Time  Nick         Message
09:49 RealBadAngel hi guys
09:49 RealBadAngel whassup?
09:50 RealBadAngel btw in minimal game rendering of the world is broken
09:51 RealBadAngel its propably because of new water nodes
09:51 RealBadAngel also, occlussion is broken too
09:52 RealBadAngel enable fly, go at y+60 and look around
09:52 RealBadAngel blocks in the corners will dissapears
09:53 RealBadAngel -s
12:42 VanessaE     good morning
12:42 est31        morning (FST)
12:55 RealBadAngel Morning  was here, some time ago :P
12:56 est31        https://freenode.net/faq.shtml#fst
12:58 VanessaE     meh, it's morning everywhere right now.  because I said so ;)
12:58 VanessaE     est31: heh
15:58 rubenwardy   #1869
15:58 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1869 -- Add scriptapi interface to HTTPFetchRequest by Jeija
15:59 rubenwardy   It's a very useful feature
16:26 * est31      wonders whether we should release a 0.4.13 somewhere soon
16:27 est31        e.g. in one month.
16:27 est31        2 weeks to add features, 2 weeks feature freeze, then release
16:27 rubenwardy   #1869
16:27 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1869 -- Add scriptapi interface to HTTPFetchRequest by Jeija
16:28 est31        what I could do until in 2 weeks is to make the settings patch ready and think of a mod api to rule them all
16:28 est31        and rubenwardy yes I know the xkcd
16:29 rubenwardy   I thought you would XD
16:29 est31        but this is another setting
16:29 est31        here we are "upstream"
16:29 rubenwardy   It doesn't quite apply as the standard you'd make would be builtin / cpp
16:29 est31        yea#
16:29 rubenwardy   settings patch?
16:29 rubenwardy   is that the enum thing?
16:30 est31        #2695
16:30 est31        yes
16:30 ShadowBot    https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2695 -- Faster settings and defaultsettings by est31
16:30 est31        2 things to be improved:
16:30 est31        0. rebase
16:30 est31        1. no type conversion, every setting has an implicit type
16:31 est31        err explicit
16:31 est31        and when the explicit type is "string", there is a cache
16:31 est31        so that when you convert "3.14" into 3.14, it gets stored the first time, and after that the cache gets read
16:32 kilbith      lot of good things in perspective
16:32 kilbith      just lacking of review :(
16:33 est31        its about 10x faster
16:33 someguy_irc  Hello.
16:33 Krock        I personally don't like the name "MTCONF_SET_SIMPLE"
16:33 est31        perhaps the conversion adds additional improvements
16:33 est31        Krock, what would you propose?
16:34 est31        and about the scriptapi patch, it definitely needs a rebase, and I wonder where to put it
16:34 Krock        Just "CONFIG_SET"
16:34 est31        ok, can you add that as github comment?
16:34 est31        because in theory it can be accessed from within the sandbox
16:34 est31        but normal mods shouldn't be allowed to use it
16:35 est31        after all, you can write nice "wordpress probe" viruses with that API
16:36 est31        perhaps it can be realized with another whitelist from the settings
16:37 est31        and Krock  how would you name MTCONF_SET_EXT ?
16:38 Krock        wouldn't it be possible to merge those two defined "functions"?
16:38 Krock        one with 2, and the other with 3 arguments
16:41 est31        Krock, how would you realize it then?
16:43 Krock        est31, would a "#define SETTING_SET(uppercase, default) SETTING_SET(uppercase, lowercase( #uppercase ), default)" in combination with "#define SETTING_SET(enumname, lcase, default)\[...]" be realizeable?
16:44 Krock        I haven't looked a lot into the code but defining functions with a different count of arguments is possible
16:45 Krock        However, I might be the only person who has this thoughts
16:45 Krock        s/this/those/
16:49 est31        perhaps its harder to understand then
16:49 est31        overloading is generally bad
17:11 est31        so what do people think about that release plan?
17:11 est31        release 0.4.13 in one month, feature freeze for two weeks, if there are unresolved issues after 2 weeks, we fork off a stable branch.
17:12 est31        kahrl, RealBadAngel, sfan5, ShadowNinja, ^
17:12 est31        and celeron55
17:14 celeron55    the decision was made that stable branches will not be made because they cause issues; instead development branches are made and master never goes unstable between the beginning of a feature freeze and a release
17:14 est31        ok
17:15 est31        my main point is that there is some branch where work is still happening
17:15 est31        because "currently we are inside a feature freeze and have to stall merging your PR for an undeterminate amount of time"
17:15 est31        sounds bad
18:35 Taoki        Hmm... not much action on GIT during the last days.
18:37 est31        nore hmmmm: http://irc.minetest.ru/minetest-dev/2015-06-11#i_4284464
21:58 est31        https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/c849d32a1063be8d4e7e766341422d3f8d9d7a37
21:58 est31        more proper position
23:16 paramat      hi RBA minimal is missing snow biome nodes and snow biomes are now enabled by default, so terrain disappears, will fix. the failure to resolve river water is not the cause and is harmless