55 hmmmm hmm 03:57 hmmmm paramat: do you actually need to calculate the biome blending inside getBiome()? 03:57 hmmmm separation of concerns 03:58 hmmmm if your goal is to make the detail of heat maps and humidity maps more noisy, then perhaps you should be modifying that in heat_map and humidity_map 03:58 paramat erm i considered that and thought that was best 03:58 hmmmm my point is 03:58 paramat yes i would prefer that 03:58 hmmmm the biome manager shouldn't really know anything about the map seed 03:58 hmmmm the mapgen should know about the map seed 03:58 hmmmm all the biome manager knows about is heat, humidity, and height 03:59 paramat also it would be best for heatmap and humiditymap to include the blend variation 03:59 hmmmm yeah :/ 03:59 hmmmm if you're going to modify the heat and humidity, then actually modify it 03:59 hmmmm otherwise this information wouldn't be available through the rest of the interface 04:00 hmmmm so if I were implementing this, I would personally put the modification inside of generateNoise()s 04:00 paramat ah so point poll blend noise and add the values to the heat/humidity maps 04:00 hmmmm it's the single most straightforward solution 04:00 hmmmm and it requires no modifications whatsoever to the biome manager 04:00 paramat yes i agree 04:01 hmmmm to answer your question though 04:01 paramat okay i will rework this , thanks 04:01 hmmmm you need to learn more C++ :p 04:01 paramat yeah! 04:01 hmmmm this is really cargo culting at its finest, except it doesn't work at all 04:01 hmmmm adding Mapgen *mg; to a class definition doesn't magically make it have the same information as the mapgen 04:01 paramat those were deperate acts.. 04:02 hmmmm if you actually wanted to make things work that way, you'd have to initialize those variables some place before getBiome gets called 04:02 hmmmm like, add bmgr->mg = this; in makeChunk() 04:02 hmmmm and bmgr->params = &this->params; 04:03 hmmmm but I would recommend against that simply because you're actually modifying heat and humidity, and it should reflect this in the heat/humidity maps 04:03 paramat yes 04:03 paramat good i have a new direction =) 04:05 paramat i have some more changes to mgv7 noiseparams coming, details will be in the thread 04:07 paramat also i have a game PR that corrects 'is ground content' settings. wondering why trees/leaves are currently 'false' when other plantlife is 'true' 04:07 hmmmm non ononononono 04:07 hmmmm don't do that 04:07 hmmmm making leaves not part of ground content helps stop cavegen griefing 04:08 paramat many are incorrect 04:08 paramat aha i see 04:09 paramat yes i'll leave trees/leaves false then 04:09 paramat i didn't change that in the PR 04:10 paramat it's odd that mgv6 small caves don't overgenerate, we could have more intersections. perhaps your multi-stage mapgen could overgen small caves since it removes griefing 04:13 paramat i noticed MC caves seem to have more intersections and therefore more interesting 04:24 paramat also i'm adding savanna to the mgv5/v7 biome system, and will let part of rainforest grow in shallow water to create swamps 04:37 hmmmm hmmm 04:37 hmmmm i can't think of why small caves don't overgenerate 06:36 paramat compiles and runs but no terrain generates, weird https://github.com/paramat/minetest/tree/noiseblend 06:39 paramat hi nore, https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/pull/539 -- Fix is_ground_content settings for nodes. Please could you review this sometime? 13:42 celeron55 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=je-KroYSzrU 13:43 celeron55 lol i'm cringing hard at how much this is suffering due to no moddable client-side physics or camera or anything 13:44 celeron55 every core developer should watch this 15:28 est31 pushing #2790 15:28 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2790 -- Fixed crash caused by saplings trying to grow on unknown nodes by Y-st 15:48 RealBadAngel https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2177790/8163843/cebc3308-1385-11e5-8626-3023a865c388.png 15:49 RealBadAngel ^^ connected textures 15:51 est31 also showcasing a weakness of what kenney suggested 15:51 est31 on the edges, there is this ugly diagonal 16:00 RealBadAngel yes, triangles do cut edge pixels in half 16:03 * est31 wonders whether there is a better method 16:03 est31 interestingly, in kenney's suggestion, there is a full edge for the glass texture 16:04 RealBadAngel he propapbly just painted that 16:04 est31 yes I think so 16:04 est31 perhaps one should specify 3 images not two 16:05 est31 the first is the base one which is painted always 16:05 nore I also noticed an incompatibility in his suggestion 16:05 est31 then a second which is drawn using diagonals 16:05 nore the middle glass in the top row has a white bottom-left pixel 16:06 est31 thats what we are speaking about :) 16:06 nore while in the red & blue textures, that pixel in yellow 16:06 est31 https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/8872119/8164299/62beba74-1388-11e5-8acc-03de9c522379.pn 16:06 est31 g 16:06 RealBadAngel but that method will work for his another examples 16:06 est31 and a third which is drawn last using 4 sub tiles 16:06 nore est31: I mean, not that 16:07 est31 ah I see nore 16:07 nore from his spec, pixels on diagonals should be drawn with the not-connected texture 16:07 est31 from his spec, its not observable, because there is an incompatibility as you said 16:08 nore yep, there is one on glass 16:08 est31 The method I suggest with 3 images would support both use cases 16:08 nore (the other drawings correctly match the spec though) 16:08 nore so, what would your suggestion be? 16:08 est31 the first is the base one which is painted always 16:08 est31 then a second which is drawn using diagonals 16:09 est31 and a third which is drawn last using 4 (rectangular) sub tiles 16:10 nore ah, I see what you mean 16:10 nore wouldn't you get problems with transparency though? 16:10 est31 if all have an alpha channel, why? 16:11 nore well, I mean for glass, if you always draw the texture with sides, you going to have a problem 16:11 nolsen I think I found a bug with v7, there are very few trees D: 16:12 est31 ah I realize it doesnt work 16:13 RealBadAngel est31, that rather wont work 16:14 RealBadAngel how would separate diagonals and display them with triangles? 16:14 RealBadAngel you would need to make meshes for each pixel to do that 16:16 est31 the first two steps are exactly what you are doing no? 16:19 hmmmm paramat: if you're around, check this out: http://vterrain.org/ 16:19 hmmmm specifically http://vterrain.org/Elevation/Caves/ 16:26 est31 yet another preference PR https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/2787 16:27 hmmmm well 16:27 hmmmm it's up to you, i don't really care 16:27 hmmmm also why is darkrose still in the core developer section 16:28 hmmmm and you aren't 16:31 est31 the last time it was updated when I wasn't core dev yet 16:31 est31 as long as it gets updated till the next release... 16:35 RealBadAngel https://imgrush.com/G4EnJd193gZx.png 16:35 RealBadAngel looks a bit better than glass 16:36 Taoki RealBadAngel: Hi :) Did you see my last message yesterday, about the new parallax? 16:36 RealBadAngel i think not 16:36 RealBadAngel hi 16:36 Taoki [02:28:49] RealBadAngel: Got latest master, confirming the new parallax effect works for me (AMD / MESA). Thank you... it looks so sweet and realistic! 16:36 Taoki [02:32:54] Strange however... it only seems to work sometimes o.o I switched back to the window as I wrote the above line, and the effect was gone... I was getting the old parallax. Also when I quit to the main menu than back in. So something might be causing it to switch between the two randomly. 16:37 est31 RealBadAngel, now, how did you do it? 16:38 est31 because this is against my theory :) 16:38 RealBadAngel est31 those textures have common pixels on diagonals 16:38 est31 ah I see 16:38 est31 still the diagonal method 16:38 est31 cool 16:39 RealBadAngel Taoki, seems like another AMD related issue, we will have to find out what happens 16:40 RealBadAngel est31, what i have done is splitting each face into four triangles instead of 2 16:40 Taoki RealBadAngel: AMD related or MESA related. But yeah... all I know is I was getting the new effect, then switched to the IRC window, then when I alt + tab'd back to Minetest I was getting the old parallax again. 16:40 Taoki Before that, I was getting the old parallax, exited to the main menu, re-entered the world, then the new one was working. 16:41 RealBadAngel Taoki, by old parallax you mean that auto generation of heightmaps stopped working? 16:42 RealBadAngel i would like to see screenshots before and after 16:42 Taoki RealBadAngel: Possibly. I mostly mean I was getting the effect before the change. 16:42 Taoki That sounds most likely 16:44 RealBadAngel est31, theres another solution to make those textures 16:45 est31 RealBadAngel, ok 4 triangles is what thought. 16:45 RealBadAngel most easy would be a script that will calculate all the possible combinations - five of them, taking care of those pixels on diagonals 16:45 RealBadAngel and store them as animation frames 16:46 est31 I count 12 16:46 est31 err 13 16:46 rubenwardy connected looking good :D 16:47 RealBadAngel why so much? 16:47 RealBadAngel i can see just 5 :) 16:47 est31 lemme make an ascii art 16:48 est31 oh even more 16:48 est31 RealBadAngel, you disregard roatation? 16:49 RealBadAngel imho you just need base case 16:49 est31 yea 16:50 est31 still I count 6 RealBadAngel 16:51 est31 http://pastebin.com/2px6z4wJ 16:51 RealBadAngel ah yes 16:51 nore est31: there is however a rotation problem (i.e. bookshelf...) 16:52 est31 yes 16:52 nore and the diagonal problem (+#/## vs +#/# ) 16:52 nore (the one there is with glass with kenney's suggestion) 16:53 est31 ah I see 16:54 est31 I think we need something like a programming language 16:54 est31 input: 8 bits for the tiles around 16:54 est31 output: rules to make a texture 16:57 nore isn't it a bit overkill? 16:58 RealBadAngel for sure it is :) 17:01 rubenwardy Overkill is fun for the end user! 17:03 est31 ok something simpler: 17:04 rubenwardy MTTCPL 17:04 rubenwardy MinetestTextureConnectingProgrammingLanguage 17:04 est31 you provide a map from 8 ternary values to a tile each 17:05 est31 the values are: 1 (is there) 0 (might be there) and -1 (is not there) 17:05 est31 or rather you provide an array with tuples (8 ternary values, tile) 17:06 est31 then when it comes to rendering, the array is traversed for every tile, and the 8 ternary values are compared with the actual 8 inside the world 17:06 est31 if there is a "match", the tile is "added", if there is no, nothing happens 17:07 est31 all tiles have alpha values, so you can have transparency 17:07 est31 examples 17:07 est31 1. the glass 17:08 est31 ah, dont know how to describe them 17:09 est31 but all the examples kenney suggested would work 17:09 RealBadAngel but one problem 17:09 RealBadAngel only shaders can do that 17:10 est31 gtg 17:11 RealBadAngel john_cephalopoda, check master 17:13 RealBadAngel https://bitbucket.org/prupe/mcpatcher/wiki/CTM_Methods 17:13 RealBadAngel nore ^^ 18:01 * VanessaE peeks in 18:21 est31 the other option 18:22 est31 would be to have it pre-generated 18:23 est31 all 256 combinations 18:23 est31 like RBA said inside an animation 18:23 est31 or with additional info 18:23 est31 like a table 18:24 est31 that maps the 256 combinations to those pictures 18:24 est31 with multiple combinations being abled tomap to one picture 18:25 est31 (basically what I suggested before, but already generated) 18:25 est31 so it wont need a shader 18:25 est31 RealBadAngel ^ 18:25 VanessaE sounds like a memory hog 18:26 est31 VanessaE, they would have needed to be generated either way 18:26 est31 also its not 256 * texture size unless you utilize all combinations 18:26 VanessaE ...wehich you KNOW will happen. 18:26 VanessaE which*( 18:27 est31 also I wonder how RBA did it if not with shaders 18:28 VanessaE shaders need to be reserved for special effects, and I'm not sure connected textures qualify as that 18:28 est31 agree 18:28 VanessaE well, special effects and any base effect where they'd be faster purely as an alternative. 18:29 VanessaE (i.e. lighting, which I'm pretty sure shaders were originally invented for :) ) 18:31 nolsen VanessaE: It appears that spawn.conf keep setting the spawn location at 0, 0, 0. Now I'm not sure if spawn.conf is part of minetest, or is a mod. 18:31 VanessaE that'll be part of a mod. 18:32 VanessaE base minetest only uses static_spawnpoint, afaik. 18:32 nolsen Well I'm not sure what mod is using it. 18:32 VanessaE (unless something has changed recently) 18:33 VanessaE probably this one, nolsen: https://github.com/Pitriss/multispawn 18:34 nolsen Yep, It is. 18:34 nolsen Thanks 18:36 VanessaE yw 21:44 nolsen #2792 21:44 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2792 -- Ability to move items into your hotbar or chest easy with shift like Minecraft. 21:51 est31 nolsen, do you want to implement it? 21:52 nolsen I would. 21:52 nolsen If I knew how. 21:52 nolsen I haven't even finished my C++ course. 21:52 est31 when I started programming for minetest, I didnt know any c++ 21:53 est31 or very tiny bits 21:53 nolsen Only C++ program I written was to fool skiddies that the program had "hacking abilities" xD 21:54 est31 you only need to modify here, not write 21:54 nolsen But where would I start?