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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2015-05-14

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08:09 nore sfan5, ShadowNinja: ok with game#506 and game#511?
08:09 ShadowBot -- Add screwdriver callbacks, and code them for doors and beds by Novatux
08:09 ShadowBot -- Use connect_to_raillike for default:rail (2nd try) by Wuzzy2
08:16 sfan5 nore: game#511 seems ok
08:16 ShadowBot -- Use connect_to_raillike for default:rail (2nd try) by Wuzzy2
08:19 sfan5 nore: 506 too
08:19 nore ok
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12:01 Megaf_ Hi all, can you please remove the dependency of screwdriver on doors?
12:02 Megaf_ I dont have screwdrivers on my server and because of the new commits it no longer starts
12:02 Megaf_
12:02 Megaf_ ^ kilbith
12:02 kilbith answered in PM already
12:04 Megaf_ added  if screwdriver == nil then screwdriver = {} end to doors/init.lua as suggested by kilbith and it worked
12:05 Megaf_ very easy to fix
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12:34 Megaf_
12:35 Megaf_ [Feature Request] Add some options to beds mod. #512
12:35 ShadowBot -- always generate underground springs and liquid fine tuning by proller
12:37 nore Megaf_: use game#512 for issues of minetest_game
12:37 ShadowBot -- [Feature Request] Add some options to beds mod.
12:38 Megaf_ Thanks
12:41 nore Megaf_: can you test please?
12:44 Megaf_ testing
12:47 Megaf_ nore: seems to work
12:47 nore ok, I'll push it then
12:49 Megaf_ game#513
12:49 ShadowBot -- [Bug] Beds make the server skip time when nobody is online.
12:51 nore sfan5, ShadowNinja, what are your thoughts about game#509 (problems with multinode nodes)
12:51 ShadowBot -- Beds, doors and fire
12:53 sfan5 nore: why not have bed_{top,bottom}.on_destruct call a single function that removes both nodes
12:54 nore sfan5: right now the problem is that on_destructs are called recursively, crashing the server if both parts would have that
12:54 nore it can be fixed by adding information to metadata
12:55 nore but since that code can be useful for doors too, what about adding it in default or even in builtin?
12:55 sfan5 could be a good idea
12:55 Megaf_
12:55 * nore will start coding then
12:56 Megaf_ read my comment first
12:56 Megaf_ kilbith: ^
12:56 nore Megaf_, yes, but we need to have nodes that prevent other nodes from going where they shouldn't
12:57 kilbith Megaf_, already discussed here :
12:57 nore because single-node doors/beds can still have one of their nodes be replaced by another node
12:58 Megaf_ #2700
12:58 ShadowBot -- [Feature Request] Add command to display current time.
12:59 kilbith already doable with a mod
12:59 Megaf_ nore: ok, I seen ow
13:03 Megaf_ s/seen/see
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14:15 nore sfan5: and
14:17 nore the multinode API
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15:20 nore sfan5: can I merge game#347, and HybridDog's sound of game#333?
15:20 ShadowBot -- Apples give 2 HP instead of 1 HP, bread gives 5 HP instead of 4 HP by Calinou
15:20 ShadowBot -- Add hurt sound by Snipie
15:22 VanessaE nore: oh sure, introduce a new multi-node feature *after* I phased out all of the multi-node items in homedecor :)
15:23 nore :)
15:23 kilbith nore, the hurt sound seems like a sneeze :/
15:23 kilbith
15:24 nore kilbith: you didn't test the correct one:
15:26 kahrl having just 1 sample that gets played each time you get damaged sounds like a recipe for being really annoying
15:26 kahrl I would suggest having at least 5 (more if possible) of which one gets chosen at random
15:26 nore sfan5: also game#349, game#353
15:26 ShadowNinja nore: HD's 333 sound is O.K., but it's too long.
15:26 ShadowBot -- Make some common nodes let light pass through by Calinou
15:26 ShadowBot -- Give 24 rails per craft instead of 15 by Calinou
15:27 nore ShadowNinja, yes, it would need to be cut
15:27 nore (but I'm not able to do that)
15:27 * ShadowNinja will do that.
15:27 ShadowNinja Er... "Login to download" -- nope.
15:28 sfan5 nore: 353 and 347 are ok
15:28 VanessaE ShadowNinja: audacity + record from capture. :)
15:29 ShadowNinja VanessaE: Found the link from the HTML.
15:29 VanessaE that works too
15:29 kahrl heh
15:30 sfan5 nore: 349 is ok too
15:30 Calinou :D
15:30 Calinou if all are merged, I'll be eligible for credits
15:31 kilbith ...
15:33 kahrl ShadowNinja: how did you find the link? All i could find is the previews, which are presumably lower quality
15:33 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
15:34 ShadowNinja kahrl: s/lq/hq/ on the link :-)
15:34 Amaz joined #minetest-dev
15:34 kahrl ah, nice :)
15:37 nore also, what about game#301 if it is configurable?
15:37 ShadowBot -- Change ore generation to a non-uniform distribution. by Novatux
15:39 VanessaE nore: I ran that for a fair while in dreambuilder...turns out people didn't really like it
15:39 nore so, if added, disabled by default would be best, you think?
15:40 VanessaE yeah
15:41 VanessaE the main complaint was that it was too easy to end up mining in a fairly bare area
15:41 cib0 joined #minetest-dev
15:44 kahrl shouldn't be a problem if you start mining where you already found ores
15:46 nore ShadowNinja, about the screwdriver callback: where should the two basic on_rotate be then?
15:46 ShadowNinja Here's the trimmed audio, ogg vorbis 44.1k:
15:46 nore ShadowNinja: can you merge it?
15:46 ShadowNinja nore: What do you mean?
15:46 ShadowNinja nore: Er, maybe.
15:47 nore for screwdriver: there are two default on_rotates: screwdriver.disallow and screwdriver.rotate_simple
15:47 nore where should I put those?
15:47 ShadowNinja I'm working on spliting game_api.txt now though.
15:47 VanessaE nore: have you addressed how the screwdriver handles the wallmount parma2 method?
15:47 VanessaE it's *really* screwy.
15:47 nore VanessaE: no, not yet
15:47 ShadowNinja (and fixing all the typos and syntax errors)
15:47 VanessaE ok
15:47 nore ShadowNinja: ok
15:48 VanessaE nore: I'd say put the special handling in the right-click (and make left-click do nothing) since it looks to the user like an axis direction change (rather than rotation around the axis)
15:49 nore VanessaE, well, the easiest way would be to make a screwdriver.wallmounted on_rotate :)
15:49 VanessaE ...
15:49 VanessaE you're killing me :)
15:51 nore VanessaE:
15:51 nore can you try it?
15:52 VanessaE sure
15:52 nore also, what about game#290? (but only for grass & flowers)
15:52 ShadowBot -- Add rotation to plants. by RealBadAngel
15:53 nore game#454 too
15:53 ShadowBot -- Allow placing decaying leaves when holding shift by MT-Modder
15:55 nore and game#395
15:55 ShadowBot -- Make furnace work even when unloaded by Kalabasa
15:56 rubenwardy game#395 has a bug, according to ve
15:56 ShadowBot -- Make furnace work even when unloaded by Kalabasa
15:56 nore yes, I mean, if bug is fixed
15:57 nore because it is still controversial... :|
15:58 nore game#502 looks fine too
15:58 ShadowBot -- Created TNT mods namespace by LeMagnesium
15:59 VanessaE nore: that reminds me,
15:59 VanessaE I have 395 merged in DB.  did you notice the user comment I pasted there?
16:00 nore yep
16:00 nore were you able to find why it did that?
16:00 VanessaE nope, I didn't have time to look into it
16:00 VanessaE I'm guessing it's actually technic's fault now
16:01 VanessaE since its furnaces et al. don't have that same feature
16:01 VanessaE I guess the user simply walked too far away from them, so the default furnaces seem "faster" now
16:01 nore game#494 looks good
16:01 ShadowBot -- Simplified flowers registration by LeMagnesium
16:02 VanessaE nore: ok, the screwdriver works as expected, with one caveat:  it should override the on_rightclick of the node being clicked on
16:02 VanessaE since those will often be signs.
16:02 nore VanessaE: maybe
16:02 nore ^ no, you have to use Sneak+rightclick
16:02 VanessaE yeah I know
16:02 VanessaE that works
16:02 nore can't be changed :(
16:02 VanessaE no?
16:03 nore I think it can't
16:03 nore also: did you try it with torches?
16:03 VanessaE nope, didn't think of that
16:03 VanessaE sec.
16:05 RealBadAngel joined #minetest-dev
16:05 RealBadAngel hi
16:05 VanessaE nore: you know, that's not half-bad on a torch.
16:05 nore hi RBA
16:06 nore VanessaE, doesn't it create floating torches?
16:06 VanessaE yes, it does
16:06 VanessaE but the rotation itself works as expected.
16:06 nore that's bad :(
16:06 VanessaE as for on_rightclick, it'll just have to be handled by the nodes themselves rather than in the screwdriver.
16:06 VanessaE nore: it should be enough to call nodeupdate() after a rotation
16:06 VanessaE lemme check that
16:07 nore VanessaE: better would be to skip rotations that are not allowed then
16:07 VanessaE hm
16:07 VanessaE yeah maybe so
16:08 VanessaE only rotate to the next available surface or so?
16:09 VanessaE hey RBA
16:09 nore yep
16:13 VanessaE guess it needs a screwdriver.torchlike ;)
16:13 nore or .attached_wallmounted :)
16:14 VanessaE heh
16:15 VanessaE welkl
16:15 VanessaE well
16:15 VanessaE you're gonna need to handle attached-not-wallmounted too :)
16:18 proller joined #minetest-dev
16:28 RealBadAngel
16:29 RealBadAngel im pretty close to finish it :)
16:29 nore wow
16:29 VanessaE nice
16:30 Calinou too dark minimap?
16:30 VanessaE needs a normalizer routine
16:31 RealBadAngel Calinou, its dynamic, closer you are to the surface, its brighter
16:31 VanessaE keep the distance-variable brighness, but at the same time keep the dimmest and brightest stuff fixed at a certain point
16:32 RealBadAngel thx to that ground gets faded when you are flying up, while structures in the air will become visible
16:32 Calinou make the light dimming optional
16:32 Calinou ideally the minimap should be very configurable
16:32 RealBadAngel to fade away there cannot be minimal value other than 0
16:32 Calinou would be nice if scale was changeable in-game too
16:32 Calinou using a key
16:33 Calinou 0.5×, 1×, 2×, 4×
16:33 nore Calinou: it is
16:33 ElectronLibre Calinou: It is changeable with F9.
16:33 Calinou ok
16:33 RealBadAngel its off/ surface 1x,2x,4, radar 1x,2x,4x
16:34 Calinou no 0.5× :P
16:34 RealBadAngel that would mean area of 256x256x256 nodes to scan
16:34 RealBadAngel a bit too much ;)
16:36 Calinou Rei's minimap did it :P
16:37 celeron55 a map isn't very useful if you can't even see the distance that is rendered anyway on screen
16:38 LittleJoe ^^^^
16:38 RealBadAngel would you like to show whole visible world in the minimap?
16:38 LittleJoe that would be cool : D
16:39 LittleJoe it would be nice to also be able to see beyond the chunks that are generated
16:39 RealBadAngel what will you see on a 128x128 pixels then?
16:39 LittleJoe so you can see mountains off in the distance for example
16:39 Calinou that's impossible, unless you know world seed and generate world on client
16:40 Calinou this is kind of what farmesh did
16:40 kahrl btw, the reason minecraft can do larger maps is that it stores a heightmap of the world, so it never needs to scan vertically
16:40 kahrl maybe it would be beneficial to add that
16:40 nore RealBadAngel, but if you do 0.5x, you can only scan 1 column in each 2x2 square perhaps
16:41 RealBadAngel but then minimapper would be only usefull over the surface
16:41 nore that would also allow almost any size :)
16:41 nore yep
16:41 RealBadAngel and wont show nothing above
16:42 kahrl above? you mean below, in cave mode?
16:42 RealBadAngel there are many structures in the air
16:42 RealBadAngel or other mapgens can do that
16:42 RealBadAngel my approach will minimap them too
16:42 kahrl the heightmap is updated whenever sunlight is spread or unspread
16:43 nore (btw, light spread/unspread is still buggy :|)
16:43 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
16:44 LittleJoe another thing I like a out MC is chunks load farther away from the player giving more of a landscape view
16:45 Calinou this is configurable, LittleJoe
16:45 Calinou increase client and server sending range
16:45 Calinou will require more bandwidth and client resources
16:46 LittleJoe but once the chunks are loaded for the first time doesn't it decrease performance sucking?
16:46 RealBadAngel they can be unloaded then, dont forget
16:47 LittleJoe but the mapgen doesn't have to work again
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17:01 ElectronLibre I've just written game#514 to solve game#512 's second point.
17:01 ShadowBot -- Added option to disable beds night skip by LeMagnesium
17:01 ShadowBot -- [Feature Request] Add some options to beds mod.
17:03 nore ah, thanks :)
17:03 ElectronLibre You're welcome.
17:06 Adimgar greetings
17:06 Adimgar i've a little question, maybe it've been asked before, but i couln't find about it neither in the forum and wiki
17:07 Adimgar is it possible to translate ingame texts (node names, items, etc)?
17:08 kilbith yes, intllib - further on #minetest
17:12 Adimgar thanks
17:13 nore sfan5, ShadowNinja, can you look at #515 and give your opinion please?
17:13 ShadowBot -- Lua speedup
17:13 nore (ehm, game#515)
17:13 ShadowBot -- [Discussion] Development direction
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17:35 nore can I merge #514?
17:35 ShadowBot -- Mese picks are meant to be weapons by jojoa1997
17:36 nore game#514
17:36 ShadowBot -- Added option to disable beds night skip by LeMagnesium
17:36 nore ^ sfan5, ShadowNinja
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17:52 TeTpaAka Can someone review #2701?
17:52 ShadowBot -- Add get and set functions for the nametag color by TeTpaAka
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21:03 RealBadAngel btw, why after using tnt on desert stone it drops desert stone bricks>>
21:03 RealBadAngel ?
21:05 ElectronLibre It should drop desert cobble.
21:11 RealBadAngel i know, but it drops bricks instead
21:11 ElectronLibre I will take a look at this after when I will have finished what I'm working on.
21:12 RealBadAngel ah, nvm, its my modified game
21:12 ElectronLibre Oh, ok, then, everything is fine.
21:16 est31 joined #minetest-dev
21:27 est31 man this code is ugly:
21:27 est31 err
21:27 est31 either way
21:27 est31 nvm
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21:49 RealBadAngel i think i found a solution for both threading minimapper and making map bigger
21:49 RealBadAngel im gonna get all the data when makin mapblock mesh
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22:17 est31 pushing 2 commits in 15 minutes:
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